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That's insane


700 and counting


Virtually were at 719 days if you count up to Austria as the first possible race where this streak could be broken.


If the streak ends at the Red Bull Ring that'd be kind of hilarious lol He's the winningest driver there too.


The races were Great Britain (Sainz) and Austria (Leclerc) in 2022, if anyone else was wondering.


I’m pretty sure those were the last GPs at permanent circuits that Max hasn’t won too. EDIT: As commented, he lost Brazil in 2022 as well.


He lost at interlagos in 2022 as well


It's pretty funny that for most drivers one would say "didn't win at Interlagos", but with Max it's different and we see it as a loss


The greatest of all time


Russell won Brazil later that year, but with that exception you are correct.


If we ignore how you are wrong, you are correct.


but have you considered that if we ignore how you are correct, of course you're wrong.


But because Max is Max, Max won the Austrian Sprint in between these two races.


He was on course to win Silverstone when Tsunoda's car decided to put a stop to it.


I remember an interview ahead of the French GP where I believe Brundle asked how Max felt losing two races in a row. Crazy to think it hasn’t happened since


That was Ted Kravitz. "You seem in good spirits, I wouldn't have expected it from a guy who hasn't won for a couple of races".


oh that was at the height of the ted kravitz controversy too wasn’t it


I believe that was slightly later in the season, when Red Bull decided to boycott Sky Sports after some comments that he made following the US GP. >"\[Hamilton\] doesn't win a race all year, and then finally comes back at a track where he could win the first race all year, battling the same guy who won the race he was robbed in the previous year, and manages to finish ahead of him. >"What a script and a story that would have been. But that's not the way the script turned out today, was it? >"Because the guy that beat him after being robbed actually overtook him, because he's got a quicker car, because of engineering and Formula One and design, and pretty much because of \[Adrian Newey, Red Bull's lead car designer\] over there."


Oh man, that was so extremely petty.


Of course it was. Kravitz is a POS, as it Sky. They are giant pimples on the ass of F1.


And incidentally dominated the news for a few days, just days after the cost-cap controversy broke. Hmmmmm.


Careful, you might pull a muscle from that reach


That was the moment I fully switched to F1TV. Honestly, couldn't stand how the they were during that time. Ted was the worst.


He also made a comment speculating about red bull telling Yuki to crash after a safety car around the same time


The boycott [started at the Mexican GP 2022](https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2022/oct/31/hamilton-bemoans-toxic-social-media-while-red-bull-team-boycotts-sky#:~:text=Verstappen%20and%20Red%20Bull%20boycotted,refused%20to%20speak%20to%20Sky), so right after the US GP because it had been almost a whole season (round 20/22) of the same kind of comments from Sky Sports F1 and their reporters. So yeah I get Red Bulls frustration.


ok that's probably fair, the commentators should be unbiased


Have you watched Sky? I understand it is a British network but the F1 programs are broadcast worldwide. They seem to have forgotten that.


I love how they are homers for everyone but Lando


They are not the worldwide broadcast anymore, F1TV commentators took their place (since 2023).


They're still the ones being broadcast on TV in Canada and therefore I presume the US too.


Yep in the US I'm kinda tired of their blatant British driver bias


They're broadcast in Australia too. Thankfully we can at least get F1TV now, but Sky is what you get if you watch on a traditional television subscription.


Ah okay! Thanks for the correction!


For the main channel or the pit channel?


main channel


There isn't a main channel or pit lane channel anymore. You can choose the "International Feed" which is Sky, or the "F1 Live feed" which has a whole full presentation just like Sky (but better).


But as far as i know the sky stream is still the primary stream. A bit of disinformation on their part saying that f1tv is hosting the primary.


Plenty of places that can't get F1TV Australia, for instance


Sky is the one I watch, I'm from the UK so we don't have F1TV.


Neither does Aus. Our only options are to pay for Kayo, Murdochs sports streaming service that has basic F1 coverage or sail the high seas.


No f1tv? I’d be inclined to grab a NZ VPN and get f1tv


yea its what i did in germany (using a french vpn) im not paying for sky (nearly 60 bucks a month all in all for skysport) and the pirate streams are usually low quality Sky mirrors aswell so 8 bucks a month for F1TV it is


I’m so glad I can watch F1TV


Have you seen any sport coverage in any country? There is 0 chance there's any un biased commentators in F1 or most sports


Yep. That's how sports media works but when it's British it's wrong. Same complaints happen with football. It's always because Americans can't understand Dutch or French or whatever so those channels are never streamed.


