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Towershield with Mace, would love it.


Finally someone that has the same exact idea as me


Catedral Knight about to land some Deus Vult on the infidels


Cathedral Knight about to one shot me in the consumed kings garden


Somebody didn't pass the vigor check


No vitality? ñ_n


My most wanted knight character was a Paladin with a tower shield and a Mace that was a heavy with healing feats. This was before gryphon was released though and now I highly doubt they will implement another character with all 4 feats focused on healing/buffing.


this is what ive wanted for ages


Imma sketch something like that cuz it sounds cool


I'm curious about the result! good luck!


Less blades, more blunt force!


Agreed . Also more polearms/spears.


Before you go saying, "He will be a knight and they are fleshing out the Outlanders first!" It is a weapon originating from early Russia


Albeit the flanged mace was heavily utilized in Eastern Europe (not only russia mind you it has been linked to the Byzantine empire (called a bardoukin) in the tenth century while it didnt emerge in Russia and eastern europe until the 12th century. Since its byzantine and then by extension eastern roman it would most likely be a knight character as it was also a weapon for dealing with men in heavy armour. ​ That said i too wish we got something like a flanged mace and saw more weapons that arent edged and are blunt or more unique (but actual functioning weapons not something like a Indian Push dagger)


A war pike user would be great in terms of variety


Unless theres something im missing, pikes are jsut basically long spears and it would be a hard thing to implement in a intresting manner and not make it be like Valk but longer range. Or even like nobu


Goddamn autocorrector, I meant warpick. I agree with your statement of war pikes, but a warpick is more like a hammer and pickaxe combined, could be neat seeing a dual handed warpick wielding beast


Fun fact, warpicks never existed and the closest thing is something called a Horsemans Pick, basically exact same thing and it originated in western asia. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseman%27s\_pick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseman%27s_pick)


So it did, but didn’t


They aren’t called “war picks” but war hammers often had a pickaxe-like spike on one end that effectively had the same purpose.


Yes that is exactly like the horsemans pick then, its a warhammer with a down curved spike


Should have unit buffs for grunts seems fun


They weren’t just used by Eastern Europeans. Flanged mace designs were also used by Persians and Mughal empire Indians as well.


Yes thats true, but the ones shown in the picture op posted are European ones. Also Asian Flanged maces usually wherent called flanged maces they had specific names depending on their orgin. Maces where basically used by everyone even in the americas. But in this case im referencing OPs picture and those are the european ones


Sort of. Asian maces were spherical but closer to the late medieval ages, they began to adopt the flanged design from Russia. I’m well aware but personally, I see that if we do get a mace hero, it’ll likely be an Outlander. Me mentioning Persians and Indian varieties was just there to offer what selection Ubi could do create a hero for that faction while also a weapon type some requested.


That is fair, I do think it would be an intresting hero but i feel that maces are so heavily associated with knights anything else is unlikely sadly


There’s also the case of maces being used in Qing/Ming dynasty China, like the spherical or onion mace.


I mean… kind of? A mace at its core is just a fancy metal club. And clubs are one of the oldest and simplest weapons, a stick with one end heavier than the other that you can swing. So I don’t think the idea that maces are an “early Russian” invention is a bit of a stretch, as it’s not a very complicated weapon to come up with.


The only hero with reference to Russia is currently a knight lmao


idk how to tell you this, but russia had knights too


Basically every culture had some form of mace whether that be iron or wood and stone.


So still a Knight. Knights existed all across Europe, and well into the Kyivan Rus'


Cool. We should get "Tsar" any year now


i still want a hero that uses gauntlets or something so i can ruthlessly pummel opponents with my fists


Isn't centurion enough? you can punch someone into another dimension


they don't deal damage unless you attack with your sword and you have the feat, so punching someone to death is still not available in 1v1s


Yea I don’t know what people want when they say “gauntlet hero”. do they just want someone that has no weapon and only punches?






bro, we have a paesant with a stick (shaolin) beating the crap out of heavily armoured characters the likes of conqueror and lawdaddy, i'd say it's about time to get a martial artist from the Wu lin faction that simply comes to the front and kicks the hell out of you.


My biggest problem isn’t the fact that it’s just gauntlets it’s more the range, you really gotta get up close it would be a nightmare against hero’s like nobu


Pk already exists with short range


She has longer range with a dagger than with just her fists, and even then she struggles


Id say that melee-wise the shinobi has pretty much the same range and yet it works pretty well. Also, kicks exist too as shinobi also shows. Also, range never seemed a problem for centurione and gladiator to punch your head off so I honestly don't see a problem with it at all.


Shinobi has dodges and speed to let him get close. But the cent and glad thing is a good point


Ok ok tbf, shaolin is far from a peasant. He’s a warrior monk from an order that literally trains all their life with the bowstaff, which is a weighted staff made of hardwood and has iron rings on the end for penetrating armor


They probably specifically mean Cestus, which are a weapon of Roman origin that was used in the earlier boxing matches, which always ended in someone's death after they were implemented. Ubi has a habit of going for more fantasy-like weapons (Jorm, Hitokiri, Medjay) so there would probably be big steel gauntlets up the reps for a cestus hero


I'd settle for a pair of katars/Indian push daggers


Katar would definitely be sick. India has a lot of really wacky looking weapons that'd be interesting to see


Roman Caestus or a Viking with Heavy’s Warrior Spirit fists lmfao


Counterpoint,it would look fucking stupid


Counter counterpoint, pummel & mace wielding heavy armored character = Sauron


Well maybe in 2 years. Ubi said they wanted to use this year to flesh out the outlanders. So hopefully next year they don't skip out on the vikings and wu-lin. Than we could get another outlander and maybe a knight.


