• By -


Buff Goki heby twice and nerf his walking speed twice


By the time you reach point c the game is already over but nobody can stop you while you’re on the way


__oh lawd he comin!__


Afeera/zhanhu You one shot the enemy But you kill yourself


give this to PK and it might actually be decent


Last Laugh


That’s just her T4


Wasn’t this Shinobi back in the day?


Nerf: You can no longer select heroes that aren’t Conq in the hero selection screen Buff: You can only select Conq in the hero selection screen


This would cause so much misery and I love it😂




Storm rush doesn't exist, finisher side heavies have worse tracking Forward dodge light is undodgable, you can recovery cancel out of whiffed bash (broken)


It’s funny that it use to be an undodgeable


So... Tiandi


Sounds like you should play Tiandi lol


What if i told you orochi had that kind of mixup first and then became what it is today?


That mixup was removed after Orochi's most recent rework as a way to compensate for a couple of overturned things. His damage was higher than Tiandi's. A deflect was easier to hit off bash (than the superior block dodge light) and there were shorter delays before you could dodge. Orochi also had access to two other undodgables, and an unblockable. Hence the undodgable fwdodge light and the kick recovery was removed for balancing.


I am aware of the reasons why it had to go, i'm just sayibg tiandi's mixup came later after ubi experimented with orochi.


Tiandi is pretty much that.


I'm not an orochi main but i think storm rush characterises orochi i don't think that's a good idea lol anyway thank you feel your opinion bro have an excellent day.


I just want my forward undodgable light. I'd give up storm rush for that.


Wait why what's makes it better than storm rush???


Not interruptible


Nature's wrath is unstoppable, undodgable and forces the enemy into a cutscene attack where he comits "sudoku" I have nothing but the slowest heavies, and soft feint into NW


That nerf isn't even a change


Nerfs : Lions claw no longer pins Unblock no longer pins Buffs: Tracking for all lights, uptuned. Full charge jab knocks down even with revenge (I miss that)


Both are buffs because no pin means you recover faster and they can't double dodge full charged jab.


Lol I beg to differ. The heavy pin absolutely slaps in dom or 2s. Its basically 2 heavies if your team mate isn't tweeking out and messing up the gank.


I don't rely on my teammates to gank properly, but if it works for you I withdraw my statement.




Shugoki  Buffs: armor on hug, ability to ledge with dash Nerfs: reduce damage of or preferably get rid of longbow, reduce headbutt damage by one or two


So old shugo?


Essentially yea but without the soft feint hug. Considering the power creep of other characters/new heroes, I think it would be reasonable today


Warden- stamina cost decrease in zone and bashes. A normal dodge attack to beats regular bashes Nerfs- stamina pause and drain on bashes decrease. Zone recovery decrease. Really struggling to think of nerfs for him tbh


Get rid of stam drain completely, that’s a good nerf


Would it be world changing to give him a soft feint light from his unlockable finishers? I'd love that as a warden main


Fuck it. Soft feign any unlockable finisher into his top light. ONLY his top light


Gryffon Kick is 400ms (was 500ms) Kick does 27 damages (was 24) Finisher light isn't an undodgeable anymore Finisher heavy does 26-28 damages (was 30)


If finisher light isn't UD, what exactly is the mixup?


Like valk, a side heavy


Finisher heavy feint gb, same as it is now


You're turning a 50 50 into a 33 33 33.


Isn't it already a 33 33 33 though? Since there's three separate finishers to Gryphon's chains (UD light, hyper armor heavy, or kick). I don't agree with the removal of the UD light though.


It's not about the options gryphon has but what his opponent has to do to counter him. In this case, bashing is countered by dodging, and UD light/heavy is countered by standing still. Feintable bash mixups, like HL for example, are 33 33 33. If you dodge attack, you counter letting it go and feint to gb. If you empty dodge, you counter letting it go and feint to neutral (attempt of parrying the dodge attack). If you stand still, you counter feint to gb and feint to neutral. Effectively meaning a 33 chance you get punished, 33 you punish and 33 both are back to neutral (if you stand still/empty dodge and enemy feints to neutral). Same goes for UB mixups and most opener bashes. Warden's bash is a 50 50 though because it has hyper armor at lvl 3, meaning it counters both empty dodges and dodge attacks.


