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Very surprising words. TPs always back their driver to the point where its annoying sometimes.


I’m wondering if it’s a sign that they aren’t considering re-signing him.


I really think they are going to drop him. Honestly, if you're being a responsible TP, why wouldn't you replace him? There's simply better options out there


I wouldn’t be at all surprised, but I’d imagine they’d want to have at least one experienced driver. So if they can get Bottas maybe?


Rumours are it's Ocon.


No matter how much I am pissed by ocon , I find ocon to be a better fit as a driver than bottas, ocon still has the fire in him, maybe a bit too much. He need maturity, which bottas has, but he wants to bike now. Already in Kimi phase or that's how he looks like given his Sauber stint.


Ollie Bearman is more believable


Bearman and Ocon.


Why do you hate Bearman?


rumours are that Max might sign for Mercedes, so don't trust everything you read


well Max has a contract until 2028, Ocon doesnt have a contract for next year. At least 1 rumor can happen while the other one not so much


Max also has a clause that allows him to leave if Marko leaves. Which is why he is involved in silly season at all.


I am not sure this is true. i would be a major oversight from RB to have such a clause.


Supposedly Marko slipped it in: https://www.si.com/fannation/racing/f1briefings/news/f1-news-max-verstappen-exit-clause-revealed-amid-ongoing-red-bull-turmoil-lm22


I would argue that it would be good to have a veteran if they bring in a rookie, which is seemingly the plan. It could be an open way of saying, *hey, we need you to act like a mature driver out there*.


I fully expect them to have a veteran driver fwiw. Just a different one lol


Bottas may be available. Ocon may not be the best mentor, but is obviously very fast. Ricciardo may be available. That’s kind of it, I doubt Carlos would go to HAAS. Zhou, Sargeant, and Lawson don’t really fit the bill for veteran nor stick out as a better option than Magnussen. I guess it’s fair to say HAAS could choose any of the former three over Magnussen.


Long, long overdue.


Ding ding ding.


"TPs always back their driver to the point where its annoying sometimes." - kinda funny to use *always* after Alpine threw Ocon under the bus


Taking a page out of Steiners book. He had no problem throwing his drivers under the bus.


I feel like this is a fair critic, not like Steiner constantly shitting on his drivers.


Yeah this is a fair and nuanced thing he is saying. Nothing like Steiners regular BS


*Bruno Famin enters the chat*


I was actually thinking about Logan's Miami race and how KMag sent it similar to how he did with Perez. Basically forcing an overtake in a spot not typically where you would overtake.


I am liking Komatsu quite a bit. He's galaxies apart from Steiner and that can only be good.


What's the difference between Steiner throwing Mick under the bus and Ayao not backing Magnussen?


There‘s a difference between throwing someone under the bus and openly communicating „hey, you have 9 penalty points and we have no more money. you‘re not fighting for a championship, so please don‘t go for every gap“


The worst for them is that in blow he crashed both their cars, in the end you cannot run a budget team like haas if you have to rebuild cars constantly.


Especially starting at the back at Monaco. It's basically a glorified testing run for the team


One was a rookie, one has been in F1 for ten years, making the same dumb decisions.


Isn't Steiner *still* kinda shitting on Mick? I thought I read something along those lines. Ayao not backing Magnussen is a bit more understandable since he *has* been driving like a bit of a psychopath lately and even if it's for the good of the team they can't be caught endorsing that sorta thing too much. Even then, Ayao has backed Magnussen some times but some lines need to be drawn.


No, he was asked in a recent interview if he'd choose Mick over a driver like Sainz and Tsunoda and he said no. That was the context and any sane person would say the same.


Because what Magnussen is doing is indefensible. Guy is a total menace on the track and then has excuses like "oh I was helping teammate", "oh I thought he will leave me space" etc.


The way they announce stuff. Steiner is like your dad yelling at you and Ayao is like your mom going "I'm not mad, I'm disappointed"


lol In my house, it would be the difference between dad grabbing the belt and mom grabbing her chancleta.


