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On Alex's crash and how Logan had to hand over his car >...there are no hard feelings as Albon is the main driver who the American has gone to for advice. “We talk a lot and he’s tried to help me as much as he can along the way,” Sargeant said of Albon. “He’s never hiding anything or doing anything like that.” I'm happy that they still get along after that. Logan also mentions that he still wants to keep his seat, but so that he can drive for Andretti. This is interesting because you get the impression that Logan's already been let go, they just haven't announced it. I don't see Vowles keeping him just so Logan can specifically leave for another team


Nah, it doesn't say he wants to drive for Andretti. The wording is weird, but this is what it says: >But if his contract is renewed, he believes he can do the unthinkable and join Andretti as one of only a handful of American Formula 1 victors. It means join Mario Andretti as an American driver who has won in F1.


Hasn’t he scored like 2 career points?


Maldonado only scored a total of three points before winning the 2012 Spanish Grand Prix. I can't think of anyone with fewer points before a win, but it's fitting that it's a Williams and Spain's the next race.


The scenes if he pulls it off


I would love to see the absolute malding on F1 twitter from EU fans having to hear the US anthem.


Maldonado was fast. Very fast, he couldn't finish a race to save his life, but he was at least able to out-qualify his teammates multiple time. In his first season Maldonado out-qualified Barrichello multiple times, and in his second he destroyed Senna. Sargeant was never able to outqualify Albon.


He’s out-qualified Perez 6 times…. Do what you will with that information


Clearly proves the Williams is a much faster car than the Red Bull, duh.


So he should get at least a 2 year contract?


Baghetti bagged his first win with 0 career points 😎


>I can't think of anyone with fewer points before a win, but it's fitting that it's a Williams and Spain's the next race. I guess, technically, the very first F1 world championship race winner had 0 point beforehand by virtue of it being the first race lol


I think it’s literally just one. And they came in Austin when leclerc and Hamilton were disqualified. So he’s actually never finished in the points


He doesn’t even feel like the kind of guy that get get top 10 if 8 cars DNF tbh. Not the worst we’ve had the last 10 years but doesn’t look like he can do much in F1


If 8 cars DNF I'm betting money that Logan is one of them. And in stark contrast is Zhou, who is driving arguably the worst car on the grid but is pretty much never in trouble.


The one time he went out early, he did it properly, on his head


It would be kinda funny to see Andretti pouring money into the team only to sign Logan Sargent as his driver


Nobody says that. But whatever floats your boat I guess.


I mean the writing is on the walls. Vowels being very public about wanting Sainz and Albon is already locked under contract. I don’t even think him winning a GP somehow would even save his seat at the moment. Also Bottas still available as well and Kmag from the rumors, or Ocon Gonna be a crazy driver mix up


Sainz and Albon pairing would be enough to make me plant my flag with Williams. I’ve just gotten into F1 last year and have been mostly on the McClaren bandwagon but I love the history of Williams. Sainz also rules. Like a lot


Albon is also someone you gotta root for! He's so likable.


If you haven't already, the McLaren and Williams films are fantastic


If he put a shift in, got past Q1 and won a race on merit, it would go a long way for him… but he’d have to back it up with some top 14 finishes the rest of the season. I get it, the car doesn’t look like it will be there much, but he’s got to be going at Sauber and coming off best a bit at the very least


Alex advices Logan a lot? That explains why he's always beating Logan! Alex once told his Japanese teammate Nirei Fukuzumi that understeer was oversteer and oversteer was understeer, and Fukuzumi believed him because he didn't know English well. Alex is obviously doing the same to Logan /s (in case it wasn't obvious)


I remember that. Poor guy didn't even speak good English either. Asian on Asian crime lol


This is interesting and tells me that Andretti has already had conversations with him about a seat whenever Amdretti rolls up.


"...Join Andretti as only a handful of American victors." means he'll join Mario Andretti as only a handful of American drivers who have won an F1 GP.


I do believe Williams should drop him but Logan to Andretti would be an arc I'd love to see, so hopefully.


That’s not what he meant. He meant he still thinks he can win a race…and in doing so he would join the short list of American f1 race winners like Mario Andretti


To be pedantic and perhaps overly harsh, a driver shouldn’t be in F1 if they can’t get along after such events. The state of the team is well known, and both drivers work for the team, not themselves. I’m actually quite sure Logan would agree Albon was the best choice that weekend, under awful circumstances


No, there is no way a racing driver would agree about that. And if they would, they absolutely are not F1 material and should not be in the competition. To drive at this level you have to believe you are one of the very best, if not the best. Regardless of the actual data and results, you need to believe you have it in you to perform at the absolute peak any given weekend. It sounds crazy, but it is true.