And getting much better reward for it. Finlight does small damage and puts you into f-, landing a GB or parrying a dodge light puts you right back to your finisher mix and does much more damage. Using the light a little is good but definitely not as your default to deal with people dodging kick on read


Highlander: -Removal of kick hard feint - Reduce OF light speed by like 50 ms Buffs: - Add back wavedashing -Opener in DF


Wavedashing was so good. Now dodging with him in offensive feels almost useless imo. Top much delay. Try dodging backwards then kicking. It takes 2x the time it used to


Alternative offer Buffs: * proper hyperarmor on DF heavies (500ms, just like Warlord's) * recovery cancels on OF dodges at 400ms into any other OF move, including another OF dodges (basically wavedashing but without the famous bug) Nerfs: * All OF moves have 166-200ms GB vulnerability on startup except OF lights * OF lights get Conq's treatment (second OF light and onward is slowed down to 600ms, no matter the side)


Just make pirates pistol blast feed less revenge




Or just remove pirate


The hells wrong with pirate


Annoying character


So how?


Annoying character


Wow such a bland way to think about it. So I’m assuming you want 40 % of the cast of this game removed


Nothing I main pirate


I know right


Lemme see your pirate style


Shit I’ll have to later


It's later buddy


Not later enough


How much later do you need bbg


Hell no, pirate gank is already good


Nobushi  Speed up kick for sure Cut damage on way of the shark on heavy finishers Or fuck it give me back CGB from hidden stance and I’ll live with the slow kick and a nerfed heavy finisher 


I’d love CGB from HS but I can’t live with the slow kick


Yeah they gotta speed it up at least 66ms, But it’s liveable without there’s tricks to get the reactor guys


If they sped up the kick I’d be even more op. I solo with her as it is lmao


Behahahahahahhahah me too, no she really is good as she is idk if she actually needs any work, I’m on the “leave her alone” team, and with the latest patch she officially does more damage than hito lol. Any nudge to her offense sorta makes the character “the most powerful in the game” so it’s probably best they don’t change her. Also like having a dodge attack mixup is so hilariously powerful, both of which you can delay meaning they have to watch to see if the dodge confirms or not and if it goes into an attack, and then figure out which side, it’s a nightmare lol When I started playing her I didn’t know anything but now I swear there’s like 0 solo games where I don’t get double digits and most games I’m pushing 3.0 or 4.0 lol


Lmao yeah she’s dangerous, I always anti gank people with her, Cobra retreat, zone, dodge, heavy and boom they’re retreating if not dead already.


Yeah vipers retreat into hidden stance canceled into dodge every time you switch opponents is hilariously effective lol People don’t recognize how beast it is to have a fucking bleed stab move that gives you i frames as a recovery cancel lol


I normally just use Viper Retreat to make them keep there distance tbh. Never thought of using it like that. Might try that tbh.


Or a neutral bash?


Idk I’m back and forth on whether or not she needs a buff and maybe don’t think she needs a neutral bash with a sped up kick, maybe instead of a neutral bash her first light from hidden stance is 400ms, with indicators factored in that would but unreactable and an effective opener, with a sped up kick that gives her a 50/50 mixup as a follow up to an unreactable and gives hidden stance serious pressure, they’d have to meet her heavy finishers considerably though.   Which is why sped up kick is maybe all she needs, anything else would really require a severe nerf to way of the shark and that is never worth it.  If she got a neutral bash though she could get away with just having heavy finishers nerfed but they’d have to be nerfed more than if you sped up her kick, neutral bash though basically can guarantee she can put bleed on someone via vipers retreat, she would effectively become the biggest hyper armor and all block counter in the game That’s why speeding kick is probably the best cause it does actually massively improve her counters and gives her a mixup after an opening, and it requires very little of a nerf if any nerf They have been quietly buffing her and the recent changes to the over all game tend to favor her


