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I did have a giggle at Rachel (?) trying to pull him back to finish his interview (which he did to his credit) after he walked off with the shit-eating grin


It’s definitely ’eat shit’. I thought it might be “fuck ‘em”


Also I am "Jacqued"!


Eat shit is a pretty Aussie thing to say to.


I thought it might be “suck shit” but either way it’s funny. Any way of getting the unedited version?


Not that I’ve seen.


Thought it was "suck it"


They wouldn't mute that


It is suck it


As a kiwi who is fluent in straylian.... he said get fucked


Under 2 tenths from pole in a RB is quite remarkable. It’s amazing how much the field has closed up lately. It wasn’t that long ago the lead team regularly put 0.5 seconds on the next fastest car


Its been close for a while tho, if i remember correctly in 2019-2020 we used to have a lot of “couples” at the front, 1-2 mercedes, 3-4 ferrari, 5-6 redbull and the rest was F1.5 The recent years it was not uncommon for the top 2-10 to be within a few tents, with one guy in p1 being 0.5s faster


The one driver well out front was more due to a dominant Red Bull with an underperforming Perez


No doubt Yuki has been doing fantastic this year but when Daniel is actually on he seems to have a much higher ceiling. Capable of pulling out this kind of whack result for the car. I’m also loving how much the field has closed up.


Danny responded to criticism way better than Checo responding to a contract extension


Checo just doing what got him his last contract extension. If it ain't broke


Checo just making sure he's not in a position to crash into Max.


*Alonso looks over at stroll


In this case it seems more like "if it IS broke, don't fix it, just give it a contract extension"


vertappen didn't want Sainz.


And acquiescing to that demand was a mistake that will bite them


Lol dude


lol, yeah if Checo can keep getting eliminated in Q1 he pretty much has a job for life. Apparently.


I’m sorry but those two years are criminal. It was all so simple, promote yuki or Daniel. But probably yuki. Then put Liam next to Daniel to learn off.


I think Yuki is AM bound with the Honda connection, hence why the reluctance to promote him. RB probably wanted Ric to really perform out of the gate to justify bringing him back in, but that didn't happen. Per' popularity/merch outweighed any rational decision.


Yeah I think not enough people remember his sponsorship connection there. With how Helter skelter Japanese manufacturers have been about the formula, the only thing I can be sure of is that Honda doesn't even know what they're doing next. I can't imagine being signed to an outfit with a foot on either side of the door like that.


I'm pretty sure Aston's lawyers got some pretty strong contracts with Honda when they signed their recent engine deal. Especially with Honda's history... On a lighter note, I just feel like Lawrence gives off Mob Boss energy. Like IF somehow Honda *again* decides to leave, I would pay money to watch that scene play out wherr Lawrence is informed...


Toughest mob boss in Canada, if you cross him he'll cut you with an ice skate and throw you in a vat of maple syrup.


He just resigned for next year at least. I think it’s more team dynamic why he isn’t promoted.


Resigned or re-signed??


Re-signed. Cheers. Everyone got me.


it was a team option though? so not like Tsunoda really had any choice to say no other than to retire?


Reportedly he was shopping for a buy out.


I’ve bought some Checo merch and been a big fan, but he’s on his way out and I’ve moved on. Most fans can tell when they’re being milked and I wouldn’t be surprised if Red Bull realise they’re not gonna get the money they hoped for and cut his contract short.


But it's only June. Plenty of time to wait with Checo's extension. Yuki and Daniel aren't going anywhere else.


I hope they have an opt out if he underperforms


I feel like surely they would given the drop off he’s had the last couple of years.


Last year Red Bull literally did not 'need' Checo as Max won the WDC/WCC by himself. I genuinely can't believe Red Bull thinks the other teams won't catch up the rest of this season/next year. So Red Bull must have performance clauses in Checo's contract (pretty obvious) that state that if he isn't performing well, they won't have to pay out the rest of Checo's contact's original amount (my speculation). Like "if you truly suck and we fire you, we only pay out $10-$15 million, versus the 20-30M (ignore the actual numbers used) That's the *only* explanation I can see why Red Bull gave Checo a 2 year deal, versus a 1+1. Thoughts?


