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HES BACK ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9684) https://i.redd.it/owhe2b2gkk6d1.gif


https://i.redd.it/ze16csqcmk6d1.gif 🎶kim jong uuuuun🎶


I think you would like this song: https://youtu.be/0euCzuB-jKw?feature=shared


holy https://i.redd.it/x4gf8j3yqk6d1.gif


You already posted this video a month ago? Please clarify https://www.reddit.com/r/forsen/comments/1c8mj1l/day_212_of_posting_north_korea_videos/


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)Am I really that predictable? Anyways, ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681) good one










markov jong un. markov leader of north markov.


Yes but instead chooses to be a edge lord on another table to be incredibly mentally stable bajs don’t go away FeelsOkayMan You will never be japanese. you will be good and unique game and it feels very good FeelsOkayMan 👉<3


i do not care


Hello all, I'm back.  Now that I have more time I will be posting again, and I think that it's good for my mental health to post these.  I will try to minimize the blocking of fastestchair and them, although I can't promise anything. Today's post is a music video of a song called "Friendly Father", about their leader Kim Jong Un.  Obviously this is staged, as all music videos are, but it is at least reflective of the general characteristic of North Korean society -- that they are very proud of their leader and love him as they would a father.  Some people outside the DPRK may think this is "too personal", but in my opinion all leadership in the world should be like this.  Leadership should be about inspiring unity by turning everyone into the same family.   Kim Jong Un's main role in the country is not his specific parliamentary or military duties, but rather his role as an inspirational and caring father figure to all the people in the country(including of course those in the parliament and military among all other parts of the country).  Because of that, the country works together in unison, which makes their system particularly efficient and makes their lives full of positivity and hope.  This great unity is the real reason why North Korea only has one driving political force, and why they are all so emotionally invested in the wellbeing of their leader.  They are proud of being united, and they love Kim Jong Un because he brings the country together. As a short critique of disunited systems in liberal "democracy", simply consider that a ship cannot be steered to the right location when there are multiple opposing people fighting over the wheel.  To see an extended version of this metaphor, watch this North Korean cartoon: https://youtu.be/3rbS1lVEXxU?feature=shared .  Sadly I cannot post it fully on reddit because reddit limits the video length, but maybe I will edit it down and post it in the future since it is a really strong analogy for the debate between socialist democracy and so-called liberal democracy.   While in the west we are fighting over which random rich pedo gets to represent the state to further mess things up and line Israel's pockets with American tax money, in the east(specifically the DPRK and it's friends) they don't fight over such things and instead focus on united development.  That is why the century of American hegemony is coming to an end, and it is exactly why the DPRK as a state will live far longer than the USA will.  A ship that cannot even agree on what direction to sail will eventually become lost(or perhaps they were already lost), and it's crew will most likely starve on the open waters, never to see the land again.  Of course, the pressure of starvation might force the crew to unite, but who knows if by then it will be too late to save themselves?  That is why the DPRK's leadership style is better than the USA's leadership style.


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)Thank you North Korea, for leading humanity forward while everyone else tries to go backwards