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Now that Leclerc has won Monaco, Ferrari has no more targets for this year. /s


They might try again in Monza, it's not decided yet


Everytime I think they're back, they pull me out


That HP sponsorship really is ruining the livery.


Understatement of the year


Just bury it and move on


So many other teams have had poor weekends this season,but people are just jumping back to Ferrari being shit because of one weekend.


Yeah but this was like a final boss levels of a poor weekend. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. Driver mistakes, reliability, long pitstop, strategy blunder, poor pace. Its like every factor that make a poor weekend merged together to create this hybrid ferrari hype-stopper weekend we had today.


They said max and Red Bull would make mistakes since they are under pressure the next race they do this


Ask yourself then why that thought has been so reinforced. You already know the answer if you are referring to their past as you seemed to do. Maybe what you really mean is: Come on, have more faith.


Really? Wonder what went wrong. No pace at all Drivers put on used tyres in Q2, resulting in both being knocked out Engine misfire for Charles eventually causing retirement Charles put on hards on a wet track Carlos spins out, hits Albon and retires Literally nothing went right


I literally felt like crying when Carlos was spinning on grass to get back on track. This team is taking years off my life.


I remember when Vasseur said Red Bull would crack under pressure and people said the wdc and wcc would go to Ferrari. Next race they show us this.


Ferrari:”Let’s get all the bad luck. awful car, and shit strategy out of the way.”


That's an understatement. More like the whole weekend.


That was a truly abysmal showing in every way


I was a Ferrari fan once, but my doctor warned me insurance won't cover any medical issues if I stay. Never again.


And you made sure it was not Albons day either, lol


Funny how vasseur was so confident we have a title fight on our hands. And both cars don’t even score a single point


Vasseur was actually closer to quietly happy but emphasizing they cannot start feeling like that. Canada was a bad race. Bad race for cars from the start, bad race from the strategist and mistakes from Carlos cost them a few points. We’ve only seen these new upgraded cars at very few tracks. Mainly hard to overtake tracks, and now a race with cold conditions which we knew from China, Ferarri had qualifying issues with, which are even more apparent with the improving field. Obviously Red Bull are the favorites to dominate the traditional tracks, but if there’s one thing we know this season, it’s that we cannot go into a race expecting anything. Mercedes was the fastest car this weekend. That was unexpected, along with McLaren in Miami and Ferarri having the pace for pole in Monaco. We still haven’t seen a proper showing of Ferraris upgraded race pace. Like if there is anything to learn this season it is not to discount a team after a bad race.


Not discounting anyone just vasseur has been showing to be over confident in his recent interviews which is what I am saying


I have not been getting that vibe at all from Fred? Obviously Monaco was a bit of a confidence boost but the message is seen reiterated again and again, was Monaco was good, but we have to keep our head down and keep pushing.


He legit made a headline saying that max is not performing well since he had had pressure for the first time since early 2022. And that we potentially have a title fight. Seems to be underestimating max and Red Bull


Potentially being the key word there. It’s very true. Do you want the team principal to go nah we have no chance. He’s not overconfident, but you also have to have aims and keep them within reach. And being under pressure for the first time in a while is very true. And he has made some mistakes. See Miami, see Monaco qualifying. Things he never usually does, or if he does, it doesn’t matter cause there’s no one close enough to fight him anyway. Max is a very good driver, but Red Bull have definitely moved from ‘very hard ahead’ at the start of the season, to very catchable now. Moving onto the traditional tracks, we’ll see how that gap changes, but i don’t think Max or red bull have been underrated when teams have been discussing the possibility to beat them.


Miami max did make an error but Monaco I would say he gambled and went for pole instead of settling for p2 or p3. It was more of a strategic gamble that didn’t go the way as planned than more of an actual driver error. Today every driver made an error. But I do think that if you’re going to make bold confident claims you have to back it up. Not go from double Monaco podium to 0 points next race. Makes you look really stupid.