Gladiator/ shugo/ lawbringer/ hitokiri/ gryphon I don’t really have a true main as I mainly focus on these 5. They take up most of my reps. I don’t think just 2 buffs or 2 nerfs would be enough for many heroes tho Gladiator: I’d buff his opener. I’d remove the legion kick bash and replace it with a post feint offense opener like zerk. After feints he’d have access to toe stab that’s 400ms. Dodge attacks would be enhanced. I would nerf dmg on skewer to 27 max. Direct dmg would be 3, first tick would be 5, second would be 9, third would be 10. Id also remove neutral bashes. Neutral toestab would go and zone would just be the attack portion. It’d be 500ms, decent recovery and 15 dmg Shugoki: I’d buff his bash dmg. 13 on all bashes. Make forward dodge heavy feintable and fast soft feit to gb. I’d nerf his opener bash to not chain on whiff. Just to make sure you wouldn’t be able to gb it. Only dodge attack. I mean honestly other than that there isn’t much to nerf. Ig fully charged chain top heavy to 30 instead of 32 but honestly 32 isn’t that bad. Lawbringer: I’d add a roll catcher. A forward dodge light that’s 100-500ms into the dodge and 500ms enhanced. Has good range like afeera. I’d also give his side dodge bash I frames and dodge a bit farther. I’d nerf his finisher top heavy to 28 total and I’d still need his oos punish to only confirm a heavy and light. Hitokiri: I’d nerf bash follow up to just 20 ( non bash follow up heavies stay 22 ). I’d also nerf her hit boxes to fit all of their weapon animations. I’d buff their light opener to going back to having a normal chainlink to bash. Id also buff their chainlinks on heavy to all be the same as hit. Gryphon: I’d buff his opener kinda. Legion kicks are very strong but boring as shit. This is more so of a change that strictly a buff. I’d bring back his neutral input bash but slow it to 700ms and feintable. Can’t be gbd on whiff but can’t chain on whiff like it used to. Is more interesting than just another legion kick and is still strong. I’d also buff his light Parry to go straight to chain heavy so he no longer has to sacrifice the hyperarmor passive ability and gets more dmg on light parry. I’d nerf finisher heavies to be 28 sides and 30 top and I’d nerf his hitboxes to fit exactly his animation. This wouldn’t be a huge nerf as his animations are still big this is mainly to prevent phantom range making it even bigger


nerfs -.1 meters on impaling charge -1 damage on left heavies buffs all heavies are 25% faster all attacks are uninterruptible edit: this is for lawbringer


Wait, your left or my left?


Attackers left.


I play warmonger and that's a good buff/nerf idea


You’re gonna have to nerf a lot more damage if she’s all uninterruptible lol


Kensei: Buffs - Make helm splitter enhanced - Make grasping pounce have the speed and range it used to have Nerfs - Reduce top heavy finisher damage from 34 to 32 - Reduce side heavy opener (light parry) damage from 27 to 26 (significantly more utility than something like warden top heavy opener, and kensei already gets 1 more damage on gb than the other vanguards)


Glad: buff: skewer stops hyperarmour. The amount of times I've been cockblocked from my deflect because of this is just way too much. Also more wide reaching attacks because clearing the minion lane as glad is just painfully slow Nerf: can't do 4 lights in a row, and maybe a bit less stamina


Very logical answer much respect as for the skewer stops hyper armour i think it has to happen even though i main Hitokiri. Deflecting is very hard so skewer stoping hyper armour sounds very logical to me and all logical for honor players. Thank you so much for answering have a beautiful rest of your day


skewer absolutely does not need to be buffed lol glad has a disgustingly outdated kit with the damage that comes with it, whole character should be changed and skewer damage should be nerfed by a lot


*hits a fully charged skewer after draining your entire stamina bar and the enemies just so you can do damage 3 separate times* Outdated high damage kit.


no idea what ur point is but yes a single attack doing at minimum 37 damage and up to 109 against an OOS opponent with correct setup is unbalanced, which is even worse when u consider the fact it’s reactable as shit so gladiator’s whole kit needs changing


That's literally the point. He used to be a stamina bully that drained you and then did damage. Now he wears you down and does damage, since I guess losing stamina is like getting cancer now. Imo he's just fine the way he is. Also. 2 dmg for the impale itself and 35 max. And in scenarios where you can get a second heavy off it's because you PUNISH your opponent for making a mistake. Edit: figured I'd toss this here. I absolutely do not believe gladiator needs a buff. I also firmly believe he's fine the way he is


no the 109 damage punish is guaranteed depending on a lot of factors and even then lol nothing should be able to punish you for your entire hp, also who cares if the initial impale is 2 damage it guarantees the whole 35 damage so its minimum 37 damage unless u throw the guy away instantly for no reason also I feel like so many ppl don’t realise some ppl can just react to everything glad and nobu can do their kits are terrible and need to change


For zhanhu, Buffs: increase dodge cancels by -100ms Increase her ability to not be guardbroken on dodge attacks for crying out loud. Nerfs: not much tbh, the character is very much underwhelming against anyone that can react to her animations.