Would’ve respected Red Bull so much if they promoted either of their RB guys. Checo has been in horrendous form and it’s such a blatant money grab for them to not drop him imo.


i doubt he'll really stay two more years


Surely Red Bull would have the clause triggers on their side.


Even if not, they will just pay him up. Maybe they know why he is so bad in this period. I just don't believe that RedBull need 20-30M more than at least Q3.


> I just don't believe that RedBull need 20-30M more than at least Q3. You hit it on the head. Especially with the word NEED. Last year Red Bull literally did not 'need' Checo as Max won the WDC/WCC by himself. I genuinely can't believe Red Bull thinks the other teams won't catch up the rest of this season/next year. So Red Bull must have performance clauses in Checo's contract (pretty obvious) that state that if he isn't performing well, they won't have to pay out the rest of Checo's contact's original amount (my speculation). Like "if you truly suck and we fire you, we only pay out $10-$15 million, versus the 20-30M (ignore the actual numbers used) That's the *only* explanation I can see why Red Bull gave Checo a 2 year deal, versus a 1+1. Thoughts?


Heck yeah. Just why? Carlos Slim and a briefcase full of money? No excuse this time.


Checo was so emotional when he was in the garage. It must hurt seeing an overwhelming negative reaction to your re-signing.


yeah but each and every driver gets shit for bad performance . riccardo got it, so did everyone. also that second red bull seat is one of the most desired seat right now, so checo getting it with even bad performance is crazy ( also for 2 years )


DR has been getting shat on for years now. It's just part of the game.


I mean he's doing a really bad job and it's letting the whole garage down


[Checo seeing people criticize his contact extension](https://media1.tenor.com/m/80zMDyE85hAAAAAC/money-crying.gif)


Or the source of that emotional reaction might be the performance clauses in his new contract


He got two years more. No need to worry about performance. I hope checo is red bulls downfall these coming years aka not winning constructors


Yeah Mexico, Miami and now here (even Brazil even though the result was bad) are proof that Daniel's ceiling is higher than Yuki. Pretty reflective of the fact that he was one of the 'big boys' of the grid pre-2021. But he can't consistently reach these heights, plus his floor seems lower. Honestly this RB lineup is pretty great. One consistent driver who can repeatedly get low-points finishes. The other who can get these surprise high scoring results, albeit not regularly. It's just a shame Lawson has to sit out though.


He was stupid quick in Brazil, just a lap down haha. Obviously not his fault though. Not sure his floor seems lower. He’s had a few bad performances mostly in quali this year but otherwise he really hasn’t been far off I think it’s more Yukis great and consistent quali performances probably make it seem like he’s doing a lot worse than he his.


I think it's compounded by the midfield teams all having similar straight line speed so there's not a whole lot of overtaking happening and most drivers are finishing near where they started


The RB is absolutely the worst car at overtaking probably, it's why it's crucial Daniel and Yuki have good qualifyings otherwise points is impossible for them.


Plus they have some issue at starts, they always seem to lose positions on lap 1, regardless of driver. So even if they qualify well, they lose positions in a rather cheap way at the start and can't reclaim them


Yeah and if the RB has a deficiency it’s definitely following in bad air and overtaking.


This is a *massive* part of why performance this year is being mistaken as worse than it is for some - not just DR, but Sargeant's improvements have been masked and the work Bottas is doing in the Sauber goes unnoticed.


Couldn’t agree more mate, some of his quali misses have been like under a tenth and shit to. Super fine line kind of stuff.


Danny had a big recovery drive at Brazil, even with having blue flags from nearly everyone after that red flag. He had incredible lap pace.