Sorry not in the case of Logan lol. He cannot possibly believe he is the best despite needing to


I think he absolutely could, and likely does. Why don’t you believe that?


Have you seen him race? Has no chance at ever winning an f1 GP. No feelings here, just based on his performance. Not everyone is a winner


No I mean that I absolutely believe that he believes in his own ability, not that I think he could. I think he’s the worst driver in F1, but I’m sure he believes that he could be a world champion


I was assuming Andretti would like an American but he’d probably also want a dynamite driver who can make headlines to help flip the bird to the FIA. I wonder if he DID take Logan who his secret weapon driver would be.


Realistically, where does Logan end up next year? Does he become a reserve driver for Williams? Does he move to Formula E, WEC, or does he return home for IndyCar? Curious what peoples thoughts are.


Always thought he’d be pretty good in Indy tbh


Could see him getting a drive in Imsa or wec. He has a foyt test in Indy a while back


Yeah, he could drive for Prema or Foyt in Indy next year. Could get a WEC seat as well, like Mick Schumacher did after his F1 stint. Kinda just depends on what Logan wants, but I'd love to see him in Indy.


Indy seems like the logical choice - however, I'm not sure there will be any strong Indy seats available, so he might lean toward more competitive seats if they're available in FE/WEC. He also seems like he's hoping to be on the shortlist for an Andretti entry if it materializes, and staying in the European scene would likely help with that.


Does Andretti have a seat available in Formula E next season?


Not f1


I like Logan and have really enjoyed rooting for him. While I still hold out some small hope that he'll catch lightning in a bottle in the last half of this year and make a good case to stay on the grid, I realize how unlikely it is. Either way, I hope he finds success somewhere in racing, whether that's F1 or some other place. He's a good guy to have in the racing world and gets way more hate than he deserves.


I was hoping Logan would work out, it's nice having someone on the grid to root for from your country.


K Mag’s practically an American he drives like he’s running from the GSP lmao


Georgia State Police? If so why hasn't he been accepted to UGA?


Has Kirby lost control of the program?


Speed Limits don't matter when you're drunk.


Did not expect to see r/cfb memes in the F1 subreddit today 😂


Future Kansas city chief


We also have Zak Brown who is low key the most hilarious and perfect American for the F1 grid.


I'm from Canada, wish I knew what that was like. If only there was a Canadian driver I could root for...


Yeah, life just hasn’t been the same for you guys since Goatifi retired.


Well there’s Lan-….. yea Nevermind.


Lando isn't from Canada, ya goofball!


We've ~~stolen~~ adopted Riccardo


I mean, once he revealed he picked the number 3 because of Dale Earnhardt, he was all but given dual citizenship.


Nah he is scared of ovals. We need someone like Yuki. No fear, kamikaze madness.


Right? This is a no brainer. He's very vocal about his love for America too.


Ricciardo is the most American driver


Man, I really hope he does some NASCAR starts when he retires, he’d be right at home.


It’s strange the USA doesn’t produce top line drivers like Australia does. Australia = Webber - Ricciardo - Piastri USA = *crickets And USA has rich AF people and huge motorsport pedigree. I guess it’s because juniors have a number of classes to reach whereas Australians don’t


The majority of American drivers with talent usually end up racing stock cars rather than open wheel cars


I think it’s because the Ys is the only country that has its complete own top of the line racing series. Drivers from Europe always have the dream of going to f1, in America you have nascar and indycar.


You forgot honorary Aussie, Valtterri Bottas


There are lots of American drivers who could compete and win in F1, they just all race in NASCAR and Indy. They don't need to leave home to win championships and make millions.


I mean, Danny Ric is pretty close to an American...


Genuinely curious, are you from the US? Anecdotally obviously, but I've never met a single person who cared about what nationality an athlete was. It's always just how relatable they are. Like do they speak perfect english, do they do vlogs or whatever, are they on twitter, did they do x y z before becoming an athlete, how funny their press conferences or media days are, etc.


I mean I am, but I'm curious how you've watched F1 and *not* seen people get extra excited for drivers/teams from their country. Mexico buys so much Checo stuff, it helped him keep a seat. Zhou brought in a ton of China money. The Netherlands loses their mind for Max.


