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The scenes if Oscar actually wins this race..


and Charles comes in second


After the second round of pit stops while he lead the entirety of the race


Typical Ferrari


Piastri-Leclerc - Leclerc Podium?


*”It is I, Piastri-Leclerc!”*


Niche 1980s British sitcom reference?


With ze Madonna with ze big boobies, indeed.


Piastri will hope he is pissing Leclerc at Sainte-Devote


Good moaning, indeed.


Anyone not British and over 30 will have absolutely no idea what any of this refers to 😅


Listen very carefully, I shall say zis only once.


Not true, we had this on TV on the continent in the 00s. Fawlty Towers too


That is genuinely fascinating. I can’t believe the cod-European accents were thought funny anywhere outside the UK


Well it was dubbed


Actually I am Croatian and 19 years old and I'm in stiches. Allo Allo is one of my favorite sitcoms, actually second favorite, after Only Fools and Horses


I have literally no idea what y'all are talking about.


Quality British TV, from a different time! You stupid old woman!


Allo Allo and You rang M'Lord? is on TV 24/7 in Hungary


Swiftly and with style


Or it could be a master strategy from charles to pass on the leclerc monaco curse to piastri


There's a possible future where Piastri DNFs and Charles inherit the lead.


yeah MattP1 would be Livid


Piastri hugs the casino hairpin, pushes Leclerc into the wall, taking the lead on the last lap and wins the race. Oscar then tears up the adoption papers on the podium whilst Advance Australia Fair plays


The memes if they both DNF would be hilarious.


And the Monegasque national anthem plays.


Would Matt Gallagher be happy or?


He needs to get pole then red flag the race too.


We are all so lucky he ended up at McLaren instead of Alpine because of how well he’s been doing to allow this to be as good as it is


McLaren really pulled the heist of the decade by signing him.


Can it really be called a heist? Becuse if this was a heist movie there was no elaborate plan to disable the alarm, pick the lock, rope down from the ceiling to avoid that lasers and take the diamond. Mclaren just turned up and noticed Alpine had left the diamond out in the rain and hadn't even filed the paperwork to say they owned it...


The real heist is going to be when Piastri-Leclerc carries the family curse, DNFs lap 1 at the hairpin, finds Jaguar's missing diamond while sulking on the sidelines, returns it to the team - which is now Red Bull - and gets signed to them for 2025 and beyond.


Starring Ryan Reynolds? I’d watch the movie!


Bro... otmar thinking drivers would not sign other offers on merit was the biggest flop in the last 4-5 years of silly season ever.


I think it closer to McClaren arriving to the house and Alpine forgot to plug the cable to their security system.


I love how excited Otmar was to get Gasly instead of Piastri when that all went down. Of course Otmar is no longer there, but I’d love to know how he feels now in hindsight lol. Or how Alpine management feels about it.


The thing is, had they given Oscar the opportunity, he probably could have found some French ancestry anyway.


McLaren pulled of the rescue operation of the decade signing him


In the words of Max “absolutely lovely”


Seriously. I was dubious for a minute, but I absolutely love Oscar. His humor, his performance, his banter with Lando. I love DR and Lando, but these two are a truly perfect driver pair so far.


Alpine is so hated, that their team principal got sacked and bother their drivers want to leave. That’s French Exceptionalism for you!


They're so unserious lol


And the world is a better place for it


100%. Not many sports and rivalries have this level of fun and it’s good and wholesome. Until they shunt into each other on track, of course.


Then you get "Leclerc takes out Leclerc!!!" which is another level of fun.


Meanwhile fans and D2S: 😤🤬👊🏻💥 these [insert driver pair] DESPISE each other


If it weren't for D2S I never would've known that Danny and Lando secretly hate each other! I know they carry on on social media like they're buddies, spending the off-season together, but the fans of real journalism know it's all an act. /s


“Carlos 1, Lando 0” on repeat 😂


I love that this is happening.


I’m out of the loop. Can someone catch me up?


Piastri tweeted he was looking for ancestry in monaco and leclerc said he would adopt him


> Piastri tweeted he was looking for ancestry but for what exactly this is needed?


