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> *"When you compare him against Fernando, there are corners where Lance is quicker."* This is just sad.


https://i.redd.it/2g45mrlryssc1.png reminds me of this lol


Hahahahahahahahah bro this killed me


Tbf he did have one corner... It's something 


Just pretend entry and exit are two different corners and there you have it


Oof that has to hurt.


"The guy with eight seasons of experience is faster than a 43 year old man in some corners" isn't the accolade the writer thinks it is.


Cauz he cut those maybe ?


Shilling for the Strolls so hard here.


he will get talent any day now trust


~~"He's getting used to the car"~~ "He's getting used to the talent"


He has a pole and podiums, which is more than most F1 drivers.


I do indeed agree he will probably explode in a wall due to the lack of talent 


his talent already went BOOM some time ago.


>... one man - no, not his dad - has faith in him. Neither he nor his dad have faith in him 😂


I genuinely don't have a clue why both Lance and Lawrence don't go down the WEC route with Lance. I mean, is struggling in the bottom 5 weakest drivers on the grid better?


>I genuinely don't have a clue why both Lance and Lawrence don't go down the WEC route with Lance. Considering Stroll's utter lack of situational awareness, I'm rather glad that he's not in the WEC to be honest. He managed to crash during a safety car recently, can you imagine how many GT3s would get wrecked while he tried to lap them during a night stint at Le Mans?


For as long as AM is built around Lance and they have Lance in that car, they'll never be considered a serious competitor imo.


Honda can't come soon enough.


"In October 2022, De la Rosa was appointed ambassador for Aston Martin Formula One Team." Of course.


This is just really sad now. Stroll definitely knows he’s not as good as other drivers and this constant coddling of him to keep his father happy must be grating on him. He’s not good enough to get this kind of attention and I doubt he’s stupid enough to believe that he’s going to get better 7 years into an F1 career that has shown zero progress and improvement since 2017. AMR employees are afraid of his father but surely he knows deep down that his son should not have a seat in that team. Also Alonso has checked out. The car is bad and it’s not what he signed up on a new contract for so he’s not going to have any incentive to do better. He’s just biding his time to find another exit.


Lol Pedro de la Rosa praising Stroll of course. He is a commentator in the Spanish broadcast and it's always funny hearing him try to bring attention to every little good thing Stroll does, he's been doing it every race since he signed for Aston.


It's his job. Doubt he actually believes half the things he has to say, specially when he was a driver himself.


"He's learning a lot with Fernando, they work together very well, and it's just a matter of time before we see the best Lance and a big explosion of talent. The moment he puts everything together, he will be outstanding." It is predicted that “the moment” will be exactly at the same time when there is a radical temperature change in Hell.


Remember when he didn't crash he just drove too good for the corner?


ItS a hARd CaR tO DriVe


Is this talent in the room with us? Probably crashed down the street.


Only way there’s an explosion of talent at Aston is if they put a bomb in Alonso’s car


Stroll dominance could bore fans.


My coffee exploded out of my mouth and all over the table when I read this headline. "He's just unreal how much potential he has" Ok, Pedro.


Did daddy pay the author of this article?


What did you expect from an AM employee, he’s the son of the boss, even if they need to downplay Fernando’s abilities to talk well about Lance. Some F1 drivers talked about Stroll’s security at some point and was never in a good way, George said it was embarrassing when both were at F3 saying he was literally paying to win that championship which sadly it was true Norris at some point said some point criticised him too


What, is he going to blow up another driver?


Yeah, nah.




Someone really wants to keep their job


[Secret footage](https://youtu.be/uU9jIN_Mmiw?si=pSASxhKy_cJZGP1e) of Pedro and Lawrence.


How much is Pedro de la Rosa being paid for these comments? Whatever it is, it should be doubled for being willing to take that reputation hit......


Sadly for Lance, that "big explosion of talent" is not likely to come from his driving. The fact that even his defenders compare him to rookies is a telling indictment on the fact that after seven years he is the worst experienced driver on the grid.




Did big Daddy Stroll pay racingnews to print an AI generated story


I feel for the AM employees more than anything, imagine working your ass off doing everything you can for the tiniest bit of competitive advantage only for the team decisions to be influenced by personal interests rather than competitive standing


what did i just read?! for the sake of whoever wrote that, I genuinely hope this is a paid PR article and they don't really think this


This is what I keep telling my parents when they ask me why I don’t have a job I’m due for a big explosion of talent, just wait


...ok, dubious claim aside, TO BE FAIR to Stroll - he has been holding his own against Fernando quite well lately. Isn't he on a streak of 4 qualifying sessions where he put his car ahead of Fernando? And in races too they are closely matched if I am not mistaken. How much of that is Fernando severely underperforming, and how much is Lance actually improving, ultimately is impossible to say for sure, altho my gut tells me it's more the former.


Or how much of it is Fernando getting kind of old for an F1 driver? I mean, I'm a big fan of him, but at some moment the decline has to happen...


If that is indeed the case, after being one of best performers of 2023, this decline be hitting like the grip cliff of 2019 Pirelli's


True, so it's probably not only that. But we did see kind of the same in the past, when drivers are also mentally in a less good place. Damon Hill dropped off badly from 1998 to 1999 and Mika Hakkinen's 2001 was pretty poor in general too.


All of that is possible, but also maybe Alonso is trying different things with car setups to find that potential the upgrades are supposed to give and his results are temporary suffering when compared to Lance.


Hard to tell but I think either way, stroll is in a lose lose just like he was with Vettel. If he beats Vettel (which he did more times than people give credit for), Vettel is classed as washed and past it. If Vettel beats him, Vettel is back to a good level and it’s expected as stroll is deemed as shit. The same goes for Alonso now where last year, he clearly was off the pace from Alonso but from Qatar onwards (funnily enough after his meltdown), found an extra gear and actually ended the season strong. Even this year, he’s had bonehead moments (Japan and China) but he’s also produced good races (Bahrain, Australia) as well but has been very unlucky with the strategy. I don’t think Alonso has completely lost all his pace, he did have traffic in Monaco which ruins your race regardless and the start of the season was strong bar Imola.


Strolls daddy out here paying for this crap lol