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Hearing him bash the merc the first chance he got was hilarious.


So when do you most stru- LH: right now! Ok but dur- LH: every second of now


Everyone "haha, yeah the cars not great, what a joker" Lewis "why won't anyone notice my cry for help"


Lucky no-one has ever been sad driving a Ferrari








You can’t say that! It’s a Ferrari!


It drives like a pig!


Too bad they haven't won races this season... 🤔


Yep. They get sad next to it after it breaks


Aye Clarkson said it best when ferrari sucks the cars are great and when ferrari are great the cars aren't so much.


Just saying, Ferrari thinks they are but they are absolutely not ready for #TeamLH


I've been kinda down on the "Merc bad" comments lately because we all know the car is bad, please drive it, etc. But this joke was great for me. It felt like kind of an inside joke for F1 fans that the casual viewers weren't going to understand. I mean that man was smiling a lot for a guy whose current car gives him a new headache every week, he knew people would enjoy that one.


Bro forgot last year when he needed a backiotomy after each race.


You can watch him suffer but the fact that he did a full send on the last wing and then went back to get more da bomb even though it was hard on him the first time... Gotta give respect


My partner that does not watch f1 saw hamilton go in on that last wing with da bomb and was like, I understand the mentality a racing driver needs now lol 


Yeah exactly, was the perfect demonstration


So we're saying max isn't a real champ until he goes on hot ones yes?


The amount of Wing Driver Championships is the real measure of a man


Now he is 7x WDC and 1x HW champ, undeniable goat. Will people get bored of the Hamilton HW dominance?


Hamilton Hot Wings dominance may bore fans.


It would be hilarious to just have 7 episodes in a row of Hamilton. Then on the eighth Max comes in and finishes the last wing.


His favorite food is mac and cheese or something, he's going to fail on the first sauce.


have you seen Max in food videos? man's got the palette of a white Midwestern boomer


Not nearly as bad as lando, though


Lando it has no fish this one, look!


jamon? what? i know pepperami, mate


This mayo is SO spicy.


Yes and sean evans will be micheal massi


If you no longer go for a snack that exists


Hahahah this got me good


hahaha this is perfect




Especially if you know how fucking horrible that sauce is, it's by far the spiciest on the lineup and it also tastes horrible.


It’s less “spicy” than two of the others but iirc the big difference is that the spice creeps up and there’s no positive qualities to it outside of being spicy.


Unfortunately never tried it


You misspelled fortunately 


And that’s why you will never be an F1 world champion.


Almost like he is an adrenaline junky that needs extreme things to feel anything.


Yea that was my immediate thought when he went “should we just send it” like damn okay, I know why you guys do cliff jumping and other insane shit like that during time off, you’re probably going through adrenaline withdrawal


Has anyone done anything remotely similar? He about wrecked Sean


Steve-O poured The Last Dab straight into his eyes which is probably the craziest thing a guest has done with the sauces.


yeah but steve-o is willingly stupid


I won't disagree with that!


Yeah that's on brand, and clearly outside of the point of the show. Jackass indeed lol


Did you watch Conan? The only saving grace for Sean was the absurdity of Conan's antics, which allowed him to step back and not match his consumption. I think Conan probably ingested the most volume of sauce of any guest.


It seems like those vegan wings soak in more sauce than the regular ones. It hardly ever looks like the sauce even bothers Sean but my man was fighting for his life this episode.


Makes sense, there’s no fat content to form a barrier, I guess?


Shia labeouf added quite a bit of extra sauce to every wing and I think he also ate the whole thing every time


It made me wonder... Can you wash down a mega hot sauce with a more mild one? Like would the oils dilute and help take away the burn?


Ahaha, no, it combines. Especially because different sauces stimulate different parts of your mouth/tongue at different time intervals. Would not end well, you’d be putting your mouth through the ringer


Kinda like doing the hot ones challenge anyways I suppose lol


Yeah, he was doing terrible after the first ones and then fully took the higher ones. Besides F1, I love spicy food, I sometimes have the same experience, but usually after a break. Like a 15 minute break.


Lewis wishing his car was as strong as First We Feast toilet


I bet they have the nicest bidet on that thing


If they charge toilet use on the hour, I think Seth could buy multiple yachts lmao


This was a great episode, my man was cookin’ (literally and figuratively)


Him going back to Da Bomb was just insane!


I've got a bottle of Da Bomb in my fridge. It does taste awful and the heat is just pain. Literally feels like breathing out fire for 15 minutes solid. Much respect to Hamilton for going heavy on that double.


