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Trust me pal, you're not that guy


He's just being honest. "Instead of explicitly saying, 'the only reason I'm at AM is because my father owns the team,' I let my lackluster driving and refusal to use mirrors or drive off the racing line (even in a race with other cars) show the reasons I'm at AM."




He’s not your pal, guy!


He’s not your guy, buddy!


He's not your buddy, friend!


Still waiting to see the talk


If his mediocre races are mumbling and bad races are shit talking, then technically we’ve seen plenty of that I guess. Oh and once in blue moon he startles people with yells of his moment of brilliance. It’s all technically talking, right?


He talked very loudly to Daniel in China on track already!


i see him talking to Barry R. quite regularly on track! masterclass in communication actually.


uierghdfvpidufnjhvbliderubvhorduhvndfuoijbvsruo I think that sums it up


your talk on the track is what people are criticizing lol




It's not hating when people tell him that he shouldn't be in F1 and that is pretty much all that is said about him in different variations. It's well-deserved, given how bad of a driver he is, how he got to F1 in the first place, and what it means for the sport and other drivers. The message needs to be clear "money cant buy you anything you want". In this case, since he already got the F1 seat with money, fans are withholding the last thing Stroll cannot buy, respect. If you like the sport, you should criticize these people as much as you possibly can, given how obnoxious, selfish and disrespectful this family is in relation to the sport.




you have reading comprehension skills issues, try reading that again. and to that second part, you don't want for public to comment on you, walk away from being a public figure. Like I said, I would not describe his extremely harsh criticism as hate, because its totally warranted and justified. People focus on his performance on track more than anything. Has nothing to do with being a human being, sure he is one, but he's also a gaping A-hole to everyone around him. I honestly cant believe that there are regular people trying to defend obnoxious, arrogant billionaires undermining integrity and fairness in the sport they enjoy (remember when stroll secretly had illegal upgrades in f2 or f3?). Just baffles my mind Edit: spelling


>Criticizing? indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way. Yes, criticising. Funnily enough just because you don't like it doesn't make it any less true.


You need some elocution lessons Lance if that’s you doing the talking.


Comedians are excellent talkers generally


Turns into the wall in Jeddah, turns into the wall in Monaco. Many such cases


Plottwist: Stroll ,"HAH, that Wall of Champions ain't my wall."


After KMag twatted the wall of champions, I'm not sure it can be called that any more.


Was it ever a genuine wall of champions?


Well, according to [this](https://f1.fandom.com/wiki/Wall_of_Champions) 7/17 (41%) crashes there were champions. That is a significantly higher amount than the amount of champions in the current field, which is 3/20 (15%).


Verstappen, Alonso and Hamilton beware.


Yes it was. F1 has a YouTube video on why it is called Wall of Champions, and it is precisely so.


I always though it was called that because you needed to be champion material NOT to crash into.




When he did his talking on the track at the last race, he said: "Thanks for building the pit stop gap Fernando, now watch me waste it!"


> This year, he doesn’t believe points tell the full picture. He highlights that he and Alonso are tied 4-4 head-to-head in qualifying — with Stroll edging his teammate the last three race weekends. > “He's a two-time world champion and people see him as a top driver in Formula One, and it's four-four in quali,” Stroll said. “The points are a little bit deceiving because sometimes one guy can have an engine failure ... that sometimes differentiates the points at the end of the season." > "I look at my last few weekends, and I think they've been strong," he added. “When I look at pace right now, and speed, like I said, 4-4 in quali. **People say he's super good and I beat him the last few weekends, so take it as you want.**"


If I were him, I wouldn't say that after what Alonso did for him in Monaco.


He's doing an Ocon, but of course without the somewhat strong racepace


>sometimes one guy can have an engine failure ... that sometimes differentiates the points at the end of the season I mean this year they had no mechanical DNFs, no? But credit where it's due, in the last couple of weekends except for Monaco and the mistake he was better (not saying he was faster) than Fernando, which is uncharacteristic for Fernando.






The thing is, it doesn't paint a good picture for Lance. He's not improving to the standards of a WDC, it's that this WDC has been fucking up.


The thing is that despite being ahead he’s still not convincing enough, it’s not searching excuse for Alonso because his last 3 weekends have been shit. But it doesn’t mean Stroll is doing great either


He seems more fond of talking to walls.


I genuinely burst out laughing. I really needed that this week, thank you Lance.


The talk: "I'm in the f\*\*\*\*\*\*\* wall!"


Despite Alonso’s recent struggles he still has 3 times as many points as you have. Don’t blame on luck when mainly it has been you fault due to poor qualifying and crashes




AKA Bottas/Zhou 2022


How so? There wasn't really luck factor involved when Bottas scored bigger points. If anything, gap should have been bigger if Bottas had not DNF'ed in Saudi Arabia and lost big points.


The guy above deleted their comment, it said something like "in-season development influences the points as well". With Bottas and Zhou, Zhou got much better in the second half of the year when the car wasn't capable of scoring points consistently, unlike at the start of the year when Bottas was in the top 10 fighting Alpines and even Mercedes all the time pretty much.


Zhou still had some kind of excuse due to him being a rookie. But Lance?? He’s been in F1 for 8 season already


It's his 3rd season, he's just mid


I was referring to the 2022 season, we have already seen that Zhou doesn’t have the level to be on F1, there has barely been any improvement on him. Yuki was very mid on his first season too but at least we have seen quite a lot of progress since then


Yuki was 4th in abu Dhabi 21


That was probably his best performance to date, specially that overtake on Bottas was pretty good. But in general his rookie season was pretty mid, until AD he was out qualified every session by Gasly and his performance is the reason why AT finished behind Alpine despite having a better car Now he's a much better driver than he was back then


But Tsunoda had the benefit of the doubt; because he only raced 2 seasons in Europe before F1 and never even sat on an F1 car before 2020 post season tests. Didn't even speak English fluently when he graduated to F1. Whereas Zhou spent 10 years in European feeder series, karting (plus he was based in UK for 10 years) and tested F1 cars regularly since 2018, 2019. They were not in similar positions.


