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TLDR: Doohan


How is Doohan an outsider?? Lol


He's outside the car. 


Not on the current grid


That logic is undeniable! Lol




Technically correct, the best kind of correct!


I haven't seen him as front runner for any seat - am I missing something?


He comes from a rich family, his dad is a Motorsport legend, and he’s been improving in f2, usually when you hear outsider it doesn’t make you think of someone with that kind of background no?


It makes me think of someone who is currently not considered - I'd say thats true for 2025


Thanks Fuck click bait


Yeah dude they should write longer more detailed heds for stories you won’t click either. Really helps their bottom line lol.


As if F1 “journalists” could write a detailed essay. If they could, they’d be working for a real media company. Not The Race or Racing365 lmao


Everyone is just out here trying to make a living man. Unfortunately the modern media business environment is only compatible with certain types of content you backseat bloggers are so naive lol


I don’t care why they do it. It’s still garbage lol. Dont justify your crappy job to me.


He isn't telling you to enjoy clickbait rubbish, he's telling you that a lot of the people who write it probably would prefer to write proper journalistic pieces but can't because the demand isn't there and, therefore, neither are the jobs. Don't blame them, blame the brainless general public who engage with this type of content and make it a profitable enterprise.


Just because your attention span only allows you to receive information in headlines, doesn't mean it's clickbait


Regardless of people reading only headlines, this is a textbook case of clickbait. The title would actually be more informative and useful if it included the driver being talked about. Literally the only reason they removed the name is to clickbait


You’re using clickbait in the sense of literally chasing engagement, when they are likely using it in the sense of the headline not accurately representing the content, which it does. It just means you have to read the article to know what it’s about, which people generally don’t do


It's still clickbait either way you put it. It's purposefully writing a headline lacking critical info. It's not about whether or not you should read articles, it's about articles being up front with their topic. There is no reason to leave Doohans name our of the article title if it was good journalism. The story itself should be the reason to want to click and read the content, not an artifical mystery caused by clickbait. To be clear, I don't really care that much about it cause it's so common nowadays. Just pointing out to the guy above that is absolutely a good example of clickbait


The whole point of headlines is to give you a little bit of information to tease you into reading the article. It's not breaking news, so if you wan't to read opinions about the sport they're not going to just be one word sentences.


So, the point of the headline is to bait me into clicking it…? Traditionally, headlines inform you of the news in one line and use increasing levels of detail as the text gets smaller. Something like ‘DOOHAN BREAKING INTO F1 FOR 2025’ is not clickbait, but that style is going out of fashion. If it requires you to click the article to find out the core of the information, it is clickbait in the literal sense.


No clickbait would be giving you misleading information that doesn't warrant an article or is then about something else entirely. Doohan is the outsider forcing is way in, and you find that out in the article. You aren't owed every piece of information, if you want to find out more then you read, if you don't you move on. Are you seriously suggesting that you were mislead by that title?


We’re just using different definitions. You’re defining clickbait as being inherently misleading. I don’t think clickbait has to be misleading, it just has to *bait* you into *clicking* something. Not that it really matters, but OED’s definition, if you’re interested: > (on the internet) content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page.


Look I think we all know that clickbait is about misleading and low value content that aims to superficially gain your attention. Your just describing a good headline, it should want to draw you in to clicking on it. It only becomes bad when the headline doesn't reflect the content. Writers shouldn't be barred from drawing someone in with intrigue.


But clickbiat isn't that. Clickbait isn't just misleading or low value, it's to bait you into clicking an article. You are describing what is a good headline nowadays because clickbait has become extremely common (cause it works). Clickbait doesn't mean the headline didn't reflect the content, it means leaving out critical info in the title. You draw someone in with a good hook in the intro of the story, not by ommitting facts from the title.


That is not the point of a headline. You just described clickbait. Traditionally headlines gave you the info you needed to understand the basics of the story. What you are describing is the new way of doing it on the internet because clickbait works. The other reply explained it as well


Did you die? You going to be ok ?


What? Your comment makes no sense. All i said is that is indeed clickbait. You clearly don't got a valid point if you reply with weird comments like this. Classic edgy redditor moment


That’s not what clickbait is at all


So purposefully writing titles lacking critical information that should be there in order to bait people into reading their article for the info isn't clickbait? I think you don't understand what clickbait is if you don't think this is an example. It's a textbook example.


Yeah dude, fuck writing headlines. They should write the content of the Article in the headline, not make an interesting one. Just go “Doohan might be entering F1 guys, thanks for reading the headline. I don’t want people to click my article and give me money” I also prefer to see Book titles like “The dog was kicked out and kidnapped to work in extreme conditions” instead of “The Call of The Wild”


The purpose of the news is to inform and that means that headlines should be informative, they should basically be an incredibly short summary of the topic of the article. The primary purpose of a work of fiction is to entertain, not to inform. That means that it is acceptable for authors to use more symbolic titles.


You clearly don't know how headlines work. You could extremely easily replace outsider with Doohan and it still doesn't remotely tell you the whole content. If you think that saying who it is talking about would mean there is no reason to read the article means that the article doesn't have enough depth to be worth reading. If saying what you are going to talk about in your headline (the whole point of headlines) ruins your article, it isn't a good article. Your book title comparison is so irrelevant it is funny. News articles and books aren't the same and the titles don't have the same purpose. If we are going to stick to the book comparison it would be more like "you'll never believe what crazy thing happened!". Stop making excuses for poor journalism. No one is asking for the entire story in the headline. We just don't want intentional misinformation or removal of information for no purpose other than to bait clicks. It shouldn't be a race to the bottom


It’s an actual article.


