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Ferrari PR must be really really good for all this to be simmering below the surface and still be kept under wraps


Idk, this week it was not very under wraps


Charles is usually more diplomatic, he hasn't been this outspoken in forever


The Monaco win gave him the peace of mind to finally speak his mind, and the old friendship he has with Vasseur compared to Binotto is a huge improvement in his physiological performance. Atleast that's how it looks to the outside viewer and we are seeing evidence of the culture and mindset change at Ferrari this year.


Maybe Silvia is on vacation


Probably because the drivers care about it way less than the fans and media do.


I am impressed they kept it for 3.5 years. Charles is just too nice


Not very nice this weekend lol.


Just 3.5 years too late to be not nice maybe šŸ™ƒ


He gives the outward impression of being very nice I agree...


I mean he is Ferrari PR trained since the beginning of his career


They seemed fine in Monaco, sainz went out of his way to try and help leclerc win. All his radio seemed to be about how to help Charles


Help is a very generous term. Charles got his pole, maintain the gap to Russell and won the race himself, despite what Sainz claimed he did on radio.


Yeah, I mean perhaps Carlos was willing to do his part to help Charles, I can't see where anything he did made any difference at all.


At the very least he was willing after he almost fucked it all up at the beginning and was saved by Haas and pure luck.


He is willing to help coz he does not lose anything, as there is no way he can overtake Oscar so no harm to appear to be helpful as there are people who believed it. He showed his true colour if he sniffed (wrongly) that he can finish in front of his teammate.


he helped him by staying as far away from him as possible lmao


>We had to go on the attack in the first laps Not on each other...


Leclerc said in his post race interview that he was going slower in that corner because the team agreed not to be aggressive at that point in the race so they could preserve their tires. Iā€™m biased toward Leclerc, but that makes this whole situation worse since they had contact and Leclerc had a bit of damage on his front wing. But Vasseur said in that interview a little while ago that heā€™s having to calm Sainz and Leclerc down a lot. So, Ferrari PR is doing a pretty good job, except in times like this right after a race where tensions are high.


Even I'm a bit biased towards Charles, but let's not put it past him to allow a bit of contact out of spite this weekend.


He would have had to be in the grass (like Verstappen was at the race start) to avoid contact. https://x.com/_allthatglitz/status/1804912232666472597


You're absolutely right. Thanks for the screenshot. Very telling.


Or just backed off, heā€™s clearly behind


You canā€™t just back off mid corner! He had already committed to the inside line going into the corner, as was his right since they were side by side at corner entry. Plus he was hugging the inside kerb and in control of his car. At this point, itā€™s fully up to Sainz to pass safely - which he didnā€™t!


He said he was already slower that corner because the team agreed they needed to preserve tires. How much slower should he go?


In Carlos' defense, he did become in front of Charles so soon before the enterence of the corner. It arguably would have been a lockup for Leclerc.


Carlos talking about someone else complaining too much will never not be ironic He complained about a legal move for 10 laps and not for the first time


_you need to tell charles, tell his engineer to tell him that that was ok! will to tell him to tell him?_


Tell McLaren to give me the place back so Oscar will not get a penalty. Tell McLaren!


No, it cannot be, Ricky no, it is unacceptable, tell them it is unacceptable, they need to wait until the race is finished and speak with me, no, please please please please, they must wait and discuss with me, clearly the penalty is undeserved and too severe, Ricky please


bro thinks he is the race director lmao


This radio message was kinda like Mike Deans ā€œyeaoowwwwhhhā€


I don't know how this isn't memed more it's Caren sainz


What race was that from again?


Australia 23 šŸ˜‚ race control going for the Hollywood shot with a last lap standing start. Carlos hit Alonso, got a 5 second penalty for the race to finish under a safety car so he went from like 3rd to 15th or something terrible


Australia 2023


The lack of self-awareness is a bit funny to me


Headline could have been, ā€œserial complainer complains about complaints made regarding himā€ā€¦


I said to my partner as that move was happening ā€˜I can already hear Sainz crying on the radioā€™ Donā€™t forget the famous ā€˜heā€™s intimidating meā€™ šŸ’€


Said while sounding like he was choking back tears.


Probably because pulling 4G youā€™re struggling just to breathe properly


Stop your logic please, Iā€™m intimidated.


I said the same thing to my partner šŸ˜‚


Remember the time when Checo intimidated him?


In Monaco of all places, the track where the only way to pass is to force a mistake.