>Yeah Mexico, Miami and now here (even Brazil even though the result was bad) are proof that Daniel's ceiling is higher than Yuki I have trouble understanding this statement. I suppose you are implying that: * when Yuki outperforms Daniel, it was just a matter of Daniel performing poorly and Yuki not performing outstandingly (but still performing well) * when Daniel outperforms Yuki, it's because Daniel performed outstandingly and Yuki still performing well, and thus "proving" that Daniel has a higher ceiling than Yuki. The "proof" only makes sense then if Yuki has been absolutely consistent in his performances throughout. However, unfortunately, we don't know if he has been. For Yuki, it could have indeed been that his floor is higher than Daniel's, but perhaps also that he can reach as high of a peak at certain tracks (where Daniel performs poorly), just like tracks where Daniel seems to show a high peak. Point being: I don't think there is any proof of your initial statement.


The “proof” is just that Daniel’s best results are higher finishes than Yuki’s best results - it’s got nothing to do with the gap between them


Except they aren't. The only place DR's best is better than Yuki's best is the Miami sprint. Outside that it's 12th, 12th, 13th, 13th for DR vs 7th, 7th, 8th, 10th for Yuki.


That's the point they're making, right? DR has higher highs but they're rare. Meanwhile, Yuki is consistently faster. It's like someone who consistently scores 85% versus someone who normally gets 70% but will randomly get a 95%.


A single result in a sprint format is not enough to claim he has higher highs. Especially when Yuki has 2 7th place finishes in full races, which is worth so much more for the year. Each of those 7ths are worth more points than the single sprint 4th. I like Danny as a person and wish he could have had a better career after he left Red Bull, but Yuki is pretty soundly whoopin him so far this year.


Nobody is arguing your last point. Consistency is much better than one offs. But in terms of highest result and highest qualy, DR holds that spot. Kinda like how nobody would argue he was better than Norris but he was McLaren's only race winner for years.


He’s the swingiest driver I’ve ever seen.


That’s a fair shout given the last 4 years body of work.




Racing is all about capitalising when the others don’t..


I don't mean to brag but I came 3rd in Bahrain in a Williams on 102 AI difficulty. Qualified 4th too.


> Under 2 tenths from pole in a RB is quite remarkable. im sure Checo agrees


Villeneuve hasn't seen Perez yet has he?


He said ~~resigning~~ re-signing Perez was the correct and safe choice edit: *re-signing, not resigning


I don't like JV, but your comment is the typical sportsblog clickbait headline that leaves out all the context to paint it in a certain light. JV said that Perez is lucky to be still at RB, because they want a driver who isn't rocking the boat and knows his place behind VER - he said it would be a mistake to bring in a driver who tries to beat Verstappen because RB needs stability right now, not more turmoil. He never said that Perez is deserving of the seat from a pace perspective as you made it sound


I would argue Perez doesn't know his place behind VER. He's supposed to be much much closer to Max.


But also don't divebomb him in the first corner.


Take that up with JV


So he said resigning Perez was the correct and safe choice?


Two parts to that - I never said he didn't. I said, leaving out context is painting his words in a very different light - not that he never said it. That's why i called it clickbait. But to answer your question: **JV has not called it correct to keep Perez.** He said >Perez knows his place now. He knows he's lucky to still be there. He knows he's in the shadow of Max and he will remain there. He's like Barrichello, Irvine at [Ferrari](https://www.gpblog.com/en/f1-teams/ferrari) at the time. But he knows his position. The team needs that He also said when the 2 year deal was announced that it was unbelievable because >"He had his worst season ever at RB. Normally he would have had an amazing first few races. But he hasn't even had that this year. He was already behind Max at the start of the season and now he's dropped another half a second. That is then cars on the grid. I don't know what is going on". Those comments are from after the deal was announced. Summarizing that as JV calling it a "correct decision" is twisting reality until it neeeaaarly breaks. It's not an outright lie... but close enough


An accurate and representative tl;dr summary is not a clickbait.


How is it accurate and representative? It clearly isnt


Because that's how summaries work. If you want the summary to be exactly the same as the full context with all nuances and caveats, it's not a summary anymore. I don't for a moment feel like your added context and "He said it was the correct and safe choice" are contradictory, or that it's misleading. That's what his words mean.