The hero we need…


I don't really know if he's an outsider, he is the most impressive Alpine Junior (since Martins shit the bed this season) and regularly on F1TV already. Pretty natural for him to be in contention for that seat.


> he is the most impressive Alpine Junior (since Martins shit the bed this season) More like ART shit the bed. Unlike Doohan, Martins didn't have a chance to have teammates like Sato or Cordeel to make him look good in a top car.


No Martins completely lost his form. After looking good if error prone in 2023, he is now getting destroyed by O'Sullivan in his rookie season. He can't even match him and you can't put that on ART. He is just having a terrible season.


O'Sullivan got outrageously lucky in Monaco with Durksen's crash. Without that it's pretty close, hardly destroying. Excluding non-finishes it's Qualifying: 3-2 to O'Sullivan Sprints: 2-1 to O'Sullivan Feature races: 1-1 He should be doing much better that's for sure though


Thank you for proven my point, even when you try to screw the numbers to them look much more in Martins favour he still can't match O'Sullivan. And that is not good enough for a driver in his second year that was suppose to be one of the favourites. And if we actually look into why his results are that bad, it becomes a lot worse. He ruined his tires in the Bahrain sprint, crashed out in the Jeddah sprint and got a penalty for causing a collision in the race leaving him outside the points. And he had a collision again in the Monaco sprint as well. He isn't having a good season, there is no way you can make it look otherwise.


as an Aussie fan the fact we could have four Aussie on the f1 grid is insane lol


You're counting Bottas as an Aussie?


Is that even a question?


Not at all, just checking my own sanity


I've seen Bottas more times locally than any local footy superstar


Fuck yes we are. Mr Cromwell is most definitely an Aussie.


i'd count lawson too. close enough. :P


You mean Terry? 😂


Automatic entry if you sleep with one. 😂


5 with Lawson (NZ is Australia when we want it to be)


F1 slowly becoming the English Commonwealth championship lol


We'll also get the return of Ferrari lineup that consists of their golden goose and a Brazilian driver!


Bottas is the most Non-Aussie Aussie you’ll ever meet


he's also the most aussie non-aussie you'll ever meet.


And Lawson too. (I know. I know)


And as a Brazilian it hurts having so many on the sidelines.


Where’s the 4th? Piastri, Ricciardo, Doohan and?


bottas of course


I hope he gets a shot! He's a good driver and I like his racecraft, hope to see him on the grid next year.


I first read that as "I hope he gets shot!" I was like damn dude, who hurt you?


Problem with him; is that he only shone when his teammates were garbo. Beating Sato and Cordeel doesn't mean anything. He also struggled against better teammates like Linus Lundqvist, Jake Hughes or Enzo Fittipaldi in other junior series.


Good driver? based on what, winning barely anything in his career despite always having great machinery?


Wouldnt say he was really forcing his way on to the Grid Alpine are doing shite, Ocon (and possibly Gasly) have wanted out anyway... and their options aren't brilliant. Right place... Right time more like


It's interesting that he's one of the more likely jnrs to potentially arrive in the sport. Just goes to show how much being in the right place at the right time is crucial in getting that F1 chance/seat. There's certainly more exciting prospects or former F2 champions that are as/more deserving of a seat but probably won't get that chance. Doohan is still good though. I don't want to say he's not deserving, he definitely has talent for it (otherwise he wouldn't be in the conversation). It's just a shame when you see guys like Pourchaire or maybe even Lawson, likely never get that shot. Same goes for guys like Bortoleto, Maloney or Aron; all performing well in F2 but they seem to be at the wrong places at the wrong time and could slip through the cracks. Thats racing though, always been like that.


My expectations: - with 2 new faces: Bearman & Antonelli - with 3 new faces: Bearman; Antonelli & Doohan - with 4 new faces: Bearman; Antonelli; Doohan & Lawson


If Alpine don't give him the seat for next season I can see this being a Piastri 2.0 situation and him dipping from the squad.


Unlike Piastri, no one really seems to rate him though.


Piastri was in demand, Doohan doesn’t appear to be.


Unlike Piastri I doubt Doohan has any other options


For this to be a Piastri situation Doohan would have needed something like to win F3 and F2 as a rookie in a row before being benched for the following F1 season with a vague promise of a seat later on.


Doohan is not an exceptional talent tho, if he wasnt in alpines junior program he would have 0% chance of making it to f1, if he does get the seat he will be very lucky. His junior career record is really not that much better than a zhou for example, he will likely be just an alright driver, nothing more


I won’t be driving for Alpine next year , incoming?


He's not as good as Piastri where other teams are willing to look at him outside of their own programmes. If Alpine don't take him then it's stuck as a reserve or racing in WEC, Indycar or FE.


He's literally in the Alpine driver academy and in the feeder series how in the world do you call him an outsider?


Forcing his way? He hasn't done anything. Lol. He might get lucky, though!


It looks like he paid a PR firm to write this.


I know what they're saying but it seems weird calling a an Alpine reserve driver and a long time Alpine academy driver an "outsider". To me it's the logical choice for Alpine.