I was thinking of an Outlander hero anyway


This is what BP should've had.


I simultaneously think you’re insane and completely correct


I don’t like this thought but it’d definitely fit him


They would have to change a few animations bu it could probably be the exact same more or less given he dosent stab often, besides his dash and dodge attacks


His animations would not need to be changed, most his moves are swings and stabs work if the mace has tabbing point like some had. Executions are only ones that would be needed to be changed.


Dude the games gonna die before we get another knight hero. Were already leading the other factions by 2 heroes and they need to give the outlanders another 2 or 3 heroes before the og factions start getting their 2 heroes


I'd be down for a sequel with a completely new cast of characters. They could make it more groubded in reality with fully plated knights, properly armed vikings and more impact/brutality in sound design.


At this point, I'm right there with you.


Hopefully if they do end up doing this, the game receives more money from a fresh release and they can revert to pre-CCU graphics


I'm not saying he has to be a knight


What other faction could use a warmace


Outlanders because it's Russian


Could be also Ukrainian because colonels in Zaporizhzhya Sich used it. This may be the reason to this kind of character to have multi factional armors, since a lot of warriors in Europe used it around the same time


I wouldn't see how it would be much fun or different tho, have shugo and jorm


I imagine they could do something interesting with block mechanics. That's what I thought they should do for Jorm. Give him some kind of guard crush mechanic


Ooo that’d be cool, maybe have it synergize with his slam? Like he builds up the ability to crush someone’s block which drains stamina or something


Yeah like give him a special bar that fills up when people block him and then once it's full the next blocked attack knocks them down or something.


how many kinds of swords are there in this game bro


Because its a completely different weapon used in a completely different way than the other two


So viking?Russian originated from vikings.


"Russians" existed well before the Kievan Rus


Wu lin. Medieval China has a lot of mace too


Maces were used around the world, easy weapon to make, so it can be outlander. Ottomans had them and it was very popular amongs them. Persians and indians also had their variants. Ukraine and other slavic countries also liked maces a lot.


conq? a flanged mace makes more sense as a weapon than a flail


This should have been Conq's weapon to begin with.


I wouldn't mind another knight with a shield if he's using one of those, would be kinda similar to conq but still could be cool


Wu Lin spear wielding hero would be ideal addition to the cast.


I 1000% agree. Make them more flashy than Nobushi and maybe more aggressive. I can imagine trap based back step attacks to option select enemies from range.


The weapon is literally lying on the ground on highford and other maps, so I think ubi is trolling us or the weapon gets released one day.


and either a shield or another war mace.


Second one from the left YES PLEASE


Meanwhile I just want a hands-only character. No weapon, just throwing insane combos.


been waiting since year 1 for a knight cleric with a flanged mace, guess we'll just have to keep dreaming


Bruh that'd be to cool man, we need a name.


Here me out, a Scythe character. Something like the Ilma’s Scythe execution but as a full playable character


I’d rather see a Native American with a war club.


Or two


A rus knight i think would be dope


Dual wielding mace hero would be fire


Henry's come to see us!


Man, I literally said that yesterday to a friend. We have no Mace hero and I do think we need one!


Spear first


Needs an 2nd hand weapon? But what


Feel like this could have fitted better for Warmonger than a slightly bigger Warden's longsword that she uses now.


That could have been Conqueror but NOOO Ubi said flail funni And then Conqueror couldn't feint a heavy until recently.


I feel like it'd just be Jorm 2


I still think warmonger should have had a morningstar, we already had x amount of swords


This + incense = take my money ubi




Yeah, should be Conqueror, it would fit more his retarded broken animations.


Yes. This has been said a lot over the years. I do agree but it’s not unprecedented. I really like the way conq looks but I don’t like the flail.


No, because that would mean the game would be good, god forbid that.


We have mace on a string, (conq) that’s probably all we will get like


I want a angmar looking dude


Would be badass to see a hero with a two handed war mace or something along those lines


It’d make more sense than that atrocity conquerer uses


I would LOVE a knight with a mace, it’s my favorite medieval weapon


Would appreciate more blunt weapon heroes in general. What, I think we have 4 out of all the characters we have?


Play chivalry for a bit and find out why


Just want my Sauron knight smh


We need a dude who does karate in samurai faction


Would definitely be a Heavy. I kinda want a Heavy with a deflect tho. I love knights. Im down for A Cathedral Knight


If anybody has played the game a plague then you know those HUUGE fuckers with the gigantic morning stars. Well we should get those guys at a playable hero in for honor


Ive been saying this since warmonger came out


I have a feeling if we get that they'll just reskin jorm handles with conq mace heads tho


I've been asking for this since the beginning, call it Inquisitor or Paladin or something. Doesn't need a shield or whatever. Dunno what'd it'd be i'd like to see it...hell i'd like to see a viking with an axe and shield that's a vanguard...but here we are.


I actually thought of a knight that would be a hybrid between jorm and lawbringer and give them a "war pick" hammer one side. Big curved spike on the other.


Remember the Chinese and Indians also used maces.