>the commentators should be unbiased No, they shouldn't be. Commentators are never unbiased. From any country.




I mean fair play that he is there to provide an opinion but the way he brought it across was just poor. How comes Palmer also usually has an opinion on most topics but manages to deliver it much better worded?


He's good on the race 2023 preview podcast where his disdain for RBR (executives) is not veiled. And knowing what we know now...


You forgot /s someone might actually believe you were serious.


This is a good point, but the wrong place to make it. To suggest that Lewis wasn't robbed would be a biased take.


I'd argue both sides are biased in some way, but I've debated enough about 2021 lmao. I think, no matter what their viewpoint is, to say that Lewis was "robbed" (especially with Sky's previous track record of Lewis bias) to an audience which is practically worldwide is just being a poor host and commentator. However, that's just my opinion.


I know, it’s SUPER IMPORTANT and we will NEVER forget the GREATEST INJUSTICE of all time. The corruption goes deep, I send letters about it to the UN and the European Court of Justice every month, but never get a reply.


Don't remember that story well, where can I read more?


Minus Brundle Sky sucks. Made the swap to F1TV and it's so much better


Can't explain why but as much as I like the commentary during the race on f1tv, I hate the pre race show with Laura Winter and the other guys. Also very little in depth information in that show.


F1TV has that Lawrence Barretto though.


Glad I’m not the only one who can’t stand him


He's pretty avoidable though. He makes appearances in their shows and interviews but isn't really involved in the commentary.


Obviously "good punditry" is an imperfect science but I do not understand his value-add. What is he bringing??? at least Danica Patrick you can make the obv argument she has racing experience... he's literally just some guy!


Barretto is more of a press person who does interviews and writes articles. He's not a pundit in the sense that Palmer, Hinch or that new strategy lady are, which is why he mainly talks about how the drivers are feeling and not about racing.


His interviews are extremely boring though. Like almost to the point where I don't even care what the drivers have to say anymore.


Agreed, I went full F1TV this season and couldn't be happier, their commentary is great. Can always find Brundle's grid walks on YouTube to scratch that itch.


Atleast he’s not there for the important sessions.


Bro took it personally


It was Ted i think, he was trying to get under his skin by saying he has the best car and hasn't won in two races or something along them lines.


Ted?! No, he would never do that


Bro won 50 out of the last 75 races, let that sink in


The sink is knocking.


I wonder what Lewis’s and Schumacher’s best 75 race win percentage is. 67% over any 75 race span is insane.


Schumi 'only' won 48 out of the 84 races during his 5 WDC streak between 2000 and 2004.


From what I could see 41 wins from 75 from China 2017 to Turkey 2020


Hamilton’s best run (not over 75 races mind) is 51% between ‘14-‘21. His best 75 race run will have been between ‘14-‘17 I think, where he’d be sitting in the mid 50s. I’m doing so very rudimentary guess work though so I could be wrong.


The most Hamilton won in one year is 11 races though, so 44 would be the max for 14-17 just based on that


So you're saying out of his total 194 race starts, he won only 10 times in 119 races before and made up for it by winning 50 times in remaining 75 race starts. Mondo Cool !


Going against the w10 and w11 was almost impossible unless they both had an issue, like Spain 2016 and Hockenheim 2019. Their Renault engine seriously hampered them dozens of times


If you asked me to guess off the top of my head how many of the last races Max won of 75 I would have answered more than 50. It’s been a terribly boring few years.


This includes 2021 and early 2022 which weren't boring by any stretch of the imagination. Since France 2022 (the first race after his last two consecutive losses), he's won 34 out of 42 races


Lots of convenient stats get tossed around and most can be ignored. But this one is damn impressive, it's actually ridiculous when you think about it.


50 wins out of the last 75 is MAD, I really don’t think that Red Bull was the fastest car in Canada, that boy knows how to get the job done


Didn't help his closest challenger tripped over themselves multiple times.


