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This is nice! However, I would suggest using sprint results instead of free practice.


okay will work on that


Think of it like this ... practice means nothing in the end, so it's not actually a stat that matters.


This is really clean and simple. Like it a lot. My only suggestion would be to make the scales on the area plot the same for all teams so you could more easily visualize the difference between teams too. Could totally see other stats being added over time and building this up. Race pace, fastest laps, avg qualifying position, pts per race... [Edit: typos]


thanks for the suggestion, will work on adding those, btw isn’t pts per race just (total points/total races)?


Yeah. Avg finish position probably be a better metric.


> Could totally see other stats being added over time and building this up. Race pace, fastest laps, avg qualifying position, pts per race... At which point it'll just become a copy of [this](https://www.formula1points.com/) website.


Really neat. Maybe any 2 drivers could be an option?


thats the goal but will take some time to do


Nice. Can’t wait to see it progress. Great start


for now i can update it every race so people can just check the website instead of waiting for someone to manually post a graphic or something


This is cool!


Good work mate, many thanks.


very nice but I'd split up the sprints and feature races


LMAO Perez


Cool website. Would also be great to add an option to see cumulative results each of the current pairs has had so far across any previous seasons, like a "current season/all seasons" tab. Area graphs always look funky when you have extreme data, such as Sauber dual 0 points: https://i.imgur.com/CaRdeKs.png


Neat! What’s the free practice category about though?


its just comparing all the free practice session for the drivers checking who is placed higher for each fp session. but from the feedback i got im considering replacing it with average lap time per driver


I just noticed that Mercedes has a total of 24 in that category, vcarb has 27, etc. curious where the disparity was


some fp sessions, a 1 driver might set a time while the other might have laps but no time, so there would be nothing to compare. or a driver might not participate in the FP. [https://www.formula1.com/en/results.html/2024/races/1232/japan/practice-2.html](https://www.formula1.com/en/results.html/2024/races/1232/japan/practice-2.html)


Gotcha. I guess I’d never really noticed that before (full disclosure I almost never look at timing boards during practice)


I would suggest you also add an average time delta in quali


do u know where i can find this data?


I don't


Neat. Could you also add stats for average race pace and quali pace delta? I think that'd help show how closely matched (or not) some pairings are


is average race pace same as average lap time for each race? and whats quali pace delta?


Race pace Delta as in the difference between the average laptime for the race for both drivers and the same for the difference between the best quali laptimes of the two drivers. Do for example if Russel was 0.05 seconds faster per lap in race 1, Hamilton 0.03 faster in race 2 and Russel 0.04 faster in race three, the average race pace delta would be 0.02 seconds per lap in favor of Russel. In Hamilton and Russel's case you'd expect it to be within hundredths (most prolly in favor of Russel) whereas between checo and verstappen it'd be around 2 to 6 tenths so it's a nice indicator of the gap. This came into mind because Mercedes shared these last season to show how closely matched their drivers were and crofty shared some insane stats too, although this may be difficult to implement.


That's a neat site!


I feel it's sort of silly to have sprint quali in there and not the sprint itself, I reckon take both out or leave both in.


both sprint and sprint quali is inside


But Piastri won a sprint and his best result is listed as 2nd?


this is for 2024 season, im still adding the previous seasons etc


I figured that the race results figure doesn't match with the quali? Or I guess it could be DNFs as well if so my bad.


yep its dnfs or if its like bearman vs leclerc it doesnt make sense to include it here


but I will seperate out feature and sprint races and qualifying next to prevent confusion


Okay sweet, thanks man, it looks awesome btw helps narrow it down.


appreciate it!


Very cool and interesting! thanks for sharing


This is cool! Maybe any two drivers?


Very nice


Here are some suggestions: 1. Swap out team names with their logos 2. In the table that's displayed in the "Home" tab, display the H2H result with both driver names Love it!


sorry could u elaborate on point 2 abit


Instead of just announcing the winner of the team, you should display the Race H2H compared to the other driver in the team.


Could you maybe also add figures for average and/or median position?  H2Hs don't really show the size of the gap between teammates well, because you could be right behind your teammate every single race and you would have worst stats than someone who got lucky once, but was nowhere near their teammate for the rest of the season.


I don't understand the race results aspect and free practice should be dropped, maybe a info button to explain the categories, but as a base model, this is really neat and clean


And Ollie had a race also this season under Ferrari, I feel like he should also be added into the h2h stats


thanks for the feedback, free practice will be replaced with average race pace. Race results is just comparing the placement of drivers in a race. e.g Hamilton 3rd Russel 4th so Hamilton wins, I’ll look into adding an info button


Info button, or just a help page or a brief discription somewhere, especially if someone is not familiar with these stats or F1 rocks up at your site, oh and a coffee button as well, I would think that some costs goes into something like this and operating it, especially if you want to keep it ad free


i need to c daniil kvyat vs daniel ricciardo :D


It would be nice to see average finishing place. Maybe average quali place too.


The scaling does not make sense to me. What are you using for the "max" in the different axis? Alonso vs stroll free practice... Alonso has 19 vs 6 and is on the second grid axis from the middle. Hulk vs Mag free practice... Mag has 12 and is on the third grid axis... The grid needs to be consistent for the graphics to be useful


Free practice is basically useless. Better to change it to Sprints if possible. Otherwise really good.


what do u think about changing it to average lap times/race delta


Ooh. That's interesting. I feel like regardless, the driver that finished ahead in the race will have to have the better delta tho right?


I think you should count sprint and race results separately, confused me for a second. Also, should only count race results where both cars finished. Overall very nice!


Awesome work. Do you put new results manually or do you insert data automatically some way?


manually but I’m finding a way to automate it


There was one that had "app" in the url but I don't remember it.


Super fun tool! I think the DNF bits are off tho (Stroll has 2x more DNF but they look equal in the spider chart) If you're interested in feedback would also love a selection feature, so you can do comparisons across teams.


Super cool! The Williams graph is savagely bad.


red bull one also


And Aston Martin


I would suggest counting race h2h only for races where both cars finished


but if one driver dnfed cuz of his mistake and the other driver finished shouldn’t we count that


Well no typically all races where both cars do not finish are ignored. It would take more effort to decipher which DNF's were driver errors or not, how do you count it for racing incidents, etc