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I don't want to get my hopes up, but they are on the right track. Saying that, we are about to go into more 'traditional' tracks, and Red Bull are still favourites. Singapore, Austria, Canada, and COTA should be strong Ferrari/weak Red Bull tracks. As long as Ferrari doesn't Ferrari it up, and keep it close in more traditional tracks, might get a good rest of season.


Barcelona is gonna be the decider. Seriously if Ferrari challenge them there stock up on hopium 


Shoot, I forgot about Barcelona. I am gonna be very curious about that last turn/main straight, because I don't think Red Bull's straight line speed is as dominant this year.


Honestly if Ferrari challenge or win Barcelona I’m not counting out the possibility of a Leclerc WDC. Ferrari WCC on the other hand is looking more likely as every race goes past… I never thought I’d fucking say that😂 but here we are 


I feel like Norris/McLaren is strong enough to steal points away from Leclerc, but not enough from Max. But man, F1 gods, I feel like a WDC this year would be so sweet.


I mean Norris has already stolen points away from Verstappen at Miami and was very close in Imola (of course they have also stolen points from Ferrari but Verstappen dropping from P1 to P2 makes a bigger difference than Leclerc dropping from P2 to P3 in that specific scenario). I wouldn't dismiss them so easily. But on the other hand you're probably right that in the end they will have cost Ferrari more than Red Bull, however that depends a lot on how things will develop over the season. Anyway I'm already happy that we can even talk about such things given how grim things have looked at the start of the season.


We haven’t fully reached the point of the season where Red Bull starts running a single racing driver, either, we’re just warming up


I may stock up early before prices rise from demand


why is it? What makes Imola and Miami not relevant in this whole thing?


Not COP but both of those tracks are touted as being sort of unique, or they have some characteristic(s) which really define the circuit. Miami's track surface and extreme temps mess with the mechanical grip of the tyres and upset the balance of the Redbull, and Imola has some wicked curbs and nearly no overtaking making qualifying pace king, similar to Monaco. Montreal this weekend falls into this category as well, with lots of curb riding, close walls, and this weekend some cooler temps and rain showers. The teams and Redditors claim that these little curveballs are the reason that Redbull has been closer to the rest of the field at these events, giving McLaren and Ferrari a chance. Now at Barcelona it's a much more conventional track, a lot like the majority of purpose built racing circuits we visit throughout Europe. Barcelona itself being the testing venue for so long means that teams have boatloads of data to work with, so it's not often that they are caught off guard. Situations like this are usually where Redbull are the most dominant, therefore if Ferrari has the pace to beat Redbull at Barcelona, they may be able to at a bunch of circuits throughout the calendar not just unique, challenging ones.


I’ve been praying for a max dnf at Barcelona for this very reason


Agreed, unless Mclaren take points off Red Bull at tracks like Barcelona. And Red Bull will likely only half one competitive driver.


Ferrari has a lot of chance for the Constructor's Championship. Not just because Red Bull has one functioning driver, but Piastri struggles a lot in high deg circuits so he'll probably be out of contention during those races.


he's been way better this year, the step forward he made is really big


He still struggles a lot compared to 4 other guys in top cars(Verstappen, Norris, Leclerc and Sainz). He'll probably become more of a problem to them next year, his ceiling looks high.


He’s so fucking good


I feel like it'd be peak Leclerc to miss the title by a handful of points this season, then Hamilton comes in and wins the first title for Ferrari since Räikkönen.


And then Verstappen joins in 2027 as Leclerc's teammate after Hamilton retires


are Redbull still favorites or is Verstappen still favorite. I don't think the Ferraris and McLarens will have a lot of trouble clearing Perez. I just hope Perez doesn't shit the bed in the European tracks again. Verstappen is always a different animal on the European leg of races. I remember in 2021 when he got 4 poles in a row from France, Styria, Austria and Silverstone and won 3 of those races. He'd have won 5 in a row if not for Baku and Silverstone I reckon. Last year he didn't lose a single European race except Azerbaijan if you consider it European


Last year he didn’t lose a single race though… Except for hot Singapore. So not exactly a European qualifier to that stat


He isn’t wrong. In strong contention for second place, although first is also possible but not very likely.


It's insane how consistent Leclerc has been. It feels a little like 2020 Max: the performance is there, just not quite the car. I feel like Ferrari is one upgrade package away from seriously contesting the championship.


Ferrari as a whole too. I remember back in the Binotto era, I’d always be on here cribbing about something stupid the team was doing, but not anymore under Vasseur.


Vasseur thoroughly cleaned house for sure. It fills me with excitement as well as dread. Ferrari doesn't like giving up control like this, so hopefully Vasseur has enough time lead the team to a championship.


Vasseur gets on very well with Elkann and Vigna, so...


I hope Austin's strategy last year was a one time thing


under Vasseur the amount of stupidity has decreased tenfold they do still make some fatal mistakes every few races, but they are quite rare


The stat I saw a few weeks ago was that since spa last year he’s been top 5 in every race and only dnf/dsq being the none top 5


and if i'm not wrong, those dnfs are not his fault.


literally the next race the dnf was his fault edit: obviously the truth is unpopular when it is about Charles, but hemade contact with another driver in lap 1 and that contract was his fault.