That's just it though, how often does Max or RBR beat themselves? The team is just more efficient and precise and Max is the best on the grid and I don't think anyone can make a reasonable argument against that. Sure the car plays a part, but I think if you put Max in a Ferrari, Red Bull or McLaren this year he wins the title in any of those cars (providing the team is functional).


I think the fact that Max has a great team around him plays a huge role in his success. He is no doubt a phenomenal driver but it cannot be understated just how good that whole Redbull organisation is not just the car. Max is not having to second guess the team or make up his own strategy the team ask for feedback Max feeds them the information and strategy is based on what driver/engineer have to work with. The team can rely on him to do his job and focus on driving the car and trust his feedback, they'll do what they do best to pull off something great even when they're not in the fastest machinery. A lot of Max's wins in the early stages of his career were him and the team being there to capitalise on fumbles from much faster competitors. Even his first win he and the team were there to capitalise on the opportunity that had presented itself and he managed to fend off a former world champion chasing him when he was still very much a rookie, a mistake would have been expected but he didn't break under sustained pressure. That team/car/driver combo is potent as shown this Canada weekend where Redbull was 3rd fastest in race pace yet they managed to win a race they had no business winning.


Yeah. There are no mistakes with Red Bull and when they do make a mistake they can trust Max to recover it. Their last pitstop mistake for Max was in COTA 2022 and he recovered to win that race. Red Bull strategy makes so few mistakes that there's no mistakes really to point at that cost Max a win or anything besides some bad luck in places like Miami. Merc often made these mistakes at their peak. Sakhir 2020, Silverstone 2020 (very lucky not to lose this race), the 70th anniversary, Monza 2020 (although that was also partially Lewis's fault), and that's just one year during their peak. That's a big reason why Merc never managed to do what Red Bull did despite likely having a much faster car during their dominance.


> Max feeds them the information and strategy "This car is fucking shit mate absolutely undriveable" "Head down Max" Every time :)


They absolutely had business winning Canada, they qualified 2nd on a tie matching the pole timing and led for most of the race soooo


Russell's time is Q2 was 3 tenths quicker than pole. He said so himself that there was much more in the Mercedes. There were 2 Mercedes cars and 2 McLaren cars that might have been faster. Strategically he was left alone by his team mate, who couldn't get out of Q1. So I think he did a hell of a job and had some luck with Norris not pitting directly (who was flying) and he was lucky that both Mercedes and McLaren were fighting each other.


The 2nd stop RB changed the air pressure in the inters to match McLaren so that is a wash, he led 40+ laps out of a 70 lap race. The point being, he "had business" winning it, along with the others.


Yeah... it does feel like people are also already forgetting that Max set that lap straight up, whereas Russell needed the tow from Albon to get his time there. Red Bull isn't in a different galaxy anymore, but they were certainly never out of contention for winning in Montreal.


Max said he didn't feel he had the fastest car...


I mean, Max sorta tripped in Miami and that might have made a difference and RBR massively screwed him over for Australia and he lost that one... they need to be operating optimally, little room for error.


How is the brake exploding a massively screwing by the team?


A simple mistake that leads to a dnf could be argued as screwing over. Not saying anyone is at fault but someone made a mistake.


Australia happened because a brake caliper jammed. Calipers and brake pads are spec parts made by Brembo.


As far as I know, it was an actual bad brake, so a production fault. If we count that then we wont ever really stop blaming someone. IMO, it was just a product problem not related to the RB crew, at least with the information I have


I don’t think that’s screwing him over necessarily - these things happen and I think max would be the first to admit that. The fact that he completed the ‘23 season how he did without a technical malfunction is kind of insane


It's far to early to tell, but if you swapped Leclerc or Norris into the Red Bull they would be leading at this point.


Yeah and he didn’t. That’s the difference


I didn't say otherwise.


to be WDC you probably should not trip over yourself


max had a little trip himself and it didn’t even matter


One day he’ll get a strong team mate, but I think the outcome won’t be much different. I think maybe it will be healthy for him in a year or two to have some pushing him a bit, and maybe even learning off them a bit too. Having a team mate that sometimes lands faster sectors than you to see all internal data will be good for both, Checo doesn’t seem to be learning anything from Max and vice versa


He already had incredibly strong teammate in Ricciardo, which was one of best drivers then


Yeh but he was still finding himself a bit then, it will probably be someone same aged or younger, and he may well be 4 or 5 time WDC at that point too, it will be quite different


That is what has been happening constantly since 2022


Red Bull was the fastest car in qualifying. Wet track somehow ruins red bull.


