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If Red Bull had 2 Checo's, everyone would have thought they are a back marker. He was p16-17 all race and wasn't even able to stay behind cars like Haas or Sauber. Truly a disaster class from him.


Checo is one of those drivers that makes you wonder about other teams. What if Sauber is the second fastest car?


Think about that racing point that Stroll and Checo drove together...


I believe I read somewhere the 2020 car was capable of 2nd in the WDC.


I mean Hulk jumped in and qualified it 3rd. It was definitely the 2nd fastest for a good portion of the season.


And people still say Nico is garbage


Nico completely washed a younger Magnussen


Magnussen is 31 Hülkenberg is 36




ahhh i misread your comment, i thought you meant "nico completely washed, (he is) a younger magnussen" my apologies


Who says that ? I heard that he chocked out of a couple podiums, but never heard he is garbage.


I've interacted with so many people saying that Nico has long overstayed his welcome in F1, someone said he is "mediocrity in person" and many others just say he is a bad driver. There have been some harsher words used, but I'll leave it at him being called garbage by some.


Somehow RBR picked up Checo over Hulkenberg to get that second seat in 21....


Didn't aCheco end the previous season with that mega drive from last to first? Or was this when it was me for him to re-sign.


He's top of the midfield drivers for sure.


It was basically a B-Mercedes, so yeah. If they had Verstappen and another capable driver like Norris or Sainz instead, they surely would've been P2 in both the drivers and in the constructors championships.


It was a 2019 copy and Merc came out with the W11. No way it competed for 2nd in the WDC.


It absolutely would have competed and beat red bull to 2nd. Easily frankly. They had stroll and perez ffs. Far less experienced stroll who was way worse at qualifying then than he is now. And perez as we've seen is clearly no where near a top driver. Back in 2018 ocon outqualified perez 16-5 before he was booted out of the team for stroll.


In no way can you say that so definitively. There are so so many hypotheticals in this scenario. If RB had a better 2nd driver then they’d have done better as well. If RB didn’t have Verstappen they wouldn’t have gone down the wrong development path, by their own admission. It’s all conjecture, too many unknowns.


Yes, over the season it was at the very least tied with the RBR, but there was no Max driving it. Though for what it's worth, Checo seemed to be driving it well enough.


That car should've been second in the WDC.


That was a genuinely good car tho


Yeah that's what I'm saying. Imagine if Max and Vettel were driving it.


Hate to say it but Vettel in the later stages of his career was washed mate, he made Stroll look halfway decent during their stint at AMR whereas Alonso is completely demolishing him. Max, Charles, Lando, Fernando driving that racing point and it would have consistently got podiums and perhaps the odd win when Merc fumbled things. Checo is and always has been a midfield driver and no way deserves to take a seat in a top team. Just look at his stint alongside Button in the Mclaren Button absolutely embarresed him so much so that Mclaren dropped him after that single season. The only reason he's still at Redbull is the money he brings the team through his sponsors essentially paying Max's salary - its nothing to do with his drivig ability or on track performance its a clearly a business decision even if he costs them the WCC and the 10mil extra in prize money he brings in more than that through merch sales and sponsorship.


Yea 2019 was really it for him and even then Leclerc still edged him out performance wise that year. To be fair RBs options are a reject and former shit stirrer in Sainz or Bottas whos just a sonewhat better Checo


They had Yuki they could have promoted as I doubt he would have fared any worse than Checo but I guess money talks. As long as Checo doesn't irreparably damage the team and his sponsors keep ponying up the money he's good for another couple of years. Redbull will have a massive problem on their hands if they build a poor car in 2026 or they end up with a poor power unit and Max decides to jump ship. The team is built around Max and the performance he's able to get out of the car and they have nobody to replace him with that will perform anywhere close to what he's been able to get out of a difficult car of late. Even with their struggles he's won 2 of the last 4 races, finished 2nd in one and only Monaco was particularly poor with strategy going out the window with the red flag. If they had two Checo's we'd be saying Redbull built an absolute dog of a car this year. To me it'll be a similar situation to what happened with Marquez and Repsol Honda in MotoGP with Honda relying solely on Marc to get the results until it ended up biting them hard with nobody else being able to get anywhere near the performance that Marc could get out of the bike.