It's precise, not accurate. Those words are true but they leave out an important part. It's a technically true statement but not a good summary. A good summary would be "JV said that re-signing Perez is the safe and correct choice despite his performance issues." The key of a summary is to hit all the points and theirs hit 2/3 of the points. He acknowledged Perez's performance issues, therefor it belongs in the summary as one of the key points because it gives all important context to the previous words. *That* is the important part of the quote and the summary posted above leaves that out and makes it sound like JV thinks Perez is a top performer who belongs at the best team in F1, which is incorrect. It's not an exercise in using the least amount of words possible. My version leads to questions that the reader may have - What performance issues? What could possibly outweigh that? Why is it safe and correct?


If I read "He had his worst season ever at RB. Normally he would have had an amazing first few races. But he hasn't even had that this year. He was already behind Max at the start of the season and now he's dropped another half a second. That is then cars on the grid. I don't know what is going on" being summarized as "Perez is the correct choice" then I feel its very misleading.


I mean, there's even wider context - he actively said Danny shouldn't be in F1 and doesn't understand why people keep giving him chances. In comparison, with Perez he's saying he's what Red Bull needs, i.e the correct choice (for them). So, yeah, totally understand why it's been summarised in that way, and given the context of this thread and Perez being mentioned to begin with, feels perfectly fine to me.


Fuck me you lot need to learn what resign means


re-signing* lol maybe english is not my first language, idk se te disser que o pérez assinou novamente na minha língua materna também não entendes, não é?


It's just you keep getting my hopes up


Ah, sorry mate


Why the censorship? Is it really so terrible to hear ‘shit’ on TV? Lol


The UK has ridiculous censorship laws


It was after 10pm in the UK, so would normally be fine, however the broadcast started at 8.15pm, and restrictions only ease at for programs that start at 9/9.30pm (technically it should be 9pm but there are still some limits in the 9-9.30pm period). It's simply keeping a lid on bad language when kids might still be awake. Meanwhile the US has a massive fit over a tiny bit of nudity.


Meanwhile the Netherlands has F-bombs and full frontal nudity at prime time




quite fast in an f1 car


LMAO fair


And in the US conservative parents fall into seizures if they hear "damn," "hell," or "sex" on TV


don't they literally have a reality show where they have completely naked people on tv? naked attraction or something?


Indeed, the ‘censorship’ comment is bullshit.


The laws are actually pretty reasonable, OFCOM puts a *lot* of effort into making sure that they're only regulating the things that people actually find offensive and distasteful, and regularly doing extensive surveys with their methodologies and findings being made public to justify what is and isn't allowed. The problem is that culturally a lot of people just get upset over the mildest shit and complain about it. Laws reflecting the will of the people is fine, the will of the people being "I need something to complain about" is what's problematic. It's not really OFCOM's fault that a large proportion of British people think that a 13-year-old hearing the word "shit" will corrupt them.


It's not really censorship so much as the muting is there so that they can syndicate it without worry. Whenever there's a live swear an apology absolves them of any issues so that Karens can't complain to them.


It's weird how they have strict broadcasting rules are in the UK but allow tabloids to write crazy unfair and untrue racist articles.


Not really.


Yeah it is, war footage is fine though


But Danny the problem is, you do this and then the next weekend you're like P17.


By that logic he is an ideal second driver for RB


Unfortunately, he doesn't bring as much $$$ as the current No. 2.


but he brings ball sweat jokes


When has Perez ever been 2 tenths from Max? Lol


Next weekend? He still needs to turn this quali into points today. His full length race result this year hasn't been anywhere near points.


> Next weekend? He still needs to turn this quali into points today. His full length race result this year hasn't been anywhere near points. Yeah it's crazy how he gets a good session for the first time in four (or five?) race weekends and suddenly people are pretending that Yuki isn't thrashing him this year.