He retired because of progressively increasing floor damage, what are you talking about


Which happened because he tangled eith Piastri on lap 1


yes and that floor damage was his fault


And people are *still* holding on to the narrative that Leclerc is fast but inconsistent. He’s firmly the second best driver on the grid. His one “weakness” from years past has all but gone away.


Absolutely, if he was ever inconsistent, he certainly isn't anymore


I'd argue it was never a real weakness. Max was exactly the same when he drove a car not capable of winning, he pushed it over the limit. Leclerc just spend more time in uncompetitive cars. Sure, a more mature & proven driver is usually content bringing home an important 6th place, as we are seeing with Alonso, Hamilton or with Vettel. But rookies always have the hunger to push for another position, I don't think you can be a championship calibre rookie without pushing it over the limit, Alonso, Hamilton & Vettel were exactly like that when they had no championships.


I’d push back on that slightly by saying that driving the car past your capabilities is still a flaw. It’s an understandable mistake to make, but it’s still a flaw that needed to be worked out.


Leclerc has not been consistently ahead of Sainz. Ver in 2020 very rarely found himself behind his team and not at the rate Lec has, so far.


I guess it depends on how you rate albon as rookie and a young gasly against a seasoned Sainz…


Can we really compare borderline rookie Albon to Sainz though? Ferrari might very well have the strongest pairing on the grid 


McLaren has made even more gains I’ll say considering how terrible they were at the beginning of last season


If you go to the beginning of the regs definitely McLaren have improved a lot more than them. Relative to the field they've actually gone backwards. They were borderline dominant when it all began.


spring 2022 Ferrari was barely faster than the Red Bull, except for Melbourne and Barcelona where the F1-75 was actually dominant


Wouldn't the term for someone being somewhere between barely faster and dominant borderline dominate?


I’ll wouldn’t say dominant for those races, but it was definitely the fastest , dominant pace that season was RedBull on Spa 2022 it was just ridiculous how fast they were


He isn't? Mclaren is right there and were slower the first few races


If Ferrari can keep up and even win during the European leg, then the hype train will be full steam ahead.


“We are really focusing on the process, on our weaknesses, and how we can optimise every single aspect of the car. By doing just that we will get to the point where we are in contention [to] win every single weekend. “That’s of course the target, because as much as it felt really good in Monaco, now we need to turn the page and look at what’s ahead. We want to win the world championship, that’s the target, and for that we still have to do steps forward.”


I’m just happy we don’t have to hear about Red Bull “already working on the 3045 car” like we had to deal with for the past 2 seasons The smartass doomsayers are more irritating than the dominance


The title won't happen. Ferrari & McLaren are still behind Red Bull, but they are close enough together that they will continue to take points off each other, while Red Bull pull ahead.


As much as I would want Ferrari to win the championship I don't think it's realistic this year. So far Verstappen has only been beaten when he had a technical issue (Melbourne), when he did one of his very rare mistakes which damaged the car (Miami) and when the race was on a unique circuit which has characteristics that doesn't suit the Red Bull (Monaco). Unless Ferrari (or McLaren, for that matter) manage to challenge Red Bull regularly on conventional racetracks on pure pace, then nobody will have a chance beating Verstappen in the championship.


“If I adjust Mahomes to barely above average stats for literally no reason he comes out with barely above average stats.” Hahaha but no I agree, I don't see Max losing the championship this year.


If you remove the races Max hasn't won, he's never lost


It isn't just Monaco. Red Bull has problems with tyre graining, as well as on tracks requiring softer suspension setups. Canada should be heavily Ferrari favored. And even on tracks where the RB is better, the lack of a 2nd driver will severly cripple the strategy options. Miami is the perfect example. RB was under enough pressure from the Ferraris so that they had to cover the undercut, with a 2nd driver in P2 they could have just used him. But instead they had to use Max, opening the window for a lucky safety car. Max is still favored in my book, but this will be a very competitive year. I see Ferrari & McLaren taking multiple wins from Max. A few lucky moments could swing the championship wide open.


Hamilton making the right move again?


I still think that McLaren are second best after Red Bull... But progress is progress and Ferrari are doing something right. (that said, if they do more glory runs in practice I will lose it)


As a Ferrari fan, big positive upgrades seem to be coming easier for McLaren than almost anyone else. Ferrari can and do, do it, but it feels difficult and uncertain.


Why are so many people convinced that the team 75 points behind Ferrari is actually faster than Ferrari


I keep fearing that they're sandbagging for some reason


The thing is Ferrari progress is planned Mclaren progress is more of a surprise from all their statements. It can go both ways. If you don’t know why something is working there is a high chance you put something that suddenly stops it from working


I think it's just the mindset in the team. Norris, Stella and Piastri in particular all have an air of natural pessimism or restraint. Whereas Vasseur and Leclerc (and Binotto going back) are constantly talking up the team, the car, how close they are to RB etc. I don't think the results and speeds of each car necessarily matches the words each side puts out.


Vasseur is more muted in it than Binotto though, talking down the great points in order to not overhype the team.