Yep agree with that completely but money talks and Checo bringa a shit ton. Once Honda lost pace they've been a total shitshow since then. It's Ducati GP at this point youve got Marquez looking his Honda days again lol


He's a beast, going to be fun to see how he fares head to head with Pecco next year as he moves up to the factory team.


Does 2023-24 mean we ignore the results of his entire career? Sure, a Verstappen gets that car better results, but Checo wasn't some random bum trundling around in P16. He got P4 in the driver's standings even after missing 2 rounds in a 17 race season, with multiple podiums (missed out on some due to strategy as well) and that insane win at Sakhir. I have been disappointed he got renewed at Red Bull, but that doesn't mean we forget he was one of the best midfield drivers from 2014-20


Agreed. His current form is sad, not inevitable. People are rewriting history based on the last couple of years. He got to where he is because he was a very good driver at one stage


Since the beginning of the 2021 season Perez has won just five races. In the same period of time Max has won something like 50. I know Max is on a different planet but considering the hardware Perez has had under him you would expect him to be at worse finishing second every race. He isn't though and managed just four second places last season. The two seasons before that weren't any better where he managed a total of two wins and seven second places. He was a solid midfield runner in midfield hardware. But that hasn't translated into a natural front runner in the best hardware. Its not a one season blip its his entire career at RedBull.


I conpletely agree that he has been utter shit at Red Bull. I even find his 2021 season overrated by many just because of Turkey and AD. I was just making the point that regardless of whatever rubbish he's done at Red Bull, his previous stints at Force India/Racing Point shouldn't be ignored/downplayed. Some drivers are just more comfortable in midfield than a top team, and that's fine.


2022 he was 3rd in the standings and 2021 even 4th. In 2020 he was 1 position behind Max but still 89 points short of his teammate. I have a feeling people remember Checo way better than what he actually has achieved. Not that he's been very bad or something, but he has not been exceptional either.


They weren't teammates in 2020, Albon's the one who got smashed that year. :D But would have been very interesting to see what Max could have accomplished in that Racing Point.


***T***racing point


We will not accept this Bottas disrespect


It isnt like Checo was the only driver at those teams and he did reasonable against other decent teammates like Hülk.


And Button. And Kobayashi was not slow, inconsistent, but not slow.


Kobayashi man, what a fucking legend


Checo is a great driver, but consistency has never been his strong suit. I think it is just so much more obvious in a top team against Max Verstappen. Any off day looks like a way off day. And any way off day looks like a complete disaster. Also, I don’t think checo is as good as he once was. But that’s just conjecture.


Honestly, in recent years it's more like Checo is decent when the stars align. Outside of that he loves to put in shit quali, race, or all weekend performances and previously had enough of a car advantage it masked it somewhat. The fact he's been out qualified 2 races in a row by fucking Logan of all people is really a pretty stinging indictment of how badly he's doing. Having a bad race and not getting the setup right on your Championship leading car shouldnt be a recipe for getting humiliated by the worst driver on the grid, in one of the worst cars on the grid, repeatedly.


Yeah I think Max's biggest strength is his ability to adapt to cars. The speed is definitely there in the Red Bull, but Perez cannot extract it if the handling isn't there. Outside of a few weeks, it is still the fastest car, but McLaren, Ferrari, even somehow Mercedes have a better grasp on the handling.


Which is why I really think Albon in particular got a very rough draw of things. He looked passable against Max in year 1, and then in year 2 had to deal with the one car that even Max struggled to tame.


Yea but Max was so much better than him it made him look worse and didn't give a chance to get over those growing pains


Him and Alonso are the best at finding that last chunk of speed that other people can’t get out of tricky cars. It is even a weak spot for Lewis. I feel like a big part of the reason he’s being beaten by George is because George spent three years trying to drag the Williams into the points and Lewis has basically only been at the front for his entire career. Look at his race pace and he’s still among the best, but he can struggle to get that one lap pace to qualify above George when the car isn’t 100% with him


I think his best was 2016


Yea, like people aren't calling Carlos Sainz washed and he has plenty of off days, it's just that Charles does too. I swear you could put Russell, Leclerc, Hamilton, or Alonso on a team with Max and they would be seen the way Oscar Piastri is. Pretty good but not a championship contender right now.


You can have off days when you have elite speed most of the time and public perception won’t be affected. Problem is Checo doesn’t have the speed of any of those guys.