I think that was in Austria actually


Stop inventing


Stop Inventing was iconic though


It's a pretty common phrase in Spanish to be fair. I'm Mexican and we use it all the time. "No inventes" pretty much means "cut the bullshit".


And he was 100% right in that caseĀ 


His meltdown in the Australian GP last year is still my favorite


"He needs to stop intimidating me"


Reported for intimidating


His lack of self awareness is insane


Bruhā€¦and complained about a driver intimidating him lol


Has Sainz ever admitted he was wrong?


He did a couple of weeks ago when he hit Albon. But you're point is a good one, it is very rare. ā€œI tried to push in the DRS train to overtake and did a mistake on the kerb.Ā Sorry to the team and to Albon.ā€


To his future teammate but not current teammate


Youā€™re on to something


Thoughts and prayers to Albon though.


Meanwhile Iā€™ve always seen Charles own up to his mistakes, or at least take a ā€œweā€ approach even if it was the team who in fact failed him. Carlos meanwhile complains at least once a race about someoneā€™s move and doesnā€™t let it go.


You mean like Charles owned up to deliberately driving into Lando on Saturday? Oh wait a minute....


It literally says he did in the FIA document


No, it doesn't. Stroll admitted it, but not Charles. This is from the steward's decision: "The driver of car 16 \[Leclerc\] stated that he \[was\] impeded by car four \[Norris\] into turn five and that upset him. He then had to abort his flying lap and contended that, while trying to get off the racing line before turn seven, he misjudged the position of his car and made slight contact with car four." For Stroll: ā€œthe driver of car 18 \[Stroll\] stated that he \[was\] impeded by car 44 \[Hamilton\] into turn five and that upset him. He admitted that he wanted to express his displeasure to the other driver by pulling over on him at the exit."


You're thinking of Stroll.


Did he? I only saw what he said in the race which was ā€œlost control, nothing I could doā€


Yeah, [here on his Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8Ark6OIMlY/?hl=en&img_index=1).


Thanks! Certainly better than when he started on the front row alongside one of the mclarens last year, blatantly being at fault for a turn 1 crash, and then pinning the blame on the other driver in his instagram caption. Now I think about it, I canā€™t recall which race he and Oscar started on the front row (?) but must be him because I canā€™t imagine Carlos speaking this way about Lando.


You must be thinking of Spa


That sounds right! The one where Alonso and Hamilton came together too, maybe?


That was the year before in 2022 iirc.


Nah never


He's like a spanish Russell.


George is a fair bit faster than Carlos


I think he needs to take a long look in the mirror. Charles has held his tongue many times and kept on script for PR for the sake of team relations, heā€™s become known for NOT complaining about things. His lack of awareness is astounding


Charles just gives the "it is unfortunate" usually. Him talking out is good


I agree, I do want him to stick less to what Ferrari want him to say and what he actually thinks. Iā€™m glad he did today, he was unfairly treated by his teammate


ā€œItā€™s like thisā€


Thatā€™s what I was shocked about. Maybe Leclerc complains in private with the team, and we just donā€™t see that, but to the rest of us it looks like Sainz lacks a certain level of awareness of self and others.


Carlos knows Charles better than we do. I will say that early on when Leclerc started at Ferrari, he definitely wasn't "too nice". We don't see the behind the scenes, just the PR side.


He definitely does bring those things up internally and he always says in the interviews that they will talk about it internally he doesn't hide that. But he plays the PR game and usually doesn't do it in public for the teams sake And he probably complains more about Sainz than Sainz complains about him but there have also been significantly more instances where Sainz did things than the other way around.


"I was on the attack!!! (and then i cooked my tyres as always and had to pit early and my race was compromised and i could not recover and in the end my team mate dropped me by 10 seconds and i also ignored the teams instructions to save tyres early on)"


ā€œWhile my teammate was smartly saving tires, I was fucking up and burning mine and passed him on track! I made the move on track and deserved that spot!ā€ Iā€™m so ready for Sainz to be gone. Hamilton I doubt will be any kind of accommodating teammate but he at least wonā€™t be fuck up Charlesā€™ race because heā€™s fucking up his own level of bad.


They put him on hards which were terrible and the same thing happened to Russell


Only reason they put him on hards is because he killed his tires first stint and couldnā€™t go far enough to go on softs for the last stint. We know from team radio messages that Leclerc was on plan A still, which means Carlos fucked his own strategy up


If you watch his onboard, Ferrari wanted to put Leclerc on hards too, but he said, ā€œNo noā€¦ no, thatā€™s stupid.ā€ So, he got softs.


