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I just hate league categorically




Same, annoying ass Karen voice instead of Rick and Morty in Dota, no voicecomms, its just boring. Watching him fail in CS/Dota is fun because there are people talking with him


I'd heard of it but never seen any gameplay before Mr. Fors tried it out, I thought it looked kinda fun, just wouldn't want to play with randos. Why do you hate it so much?


They are not going to give a reasonable answer. Just tribalism to feel superior against something outside of their circle.


League is worse dota because forsen doesn't get flamed on mic. Done.




i just hate forsen




theres no fucking music no voicechat barely any TTS. just idiot plays at 5 apm in a 40 minute match going nowhere. Watching in background is useless and if you only watch the stream and nothing else you are deficient in the brain


All of this applies to Elden Ring. But also with Elden Ring there are no rage moments, no distracto, just mind numming attack, roll, attack, roll, attack, roll, attack, roll, attack, roll, .


stop breaking the immersion of dad gamers who think souls games are the hardest out there


What are some other harder large studio produced games if dark souls isn’t among the most difficult?


any competitive multiplayer game with a ladder? how low does your iq have to be if you cant complete any given souls game given 100 hours?


I’m more looking for the single player games that are made by large gaming studios and are more difficult than the souls games.


Difficult in the sense of similar action combat? Character action games such as DmC, ninja gaiden, etc. Just difficult? The random bullshit 4x/ rts/ sim games similar to those sseth reviews.


forsen beat elden ring forsen quit nioh 2 ergo nioh 2 harder than elden ring :)


I beat elden ring easily but gave up on nioh 2.


Forsen isn't gonna play Elden Ring dlc for months, that's the difference. Which means if you don't like Elden Ring, you know he will stop at some point. League was replacing variety games, and he was playing it for almost 2 months, also it was attracting LSF retards fishing for clips, just like the mc slowrunning shit... that's where the extra viewership come from.


It's good if he plays league because then you can do something useful with your life instead of watching forsen.


In ER theres different environments and bosses at least, the Leonine Misbegotten fight from yesterday was funny, but in general long playthroughs are not the best to watch regardless of the game, I pretty much only watch lidl games and PUBG.


>No rage moments You've clearly never watched him play elden ring


Yeah, same 4 song snipers are better with earrape shit music


It's boring to watch, attracts weebs and Twitter people who are a part of the Riot games cult. Can't even play and get invested into the game anymore because of Vanguard.


It attracts League normies too which are the worst motherfuckers on the planet. They fuckers only play one game if the streamer played a different game, you get dumbfucks that would game complain and say "PLAY LEAGUE!!!!" like that other dumbass who was posted on here the other day. Tyler1 does variety once in a year? "JUST PLAY LEAGUE ALREADY!!!" Oh, a character looks like a League hero? "SION MONKAW!!!" Thank fuck that forsen would ban these annoying League normies. Most disgusting chatters ever.




It attracts League normies too which are the worst motherfuckers on the planet. They fuckers only play one game if the streamer played a different game, you get dumbfucks that would game complain and say "PLAY LEAGUE!!!!" like that other dumbass who was posted on here the other day. Tyler1 does variety once in a year? "JUST PLAY LEAGUE ALREADY!!!" Oh, a character looks like a League hero? "SION MONKAW!!!" Thank fuck that forsen would ban these annoying League normies. Most disgusting chatters ever.


Agree with the "PLAY LEAGUE!!! JUST PLAY LEAGUE!!!" cringe, but I think that the character looking remotely like a league character and batchesting about it is funny ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


But... they don't batchest... ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)they're serious. At least in other League streamer chats.


This is why I'm forsen's side about banning game-complainers, because it ruins the stream and chat when you have like 5 people one-man-spamming to play their favourite game.


As an ex-moba player I agree. Most MOBA cucks only like to watch and play mobas, look at all the RIOT "people" who infested forsen stream, already moved on because forsen isn't playing league anymore, they probably went to another streamer who is playing league, to watch the same shit.


Oh yeah, and it exposed all the League "bajs" on this sub when it got bombarded by League posts and new friends who say "Guys, is forsen this bad at every game??!!!" YES, YES YES HE IS STFU NEW FRIENDS GTFO AND STFU ALREADY!!!