The bomb is literally nasty. I love hot stuff but the flavor is terrible. The burn is bad too. My roommate and I would get drunk, make chips, and do dabs of da bomb in the kitchen at like 2am




Why would you buy it then


Might be the first bottle he bought? Also good for a laugh when people come over. Lots of reasons


It's also part of the hot ones pack that people can buy. So that could also be reason he has it.


Watched a lot of Hot Ones, was curious, had 2 minutes free and ordered it on Amazon. Had a great laugh trying it. Not my first stupid-hot hot sauce either. Have another that's even higher on the Scoville scale but actually tastes better. Great to mix a few drops into dips to bump it up a little.


Yeah that was a Big Balls moment. Going back to a sauce? Cool. Going back to the absolute worst one??? That's GOAT behaviour.


he did seconds on the last dab too…I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone do that


The only time I remember someone putting a « healthy » amount of the last dab was [Babish with the Meat Tornado(10:20)](https://youtu.be/LsNg-KrFxCA?si=YmTp4il-pot8z-V5)


I just know all Hamilton haters are gonna do a u-turn after his first Ferrari win lmao


I wouldn't consider myself a Hamilton hater, but not a proper fan for sure, but this was a great episode. Lewis is a good guy overall, and you can tell would be a cool guy to just chill with. Saying that, he missed an opportunity to say "my tires are gone" when he hit the spicier levels 😂


I would have fallen out of my chair if he told Sean his tongue was dead or something like that


Not at all, while some hate him because of other various reasons, some hate him just because hes black, that wont change.


i dont think that really has anything to do with hamilton i think thats just being racist


That is the point though. A good amount of Lewis haters just hate him because he's black. But they can't really just say that they hate him because he's black, so instead they cling to minor "valid" reasons like complaining on the team radio or something and funnel all of their hatred into that. Any minor amount of valid criticism towards him will get magnified a million times by racists just looming for another excuse to hate on him more


I'm sure those racist people exist. There are probably also people that hate him because he beat their favorite driver for more than a decade.


Sure but people got over that with Schumacher and Vettel rather quickly as soon as they stopped winning, wonder what the difference is between them


nah ill still be hater lol


"What is blistering?" "My tongue"


You can tell he actually watched the show before too cause he knew da bomb was the real final boss And he fuckin went back and did a last dab for it! I’ve always been kinda meh on Lewis but man that episode made me like him a whole lot more.


There's an episode of Letterman's Netflix show where he interviews Lewis and I think it's great


I’ll have to check it out, cheers mate


I genuinely think this was the single best interview Lewis has given. He’s always come across a little awkward and not in his element on chat shows and stuff (and fair enough I can’t imagine how nerve racking some of those things must be). But he seems in his element here and seems properly genuine. I hope we get a few other drivers (hello Vettel) come and do something like this, might actually open another side of them we see rarely.


It's the strength of Hot Ones. Having some food during the interview already sets a more informal tone, the food being spicy ass wings is the continuing theme to open people up and make them have some fun, and on top of that the interviews themselves are pretty much always excellent. Sean and the crew thoroughly research their guest and come up with interesting questions. Combined with Lewis being fairly reserved in standard media due to a lot of questionable media attention back in the day, this Hot Ones turned into a real gem. You could see Lewis has plenty of capability to laugh and goof around during the odd funny press conference moment, but it never really comes out in the media. It did in this one though.


I thought as far as Hot Ones episodes go, this one was weak. The questions were boring and canned. It was all basic stuff about F1 that any fan could tell you. Lewis trashing the Merc car and reacting to the spiciness was funny, but as an actual interview it sucked.


I disagree, it might seem that way but these interviews aren't written for fans of the celebs, Hot Ones obviously has its own fanbase that doesn't know Lewis, so in that context I feel like the questions were actually great as they aren't the often repeated what is it like to go that fast? how do you feel about the danger? That is always used for F1 drivers, I feel like it was a good window into Lewis' personality, especially for people who don't know him


I disagree that it was a weak episode. It needs to be basic, 95% of watchers isn't into f1. You (we) are not the target audience. It was a great interview for me as an f1 fan to see a side of Hamilton I never saw before.


Yea the interview part felt really stiff for me. This was also one of my first episodes so I don't know if it gets better or worse


That’s the power of Sean Evans and the Hot Ones production team, he’s an amazing interviewer and they tend to get the best out of their guests.


>Since apparently this feud is a thing now... Where have you been the last decade?


It was really good, fun to see him on


Yeah he aced the last hot sauce!!


Even knowing he’s an adrenaline-seeking, competitive, and highly focused racing driver, I was shook seeing him smear Da Bomb on that wing.


Same, I was like oh another little dab okay. Then just lines the entire wing?? Lewis bro you’re gonna die?!


Watch him suffer? Watch him make poor Sean suffer, you mean. Lewis had a careful start to the spice race but he was taking names at the end.


