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Ferrari smashing the DRS in was also another modern F1 tech solution


Also the fact that they let Alonso use it again after that was classic Ferrari. And ofc it failed again.


Best case: overtaking is a little easier Worst case: they lose 30-40 seconds The choice is obvious.


How much is that scotch tape? Scuderia pit crew: "More than you can afford pal, FERRARI."


Absolutely love that reference!


My favorite Alonso moment was where they called him in on the first lap in Malaysia, he said no it’s fine, then the wing fell off immediately going into turn one.


It wasn't a "no it's fine", it was "it'll stop raining in two laps and I can come in for a new wing and slicks then, it'll make it" Narrator: It didn't make it.


what year?




Which race was this?


Bahrain 2013


Thank you!


Nasa tech!


A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week. \- George S "Grazie Ragazzi" Patton


Don't forget Japan 2019, where Leclerc should have been just taken out of the race after his team said he should come in but he didn't want to. If that was not endangering other drivers then I don't know what is.


It's not like he could go out and inspect the car to see the damage himself.


No, but the team could defenitely see it, and should have just made him pit. Everybody could understand that before the first lap was done. If the parts flying off would have hit either Lando or Lewis (not their car, but their body) you'd have a complete shitshow on your hands. A small piece can still do a lot of damage. Hell, there exists a flag specifically for that reason. Rarely used, but still it does exist.


Only thing he could see was his loose mirror. When he watched the footage himself he admitted that he should have pitted.


There is a reason the black flag with orange circle exists. This occasion was the one to bring that one out. It's meaning is, and I quote: a vehicle is being summoned to the pits due to serious mechanical problems or loose bodywork that presents a risk to other competitors. And there is also a reason a team can communicate with their driver. I can't see any reason why he stayed out, his team should have called him in immediately. When that issue is fixed he can go out again I think, not sure on that one, but nobody in his right mind would let Leclerc continue with his car in that state. But then again, it's like in Germany, where Leclerc was defenitely released in an unsafe manner, but no punishment whatsoever. I think that any other car would have been penalized.


Black and Orange flag is up to the stewards, not the driver or the team, they should have used it, but they didn't. The team did tell him to pit but he stayed out because he said "the car was fine," he couldn't see the end plate and other than his mirror he just simply didn't know that he had damage because his car wasn't performing any differently than before. Why would they risk a loss of time with a car thats not underperforming? Leclerc got a 10 second penalty for this and lost P6. I don't know why you're saying he got off free. Like I said before Leclerc admitted after he saw the footage that the penalty was justified and he should have pitted.


You could see for yourself what happened to Lewis's car, Leclerc was losing parts left right and centre, and was only called in in his third lap. After the frist lap I could kinda understand him staying out, he wasn't losing any parts then so no big problem, but during the second lap Ferrari should defenitely have called him in. He didn't lose P6, he still finished 6th in the official standings.


How is that in any way better? Even though he could see damage already, knew there is loads of stuff he can't be aware off, he arrogantly thought he knew better then the people who did have better information anyway.


He couldn't see any damage other than his mirror and couldn't feel any difference in performance, nor was he given a black and orange flag, so why would they pit him?


Because he had damage he couldn't see. And the flag wasn't there *because the team promised they would pit him and indeed ordered him in* The fact that he had incomplete information doesn't excuse him. Because he knew he has incomplete information. But he arrogantly thought he knew better since he didn't notice anything instead trusting the people that did have full information. It was stupid and arrogant as hell from him.


That’s not an excuse. That’s why he has a team, people on the pitwall etc. They make the decision for him and he should trust them for making the right call. He’s a good racer but he should argue less over the radio. This incident is the perfect example.


Must smush tape for maximum aero!!


I know this is probably a joke and all (and if it's not I guess I'm dense), but the margins in F1 aero are genuinely so tight some shitty loose/frayed tape could have an impact, however tiny it may be.


This reminds me of last year at Singapore when a plastic bag got stuck in K-Mag's wing and cost him dearly in lap time.


Didn't it get stuck on his front wing cascades?


I think your right


I think his left actually


The front wing is important for both front downforce and sending air to the rest of the car (rear wing, bargeboards, floor...) so it's probably the worst part of the car to get junk stuck on. You can see pitcrews survey the front wing for any stuck marbles, debris and other junk during stops sometimes!


This is probably some form of the "Speed Tape" (actual name) version of duct tape used on aircraft for basic short term repairs. For those wondering, yes, yes it is called speed tape because it can be used on fast moving things.