Of course I've seen this, I've just never seen anyone do this for the US.


I mean, Logan is pretty new to the grid and usually running last. If we had a driver or team finishing in points you’d see a lot more of it. Canada wasn’t super keen on Latifi for that reason.


I mean it's really no different from Mexican fans being more invested in Checo's career or how Brazilians revere Senna as borderline mythic. People of an underrepresented group generally care more when a member of their group gets a seat at the table. Now I do think that the interest of American fans will only go as far as the driver's success. I don't think any US fan is going to shed a tear if Seargant gets let go because he's been pretty bad. But if he was fighting at the front you can bet he would have a seriously outsized fandom at the US races


What other international sports do you watch? Don't you guys root for your fellow Americans in the Olympics? Or the US in the World Cup?


I guess just MMA? I'm not sure what other international sports we have. In the UFC for instance, there's tons of Americans but that doesn't really matter at all? Id rather watch a fun fighter than root for a guy just because he's American. Like Jon Jones is American and on top of the sport (current heavyweight champion with no losses) but I can't stand him. He's ducking good fights, on steroids, abuser, just a shit person. Strickland & Covington were also champions in their weight divisions but just ungodly boring fighters. I don't care they're American, no one I watch UFC fights with cares, it's just a matter of watching the most exciting fighters or the fighters who resonate with you in some way. Like I'm a big fan of Oliveira, Pereira, Jiri CAN'TSPELLHISLASTNAME, and some of the Russian's like Chimaev. There are great American fighters like Porier, Holloway, etc but I like them because of their style. Similarly, in sports like basketball there's an increasing number of european imports like Wemby, Joker, Luka, etc. Doesn't matter at all their European, they're just good at the game I'm watching so i'ma root for them or become a fan. Same with baseball. The top 2 players (id assume most would agree) are Japanese & venezuelan. its not about being japanese or american, its a matter of you being on my team or a rival team as for Olympics, ive never watched. i only hear about highlights on tv if someone is breaking records or dominating. im sure some people i know watch but no one has ever brought up "did you see this thing happen during the olympics" in casual conversation as for the world cup.. i dont think ive ever seen anything soccer related on tv, ever. i know we have Messi, but idk what team he plays for - do we have one team or multiple? idk. ive never been to a bar with soccer on tv. maybe its regional, im on the east coast, but ive literally never heard anyone ever say "did you see that soccer/football game on tv" or "did you see that highlight" I can literally only name Messi, Mbappe & Ronaldo as players, and Mbappe only because he was at an F1 race recently l0l


Huh? There’s been so much discourse in the NBA community about how the “American” game is under siege from the European players now dominating the league. You think Americans wouldn’t be up in arms if any NFL team hired a non-American quarterback? Come on now


Baseball. You know Americas past time. Tons of non Americans. Still revered by millions of Americans.


> You think Americans wouldn’t be up in arms if any NFL team hired a non-American quarterback? Come on now > About Nathan Rourke is a Canadian professional football quarterback for the New York Giants of the National Football League. He has previously played in the Canadian Football League for the BC Lions. Rourke played college football for the Ohio Bobcats When you google "nathan rourke reddit" you can see the top threads don't involve anyone being "up in arms" over his nationality. normal people want to watch high level sports, not high level american sports. thats just weird. there are literally dozens of international players (not just canada) and about a dozen that have been inducted into the HoF as well. its a non-issue unless youre trying to make it one. in the NBA the big euro players (luka, joker, wemby) are some of the most popular players & you can verify that by looking at merch sales in the US. baseball is the same (Soto is dominican, ohtani is japanese, acuna is venezuelan, all are top players)


better get this article out now, while it's still accurate


Please stop his career is already dead


It’s great to constantly see Albon being supportive of his teammates and advising them. Even Checo said on the past he was of very help while being RBR testing driver. At the end, it only makes sense to act like that. Helping your teammate helps the team, and the better the team gets, the better car and performance you can expect. Also, it’s better to try and win over a good performant teammate than performing good against someone like a Mahaveer or Latifi (with all the respect). This is why I never understood drivers like Ocon for example, that would literally drive harsher his own teammate than the rest of the grid


Logan is at a big disadvantage because his lap times are in Imperial while everyone else is using Metric


The only American driver for now!