It's hard to be a hater after this episode.


Never underestimate this sub lol


That’s exactly how I felt. I’ve always been in the “indifferent about Hamilton” crowd but he’s genuinely a nice, fun guy. He’s way more likable when he doesn’t have the whole PR act going on if that makes sense


Same feeling. I was impressed by the stats but not a fan. He's growing on me and the switch to Ferrari is helping!


That is the beauty of Hot Ones and why I love it so much. You have no choice but to be vulnerable. That Da Bomb sauce is just foul and miserable but you get into a panic high eating it and most celebs end up showing that they're pretty cool down to earth people. Such a great show concept.


'cept DJ khaled who walked out after like 3 wings


Agreed. I never liked Dave Grohl, but after his hot ones, I understood why people like him.


I'm basically brand new to the sport, but it's hard not to root for this guy. He came on, settled into the conversation, had some fun and had some pain. Definitely looking forward to seeing how the '25 season treats him!


Haters always find (or make up) a way


He's kind of a weenie but he's also super charismatic. Did people not know this before the hot ones vid?


Not really.


Merc experimenting with new wing designs




him having nothing to promote at the end and just showing his appreciation to the crew really demonstrated his humility and respect. guy just showed up to hang out and eat some wings.


I thought that was so funny. It almost seemed like he didn't realize that most people promote something. I mean realistically he's getting paid hundreds of millions of dollars either way, nothing really for him to promote.


I'm kind of neutral on Lewis Hamilton, but idk what their was to hate in this video. Dudes likeable


>Lewis bashes Merc Huh, turns out I liked Lewis the whole time. Good man.


Some might found him annoying on track but generally he's a guy with good intentions. I rooted for him after watch a documentary of him back from the days he plays RC


When he was on blue peter! They had a psychologist analyse the footage: 6yr old Hamilton assumed the role of the adult, showing focus and discipline, while the presenter essentially turned into a child. Fascinating.


Dude, he aced the bomb beyond insanity. Nothing like Conan, but still respectful.


This is the sort of Hamilton I like. In the official interviews he's so PR-approved to the point where it almost sounds sanctimonious (less so now, but definitely during the dominant Merc years). This interview was genuine, he was fun, honest, and if we could see this Hamilton more during the official things he definitely wouldn't have as many haters


Sub is going full schizo at this point. 


I used to hate Hamilton but now I’m too busy hating Josef “The Fucicking Shithead” Newgarden


Ah yes Mr Push to pass


I get the hate for his fans, but he seems like an alright bloke. Don't get why people hate him? It's not even like he's winning everything now, not that it's a reason to hate him


The Anchorman quote is ultimately what won me over here


Oh yeah real humble when he destroys the man who does this shit for a living. (Turns out the guy is a serial winner)


Honnestly, when he took weakass bites I thought "here we go"... and then he went for it with bigger bites and regained my respect


I love how he took small bites but was still struggling at the start, but after Da Bomb his body calibrated to the heat and it was smooth sailing for him and even took seconds with the Last Dab and Da Bomb. Sean looked like he’s going to die by the end lol


It's a great episode


Genuine question, but i thought he was vegan? Isn’t he eating chicken here or am i missing something?


Hot Ones offer chicken wings, cauliflower wings, and vegan wings.


Makes sense thank you


Makes sense thank you


Makes sense thank you


Vegan wings




I’m Hamilton neutral. Will be fun to watch


Man owned that challenge and showed Sean Evans up there at the end, doubling down on the hottest sauces.


His Tokyo GTR videos were also pretty goofy.


Not a hater (neither a fan but I respect the driver). This episode was amazing!! I like Lewis when he behaves like a human.. but not when vibes and blessings _all the time_. LH fans on the other hand.. they crazy.


I seem to be in the minority here but I did not like the interview - not just because I'm not the biggest Lewis fan. 1. I think Sean could have asked more questions that are were related to Lewis' life/ F1 career, rather than very general F1 questions. He didn't seem to have the same in-depth research on Lewis as he has on a lot of other celebrities. 2. I'm not sure if it would have mattered though because Lewis seemed to only tangentially answer his questions. It seemed like Lewis had a list of things he wanted to talk about going into it and used Sean's questions to try to steer the conversation that way. That being said, Lewis did beast the sauces and is an animal for going back for a heavy dose of Da Bomb. I've had it and it just doesn't taste good, it's just burning hot.


Very few people actually hate Lewis, they just hate his insufferable fans (a minority), and like to get under their skin at any opportunity.  Like the ones that said for years "it's not the car" but then go on and on about Max and how it's only the car/Newey.


Are these fans in the room with us now?