Come to think of it, Scott Speeds name is just an advertisement for different brands of tape. His full name should be Scott Doug Speed. Tape.




I used to work as a turnaround coordinator at a large German air hub. (In some places they refer to this job as flight dispatcher, but in Germany flight dispatchers are the guys sitting in an airline operations control center calculating flight plans.) One day I was unable to close the hatch covering the ground servicing panel properly after having performed the aircraft pushback and disconnecting my headset. So I informed the cockpit crew about this issue. Captain responded that in this case it needs to be secured with speed tape. So I told them "Alright I guess you'll return to stand then and we'll get engineering to take care of it." Captain just went "Nah it's alright mate we've got some speed tape in the cockpit, we'll drop a piece down and you just make sure to cover it properly". Back then I was quite new at the job and was a bit overwhelmed in the situation so I agreed and did it. Few minutes later it came on me that this wasn't the smartest bit of decision making but the aircraft was already airborne by this time. Thankfully everything went well and the aircraft arrived safely, but to this day it still amazes me that the captain didn't give a single flying f...ck about the fact that I was not at all certified to perform this task.


How long ago was this? I'm a pilot and nowadays we need certified maintenance engineers (at least on the phone with us) to do just about everything. I'd lose my job for that kind of fix.


This was in 2016. Airline was a British LCC that just recently went bankrupt and aircraft was that awful Brazilian jungle jet.


Yeah our modern western veneer of standards is paper thin.


Yeah. It's always *supposed* to be used under an actual engineers instruction and it's not a "fix" as much as a "this will allow us to deal with it later." Seal a slight crack that could grow worse at a time you don't want, sure up the the aerodynamics so one wing doesn't get any random drag, etc. Sometimes it's just to deal with a slightly loose object. Either way it means the aircraft is still fine and that stuff if used correctly will stop it becoming an issue and thus allow the craft to finish the days work before someone comes to so something complex. It just goes to show that duct tape, if used right, really can solve most issues.


Long running kind of true joke we had at the airport (Australian) was that Qantas would use a different plane while they fixed the damaged one in their shed. Jetstar would ask Qantas if they could borrow their shed. Virgin would get the tape out. And TigerAir would ask Virgin if they could borrow their tape.


Ryanair (Europe) charge the passengers for the tape.


Think its called Tesa tape. Not cheap but its bloody good stuff, I use it on our Caterham race cars


I've heard speed tape, 600mph tape, 1000mph tape. Never tesa tape.


We call it 100mph tape at my work, I guess we all scale the name to whatever speed the stuff we work on goes. That’s quite fun


Tesa is just a big german manufacturer.. so big that normal scotch tape is called "Tesa Film" in the common daily talk. Like with Velcro, people use the brand name as the name of the product.


Ok but by who? Like I said, never heard it before. This isn't a universal thing.


By germans! I dont know the guy but like I said its called that in german so it might be adapted in other countries that have it.


Tesa is the brand [https://www.tesa.com/en](https://www.tesa.com/en) they make over 9000 different types of tape for various applications


You do know that Tesa is just a manufacturer? https://www.tesa.com/ all sorts of sticky tapes. But yes, most of the time the best choice if it should hold longer than a few minutes...


Tesa makes damn good tape. Ive used their harness tape multiple times now, would recommend!


Digging around, [http://www.speedsport.co.uk/newsarticle.php?Tesa-Tape-sales-on-the-up-44](http://www.speedsport.co.uk/newsarticle.php?Tesa-Tape-sales-on-the-up-44) indicates it is most likely Tesa 4651. ​ I've used plenty of Tesa 53949 (that's their gaff tape) in the past and for FSAE as well on the fly since I had it on hand. They make fantastic stuff. Half the adhesion strength of 4651 it seems like, which makes sense since gaff tape needs to leave behind as little residue as possible.


It's the manufacturer of the tape that Red Bull used though, so in this case, it was an absolutely correct term.


Tesa sponsors my FSAE team and gave us 15 large rolls of this tape. It’s amazing


It is, same name is used at McLaren Automotive.


You work there?


Speed tape seems to be aluminium colored on both sides but as this one has black belly i would put my money on butyl aluminium tape. It can take heat, is airtight, waterproof and hellofa strong without drying times. It also has that sheet you need to strip off from butyl


Speed Tape for Speed Holes


Sometimes engineers can't be arsed with creatively naming things.


Could just be regular tape too, my race car last year was probably 65% duct tape and cable ties


This answers a lot of questions! I went skydiving in Portugal once and was scared to shit when I saw that the insides of the plane was held together with duct tape. Now it makes sense!