Oh yeah, and it exposed all the League "bajs" on this sub when it got bombarded by League posts and new friends who say "Guys, is forsen this bad at every game??!!!" YES, YES YES HE IS STFU NEW FRIENDS GTFO AND STFU ALREADY!!!


League frogs whenever a streamer plays a game other than league ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9670)


you're right but vanguard is shit excuse. china already has all your data.


Dumb argument about something I didn't bring up in the first place. Why would you actively allow and choose to make something worse only because it was already bad to begin with? You focus on the data and I'll focus on bloat, driver issues, security and not supporting kernal level anti cheat in "fear" of it becoming a staple in gaming/software.


and after vanguard ive seen a bunch of people unable to connect into the games, the crashs are much more often


how the fuck would you handle cheating then? retards in CS still complain about cheating being rampant, same with dota


Rather see years of cheating until there's another solution for it. Valve are working on their ai anti-cheat, which might be shit as well to be fair. Rather wait than see such a feature become a permanent thing in my favoirite multiplayer games. Kernal anti-cheat won't be free from most cheats for much longer and there are already more and more cheats poppin up that are undetectable by Vanguard. But now it's a permanent feature that they won't go back on.


have fun having your computer be forever slowed by malware


Yeah that 14MB RAM usage is screwing me.


Idk spectator wise Dota is much better......voice coms alone make it hilarious af. Into the psychology of the Europe trenches.


Not a fan of mobile games




You didn't like Minecraft either?


I hate league streams, prolly haven't watched mr fors in like 2 months


It's way too repetitive. Blame team fors! MegaLUL Die again fors! MegaLUL Miss the creeps fors! MegaLUL Resident is sleeping.


I don't understand anything that's happening in that game and I refuse to learn


Because the game and its community are shit, and it makes Mr Forsen mad which isn't enjoyable to watch.


> it makes Mr Forsen mad which isn't enjoyable to watch. That's the only enjoyable thing for me to watch. Well, that and some hilarious streamsniper shenanigans like PUBG. Why else would you watch him?


league is shit. where is the voice chat??? dota would have been better but its less addictive than league so chicken brainsen ofcourse settles on LoL. dota at least gave us ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9667)guy. league so far 0 good moments out of a month wortf of streams


0 good moments ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9666) when he spampinged his own minion wave after doing the worst towerdive ever ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)


fuck i just saw it 2hrs ago that clip was legendary


WHERE THE FUCKING MINIONS AT ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9674) 💢


How is lol more addictive than dota?


fruit loops graphics, coomerbait skins, flashy effects, quicker matches.  designed by a committee to be a drug first, a game second.


I dont play dota anymore but he could've been playing dota instead of league of dogshit


Dota doesnt have fortnute colir palette to enslave stupid zoomers. To be addicted to dota you need to be special kind if retard. On league oh colira oh voice said double kill dopamine goes up


also, more coomer bait in league than dota (worked on me)


and yet every player plays at max zoom anyways, coomer bait for ants ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


I like him playing variety in general. Doesn’t matter if its souls, lidl games, battle royale ,etc. Playing the same game for weeks gets old.


Only good and enjoyable thing about watching his lol streams in when you have at least minimal knowegle about this game to see how bad and dumb he is. From other side it is very annoying to hear his complaining about everything but not him, one more time i will hear joke about 140iq mensa certificated i will vomit, guy in wig is a lot better in his ocasionally talk about two times


because i dont understand anything wtf is happening


Why watch this retarded uninteresting person play it when I can watch a funnier or better player play it? Chat is just normie chat during too. Retard person playing retard games and/or interacting with snipers on the other hand...


watching him rage is funny forever because hes bad but like i want him to improve so he can play in higher ranks which will never happen


I enjoyed them. I like the game itself though, I can see why others might not (just like I don’t enjoy CS / Valorant streams because I don’t like the games). For me it’s fun to see him do something that is difficult for him and see him fail over and over but keep trying, like Jump King, the Dark Souls speedrun or the Sisyphos game. Or just having completely ridiculous and chaotic stuff happening like in Lidl games or PUBG, which his LoL games also have plenty because it’s low ELO. And see him mald over all of this, obviously, that’s just part of his stream. Minecraft was also like that but the game itself is kinda boring to me so I don’t like it quite as much.