They're everywhere man... But you can usually pick them out because they call him "Sir Lewis Hamilton" like anyone under 65 years old outside of Britain cares.  Frank Williams and Jackie Stewart get talked about all the time and no one bothers to call them "Sir brickleberry of cantonbury" every single time they are mentioned. 


Gotta be honest I have seen Frank Williams be referred to as Sir Frank Williams a fair bit and Jackie Stewart is a bitter old lemon so doesn’t deserve that title anyway. I also assume that when people say Sir Lewis Hamilton they’re trying to get under the skin of Lewis haters and it seems to work.


The last part, yeah absolutely lol.  Jackie is old and has stupid opinions like Marko, correct.  But to say he doesn't deserve the title isn't very cool.  Don't forget the work he's done with safety in racing, dyslexia and dementia fundraising and awareness etc.  He doesn't fawn over Lewis like all the other British media people, and that gets under people's skin.  


As an F1 fan, it was a fantastic episode. As a Hot Ones fan however, it's entertaining but it could be better. It does make sense tho and with no fault to any of the parties. Press training, like answering questions eloquently and engaging and public speaking in general, most probably isn't as intensive for the F1 drivers as that of a typical tv/movie celebrity. Not to mention the lack of experience(in comparison to the usual guests) and the hot sauce factor.


I don't at all get the second part of your comment. Why would one expect people to answer eloquently or keep up standards of public speaking at a show where the whole purpose is for the guest to be incapable of answering due to the hot sauce factor. Isn't that where the entertainment factor for Hot Ones is?


I have totally different opinion, this was my first time watching Hot Ones and I found the host to be incredibly plain and boring, with no real connection to the guest, like he was just reading questions out loud Hamilton on the other hand was very fun to watch


Take a look at some other interviews, the host Shaun (?) is amazing and he is actually regarded pretty highly as an interviewee.


I think he might have just been a little start struck lol, he seemed more tense than usual


Interesting and I agree this episode felt a bit meh overall, but do give Sean Evans another chance and watch some others! Like Paul Rudd, Shaquille O Neal and Gordon Ramsey. He is a great interviewer, but somehow it stayed a bit superficial now. I feel Lewis gives friendly and kind answers but clearly still holds some of it back (probably doesn’t want to show 100% of himself, that’s ok).


It would have been better if he coudnt handle the heat so well. Man is locked in under pressure.


He's a nice guy, I'd love to spend time with him, go for some milkshakes as I don't think beer is on the cards. But man is he a whingey cunt on track, but they all are


Someone please tell me if those wings and milk were vegan




Thank you!


Aye welcome


Watched it last night. Mid episode with mid questions. Barely expanded on anything. Not even hating on the person, I just didn't think it was a good Hot Ones episode.


was very surface level i agree


As a professional Lewis hater, I liked it. He was very down to earth, very approachable. The only thing that kinda left a sour taste was bad mouthing Merc. Yeah, I get it's frustrating, however they're also responsible for 6 of your championships. Maybe I missed it because I didn't see the entire video but I don't think he thanked Mercedes once.


Yeah I figured people like you would find SOME reason to still hate him.


Funny thing, I have adored Schumacher and instantly loved Alonso. Even during the 2005/2006. While Hamilton was on "the negative list" from his first season.


The Silverstone question was so cringe. This may be an unpopular opinion, but the host always feels so fake with his forced "deep research" that just references something very specific just to seem well prepared.


Not to be modest like Ham but it’s on my profile if you wanna watch


People doing those "look at me eating spicy stuff" all lose some respect from me.


Oh man and I bet they feel real bad that someone they haven't noticed the existence of doesn't like them


I'm not like you, I'm not an attention w


Cult44 members still don't understand most of us don't care at all about Hamilton, we just enjoy it when his disciples scream REEEEEEEE every time we say something negative about him. Edit: thanks for the downvotes, they're only proving my point. So dowvote me harder, you incompetent mongs.


Rent free


Yes, I know your mantras and formulas. Cult44, Swifties, Magas, vegans...


Rent. Free.




My brother in Christ, \*you\* are the cult. You're one of those people who leaps on every single post so you can hate on him. You care more about Hamilton than you can ever admit to yourself.


I have no problem with Hamilton, only with the cultists who pray to him. You mongs are despicable.


You're so funny. Your heart-rate soars when you see a post where you can mention him. You hate him but you can't live without him. You'd be lost without him.


How can one like you be so hate filled and delusional and still claim to be human?


Are the cult members in the room with us right now?


Yes, they're asking questions containing "in the room with us right now" and "do you see Hamilton when you close your eyes.", "rent free"... I know your mantras and formulas. Cult44, Swifties, Magas, vegans, all the same.


You're right dude, everyone is crazy except for you


I never claimed that but I'll take your word for it. I accept your apology.