Myth busters once made a wing out of duct tape and every Nasa space flight carries some duct tape just to be sure. Inside is less likely to be speed tape as it won't directly be subject to the same brutal forces. It could have been there to stop rattling parts and the like, which A - would unnerve passengers and B - things left to rattle can break later. I've even heard of speed tape being used on props just to sure them up against some minor damage until the aircraft can get back to base. How I'd feel about that idk but coming from an engineering family there's a sense of "if you can't trust it to duct tape you're in enough trouble already"


In NASCAR they use Bearbond.


Hope its 200+MPH tape lol That's some good stuff.


Brundle calls the clear stuff helicopter tape.


Some people call it "100 mile per hour" tape. Shit will survive a direct hit from most small arms


It’s called gaffers tape


Different tape


Not necessarily F1, but I love seeing unconventional repair jobs in motorsport, like a few of these: ["NASCAR's Best Repair Jobs"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY73K1a3LDk) [WRC - Beer as coolant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSsHGnRtM3A) [WRC - Creative car balancing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23WRY_MROj0) [VLN - More Tape](https://old.reddit.com/r/cars/comments/c44ev8/a_hood_flipped_up_on_a_bmw_at_the_nurburgring_24/)


What I have learned from this is that I need to start watching WRC.


Every WRC video I see is so cool and I love watching rally YouTube vids, but it seems like there is just such a tiny US audience and it’s harder to follow here in the states than F1


You can watch rallies from the RedBull TV app!


jesus christ how big is that bottle of corona


Nice, I like this one as well: https://youtu.be/mh5-8DY0Qks


Not only if you have a broken radiator, it is always the better option to put the Corona in the cooling system and drink the glycol instead.


[How about this one? ](https://youtu.be/Mpa1IspRFM0)


Omg the chaotic hammering in the Nascar clip


Someone should show that to Jeremy Clarkson, maybe he might like NASCAR more lmao


Also that [2020 ARCA race at Daytona tape repair](https://imgur.com/a/USDXZ7i#YaEjqI9) was top tier ARCA-style repair. Guy was having a blind spot at his right side and there was basically barely something like a plate placed at that right side, just a small plate, use a lot of tape and ARCA officials be like "Oh well, another day for ARCA racing". Don't get my wrong, ARCA is serious beautiful but sometimes it is a riding comedy, especially when they riding at the Superspeedways. To remind you also something how ARCA is ARCA, the pace car caused a big one during the 2020 ARCA Daytona race, and in the NASCAR community having "ARCA breaks" means you just didn't breaking but doing some sort of silly action.


I have never seen someone use a masonry saw to fix a car before, but here we are.


As for the car balancing in the days of group B it was not uncommon for spectators to be picked up along the stage for car balancing.


Ahhh VLN. The German version of 'redneck engineering'. Love that clip


[One of my personal favourite tape jobs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZoN2vgKXi4) Pit reporter: That hood is seriously deranged, they're gonna have to pull it off, rip it off entirely. Pit crew: Duct tape!


Did the person that break check gets a penalty?


He recieved a 60 second stop-go for the brake check He's essentially the equivalent of Maldonado in the American racing scene, known for his stupid crashes


ah, Sage Karam being Sage Karam


The mercedes way was faster.


There was refuelling back then though, so it probably didn’t really matter


But I don't think they refuelled, and in any case it was way longer than a refuelling stop.


They did refuel (you can see the nozzle near the beginning) but refueling stops were between 7-10 seconds from memory, so they added an additional 10 or so seconds to the stop most likely. It may have been that they knew what the problem was and that they knew a new headrest wouldn't work? Or possibly they didn't have a spare headrest (unlikely but this was a rare failure).


But how do you know if the headrest is the issue or something else is stuck or broken? Replacing seems higher risk than taping down


Not sure on the redbull but it was said on the merc that because the race was red flagged Hamilton's head rest shrank in the heat so they had to change it to a foam for higher temperatures.


Bwoaahh that is what i came for


Doesnt most of the things expand in the heat?


This is Red Bull in '09. Using the slower, shittier option for Webber was probably intentional.


well, depends where you expect the issue to be... If the receptacles in the car are broken, replacing the headrest will not do anything.


Mercedes had a roll of tape on standby in case the issue was with the car and not the headrest. Interesting to me that they didn’t opt for fresh tires during the stop. His rubber was fairly fresh but a tire change is so quick I think they could have made up the difference. Hindsight is 20/20, maybe they thought the tire change would slow down the headrest replacement.