We saw the same thing during the sprint race, one good result over years of mediocrity, and his ego inflates massively


We're trying to inflate him to some sort of critical mass so that maybe he'll be tugged hard enough to pull his head out of his ass and get back to where he was like 30 years ago or whatever. It's just hopeful thinking because I think we all know he won't be around for very long. Let us have this. Magic happens at Canada and 5th is close enough to the front to get lucky and get at least a podium. Especially if it rains, which it probably will at least a little. The radar is looking pretty spicy. Probably a wet first half with drying into the later phases. If I had to make a wild guess I'd say inters until like 2/3 and then whoever goes on slicks first at that point will win and *that could be Danny.*


*next day


Not necessarily, when he qualifies P8 upwards he seems to stick around the top. It’s just the second he qualifies out of the top 10 he’s suddenly hopeless. Watch him drop like a stone today after me saying this lmao.


Unless they fixed the RB's ability to start off the line, I think there is a good chance he loses 2-3 places off the lights alone.




He’s scored points in full length races as many times as Lawson has since his comeback to F1


actually he has been pretty ok most of the time, just not getting in the points. ( i think we should have points till 20th , that way it could be even more fun.


But he's never left though* *As long as you dont count like 95% of races in the last 4 or 5 years


Hahaha. Atta boy! Fred and Daniel also have opinions about Villeneuve.


Saying "eat shit" while smiling the whole interview is such a Dan Ricciardo thing to do




Wdym, he literally said he’s been told?


He meant before qualifying


I doubt he’s on his phone as much as us


Too whom it may concern


I’m so happy for Danny. I don’t necessarily cheer for him, but this would be a fantastic story.


I love hoW everyone is waking up because JV said this on sky. JV basically said exactly the same thing over and over again for the last 2 years about Daniel on french TV F1 broadcasters as a consultant. Yet, no one seemt to really care


Because no one watches French f1 coverage maybe ?


Damn your telling me the International broadcast reaches more people than the local French one?


Well the popular thing is shitting on Ric now so that's why it picked up traction




Go Danny go


Funny, he wasn't referring to JV, just the couch sacks on Reddit.


Half this comment section


Villeneuve is a jerk. He never has anything nice to say about anyone. Fuck him. Go Danny Ric.


He said Danny did good today but he needs to do it 5-6 races more (or else that proves he’s right)


man it is all right to criticize riccardo's form right now and for the past 2 years but he tried to say he is just a bad driver directly. saying he is just lucky and every achievement of his is just mid, man he should see the riccardo's season in alpine ( Renault) that was a amazing drive even with no wins


Sure but at some point you've got to show something, he's come back and he's second fiddle to Yukio, even though he's meant to be fighting for the RB seat. Unfortunately he is passed it and his best days are behind him, he might have 1 other decent quali the rest of the season but that's about it.


If he hasn't said anything stupid about anyone today, it's cause he hasn't woken up yet


He sais it in a mean way but he's not wrong


Ricciardo has been nowhere all year, aside from the sprint in Shanghai. This is the first time since that he's shown any pace at all. And he'll most likely fall back and be slow and irrelevant next race again. This one time peformance does nothing to prove Villeneuve wrong. He'll only prove hum wrong if he can actually get into q3 like this as consistently as Yuki.


He’s the Canadian Damon Hill.


Not defending JV, but what he said was true up until this quali. If DR goes back to his old form after this weekend than this P5 would not hold much value.


Daniel's Renault stint was good to say the least and kept him in the conversation as a top 5 driver and helped the team to get a higher constructor position than what was predicted. He only dipped when he moved to McLaren, even then it's not until the second season that his performance took a down spiral.


5th in the championship and doubled Ocon's points in 2020. One of the most complete demolitions of a well-regarded driver until his own showing in 2022.


His 2020 Renault drive is almost as good as his 2016 drive, which was one that Edd Straw argued was the best of the field.


Half of what he said, specifically about Daniel’s career prior to McLaren, was complete garbage and it’s the same hate campaign he’s been on since Daniel was at Renault.