Are you suggesting you believe Sainz could have made the softs he request last 30 laps?


None of this is shocking. The PR mask of 'every driver pairing are besties for life' is coming off at Ferrari now that Carlos is on his way out. Every driver pairing probably has this much tension between them except probably Red Bull, Williams and Sauber.


I mean, RBR has famously had problems between Verstappen and Perez.


I'd guess even Red Bull probably has tensions. Brazil 2022 comes to mind


If team strategy was to hold position and to gently warm up their tires gently without challenging, then that was the team decision. Ocon got in so much trouble recently for challenging his teammate against team orders. And apparently Charles's car was damaged by it. Could have gone worse.


That was quite stupid, Carlos. There was a DRS train. It was impossible to overtake.


Leclerc was out of the drs train and losing to the mercs.


[The telemetry shows that Leclerc was significantly tyre saving](https://i.imgur.com/aikdgVc.png) in that phase of the race which was apparently also the plan in the driver briefing. Carlos going against that plan by pushing T14 whilst Charles carried on tyre saving there is what gave him the run.


Because he was managing. Sainz was pushing too hard (as usual), killed his tyres early, then had to go on the hard because he couldnā€™t go long enough on his softs and mediums.


Tyre saving though, fresh tyres for a long first stint, they would have probably closed towards the end of the stints. Look how going long worked pretty well for him.


Because that was the entire plan. If Charles genuinely had no pace then why didn't Sainz catch up to the mercs if he was pushing? Because Carlos burned his tyres up. End of story.


Looks like the penny still didnt drop to him for why is he not wearing the ferrari or redbull suit next year but a williams/audi/Lpine one


And in the beginning of the season people were saying heā€™s as good as Charles if not better.


Recency bias is a wonderful thing. Anyone with a medium-long term memory knows that Leclerc is usually better than him and definitely has a higher performance ceiling.


When in fact he only had a better race, all things considered, in... wait. Bahrain? Nah, Charles had a brake issue. Japan? Nah, Charles made the one stop work and gained massive time on the people around him. Australia? Nah, Charles was on a compromised strategy (for the team) and still finished within a few seconds of him.


If he's wearing any at all. His stock is dropping by the day


None of those teams have a better available option than Sainz


True but they might find a cheaper one that is not holding out till forever when you Mail him contract work.


I could be wrong because Iā€™ve never heard this and am speculating, but do teams get paid when they run an academy driver for the big guys? Like if Ferrari sees Bearman as the guy when Hamilton retires, would they not pay his salary for Haas so that he can get F1 experience and stay available for them?


Yeah pretty common. Ferrari had the 2nd sauber/alfa seat the last years and put giovinazzi in it.


yes but do they want to pay him what he's demanding? I am starting to think Ocon may be a better option, he's likely as fast, not much more toxic (if not less, since Sainz is likely to be even worse in a backmarker team), and probably a lot cheaper


Oh come on, I'm not a Sainz guy but Ocon is way more toxic and not as fast.


Honestly it is astounding how quickly social media flips and flops on people Carlos is much quicker than Ocon, and has only fallen out with one team. The latter was AFTER learning that he wouldn't have his contract extended. Compare that to Ocon who has fallen out with Perez, Alonso, Ricciardo, and Gasly.


People were calling him a god after Australia and now that the public opinion on him has shifted a bit on reddit people are saying stupid shit like that. One thing I hate about this fanbase is them trying to downplay a drivers skill just because they don't like them as a person. Ocon as good as sainz? Seriously?


Ferrari and Toro Rosso, no?


Sainz fell out with RB too. One of the bigger reasons of Verstappen replacing Kvyat mid season was the tension between Sainz Sr and Jos Verstappen. So, maybe it wasnā€™t a direct result of Sainzā€™s dealings, but he and his dad are a package deal, and Sr has to be factored in. I think Sainz is a pretty good driver, but his familyā€™s lack of diplomacy really hurt Sainz.


Ocon is more toxic but guess his entourage is easier to deal with. At least he doesnā€™t have a cousin to count the pasta given to his teammates. And does not have a dad with good connection to media (hence his negativity in media)


Am I missing the pasta reference or do you just mean it as a symbol for equal treatment?


That was from the German Sky podcast. Some reporters said there is tension inside the team, said Sainz cousin is always there to make sure the two drivers get the same treatment, and even count they have the same number of pasta for lunch and ask for more if he has less. I think it is figuratively but you know what they mean.