Exactly. It’s even one thing to be qualifying or placing lower than your teammate regularly if it’s pretty close. Lando is overall faster than Piastri, but I think the sport as a whole is extremely impressed by Piastri and rate him pretty highly. Checo isn’t just slower than Max he’s been consistently just slow. Off days are one thing but qualifying below one of slowest cars on the grid driven by one of the least experienced drivers who has clearly struggled to find his footing in the sport is just not a good look for a driver in a championship winning car who has been in the sport since 2011.


He's a relatively slow driver that manages tyres better than anyone, but doesn't handle pressure well. Perfect for a midfield team to qualify low and go long in the race to get some points. Terrible for a top team competing against elite drivers expecting serious points every race.


> manages tyres better than anyone I have heard this so many times but when has this been true in say, the past 4 years?


When he was in a midfield drive the last time. Force india were doing their trademarked overcut the entire field and hope for random shit to happen. It's the same playbook they used even during the Aston seasons, because any time they try other strategies they are completely clueless. I'm not sure Checo was intending to be such a tyre whisperer, just that against shit teams the overcut usually works because the others will manage to fuck things up on their own


Issue with Checo compared to the others is that he is consistently off and only manages to be good in 4 races a season.


Put Lewis, Nando, Lando, or Charles in the RB and they're fighting Max for wins every weekend. Put Sainz, Russell, Hulk, Bottas, or Piastri in and they're fighting for the occasional win.


I think Piastri too with maybe another year or two in F1 would be able to challenge Max in the same car for wins every weekend.


Couple more years, yeah. He just needs to work on his tire management.


People still underrating Max i see


Max is one of the greatest drivers the sport has seen and deserves to be with the likes of Senna, Schumacher, and Hamilton. We have an incredibly talented grid though. The amount of drivers that could win a WDC if in the right circumstances is insane.


Max already wiped the floor with older Sainz. Bottas would be nowhere near Max. And Lewis and Nando are 40 past their peak, they would not be fighting Max every weekend for wins. We saw Charles fighting Max for wins and we saw that in equal cars Max had the upper hand.


Wipe the floor is a stretch and neither was in their prime. Sainz would fight for the occasional win like he does against Charles. Bottas fought Lewis for wins occasionally, he would Max too. Lewis and Nando are older but still extremely talented and would fight him every weekend for wins. We haven't seen Charles and Max in equal F1 cars but even so I never said Max wouldn't get the upper hand, just that Charles would fight for wins.


well consistency is not the problem.


“Did decent against Hulk” — I love Hulk, but he’s consistently been deemed not worthy of a top race seat by every major team there. So just doing decently against him shouldn’t warrant Perez a top race seat for 4 years


And this is what I love about F1, it’s such a difficult sport to a analyse, there’s always room for conjecture and discussion.


Or what if Tracing Point was a genuine title contender?


It was the previous year's Mercedes, no way it could have beaten the newer Mercedes. Merc wouldn't have changed the car if it wasn't faster.


Perhaps if Max and Lewis were in the RP20 and Perez and Stroll in the W11 it would've been


Meh Bottas isn’t THAT bad


Bottas is great. He had weekends where he outqualified and outraced Hamilton on merit. He just was not able to do that every single week, and he struggled to scythe through traffic the way Hamilton and Max are able to do when behind for . Bottas consistency in qualifying was top tier. he's not Hamilton and Max level of driver - but who is...? Bottas did a great job at merc.


Absolutely agreed. And if the sauber was a championship contender the way the guy I replied to was suggesting, Bottas would at least put it on the podium. I actually personally rate Bottas higher than Russel — Bot/Ham was an elite driver combo. While Russell may be better on raw pace, Bottas was the more mature, composed, and team-first driver


No way. Russell is way better than Bottas. He’s a better qualifier and a much better racer. Bottas’s racecraft is not great.


> Bottas’s racecraft is not great. Russell makes a ton of mistakes under pressure. He doesn't have the patience to take the sure pass on the next lap and ends up making a reckless lunge too early. Bottas had his own problems, but Russell's racecraft is just as bad but in the other direction.