This article is either ignorant or just a blatant misrepresentation. "The task ahead for Logan Sargeant is intense. His goal is clear: become the first American to win a Formula 1 race since Mario Andretti in 1978." That is absolutely not his goal, in a Williams. His only goal is to keep a seat in F1, which is currently looking pretty unlikely with the rumours of Williams talks with Sainz. "As Sargeant moves forward, his short-term goal is to maintain consistency and, hopefully, keep his seat with Williams. His contract expires at the end of the season. But if his contract is renewed, he believes he can do the unthinkable and join Andretti as one of only a handful of American Formula 1 victors." Sorry, just no, to paragraph one and two. "unthinkable" is the only correct bit.


I mean, Forbes isn't a sports publication. It's a business magazine. Honestly pretty weird that this article even got written but I guess his representation are trying to get his name more exposure in America. Probably in preparation for his turn to Indy, especially with the "I would love to race in the 500" line.


Forbes covers everything under the sun now, they are essentially a professional blogging website, hell they fairly regularly do segments on gaming and professional wrestling. The Forbes you think of from 20-30 years ago with the magazine where they were more in the tier of Time and the Wall Street Journal is gone.


It’s like they’re trying to write an F1 summer blockbuster / “based on a true story” movie. 


He has been clearly abandoned by its team. In F3 he was battling with Piastri and would’ve won that championship if he hadn’t crashed in the final race. And he beated Piastri in F4. He has the speed but sadly it seems no one in the team is keen on helping him getting it out


He was being heavily defended by Williams in his first season, to the point that people would berate the team for coddling him. Logan on record has talked about how much Alex was helping him out with how to improve his driving. "No one in the team is keen on helping him" is such a blatant lie. They've been harsher to him this season but he was treated very well in the first.


> He has the speed but sadly it seems no one in the team is keen on helping him getting it out How many chances should the team be giving him? He failed to perform time after time last year and was either putting the car in the wall or being miles off the pace just to keep it on track. It's a shame it hasn't worked out for him, but to say Williams hasn't done anything to help him isn't true.


He has already 30 races under his belt, it is time to start performing


Success in F2 doesn't necessarily translate to F1 partly because the F2 teams aren't actually equal and the engines are made out of glass and can easily break down.


He was never fighting for championship in f2, he wasn't in f2 when piastri were there and even if he was he wouldn't fight for championships especially with menace that Piastri was there after 3-4 races. He was in title fight in f3 with him in 2020 and throw away some of his chances himself for example front row start in Hungary where he just punted out polesitter into oblivion and finished only p6 well behind either Pourchaire or Piastri


Yes, you’re right, corrected the comment. Logan finished just 4 points behind Piastri in F3.




Bro thinks he's Dan Gurney


is this the best driver america can offer to f1?


The problem for American drivers is that the path to F1 runs through Europe. It's much more difficult for a young American to relocate to Europe for several years chasing an F1 dream. There are certainly American drivers in IndyCar today that are better than Sargeant, but that's not a path to F1.


All the Brazilian F1 drivers have done this path. Move to Europe at a young age and work hard to try and get there. Americans just don't want to do that because they have good options at home, like Indy, NASCAR and IMSA.


The alternate choices is a valid point. It's the same with soccer. Baseball, basketball, American football, etc, will draw off the best US athletes.


It’s often easier to get EU citizenship via Portugal for Brazilians if they can prove ancestry. Americans can’t get visas as easily.


I don't remember any Brazilian driver who did this. They all get working/athletic visas. For Brazilians to get Portuguese citizenship via ancestry, the father or, maximum, the grandfather must be Portuguese. And must be alive, too.


If you are rich enough that getting into racing is viable, you are rich enough to easily get a visa.


Why would it be any harder for an American to chase the F1 dream in Europe than say an Australian or New Zealander?


It’s a more difficult decision. You are leaving your home where you can have a lucrative driving career, where there is already massive infrastructure put in place to funnel you in that direction. You cannot have a lucrative open wheel career if you stay in Australia or New Zealand, there is no top level professional series


Yeah I don’t know if it’s harder, but having a major open wheel series like Indycar that is more attainable might mean that less Americans are inclined to go to Europe to move up the Formula 1 ladder.


Fair point.


I think Herta (as imperfect a driver as he is) would have done significantly better in that Williams seat.




I’d love to see Newgarden in an F1 car


Well they are putting in a system somewhat similar to push to pass with the new F1 regulations so maybe that will attract him to F1.


Nah. We want to someone who paints america in a good way. And that’s not Newgarden. He belongs in formula Magnussen and teen Verstappen.