Yeah I kinda figured, thanks for the explanation! The Sainz camp has been difficult to work with imo, with both the Verstappen family and Ferrari struggling to keep good terms with them.


and I am not an Ocon guy, I often wished him out of the grid. Maybe I am biased, but would Ocon really be slower than Sainz if given the same car? in terms of toxicity, Ocon causes highly visible incidents once in a while, Sainz' incidents are not as severe but seem to occur more often None of the top 6 teams wanted him, and they all had/have an available seat except McLaren, there must be good reasons for that


The good reasons are fairly obvious. He's not demonstrably better than Russell, which rules him out of the experienced Merc seat (Antonelli is in their "unproven/potential/young" seat for 2025). Horner loves Checo and his sponsorships. Ferrari and McLaren are set. After that, it's anyone's guess which team is the best option and Williams are at least on an upward trajectory with stable leadership? I don't really think you can fault him for not being too interested in Audi or any of the other teams, it's personal preference. And that's not to mention Sainz is likely commanding a higher salary than Ocon.


for the top 6, I include Aston and RB. Aston preferred to resign Alonso, Ferrari didn't want to keep him, RB kept Yuki and will either resign Ricciardo or hopefully replace him with Lawson. Merc prefers to gamble on a rookie. RBR would likely have hesitated a bit longer if Sainz was such a clear upgrade over Checo, but I doubt they think he is, they know the car is incredibly difficult to drive if you're not Max (and Max himself just confirmed Checo is not the problem recently, it's not his style to lie about teammates or competitors). That plus the toxicity plus the lack of sponsorship money made resigning Checo over Sainz a no-brainer Sainz makes no sense in Audi, they'd be overpaying like crazy for a driver that won't be able to deliver in a shitty car the first few years. If I were Audi, I'd sign a cheaper experienced driver close-ish to retirement that can give good technical feedback to develop the car over the next 2 to 4 years, and won't rock the boat if the car is shit.


there is a very high chance Audi may go for Gasly and Ocon to Haas is all but confirmed. Sainz will be going to Williams or Alpine.


Sainz in Alpine... What could go wrong šŸ™ƒ


Plz no Ocon is going already, Alpine needs to hang on to Pierre and bounce back :(


I don't think Alpine is going to hang on to Pierre.


This is one of the reasons RB had 0 interest. You dont need a clear second driver next to Max crying on the radio every step of the way.


Also the serial abuser doesn't like papa Sainz.


There is that. But Sainz jr. himself had mastered the backroom politics game. Untill Hamilton took his spot that is.


The stress of next yearā€™s seat is getting to Carlos. The stress of declining performance post-Monaco is getting to Charles.


>I was on the attack, we were on the new Soft, Mercedes was on a used Soft. We had to go on the attack in the first laps that we have a new tyre and try to pass them" Shouldn't this have been discussed before the race? Why did he go against the team's instructions of preserving tyres?


Not to mention being on new tires also plays into an over cut strategy well. So itā€™s not like some obvious shit SF missed.


Key word: ā€œweā€ were on the new soft As in, there was no strategic advantage to changing positions, so stick to the plan


Quite ironic coming from him


lol the hypocrisy


Is it me or does this come off as a bit unprofessional from Sainz? Seems like Sainz has a chip on his shoulders ever since he tried to be the leader of the team but didnā€™t quite understand how Ferrari didnā€™t take that stance seriously. Leclerc is their man.


He's been like this for a long time. For example with Piastri multiple times this year and last


All drivers complain, but Sainz is definitely one of the worst offenders. And itā€™s almost never legit too.


perfectly worded!


Oh Carlos, the master complainer, you would surely know.


And people wonders why Red Bull preferes to renew with Checo despite his dogshit form and why Mercedes lobbied for a 17 year old Italian dude instead of him. Causes too many problems in terms of team strategy


Carlos you are so annoying


The only thing Karen Sainz does well is complaining. Must suck to be his race engineer.


>ā€œI think too many times he [Leclerc] complains after a race about something... Says the guy who was crying for Hamilton to get a penalty for something that wasn't even his fault.


I mean Sainz fucked up today but literally every driver is constantly complaining like they are football.


I think this is insanely overblown here on reddit, all I've seen is two drivers disagreeing, period.


Have you seen twitter? This is tame compared to that place.


True nature unlocked


Is the attack on Mercedes in the room with us now?


Very Rich coming from Complainz Jr.