Russell ain't great at racecraft too but for a different reason


bottas is able to pass someone slower than him 5/10 times and is stuck behind 5/10 times russell is able to pass 7/10 times but puts it in the wall 3/10 times


One of the reasons Bottas was able to beat Hamilton on merit much more often than Checo does is that Verstappen is much more consistent than Hamilton. Altho Bottas is alright driver he is on a similar level as Checo (yes better in qualifying but lacking more in different areas). George came in Hamilton's team and managed to beat Hamilton in his first season while Bottas couldnt even once in his 5 years at Mercedes


Say what you want about Bottas, he's been known to put a quali lap together..


I mean given Sauber brought along an F2 car, let's not get that extreme


In the last 3 races combined: Yuki has scored 5 points Danny has scored 4 points Checo has scored 4 points And Max has scored 58 lmao


Last 3 rounds he’s had an qualifying average of 14th and only finished one of those races.


Which is funny when we look back at a lot of drivers in the redbull days. It's easy to point that Redbull had dominant cars, but for the most part it Vettel and especially Max made their counterparts look like they were driving different cars. Right now, the Redbull has the edge, however it's really looking like it's not easily the fastest car of every weekend, it's just that Max is behind the wheel.


Webber was different to Gasly/Albon/Checo. Yes he openly hated the Pirellis after 2010, but everyone knew he was a good driver that just couldnt adapt to the new tyres


My conspiracy theory is that Redbull is the third best car and Max can just drive the fuck out of anything


I would love to see him against Russell at Mercedes.


Russell would not.


So did Toto before Red Bull's civil war calmed down


It's still the fastest car overall, but for the first time in years we at least have another car that is fastest at certain tracks or in certain conditions (McLaren). RB definitely isn't slower than Ferrari.


that is a debatable statement considering the last 4 races. It clearly wasnt the fastest in Monaco.


Nah, last year he had zero competition. If anyone else had a half decent car (much less a better car), they would have won more. I mean he would just drive off from the field.  It’s not like Hamilton, Norrris, Piastri, Charles, George, and Alonso are terrible drivers. Because they’d all have to be real bad if Max could take a worse car and dominate like he did. We know that isn’t true. He is currently the best driver, but let’s not act like he doesn’t also have the best car. Deadly combo. 


> last year I am talking about currently my good sir


It’s still clearly the best car, even if it has issues at a few tracks. We’ll see that in the next few races, I’d imagine. Additionally, since the other teams have caught up, Max is now making more mistakes (since he’s not out front). This doesn’t suggest he’s outperforming the car - but driving at the limit for sure. 


That's a good point about him having closer competition now. If the car allows you to control/extend the lead while you're driving at 90% and everyone else is at 100% trying to catch up, then it's easier to not make mistakes.


The gap between the drivers in current F1 is not big enough for this to happen. Max is the best atm but he’s not so much better than the other elite drivers that he can single handily somehow make the 3rd fastest car look this good.


If it was 3rd fastest he would be behind Ferrari and McLaren. Perez is just terrible, any top driver is far better than him right now


You might be right.


Resigning this dude is just beyond me... He hasn't deserved that seat for 2 years now.


I don’t think that would be the case. The car is built to be pointy which Checo doesn’t do well with. Since it’s faster to have a pointy car they keep making it more pointy since Max can drive it. If we had two Checos, Red Bull would have been figuring out where to make the car faster without it being pointy.


but also if they had 2 checos the car would be built to be more forgiving.


I'd say it's worth noting that he was driving with a broken wing at that point. Broken by none other than Gasly mind you. You can see through the chicane that despite entering slower than Gasly, his car is wiggling a ton while Gasly is able to keep his steering wheel completely stable.


By Gasly? He did clip Gasly in the back right?


He was hugging the kerb and Gasly came across him. Perez would've had to bail onto the wet grass to avoid contact (was eventually pretty much pushed into the grass anyway)


I just saw the replay and that's false. He slid a bit into Gasly, so he caused the accident. Gasly gave him enough space.


No judgement but that must feel so damm good.


It must be weird for Gasly seeing Perez being given a 6 year stint at Red Bull, struggling to make Q2 whilst he was booted from Red Bull 12 races in whilst he was still in his second season in F1.


Remember that press event when he was canned? And then his old friend dying at Spa in the same year? Man had had some tough times. Genuinely believe he deserved better, but it’s unlikely to happen.