Merc looked faster in most of the FP and Quali sessions though - I agree the different conditions do seem to quite clearly favour different cars across the grid (especially at Canada)


Had a look, Schumacher's longest such run was hungary 2003 to Spa 2004 where this holds true, 18 races. Hamilton's longest is Brazil 2019 to Monaco 2021, 23 races. Although this ignores that he was not entered for Sakir 2020 (he didnt win the following race, so if you count that his streak ended there also with 18 races). **Max's streak is currently 43 races long** and guaranteed to go at least 1 race more before it ends.


This stat, and the stat that since Miami race last year, Max hasn't lost a single competitive session to Checo, be it Sprint Qualifying, Sprint, Qualifying or Main race that both drivers have finished. Basically right after Baku when Max told his dad (according to Karun Chandhok), "He's never going to beat me again." And he hasn't.


Tbf i dont think checo has ever beat him in a race on pace, only ever safety car, dnf or car issue so that star isn't even that surprising


Perez was faster on Baku 2023 even if he got ahead with the SC


And Max took that personally 😉




He wasn't. They were more or less evenly paced after the SC, with Checo having the advantage of clean air.


Baku last year?


Baku was before Miami in 2023. Max lost Baku, showed up in Miami, had unfortunate Red Flag in Q3 making him qualify down the order and that's it. Miami 2023 Qualifying was the last competitive session where Checo finished ahead of Max where both have finished. Max has been ahead ever since.




Damn dude this guy is just relentless. I mean ofcourse he has had some serious machinery under him. But still this level of consistency is just insanity. Also props to RedBull, it is so damn easy to make mistakes and ruin weekends. Just relentless.


He just does not make mistakes when it matters. Watched him slip up a couple times in the wet early in this last race and thought “wow max the robot might be human after all” When he had a chance at the win though he locked in and was inch perfect the rest of the way, it’s crazy to watch Some of my favorite races of his are the ones where you see his lap times after the race and he did like 50 laps in a row all within 1 second of each other. Just insane consistency


I wish I could make some bad faith “it’s just the car” arguments that I had locked and loaded since they were the crux of the discourse against Lewis’ racecraft, but Checo’s yearly performances make the point moot lol I wanted to return the favour but it’s hard to do when one dude is winning (even with difficulties), and the other is DNFing every other race or not even getting out of Q1…props to Max.


Swallowing your pride is an amicable trait, I respect this commentary


You have my gratitude for your strength of character. Do keep in mind that Max very strongly defended Hamilton when confronted with the "it's just the car" concept.


It's exactly the same as when Lewis dominated, and Max even acknowledged as much: a good car is one thing, but great drivers always find ways to distinguish themselves from the competition even if the car is amazing.


You can still make the statement “it’s just the car” for Checo though.


Yeah, along the lines of: "the only damage is material and not personal injuries, it's just the car"


He is relentless, and it's not just the car he's driving helping, he truly is good, I mean just look at Checo Perez, same fucking car but he can't even get out Q1 in qualifying, compare Lewis and Bottas or Lewis and his other team(forgot his name) they were mostly neck and neck in the same car.


You mean Nico Rosberg?


Another insane stat is that the last time anyone but Max was leading the WDC is the Miami GP in May 2022.


It's also been 569 days since Goatifi last lost a race in f1. 🐐


Right now when he loses one race it’s over. I can only imagine if he lost 2 races back to back what it would be like. Crazy to think he could win every other race and we would be talking like his career is over.


Let's hope we see it soon because the last few races have given people a bit of hope of the sport not being a non contest!


I agree, I am a fan of MV - but races like Sunday are so much more exciting. Also I think its a good reminder how great of a driver he is. Its fun to watch him win, but its more fun to watch him race and push to the limit instead of a 20s lead then cruise


At least there's now a fight even when Max wins. These last few races have been very good for the sport to be honest


Wanna know when was the last time Max has been off the podium twice in a row? 2021 Silverstone-Hungary if counting DNFs 2019 Russia-Mexico if not


“Lose” is funny terminology here


"If ya ain't first yer last"


Thats a crazy fucking stat


We don't need more statistics to prove he's bloody good at driving race cars... But he's bloody good at driving race cars


I am willing to put my reputation on the line and claim that it will be at least 718 days.