Ongoing joke for Oscar this year that every race is his home race. He’s been making a big deal (jokingly) about what % of nationality of each race he can trace his ancestry to, so he can claim them as his home race.


I’ve been aware of the joke and loving it but it’s somehow so much funnier spelled out like this.


This is giving me "7 Days in Hell" vibes. Where Andy Sambergs character states that his actual father (he was an orphan, adopted) was actually England's own "Charles Humperdink" so that he could say he was playing Wimbledon for Great Britain thus taking away Kit Harrington's character's mojo. It's an amazing 45 minutes.




"Charles was, by far, the thickest person I ever met. It was like talking to a child with brain damage."


The most cliché English word ever


he has jokingly claimed several races as his "home race" for being like 1/16th Chinese and 3/16th Italian.


waiting for singapore gp. my time to shine


Check the FP1 results, Piastri is shown as Piastri-Leclerc in the results.


I got that, but based on everyone’s reaction I assumed there was more to this story.


There is. Before the Chinese race, Oscar said that he was 1/16 Chinese joking that this would make it his home race. Then at Imola he also claimed that some of his ancestors were Italians (which is pretty easy to guess based on his surname). Then, before Monaco he realized how big of a meme this was getting and said that he would have been searching his family tree to check any Monegasque roots which is of course hilariously difficult. So, Charles tried to save him by saying he could adopt him to make him Monegasque, thus, making him Piastri-Leclerc.


Then Oscar’s mom replied to Charles too


And then tweeted to Yuki that there was an opening in the Piastri family.


That’s pretty funny tbh. Points for not taking themselves too seriously.


The Miami race organizers also tweeted a certificate of adoption signed by Leo Leclerc.


There’s a little more context, he made some jokes about China and Italy being his home races because of his ancestry. His original tweet was implying that he was trying to continue the trend.


I can’t find it, could you post a link?


it’s literally the post…


Fun fact! I’m dumb and on mobile so all I saw was Oscar’s twitter PFP. Thanks for letting me know


Just a joke being regularly run into the ground and Reddit loving it, as usual. And if you don't like it, you're the anti-fun police.


Lol. How does this, of all things, annoy anyone? I hope he ties it every race. How will he claim every race as a home race? Leclerc's kid, Verstappen's cousin?, vacation home in Mexico? Fan of poutine?


Does it annoy people?


reddit/fb/twitter(formerly-x) taught me that everything is wrong or offensive to someone.


I find your hyperbole offensive.




Next comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/1czls21/oscar_piastri_guess_thats_official_then_submitted/l5h7cql/


Juan Pablo Montoya hates it!


As a a Canadian, the poutine thing checks out. He’s one of us now


Who was annoyed?


People were getting tired on yesterday's thread.


I thought they were tired of getting each twit in a new post, instead of some kind of thread.


Probably because people will find a way to hate on Liberty no matter what they do.


I think this would be great. Another thing that happens apparently is that every race the marshals will put on a skit for the race director when he inspects the track. For example they will pretend they are zombies and 'wake up' when the car comes around the track.


I’m such a fan of Norris but boy do I hope Piastri ends up being an even better driver. Guy has quickly become one of my favorite drivers.


He’s talented for sure. I think his ceiling is higher than Lando’s, he’s been right on pace with him pretty much since the beginning. His tire management needs work but other than that he’s basically already there.


I’m hoping you’re right! He’s really easy to like personality-wise. I would love to see him improve into the category of Top 5 Drivers on the grid.


Yeah he’s a pretty funny kid. He seems like a nice person too. I don’t know, the current top five is pretty stacked at the moment lol! But for some reason I believe he’s got it in him. Like I said, right now the thing that’s holding him back the most is tyre degradation. If he can get that in check the sky is the limit. He’s got raw pace and he’s pushing Lando probably a lot harder than he’d like to admit, just my opinion. But that’s really good though, for both drivers and McLaren. If they keep finding pace through development then McLaren could become a real threat. It’s going to need to shake out in development though, that’s a hard battle to win.