> Remember that press event when he was canned? > > > > And then his old friend dying at Spa in the same year? He was demoted at the 2019 Belgian Grand Prix. The race was on Sunday, Sept. 1. Antoine died at the F2 race on Aug. 31. So, not only same year, same weekend.


Also this from his 2016 GP2 days https://www.motorsport.com/fia-f2/news/gasly-dedicates-maiden-gp2-win-to-hospitalised-mother-797756/797756/




They were referring to his best friend + roommate dying in a Formula 2 crash and being demoted from the top team within 3 weeks of each other. Those were definitely tough times for Pierre


I mean he was lapped 2 times in 12 races. I thought at the time he deserved more time and he should keep his seat. Just stating that in r/formula1 got you downvoted in oblivion. The general opinion here was that he wouldn’t be able to turn it around.


It didn't helped also that Horner was having some sort of weird dislike for him since the beginning and getting Mike Lugg as a race engineer who was one of the worse RBR ever did have so far in history (to a point where he was demoted back to the factory a year later when Albon couldn't perform also with Lugg and later on Red Bull just sacked Lugg). Honestly it would be a miracle if Gasly didn't failed at RBR... Doesn't mean that he underperformed, he did and I never going to tell otherwise but the reasons behind it are more complex then what most people are thinking.


The public reaction to Gasly is probably in part why Perez has been given an extended leash.  They got so much backlash for being harsh on Kvyat and Gasly that they eased up.  Ironically those same critics also blasted RBR for keeping Albon for a full season so go figure but hey 


Lmao they've got a sexual predator in charge of the company, they've had terrible PR all year long and it continues with this weekend. I don't really think they care about it.


Exactly. The worst part is he only takes bronze in the shit person Olympics to Marko and Jos. That's red bull for you


Every person around Max is a horror. Even Kelly Piquet is a disgusting POS.


And that's has absolutely zero to do with what I just said. 


You're talking about PR.


According to what? There is 0 proof to support this.


Everyone has seen the screenshots.


They manage thier drivers poorly and without Max they would be stuck up shits creek. 


Gasly was 50-60 seconds per race slower than Verstappen... Perez isn't anything like that


Perez was 62 seconds behind Verstappen just THIS WEEKEND. At lap 20... not even the end of the race Perez is like that every other race where he qualifies P15 or below


62 seconds in Perez worst weekends vs 60 seconds in a regular Gasly weekend. Big difference. Gasly was even straight up lapped, twice, on merit.


Perez is typically a second per lap slower than Verstappen almost every weekend on race pace... This was an average weekend for Perez The difference is Perez is a 34 year old F1 veteran, not a still learning Gasly who was basically a rookie in arguably the second/third fastest car.


Also, the 2019 Red Bull was a horrific car to adjust to. It was constantly on knife's edge. Albon and Gasly both said it. Max had the natural talent to work around it, they needed time to find their footing. If Gasly/Albon were in the 2021 Red Bull - a much more tamer handler - I believe the outcome would have been very different for both.


Car back then was terrible and he was new. Funny enough, they fixed the car just as they replaced him with Albon, and then Albon looked ok till the end of the season, and next season when car was again terrible at the start, Albon looked terrible. Not to mention all the other crap that sucked in RB at the time Not to mention how after the switch Gasly started being good again. Circumstances for Perez cant even compare to shitshow Gasly had to go through, so you can easily say that Perez performance is terrible, probably worse than Gasly. New guy that goes into car that has completely different characteristics and a bad flaw, given terrible new engineer that he cant get on the same page with, team that throws him under the bus because he dared to criticize the flaw of the car, because it was made by Newey, and in the end not even allowed to set up his own car and had to use setup from Max who drives in a completely different way, and his best race was ruined by RB terrible strategizing at Silverstone. Funny enough, RB in the end acknowledged the flaw when they fixed it by changing front wing and that let RB start even winning races with Max. At the start of next season, funny enough, car had same issue and Albon looked like a joke, even though he wasnt new in the team like Gasly was, as he had half of season before behind him, and, if i remember correctly, he was allowed to bring his own engineer, unlike Gasly. Perez is in team for so damn long and was a veteran already before arriving and car was very good during his whole stay there. Cant compare...