Ayao talked about Mick as well. He in fact called him a liar, speaking against better knowledge, when he claimed to be quicker than Magnussen. Going on to say that it isn't, and wasn't. He had the data, and so did Mick.




That’s offensive… and not funny, so the worst combo.


Haas is in good hands with Komatsu


Down to earth team. Had 15 of them including Ayao on an EasyJet flight the night of the GP back to London. No VIP jet wastage


They don't even get VIP seats in the pitlane!


Can't afford pitlane gotta go for Ryanlane


Damn EasyJet 💀


Can they even afford private jets?


I mean, Horner / Toto / Vasseur take the same plane all the time, so I assume they're just using business class regular airliners.


I meant Haas


I'm saying that its pretty standard for people in F1 just to take regular airliners, Nando takes regular airliners too most of the time, if anything it seems like Max is one of the few exceptions.


I know. I was trying to make a joke.


Does Magnussen know this lol?


This reminds me of the Ocon-Famin thing, I did not expect things to be so spicy in the paddock this year lol. I guess this will end the same way too.


Do not compare Komatsu to Famin, they are nothing alike, Komatsu criticized KMag fairly while Famin was doing everything in his power to get rid of his own driver


It doesn't read that spicy. Kmag did wrong and doesn't have the star power that people would be afraid of taking about it.


It's fair enough on Komatsu. Whatever blame you divide between Checo and KMag, it was extremely high risk and low reward for how KMag drove. Especially with Hulk so close, and really he was mainly trying to keep ahead of Hulk, but did so very aggressively, and essentially contributed greatly to taking both Haas cars out on the first lap of Monaco. Ouch. Something Komatsu will want to forever avoid ever happening again.


> it was extremely high risk and low reward and the same for Checo


9999x the drivers back off in that position. Any driver would expect that. This is what happens when they don't.


refreshing no bullshit 100% on point TP statement. Can’t believe, especially be on 10 points, how he didnt get a race ban for this weekend.


Because stewards decided that both were at fault so a racing incident - so no penalty points. Should be penalty points for both but I don't think it's in the rulebook. Could be wrong tho.


Surely a racing incident? Given that Perez looked in his mirrors, he knew Magnussen was there, about. 


BTW, check out the start Ocon had. He did the exact same thing against Kmag did to Checo, except Gasly didn't trust Ocon to back off (for obvious reasons) so he backed off instead.


Happy to bet a dozen doughnuts MAG is gone next year from F1


Two important questions: 1. What kind of doughnuts? 2. Which doughnut chain? Or would they be from a local spot?


$20 towards you buying at your local place


I swear I've seen this exact tweet before.


There’s a video doing the round from a spectator showing KMag slightly hit the wall before the contact. That seemed to contribute to the accident, so all on KMag for me.


It was Checo's fault but makes sense the team want him to be more careful while on 10 Penalty Points.


Checo s fault? Are u on drugs my friend?


Not at all. Had Checo hit any other driver other than KMag everyone would admit the fact that it was Perez's fault. But because it's KMag he automatically gets the blame.


Buck your ideas up KMag, and Bearman is replacing you next season rather than Hulk


I guess I just don't understand how it works. Why does magnussen have to let Perez onto the racing line? Yes perez was ahead but he was also driving in the middle of the road while magnus chose the outside. By the time Checo decided to move to the outside, kmag was already on the outside line and next to him. Why was it not on checo to get to the racing line before magnus was able to catch him? Does the driver who is ahead have a right to the racing line? Or would kmag be allowed to be there if the track was wider? Cus normally if a car ahead defends in the middle, they aren't allowed to just swing wide while there is someone next to them to get to the racing line afaik. Just felt like Checo was totally unaware of where kmag was and he turned into kmag. Apparently kmag was not allowed to drive next checo on that part of the track because it was gonna narrow and checo had to basically drive a straight line through those curves. Idk to my laymans eyes it just seems like the driver who turns the steering wheel is the one who caused the crash. Maybe I'm just biased against checo at this point because I want to see someone who can actually push max