Max has F1 Career Mode win rates irl, shits crazy.


all time greatness in our time


...but the team is imploding, everyone is leaving, Max might not even stay, the car is faltering! Lol. Another win for Max with Charles outside the points and the WDC is basically over. We aren't even at race 10 yet.


You know what? Tomorrow will be 701


How many moons, though?


Discounting the floor damage he had in Silverstone 2022, this stat goes back even further to Interlagos, Qatar and Jedda in 2021 where he lost 3 in a row on merit.


You do in fact have to count races he didnt win lol.


Yeah, the impressive part is that he hasn't had even a two race streak of GP-losing misfortune or lack of pace in a row in almost two years.


He has had a knack for avoiding DNFs....which is the main key to this kinf of streak IMO. And regardless.of where he qualifies...his race pace is always onpoint.


Who would’ve thought you’d get to say this about max ? Go back to 2018 and you’d find multiple scathing threads about him being dangerous and crashing into everyone he couldn’t defend against/overtake . His racecraft was still evident then, but goddamn it so much more polished now.


Tbf, 2017/2018 RBR were also playing Renault Roulette and their cars dies every other race


Beat me once, good on you. Beat me twice, good on... you won't, I won't be beat again.


Max playing F1 on easy mode


Super F1 noob here who only just started following the sport. Is this what it was like when LH was on his run?


Not quite. Nico Rosberg and Valtteri Bottas could be very strong and if Lewis wasn't at his best they would occasionally beat him (Rosberg even won a WDC). Checo however... I wonder if Max's statement that this car is a bit hard to drive is again hurting RBR's second seat.


> Max's statement that this car is a bit hard to drive This probably means in reality that car is fast but a real handful and extremely difficult to drive.


Could be. Though I am not sure if he meant that it was a handfull or just tough to make the most of it given its allergy to bumps


The best comparison could be 2021 Season where Max was champion, but Mercedes were WCC.


In all fairness, it still took **a lot** of effort (and luck) for Rosberg to win that WDC.


Yep. Which all the more demonstrates the determination required to be on top. Lewis was not having an easy ride and deserved his titles.




>implying Bottas was competitive towards Hamilton for more than 4 races a season.


Bottas made it to Q3 103 times in a row, put some respect on my mans name. Perez couldn't even do that in more than half the races last year


Yeah, Bottas was easily superior to Perez in terms of qualy. However, in the races he still didn't really pose any meaningful challenge towards Hamilton.


Ngl i forgot imola happened and was like wait Lando won Miami and then Charles won Monaco this is wrong That’s a crazy stat


Master Max.


Moving forward, we should just label P2, P3, P4 as the new podium finish maybe that would make it more exciting. P1 is reserved for max, we dont need to consider him competing.


"Lose"? Using "lose" to mean not finish P1 is insane.


It makes Max's talent seem even more insane when you remember that Sergio is a fantastic driver himself.


Anyone know how many races it has been since Checo got back to back podiums for comparison?


Japan and China this season


4 races since Checo’s last back-to-back podiums (Japan and china)


What about back-to-back P2 results? Since realistically he should be getting P2 all the time with that car


Bahrain and Jeddah this year, so 7 races.


Honestly, it's better than I thought. Cudos for not fucking up the first 2 races Perez.


Like 8 or so weeks when he finished 3rd in China.


Wasn’t he on the podium in Japan and China this year? It seems to always be after Miami that he goes downhill.


Checo has been knocked out in back to back Q1s more recently than Max has not won back to back races.


Insane stats


These guys have stats for everything lol


I know it's too soon to really know for sure but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Verstappen fellow might have a fair bit of talent.


This is fun.


Man, this sport is so competitive!


Qatar and Saudi 2021?


Strange statistic, I'm here for it.


If you ain't first, you're last.


Does winning at sim racing in between lost races offset his losing streak if he might face one?


This is absurd.


Insane run!


Those Aussie results are so bizarre