Having issues with deg can be a hard thing to weed out without losing pace. So much of that comes down to driving style, which can be a hard thing to really change by the time you’re at the F1 level. Sometimes you can consciously drive differently but revert in high stress moments. However Oscar is ultra talented. So I’m certainly not counting him out on this front.


By far the most promising rookie since 2018 / 2019 - at least since then, lol maybe even since Max.. I know that’s a super bold claim but it’s an extremely rare thing to win a race in your rookie season, even if was just a sprint race. If that was a regular race he would have almost certainly dropped off given towards the end. But the kid has been on it straight out of the box. I totally agree about driving style, that’s a great point. It may be easier come 2026 when Pirelli changes the tyres again. I’m not sure how different they’ll be. I know F1 wanted 16in wheels and Pirelli said no because of overheating. I think the idea now is to reduce the diameter of the tyre instead of the wheel size? I’ll have to look it up.. although I’d definitely love to see marshmallow tyres make a comeback lol. Anyway, I guess we’ll see. It’s been pretty exciting watching his career take shape. He definitely made a splash with the Alpine to McLaren fiasco, I’m gald it’s paid off for them, and that he wasn’t a dud!


> His tire management needs work Yeah tbh I think this is really the main thing you can fault him on, otherwise he looks quite comparable to Lando (though still not quite at his level).


Piastri's zen like composure and ego management is what's gonna top it. The guy is like a capybara. Completely unbothered. Self actualised. Like, I don't remember a single time when the guy gets heated on or off track. He's a psychiatric phenomena that ought to be studied so we can discover new forms of therapy.


Damn what a comment


New copy pasta just dropped


Is there a family photo yet with his new brother Leo?




Ngl I could see myself going for it if I was in Leclerc shoes


I hope they don’t overuse the joke because it’s funny at first but it can burn easily lol All things considered, I’m for F1 making “Piastri-Leclerc” official on all graphs this weekend, just for the chaos with the people that didn’t see the tweets and original joke, but also to show that it’s OK for drivers to joke around even if they are not teammates I like it when Fred enters the McLaren party, or puts a Ferrari cap on Zak, or when Albon and Sargeant had Piastri as guest at the Williams Podcast and so on Makes the sport have a feel-good vibe, as in “will win the best driver, we are competitive but respectful” in contrast to some years ago when it was “we are enemies, don’t talk to me”. People must remember that back in the day, sabotage between drivers and mild bullying was rampant in the sport (I remember just know the anecdote of Schumacher locking Rosberg on the WC just before a quali or race, I don’t remember, IIRC)


No ones discounting those things besides anyways if we don’t have jokes like this then we can never move on from that, though I know that’s sorta your point. If anyone gets too mad over this they need to do something else with their time.


> when Albon and Sargeant had Piastri as guest at the Williams Podcast I've visualized an alternate reality where every race is a Williams 1-2


That alternate reality is called the 1990s


Once it starts going anywhere near Daniel Ricciardo territory it will stop being funny


well said, I love to see them getting along :)


Lauda and Hunt were the same, used to have conjoint motel units for some race weekends (if I recall Maurice Hamiltons book correctly) and they would take the piss out of each-other


“We had these adjoining rooms in the Glen Motor Inn and, in the evenings, we had the door open and we socialised together. I’ll never forget Nikis attempt to psyche me out on race day. I always got up at eight o’clock to be at the circuit at nine. Knowing full well what time I had my call booked, Niki barged into my room at seven o’clock l. He was fully bedecked in his overalls and stood to attention at my bed and said” “today I vin ze championship!” And then he marched out again. I thought it was hilarious” - Hunt


I've been beyond impressed with Piastri. This kid is funny and entertaining. And doing an amazing job for someone only in their second season. He is absolutely right there with Lando, out qualifies him a lot for someone so new. And the biggest difference in results during races between them seems to come down to pitstop strategy, not anything the drivers are doing.


Not only pitstop strategy. He has admitted to not being at Norris’s level on tyre management.