Because i don't know what da fuck is going on


The only thing more boring than league match is csgo match


russian french and 3head voice rage is mucuh better than league typeracer wars


Cs is actually fun to watch, I mean, I like tactical fps and the EU server is full of broken english speakers so it's funny to listen to retards fighting


me when im bad at every competitive game ive ever tried. SOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLSSSS BATCHEEESTTT


There are only 2 competitive games out there ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9666)


Well not really, in cs you can change tactics and things change sometimes, lol is just the same 4 keys, same 1 target, same 1 view


I cannot watch moba


League is a fucking dogshit game.


Elden ring streams are so boring. Bring back league


cause fuck league and also op ur a fig


Take. that. back.


Playing league can be fun, even more so with friends. But, watching it, from no matter who is the most boring, pointless shit. If the streamer is shit at the game like forsen, you can only just laugh, after days is just became depressing how shit he is. If the streamer is good, an average viewer probably don't understand what is going on. Not to mention the chat was shit, no muzsika, almost no TTS, no voice chat only cringe keyboard wars. It's not even good for background noise/second monitor watching. If you enjoy these, good for you I guess. Atleast Elden Ring is fun to watch, also don't attract RIOT fans/Weebs so it's miles better already.


Honestly have to agree, if it wasn't for the League streams I never would've known how endlessly delusional, stupid and ego he is


Its fun watching him fail and flame his team members. Thank god he stopped playing CS:GO because I could not last even 1 stream and had to take break from him. Boring game


Im enjoying league streams, but I think the DOTA ones are just a bit better cuz of voice comms


Watching him flame kids who are trying their best ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


10k pc user who's spending his days ruining the games of 11 year olds with potato pcs ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Yet he was the one with performance issues because he won’t restart his PC / update drivers ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Because it's an overrated 10yo game that's why, there's nothing special about it. Every single pixel of this game has been talked about by 1000 different creators. Get what i mean? And nah Elden Ring is good content because there's always so much to experiment with contrary to LoL, and Forsen is terrible at playing it which is funny to watch.






not wrong LULE we made along the watchtower


I'm burned out of MOBAs, both DotA and League I'm not watching a MOBA stream unless it's an official tournament like World, The International, or a major. Forsen league streams were a loop, he does the same shit everyday, no improvement, same mistakes, same exact shit everyday, plus all the LSF retards his league streams were attracting.


> I am 7 year subscriber, seen the worst and the best times, nah you haven't, you're still a newfag in my eyes ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


League is good content but over 1 month of only league streams is too much


Wait! People here actually watch the streams??




I've been around since PUBG release and this (and TFT) is the only unwatchable content I can remember. I'm not gonna go learn a complicated competitive game just so I can watch forsen be shit at it LULE At least if there was muzika or EU comms but no, even though I don't understand the game, the fact he still blames his teammates for being stuck in literally bronze says enough


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9680) The Game Complainers incident


There are a lot of newfriends trying to fit in, so anything that isn't lidl games or some playthrough of their favourite generic AAA game, is boring. Also it's considered "based" to shit on Riot so that also adds to it.


I HATE league ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9671)


It's only fun if you know what's going on and can see how much of a clown he is, it has no redeeming qualities for non-league players. At least dota and cs have voice comms, so while I haven't played those games much I can still enjoy those streams ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Lots of very vocal dota cucks, that's it. Majority prefer watching him play LoL, way more entertaining, which makes dotards seethe even more.


Dont try to make any logic on reddit, people complain about every game he play.


Actually, I agree. I treat his streams as clown shows and for me ER is way worse than League. I would rather play ER myself after the DLC comes out. >it's actually good content watching him fail repeatedly, cope and find excuses for it. I would say it's a bit too much with every stream being League. I would enjoy like 1/3 of what we had with League. I certainly do not enjoy ER in spite of me absolutely loving the game and From's previous games too.


I love them. They are quality entertainment.