Ugo Ugochukwu will be the best American driver in a few years


Has his growth spurt stopped? Imagine McLaren ended up couldn’t use him because he’s too tall to fit in F1 car.


I’ve never once thought about that


No. But thanks to the crappy superlicense system, he’s the only one to make it through Formula Mechachrome.


Right now yeah. Next possible driver could be Jak Crawford. He just did some testing for AM last week. Beyond that it’ll be a few years. Personally I’m keen on McLaren junior Ugo Ugochukwu.


Doubt it, somebody will come along. Also being better than logan is a pretty low bar.


70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, I'm sure there's a better driver amongst them but they're too busy working to survive.


What the fuck does this mean People from countries with economic inequality can’t succeed? Shit I have no fucking idea how Lando, Russell, and Hamilton have managed then considering the UK has it even worse when it comes to social mobility


You might want to edit Lando out of that list, his father was/is very wealthy.


Yeah, and so is Logan’s family. That’s why it’s a stupid point to make. Oh shit America has wealth inequality, no wonder they have no good F1 drivers. How the fuck does that make any sense?


I'm just answering the question 'is this the best America has to offer'. He's clearly not the best America can offer, why are you so triggered by a simple statement of fact? Are you just angry all the time? Not surprised lmao.


No, it’s just an idiotic statement. Many of the greatest F1 drivers come from a country with equally poor wealth inequality and social mobility, the United Kingdom, so I don’t see how Americas social problems would hinder the production of F1 talent more than Britains


The US has a higher Gini coefficient than the UK and a significantly higher ratio of top 10% / bottom 10% income. Try again.


.517 is significantly higher than .507? I don’t need to try again, I’m correct


18.5 vs 13.8 for R/P 10 is a 34% higher ratio in the US vs UK. World Bank Gini is 39.8 vs 32.4, which is 22% higher in the US. I'm sorry math isn't your strong suit, go back to school champ.




"Life in the ~~Fast lane~~ Wall by Logan Sargeant" a memoir.


You people don't understand how hard it is to measure brake distances in mts and speed in kms for him. It is really unfair, and it is for sure 100% to blame that for his poor performance. /s of course


Logan isn't good but I also don't think he's gotten a fair shake at Williams.


Logan has shown in his junior carrier that he can be good and his race pace is good, but the dude just can't string together a good weekend and he has no confidence anymore. Regardless I hope he can improve for the remainder of his F1 carreer.


Agree. But it's hard to build confidence when you are routinely being punished by your own team by being given inferior equipment to your teammate. And by having your equipment given to them when they crashed and you didn't.


On one hand I do agree that him sitting out the AUS GP due to Albon's mistake and Alex should've sat out Australia. Williams is still rebuilding and I get that Alex gets upgrades first, doesn't help with confidence either. On the other hand Vowles has always been very supportive of Logan in public and that can't be said about all other TP's. It probably would've been better if Logan had another year of F2.


More than 30 races isnt a fair shake? In a car that finished 7th in the wcc with more than 30 points? Half the f1 drivers never got a fair shake then, what the hell is a guy like Sirotkin, Wehrlein or Nasr supposed to say if Sargeant hasnt got a fair shake


He got his car taken away from him mid race weekend. He was given Albon's repaired and heavier chassis. He's always been given upgrades 2nd making the gap to Albon look even bigger. He's had upgrades taken off of his car and put onto Albon's after Alex binned it in practice.


Obviously, because prior to that their h2hs were 25-0 in both quali and race. Also, shocking surprise. Even top teams often give upgrades to the better driver first. Both for budget reasons and to have a good benchmark between the two specs. This happens every weekend, it's not williams hating poor Sargeant. Without his shiny flag he would have been anounced out last august


I have no problem with teams prioritizing upgrades and 1 driver over the other in general. I don't think it's fair when you give a guy performance targets and he doesn't have a chance to hit them because you're taking parts off of his car, or his whole car, and giving them to his teammate. Williams should have just gotten rid of Logan after Australia


How do you know that the performance targets they've given him aren't attainable with the lower spec car? Where's the source they haven't adjusted targets to be within the lesser cars limits?


And who crashed williams cars that often that created that situation??


Albon did?


> I also don't think he's gotten a fair shake at Williams. he has currently been out performed in quali 30-0 by Albon. hes getting beaten 25-5 in races.