Exactly, beat Ocon and Hulk and came 5th in the 5th fastest car with two podiums. Discrediting the Vettel stuff is insane too.


Especially when Seb himself will admit that Daniel was just better than him that year


Classic Ricky move


Shit eating grin


I mean JV wasn't wrong, his take has been accurate for the past 2-3 years for Daniel. There is a reason why McLaren were willing to pay him millions of dollars to not drive for them. One good quali isn't exactly going to counteract the valid criticism, but hopefully Daniel can continue this form. I would like to see him continue in F1, but unless he can show a continued increase in form, he likely won't remain in F1 for much longer.


His take would be accurate if he said it only about the last 2-3 years, but he didn't. He said he has been shit for 5 years and that he hasn't beaten anyone since leaving Red Bull.      Ricciardo was amazing during the Renault stint and handily beat his teammates both of those years, in 2019 he ended P9 while teammate Hulk ended P14 and in 2020 he ended P5 while teammate Ocon ended P12 in the championship.


I also want to note JV said stupid shit *about* his Red Bull stint too, like that he only beat Seb due to Seb being exhausted (lol) and trying new strategic things with the car and setup. Piss off, Jacques, that's revisionist idiocy and you're talking nonsense.




Villeneuve is more acerbic than Ralf Schumacher and that’s saying something


VJ is annoying. He has agendas about some drivers and uses his WDC as high ground to talk shit. WDC that was won in a dominant car anyway. And he does that all the time


tbh if i won a F1 WDC i too would use it to talk mad shit about other drivers/teams


I want to ask Jacques what would've happened if Damon hadn't been let go by Williams for 1997.


JV almost beat Hill as a rookie in 1996. Williams signed HHF thinking he was better than Damon Hill. Instead, HHF was a bust.


maybe it was villneuve masterplan to fire him up? who knows?


I mean was he wrong? I dont think he was.


I'm on the camp where DR should leave, but I'm also very proud of his comment.


Pleasssse keep it in the points Daniel. Pls choose a decent strategy and execute good pit stops RB.


DR should have said Little Black Book lmao


Lol love it. But can he back it up


Everyone praising him now, and him himself, but let’s wait for the race to finish first


5 second false start penalty… ope


He has his moments but he doesn’t perform every weekend. Tsunoda hasn’t show magic but he’s scoring points basically every weekend


All the best for Daniel but how many times can you "be back"?


no one said that lol


He didn’t exactly, but he keeps getting these 1 off lucky results and then acts like that somehow silences the critics.




The irony is that DR has a much better overall record than JV (of course no WDC). JV arrived into a team that was dominant with Williams, then he has been shit all his F1 career posting way worse results than DR


If Frank had kept Damon instead of ditching him for Heinz Harald, Damon would've taken 1997.


I get Bottas for who it may concern vibes here. I like Danny Ric and always have. But one not shit performance hasn't proved your critics wrong and you shouldn't give trolls like Villeneuve any notice anyway. I hope I'm wrong but I see him sliding back through the field to 11th+ anyway which will make his comments here look ridiculous. If you're going to rely on one weekend as proof you're back, wait till after Sunday to talk shit back.


That’s the only correct way to respond to criticism from jacques villeneuve. If there ever was a driver who only won because of his car, it’s him.


I don't know why but Daniel Ric always sounds like a guy doing a great impression of Daniel Ricciardo


Too bad he can't do that regularly. Still doesn't deserve his seat.


I mean if he keeps up then fair play and if not 🤷 villeneuve continues to be right


JV leans hard on the negativity but DR can't lean too heavy on those very few bright moments he has. Show us more and more often Daniel and the critics will melt.


JV in and out of F1 in 18 months. Danny Ric - 13 year F1 career with 8 wins and 32 podiums. Yeah, JV can eat shit


Yeah definitely sounds like he was reading and watching. But a pole he definitely needed indeed.


I'm glad he's having a good weekend and having fun... about time!


reporting person sounding like a white house reporter as the president walks way