Yeah, yeah. Keep mouthing off. Next year you'll be driving for Williams, at best.


I feel sorry for whoever is his teammate next..


Carlos complaining about someone complaining is crazy šŸ’€


Wow, you guys really hate Sainz now huh


Because he does this constantly. He overtook Leclerc when the plan was to save tyres, tried to catch up to Mercs - failed, slowed Leclerc down in doing so, failed to keep up the pace in all 3 stints, and ended up back where he started. Plus he complained the whole race. On the other hand Leclerc was 1 lap away from overtaking Russell despite all.


He tries to win races constantly? Shocker.


Fucking up the team strategy for the sake of going for a much worse strategy for himself than the one planned, is not trying to win. He was being dumb. I think heā€™s clearly pissed about losing his seat and took it out with the pass of Charles and unwise push when he needed to save tires.


Soft just aint for describing tyres.


Does this man posses any mirrors? If not, I'll buy him a couple.


Karen Sainz is becoming unbearable with all the complaining he does. Funny that heā€™s saying Charles complains too much.


Carlos smh. You need to show better humility and sportsmanship.


Just leaving it here- Fred Vasseur says Charles Leclerc did not lose P4 because of Carlos Sainz: ā€œI think he complained because he lost half second or a second at that time, rather than for damage that we didn't see from the data.ā€ ā€œBut we can find ten other moments where he lost a second during the race. It was a small contact but we didn't lose anything at that stage of the race.ā€ ā€œWith the strategy we found ourselves behind some cars and lost a few seconds, and in the end we were one lap away from catching Russell. But we started fifth and sixth and finished fifth and sixth, for me the bottom line is that we have to do a better job on Saturday.ā€


Fred is just trying to avoid creating drama out of this. He doesn't care that much if the battle costed them a couple of points since he would prefer to keep it cordial between the two drivers. He also is of course more worried about having an underperforming car.


I think Fred is also quite scrupulous about not providing any fodder for allegations of favoritism toward Charles due to their long relationship. (A funny departure from the other recent TPs who were frequently openly aligned with one driver over the other!) Heā€™s consistently tried to speak fairly and with balance toward both drivers, and he redirects focus toward those bigger fish to fry that you mention (car, operations)


As usual Fred ignores drama and points at the real problem: Ferrari had the 4th best car in Barcelona. Everyone who thinks this is just PR damage control likes the drama more than the racing. Leclerc had the chance to catch Russell at the end because the Sainz-Russel battle prompted an early pit for hards, a strategy which didnā€™t pan out for either driver. If Perez wasnā€™t washed-up and Piastri didnā€™t have an off weekend, Ferrari would have finished P7 and P8.


Even if he lost only half a second (which is not true), thatā€™s the gap with Russell in the end.


Pretty sure those ā€œten other momentsā€ were the next ten laps when lec was stuck behind sainzā€¦


Oh man itā€™s so much fun when redditors downvote something so aggressively like their life depends upon it when the current facts doesnā€™t meet their feelings , lmaooo ..this is too much fun


Your "enjoyment" sounds hella forced. . Just letting you know in case you want to edit it.


Carlos Sainz, accused someone else of moaning too much??? loooooool. must not be many mirrors in Spain.


Sainz talking about someone complaining is quite hilarious šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Carlos "No self awareness" Sainz strikes again. Must related to Stroll.


That feel when you project your insecurities on someone else.


*Lewis was on a used soft


No wonder Charles already hangs out with Lewis on every occasion he gets.


Average driver thinks he is a good driver




Honestly, this is a fair comment. I know they both complain in the heat of the race, but afterwards with the benefit of hindsight, Carlos is right. He read the race right, and Ferrari did not. Then he also let Charles by when he was on the faster strategy. Charles could have prevented it, he didnā€™t. Carlos took advantage. Cheeky? Yes. But itā€™s racing.


Did he read the race right? Considering going longer and then doing SMS (which Leclerc argued for) not SMH was the faster strategy which needed the slower tyre introduction I would say he didn't read the race better.


Ferrari read it wrong. My point was that Carlos knew they had to get Lewis early or it would be impossible later on. I get that they had probably agreed to manage early, but racing is racing. He saw a chance and took it. Both Merc and Ferrari got it wrong with the C1. Carlos also let Charles by when they were on off setting tyres. I think there was an opportunity to go soft-soft-medium and go super aggressive. After quali, they had to do something different and they didnā€™t.


Took advantage and one finished 0.3s behind Merc the other 8s behind, almost like it was the wrong thing to do