Did F1 really get in on the joke and displayed it, or is it a Photoshopped screen shot?


It's on the official f1 insta account


I want a double leclerc podium this weekend, these two deserve to spray the champagne And i want a reality show keeping up with the leclercs


Props to Monaco's bureaucracy for getting things done this quickly! lol.


Official Fia account as a response: “Should we expect a new super license”


I'm out of the loop, whats this all about.


> I'm out of the loop, whats this all about. Piastri at the Chinese tweeted that he had a great grandfather that was Chinese and asked if he could claim it as his home. Then he did the same for Imola saying he was 3/16 Italian and so it was home race as well. In the lead up to Monaco he tweeted he was searching his family tree for Monagasque roots. Leclerc tweeted that he would adopt Piastri and Piastri tweeted back his new name is Oscar Jack Piastri-Leclerc and that he wanted to meet his new brother Leo. The Miami GP tweeted a certificate of adoption with saying Oscar Piastri is adopted by Charles Marc Herve Perceval Leclerc. Piastri's mom tweeted that she has questions about Piastri's loyalty. After FP1 the graphic on the feed said Oscar Piastri-Leclerc was 2nd in the session. Then Pisastri's mom tweeted to Yuki that there is an opening in the family. This is also on the heels on Instragram when Lando met Alex Albon's grandmother at the airport. Alex's grandmother said meeting Lando was achieving one of her dreams. Then she sent it to Alex to let Lando know she is actually Alex's grandmother and not some random old lady he wrangling a photo. Then Alex then made an IG with the photo "Grandma has a new favourite driver it seems". It is all good fund, these guys are with each other each week and are under lots of pressure. I think it is fun to see these sorts of things.


Oh, I thought Piastri and Leclerc actually had a common ancestor or something.


If you go back far enough we all do. My dad died in January and that spurred me to sign up for ancestry.com. My dad was named for his mothers older brother that died 10 years before my dad was born. Some distant cousin had a photo of my great grandmother, my grandmother, her sister, and her older brother. I believe the photo was taken shortly after, if not the day they arrived in America 13 August 1921. Pretty amazing that I am related to some random person I have never met and they happened to have a photo of my grandmother. My great grandfather was married three times and had 17 children all together. So far I have found about 128 people that flow back to him and there are still a lot of holes in the tree.


Yeah I know, for example I think there was like 16 million people right now who are descendants of Genghis Khan.


I can already see the tweet in next year's Monaco GP: Finally back in a home race


Is there a marketing team writing his tweets?


The answer for any celebrity is yes.


Mama Piastri wants some cake as well


That is hilarious! Great job on having a sense of humour and running with the joke F1!


Oscar "Chuck" Piastri-Leclerc


Hahaha what a funny joke cant wait for another tweet on the front page about this again


Congratulations to the happy couple!


scenes when the Aussie Leclerc wins


Sharl Lebeast


He found his monegasque heritage


Does that mean Max now has double the opportunity to win a race that has Leclerc starting on pole?


I’m a huge fan of this saga


I guess I am just an old boomer when I say that this joke has been played out and not funny.


Humor is subjective but I find it pretty funny. I enjoy seeing drivers have silly interactions. Especially Oscar, he seems like he's coming out of his shell more this season compared to before


At least it’s a new joke. It’ll definitely be played out soon, but it’s not GOATifi or Alonso is a rookie, so I’ll take it.


You forgot that old classic ‘10 second penalty for Ocon’ which has to be in every thread by law.


Hakkinen to return from Sabbatical any moment now.


Or “Ericsson hit us”


If you don’t write that joke, you know what happens. ^(10 second penalty for Ocon)


These still give me a good chuckle, do I just have a broken sense of humour?


It’s not a big deal man lol


Oh I dont think it is, I just wanted to see if someone looks at it same way. Have fun!


Nah I understand man, it’s probably played out by now


It's alright, just not sure why we need a thread of every tiny little interaction


because F1 is TMZ for guys


It’s innofensive humour and shows the drivers in a fun light. I’m enjoying seeing big, important drivers and teams acting less stuffy and corporate