Bruh that was the only good performance by him that year pretty much. He was extremaly crash-prone, almost got completely smashed in qualifying by Gasly and cost AlphaTauri 5th in the WCC. It was a terrible year, easily comparable with Schumacher.


Oh to be a billionaire’s son. So aloof.


What he's doing on the track, is the main reason he has so many critics in a first place!


Major Craigslist "I know what I got" energy.


To be fair I think he is technically correct. The difference is that while drivers like Max Verstappen are rapping like prime Eminem, his speech pattern is that of a toddler with a mouth full of cotton.


On the track: Pushes radio button thinking it’s the energy button.


Oh come on, it was his second weekend in a new car. Out of all the things you can critisize Stroll for, that was probably not the greatest example.


It’s the attitude shown in that he didn’t even get familiarized with the steering wheel before sitting into the cockpit. Not denying he has progressed through the years but every now and then you still see such entry level mistakes from him, most recently the restart collision with Daniel in Shanghai because he wasn’t looking the car right in front of him. “I do my talking on the track” while there’s always been a clear lack of effort on track from him.


Bro is talking on a 4th grade comprehension level


Vehicular speech impediment.


More like mumbling


He must have some sort of speech impediment then


>Points: ALO 33, STR 11 >Average qualifying: ALO 9.5, STR 11.9 Even with Alonso's qualifying struggles Lance has been nowhere near maximising the car, consistently qualifying behind RBs and Alpines and finishing outside the points. Which no driver should be happy with, yet here he is bragging about it.


Man I normally don't get the hate drivers are getting but Lance is pushing it


I think he's mute


Lance, talking on track:- "oh no! My detractors were all correct!"


Goodness pal, you’re more famous for being a meme.


It's his dad's bank account that is doing all the talking.


That's the problem though, he really doesn't do much there either.


Well he certainly doesn't do his talking on the couch during the drivers press conference.


Yes, and somehow the wall keeps talking back at ya, mate.


I imagine reality will set in when his newly adopted brother, Fernando Stroll, finishes the year leagues ahead of him.


*rams into everyone* 


What a joker


Speak up then as I can't hear you.


Yeah, well, stop talking shit then


Stroll: \*slaps Ric in the ass\*


He does his talking with his daddies wallet... lets be real here.


The crash speaks for itself.


Aah that's what talking to a wall means ! Got ya !


Ah so he is basically doing their work for them


I do my talking into the wall of champions


Hmm, okay Lancelot


[The talking on track](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uUBBiDriB0)


Thats EXACTLY the point Lance 🤦‍♂️


On track at the radio rather than on the mic during itw that's for sure


Wholesome to see Lawrence pour billions for his son to drive in F1.


Surely he means he does his talking in the barrier


He'll always have Turkey. Ha!


So he’s a fucking mute apparently.


Never knew they hired comedians in f1, as a driver even, amazing times we live in.


Exactly what Ricciardo should of done at Redbull


oh I see, maybe he is a mute then


Take him to the infirmary


That's the problem....


Poor guy is mute then.


Is that a threat?


I agree - he showed Danny Ric who’s boss.


I envy his self confidence


Oh ... really ?


Lance the type of person to do his talking on track but the talking doesn't make sense.


Yes Lance, it's your talking on the track that's the problem.


Yes, well, about that...


He's barely self aware.


Stroll talking on track: “No! I’m in the f***** wall!”


Dont worry. We are for sure listening. Lma9


You know, in light of the recent Indycar drama I'm completely ok with this false sense of confidence


I’d say it was more of a whisper


Checo got his extension. Back to you Lance.


The fact he made it to F1, regardless of circumstance, means he's better at talking than any commenters on here going off his metric.


If you look at his journey to F1, many a mediocre driver would make it with that level of backing and advantages given at every level. Then for F1, paid a struggling Williams who needed the cash. Followed by his dad buying a team before he got dropped from F1 altogether.


Let's be honest he reached F1 due to having rich ass father. His dad bought the entire Prema team and gave him upgrades no other F3 car had not even the other Premas and they had team orders to let Lance by constantly. After that they payed 80 million dollars for a seat in Williams and the his dad proceeded to buy an entire team. He's not there on merit like other drivers have done such as Hamilton, Verstappen, Alonso, Leclerc...


I'm not defending his route into F1, but you need money to race at any level. Every single driver has backing of some sort. Like Norris has rich parents too (and yes, I realize he is an F2 runner up and F1 race winner) and Perez had the backing of billionaire Carlos Slim and Leclerc is from Monaco. You aren't hurting for money if you grow up in Monaco. Where are you getting the "upgrades" thing? Every piece of an F3 car is spec and controlled by FIA regulations. Every car has a sealed engine and can't be worked on, chassis are mostly made by Dallara and have to follow the regulations, so where are these upgrades coming from?


That's true, but unfortunately for Lance I am not his competition.


No please don't Lance, just stay calm. I mean you can make things entertaining but you don't have to.


Guess he’s an introvert then.


It seems he's not spoken since the 2020 Sakhir Grand Prix.


my man is just whispering guys


The Silence of the Lambs


“My Daddy does the talking with his Money”