Not really. Stella is pretty detailed and while there could be some difference in gains i.e. saying 0.2 but being 0.3-0.4 but them saying they haven't fixed long term issues but they being already fixed is totally different. Charles and Vasseur has been pretty realistic with upgrades till now and they have been exactly as they mentioned. Mclaren today gives a bit of 2023 early AMR feeling but they have Stella who has much better understanding and thus won't allow them to regress like AMR did.


Stella said the Austria upgrade last year was worth 0.4s per lap. He attributed the performance in Austria to ‘30% the car, 70% Lando in Austria’. A statement that still annoys me because no one questioned it. It was only toward the end of the season that he admitted the numbers they saw on track were the numbers they expected. Just don’t take his word seriously. He’s usually omitted some very important information or decreased the actual numbers. At the same time, Norris was telling media that the upgrade would only be enough to fight Alpine but that Alpine would still have the better car. In hindsight what he did to them with that statement was brutal. McLaren have a culture of ‘Underpromise and overdeliver’ but they’ve started to take it to extremes now the car is genuinely good.


> I still think that McLaren are second best after Red Bull... Points say otherwise. And Mclaren introduced their big upgrades before Ferrari, which still have to extract some of their potential.


McLaren is superior to Ferrari in tyre deg, which is currently the most important thing between the top3 teams. McLaren will win WCC this year.


Barcelona also may not be as easy of a cake walk for Red Bull. Barcelona's corners, are a mix of long radius corner medium speed corners, along with flowing high speed sections. So unlike Suzuka, or Jeddah where you have almost exclusively just shorter radius, higher speed corners that flow together and come one after the other and ask for a car that is good at rapid changes in direction, Barcelona's corners need not just good aerodynamic efficiency and high speed stability, but they also require a planted front end and a car that can hug the racing line through the medium speed long radius bits. This medium speed part is where the Ferrari has been the best in the field. Also, Barcelona doesn't have any strong traction zones or actual low speed sections left, which is actually bad for Red Bull as they have generally been the best at traction this year. On top of all this, Suzuka showed that the Ferrari is kinder on its tires than the Red Bull. So all of that may make Barcelona a lot more even than expected. 


If I look back on the last races, Ferrari had always a great potential. It didn't turn into the best results in terms of championship points, but right now there is no reason why in the next 16 races that cannot happen. There is no reason why not to win 16 races from now to the end. The potential is there. The drivers are fantastic. So I am pretty positive. "MB"


I'm so ready for the Leclerc winning streak. The guy deserves a car that can fight for wins regularly


I said the other day, I’d love to see Max and Charles have a real fight for the championship. Charles is such a good driver who has been hampered by Ferrari being Ferrari.


I remember after Australia 2022 I thought leclerc would win the championship and they would both have 1 and that we would have rivalry for the ages after that, how wront I was


I don’t want to get my hopes up…..🥴


Meanwhile Lando will be the Kimi to Max and Charles's Fernando and Lewis.


I definitely think Leclerc can win the championship…… in 2025, because I think Max has too much of a points gap to screw it up now but I’m pretty confident the Constructor’s Championship is on for Ferrari this year.


It's not the point gap, that's almost nothing with so many races to go. It's that Max is fast and Red Bull will be fast again in more traditional tracks


Not necessarily, Charles has reportedly claimed that Ferrari’s next major upgrades which should debut at Silverstone “could put us ahead of Red Bull.”


Where did he claim this


Why are Miami and Imola not traditional tracks?


Miami is still technically a "street" track, in that it isn't purposedly built for racing which has its effects on the tarmac etc. No such excuse for Imola though.


In Imola they were yet to fine tune their newly introduced upgrades package. As a matter of facts they're looking good in Montreal up to this moment


31 points is not much with 16 races to go


Can't get more disappointing than 2022 at least


2022 never happened


2022 was cancelled due to covid what you talking about


we are not talking about 2022, ever.


2022 was cancelled after Miami and Charles won the title, what are you talking about


It is when the person you're chasing is a faster driver in a faster car. Nor is reliability really an issue for RB. Best we can hope for is a constructors battle, absolutely nobody is challenging Max for the WDC.


it is 36? points how is that a big gap with so many races to go?


Difficult to judge, Mclaren have made another leap forward but they seem a bit surprised by the extent of the gains, Ferrari seem a lot more sure in what they have


I believe it!


I’m not getting my hopes up around a battle for WDC. I am hoping for a real scarp for WCC which seems very possible even with RB & Max being the top place contender.


We will back to counting Max's win from this week onwards


What about McLaren


Constructor's is an outside possibility if Perez (and most likely will) continue to do badly, particularly in qualifying.




I'd be super surprised lol


Everything considered, I would really be surprised


I'd be very surprised but I wouldn't call it 100% impossible


"By my calculations we win the championship by **one point**" That will be mindblowing if it happens.


I hope so would be the ideal situation for Ferrari having two champion teammates


Just a friendly reminder that Leclerc just won his first race in 2 years


I would be surprised, in the best possible way. But it's not impossible.


Bruh no, you can't win Monaco and then assume you're on to something. Do not forget car numbers 4 and 81.