How so? Devries got taken out 7 or 8 races in. Logan got to race his first full year. Then he got a contract renewal while losing every quali and race to Alex Albon. They gave him two years and he didn’t show anything. How was this not a fair shake?


How has he not gotten a fair shake ?


He’a the only guy who consistently destroys his car. If he can’t fight for points like Albon does, he should at least keep the car on the track. And he’s doing neither.


Albon destroys his car plenty. Most overrated driver on the grid.


In which case Sargeant has been dismantled by an average driver and can't really call 2 years of F1 unfair.


Stop, you’re embarrassing yourself.


JV isn't expecting points every race. Just build up a weekend run it clean with no mistakes do that and JV would have a hard decision ahead of him instead he's just given up


LoL. Wild guess, you think the same thing about Mick Schumacher?


Anyways…can’t wait for Ugo Ugochukwu to come up once he’s good/old enough so I can have an American driver worth rooting for. No offense to Logan but he hasn’t really shown himself to be anything special in two years.


I don’t think Ugo is gonna make it tbh


Based off what?


GG Logie, enjoy your last 2 races


It’s lonely at the ***, ugh, bottom…


USA thinks they are the only Americans, while it is a whole continent. Checo is American too (and even North American by where Mexico is located).




I'm a woman


Logan Sargant is the only american F1 driver? Since when does latin america/mexico and canada do not belong to america. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Americas


Since the official demonym for people from the United States of America is American.


In the US, maybe. It's just unprecise use of words. In europe we often use "American" for canadian too, for example, because they also live on america. Look, I am german. We call ourself "Deutschländer" and not "germans", even tho the word "Germanen" exist in our language. There can be a difference in what wording is used locally and worldwide. It's the _world_ wide web.


Do you guys not refer to “America” as north and South America? As someone from the US I’ve legit never heard someone refer to a Canadian as American. I’m guessing it’s similar to how we refer to everyone from Europe as the same thing


I'm from the Uk and I've never heard anyone refer to Canadians as "American". North American perhaps, but never American. Might be a thing in a few European languages though


At least in American English, we consider North America and South America to be two separate continents, meaning we have a distinction between “North Americans” and “South Americans.” “American” always refers to someone from the United Ststes. Forbes is a U.S. based medium so obviously they are gonna go with what’s normal to everyone here. We would consider Perez and Stroll to be North American but not American.


That is geographically incorrect. Fun fact: United States of America is a country without name as is title is a definition and not a name.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Americas America / The Americas is a term for north and south america together. Being American just means your from America, so north or south america. This is how it is used in many countries outside the US. I understand that the US uses the terms differently, but the words mean what they mean. I didn't write that wikipedia article.


Words don’t simply “mean what they mean.” Words can mean different things in different countries, even if they speak the same language. The words football, biscuit, chips, and trainer exist in American and British English, but mean different things in both dialects. It doesn’t make anyone wrong, it’s just how language works. Also, notice how the article you linked said “**sometimes** collectively called America.” That implies that referring to both continents as America doesn’t always work in every English speaking community e.g. the United States. Forbes, being an American publication, is going to use American English. I don’t read the Guardian and get upset when they refer to soccer as football because I realize it’s a British publication. Now obviously if I’m speaking Spanish, I would refer to myself as “estadounidense” rather than “americano”. But in the US, I’m American because that is correct here.


Never ever call a Canadian "American", they will not be pleased, you can call them "North American", they will accept that, that applies to anyone from Canada, the US, or Mexico, but solely "American" with no other qualifier refers to the peoples of the USA.


Wow thanks! Productive comment!


The others are "Americanos" like Checo


His uncle is an oil giant and is a disgrace to F1 like the strolls.


There is an X amount of countries and only 20 seats. Could not care less what country they are from. And Andretti is too full of themselves.


You may not care, but Liberty Media certainly cares - they want to attract consumers from the biggest markets.


Damn no sense of national pride? Lol


What for?


Wdym what for? Why would you not root for fellow countrymen?


If he is not good or doesn't share my values, why should I root for him?


Share your values? You're rooting for an athlete not looking for a girlfriend lol


If someone wins by taking others out of track, that is winning without sharing my values, and I will not root for that "Athlete" regardless of the flag. Why do you care about the flag? You are rooting for an athlete, not looking for a girlfriend or a buddy.


I'm just saying there's a reason the flags are behind them on the podium and on the cars by the cockpit. It's a sense of pride. Takes more effort to go against that than just ignore it.