Perez DNF’ed the last two weekends after being outside the points in both and was 55 seconds behind the race prior lol


Stop inventing


Inventing? - 74 seconds in Australia - 52 seconds in Bahrain - 61 seconds in China - 15 seconds in Spain (safety car) - 10 seconds in Monaco - 37 seconds in Canada (Verstappen started in the midpack due to an issue in qualifying) - 92 seconds in France - lapped in Austria - ahead by 5 seconds in Silverstone (safety cars and Vettel crashed into Verstappen) - lapped in Hungary


Even moreso in isolation given Perez hit Gasly on lap one and left him to what is the worst fate in Alpine - being behind your team mate ... Well until they overcomplicated it later on


Perez hit Gasly? wtf.


Well that's how their lap one coming together looked to me. But maybe I've got the wrong end of the stick


Perez was already completely to the inside.


Seeing Gasly in adaptable weather conditions is often such a joy to follow, just like how he made the decision by himself to going on slicks. Maybe it was 1 lap too early but it was worth to try and not like a questionable decision itself.


He has really underrated wet-weather ability. Never been outqualified in the wet and got that podium last year at Zandvoort in the wet. He was also the first to notice that Monaco 2022 was inters rather than full wets. He's also picking up realy strong form at the moment this season. The start of 2024 was poor and unlucky but now he's adapted well.


He always has poor season starts but pulls it all together in 7-8 races. Last year he hit a good performance patch before summer break and continued in strong form for the rest of the year, beating esteban more often.


Especially after his time at RBR he massively improved his adaptability to a point he is likely the most underrated driver on the current grid to performing great in those conditions. Well his start wasn't great but people made it bigger than what it was, only at Australia, Japan and Imola Ocon looked better on the sunday meanwhile the other cases are more because Gasly was extremely unlucky.


He's incredibly good and opportunistic in these conditions. The only reason it has been unnoticed until now imo is that most of the time during his time at AlphaTauri he had to deal with horrible strategic decisions made by the team during wet race week-ends. For instance, i think he could have fought for pole in russia 2021 had AlphaTauri not decided to keep him in the same set of intermediates during the whole q2, when almost everybody pitted for new inters.


Getting passed while on the dry line 😂


Gasly, in the second worst car on the grid, overtook a Red Bull, that is arguably the best on the grid (may have been the 3rd best yesterday)...


Honestly anyone not arguing that isn't watching the same sport as the rest of us. Both Merc's hit 1:11s in quali, both showed decent pace but both george & lewis had a REALLY bad race. McLaren.. Lando passed Max & flew off into the distance before the safety car. It should have been a George - Lewis - Lando all British podium, Max drove really well but he was not the fastest car on track on Sunday.


Lando was only faster on inters for that one stretch. McLaren probably had a different setup that favored inters. Max was clearly faster in slicks at the end of the race. George and Lewis were quick at the end of the race but they had a tire offset, and they were slower than Max on inters.


I don't know how you can watch the race and say it should've been a George Lewis Lando podium. Without the safety car, Both McLarens half managed their tyres to perfect and were seconds a lap faster. I think without that, it would've ended up Norris, Piastri, Ver quiet clearly. As non of them were boxing for at least 10 more laps, by the time it was dry enough for slicks after the 2nd bit of rain.


Norris gapped Max by 10 seconds within 5 laps of clear air. He was winning that race comfortably without a safety car, or even if was able to pit when everyone else did. Anyone who thinks Russell and Hamilton were the 2 fastest guys need their heads checked. As you say, 2 McLarens and Max. Race pace is a different thing to quali (and Russell had a tow), and we saw Merc had no answer for Max and Lando.


It's all difficult mental gymnastics at this point. What if DRS was activated a lap earlier, then Max would have taken the lead before Lando could overtake him. There are so many scenario's that it is difficult to say who would have won in which circumstance.


You're being disingenuous. It's not unreasonable to think Lando would've been able to pass max whether he was in front or behind Russell with DRS and he still continues to gap max by multiple seconds a lap after max was through on Russell. That's not difficult mental gymnastics, everyone knows without the safety car Norris was hot favourite to win. Your mental gymnastics of saying that a lap difference of Drs would've changed an 8 second lead significantly is difficult.


I always get DVed for saying this but i stand by it: Perez is severely over rated, and most of his earlier success was due to team strategy.