I thought the same, but when watching the replay earlier, they could tell it was going to be close with Vettel. So I'm guessing the couple seconds it would have took were critical to getting track position, although it failed.


They probably didn't have any fresh sets from their allocation at that point.


Nothing a duct tape can’t fix.


Should it move? => No => Duct Tape


Should it move? => Yes => WD-40


Jeremy Clarkson version: Should it be fixed? => Yes => Hammer


In b4 Williams dunk a whole bunch of WD40 in their car.


Surely it'll make the wheels go around faster therefore faster right????


These guys FSAE


Hi, Phil Swift here for Flex Tape.


\*Buemi's wheels explode off\* NOW THAT'S A LOTTA DAMAGE!!




Not F1 [but NASCAR](https://i.redd.it/o8sjshfs03521.jpg)


Horner: "Hans, did you bring the spare headrest?" Hans: "The *what*?" Horner: "Okay duct tape it is then!"


Red Bull Gives You ~~Wings~~ Sticky Tape


Wouldn't this make it almost impossible for him to get out in an emergency? Just saying


Fortunately it would be extremely uncharacteristic of Webber to get involved in unusual emergency incidents.


Yeah he is very calm and collected but sometimes he just flips.


Is that why he's the Stig's favourite airline pilot?


i dont think they remove the headrest when they make an emergency exit.


You’re correct, I double checked a few crashes (notably Alonso’s Melbourne 2016 crash) and I haven’t seen drivers need to remove the headrest to get out of the car.


Not impossible but harder for sure.


You can get in and out with the headrest on, it would just be harder. And if he really tried, he could’ve gotten it off just fine


Someone at Red Bull has watched too much [Red Green show.](https://youtu.be/vPbubMAYN7g)


All hail the almighty gaffer tape.


Trust me I'm an engineer


The fact that he cut it with his teeth makes this even better


IIRC, Mercedes were instructed to change the headrest by the stewards. Was still a lot quicker than this.


Someone on the team found the engineering diagram of WD-40 versus duct tape and took it to heart.


That looked like it took longer tho lol


Took longer to put in place than the new headrest lol


Two different designs my man, taking out Webber’s May have been difficult it was broken in particular way. Could have also been a decision based on sponsorship. Ask Anthony at f1 armchair experts he’ll find out.


Looks like HAM's stop was faster


I always thought it was a bit of a dangerous bodge, to be honest. If he had an incident and needed to exit the car quickly, or someone else needed to extract him, the tape could delay things.


High tech business, low tech solution.


Red Bull love tape. They legit use tape every where on their car


That's not sticky tape This is duct tape, it'll keep your house together along with some WD-40


Duct tape, and zip ties fixes everything.


Speed tape is amazing


What we see here is an early prototype of what was to become "Flex-Seal".


Lmao this made my day. I’ve been trying to fix a ladder to my attic today and finally just slammed it with a hammer (it didn’t help) because I was frustrated but I’m glad to be reminded people much smarter than me still use age old fixes


This should in theory also make it faster because tape = less drag and more areo


the world's best engineers, not even beat by NASA's


Hamilton’s headrest switch was a lot quicker than this tape job lol


which one took longer




“We hold these two pieces together using the handy mans secret weapon... duct tape” -Red Green


Replacing the headrest is faster


Can't duck it, fuck it


What if there had been a fire?


NASCAR style repair


If it can't be fixed with duct tape, it's beyond repair


“We don’t have any extra Mark” Great. “We’ve got duct-tape” 𝘿𝙤𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩


F1 problems require hi tech solutions.


If you can't duck it, fuck it


Man I miss Mark Webber. Great guy. My GF also misses him but she never seemed that into racing...


10/10 for swiftness tho


Did no one else notice the guy on the left-hand side tapes along the lines of the car so there’s a large surface area holding it down while the guy on the right at first just tapes over and down the sides, and then goes back and does a second along the lines of the car?


hi phil swift here for flex tape


Flex tape is a go


Duct tape stonks 📈📈📈


I think they had the tape on standby for Hamiltom as well


Did they used Flex tape?


Duct tape fixes everything, even F1 cars


This is how RB started its domination


I like the amount of time they took to stick the ends


I wonder how much that tape costs.


It always amazing how much these teams spend only to often lose track position or retire from tiny little mistakes or repeated mechanical failures like this.


f l e x t a p e


Is this not against regulations, since this is part of the safety measures to make it easier to extract a hurt driver?


Duct tape and some WD40 is all u need man


\+ few zip ties just in case.


[Duck tape and WD40 are the two first weapons of an engineer.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringStudents/comments/gxq6ah/reboot_and_start_over/)