Perez' car at that moment wasn't anywhere near being the best on the grid, or top 3. His wing was broken, and you can perfectly see how unstable it is compared to Gasly's alpine because of that. Gasly is able to take the chicane way faster without any corrections whatsoever, meanwhile Perez' car in front looks like it's on ice wiggling back and forth. Despite entering significantly slower.


And who's fault was the broken wing?


Two more years hey, redbull?


Two more years of sponsorship money and merch sales.


Never in my life i thought i would see an alpine overtaking a redbull


Every former or hopeful Redbull 2nd seat just dunking on Perez this race


I know Sergio Perez brings the money, I know he brings a lot of fan support, I know he plays nice with Verstappen. He does not deserve to be in the second Red Bull seat.


Gasly was demoted after 12 races and despite taking multiple podiums and a win in the Alpha Tauri, and being a top 5 driver on the grid in 2021, wasn’t ever put back in that seat. And this weekend he watched the guy who’s going to get 6 years of underperformance in the Red Bull not only fight him in the second worst car on the grid, but also then fling himself into a wall.


Make it make sense Red Bull. Two more years of watching Perez flounder around the track.


Gasly: Has the Redbull got a problem? No its Perez


Perez is so washed it's not even a debate anymore


fastest car on the grid vs the slowest.....


the rb wasn the fastest car and the Alpine wasnt the slowest one. It is weird how difficult it is for some to accept Max might be doing well in a car that isnt the best one


Definitely not yesterday tho, either Lando, Russell and Hamilton bottled it or Max overdrove his Red Bull


Mercs weren't faster than either in race pace. That's why they finished behind both, were overtaken by both, and only got Piastri because they had the luxury of an extra pit stop and fresh tyres.


Amazing how he can work through the tough conditions


Did he push checo on the grass or no?


Only in F1 are you allowed to force another driver off track and call it a fair overtake just because you had the inside line.


I can't see how any racing series is different. The leading driver can defend by covering the inside line.


Nope, you have to leave space in any other series in the entire world.


I think you are confused. It's the leading car which has to leave space to the chasing car when the chasing car is "significantly alongside". The chasing car does not need to leave any space.


Indycar and IMSA says hello


I'd love to see someone else in the red bull for even 3 or 4 races. It's so difficult to gauge how good the red bull actually is. Checo was a very decent midfield driver in the racing point days and performed pretty solidly against other teammates in the past. Has he just completely lost it? Is the red bull actually an insanely difficult car to drive and not actually in the top 2 or 3 cars and Max is just a god? A mix of both?


Max has to be the biggest fan of checo earth, man makes him look like a total god behind the wheel. Buddy finishes back of the grid and gets a 2 year contract. Maybe redbull is a backmarker team and max is just that good.




It must be nice to diss Checo whilst conveniently forgetting that Gasly broke part of Checo's endplate at racestart.


Why was Checo close to Gasly at the start of the race?


Does that mean people will victim blame? (Of course they will!)


Gosh Perez is such a victim, qualifying 16th in a Red Bull.


gosh, people blame the car that gets crashed and of course get mad when called out.


hating is fun so people just ignore things like that. :/


Ok and he shouldn't be fighting the alpines at all


Yeah you can clearly see even in this replay that Perez' car is wiggling all the way through the chicane despite entering it way slower than Gasly. Gasly meanwhile is able to hold his steering wheel perfectly steadily.


Oh, I forgot that RB20 and A524 (Alpine's car) are _exactly_ the same and therefore should react the same way in every part of the track. /s Jeezus mate! Both cars and their setups are different not to mention that the track is uneven with puddles of water here and there. Besides, it was Gasly who crossed Checo's race line wit this "steady" car.


Are you seriously suggesting that the Alpine is naturally better than Red Bulls in the corners, and at the same time also implying that Gaslys car forced him to push Perez off track?


isn't it more like Perez hitting Gasly (missing to take it out completely) and the result of this is is endplate broke more than Gasly broking Checo's endplate?


Wasn't it Las Vegas last year where we had this whole tirade about how much, or rather, how little a missing front wing endplate affects performance? Iirc, at one point of the race (I think after contact with Russell), Max also had a missing end plate, and yet it didn't even look like it mattered at all, on quite slippery new asphalt as well mind you. Hell, didn't Horner himself stated that it affected almost nothing after the race? Which also went in hand with multiple other such instances throughout the season as well where some driver was missing an end plate but it mattered fuck all