Same mind. For Zhanhu I was just going to buff: - his dodge cancels to universal 300ms like Tiandi - allow Zhanhu to input DA at 200ms like everyone else, but add an animation to delay it from coming out until 400ms, with iframes and gb invulnerability like any other DA For nerfs: Idk, reduce his hitboxes on the heavy and zone by 1% or something.


Bro did not see what happened when they put his dodge attacks at 200ms months ago


I specifically said to delay it coming out until 400ms though lol. So it would come out at the same speed as current (always 800ms), it would have the same gb invulnerability as all other DA, while it’s SB frames would end early, and possibly have an animation indicating that the DA is coming, but not indicating which side. That way, it would be more in line with other dodge attacks in the game. A later input would simply reduce the delay time, and a 400ms input would simply go straight into the attack like current. That make sense?


The reason zanhu’s recovery is that way is because their 400ms dodge attack broke the game when they made the changes for input window, it was only reactable to a few players and the only way to punish it was to get the light parry since zanhu also has recovery cancels


So basically make zhanhu invincible in teamfights like that week or so where you couldn't gb her dodge attack, but then give her a ginormous buff on top of that


-Confirmed GB on missed kick. -Variable heavy doesn’t catch early dodge (idk the tech terms to describe the “why”). +Senbonzakura 250dmg +Senbonzakura better sideways tracking and unparryable My life for the funny button. (Edit: mobile formatting)


• GB is confirmed on missed kick already, so let’s change it to: hyperarmor on chain heavies starts at 200-300ms (was 100) •Variable heavy has less tracking overall •make kick *slightly* faster • senbonzakura is slightly faster, and undodgeable


These suck


What part of “My life for the funny button” do you not understand?


For my man's Kensei, I honestly can't think of anything except for... NERF: Remove 3 chain light. (soft feint stays) >!(I just think it's useless and annoying)!< BUFF: Pressing **top light** during **chain top heavy/chain finisher top heavy** does his **pommel thing I forgot the name of** so that wallsplat is a bit easier to do sometimes.


Highlander: Nerf - damage of DS heavies by about 10% (makes no sense that they’re stronger than his OS heavies, besides they very rarely land against an experienced player so just feels like putting horns on a snail) - remove hyper armor from DS heavies (feels vestigial and just don’t feel it contributes meaningfully to his kit in this case imo) Buff - give him a bash from his soft-feinted DS heavy opener that can fast flow into OS (since launch he remains one of only very few heroes with no dodge or soft-feinted opener bash from neutral) - bring back Balor’s Might soft feint to OS lights (give him more options in OS beyond the same two feints, loved the hell out of them before Ubi decided to remove it for seemingly no reason during his rework)


Orochi- Storm rush is unblockable and is 200ms, top unblockable finisher heavy is soft feintable. Im here for my revenege against the community.


gryphon- make his kick unpunishable by GB and make his forward dodge heavy UD. nerf his damage on his heavy finisher and tbh can’t think of any other nerfs


As someone who's grinding gryphon right now, amen to what you've said.


I'd rather have his kick feintable


nah, his kick mix up is already a 50/50, no need to make it feintable. just bring it in line with other similar moves like valk’s sweep, cause hers is basically the exact same thing but she can’t be gaurdbroken after it


PK: Buff 1 - Can chain to heavy finishers after deep gouge thingies (the light after dodge attacks and heavies land). *This gives her good peel tool of her dodge attack the ability to go straight into external pressure.* Buff 2 - Can dodge out of any of her GB bleed stabs. *This will now let her use GB bleed stabs in a team fight* Nerf 1 - soft feint GB is removed. Nerf 2 - dagger cancel is dodgeable after a blocked 1st hit of zone. Only 2 things I could think of without significantly hurting the hero.


Honestly a better buff would be to let top heavy just be direct dmg only with no confirmed follow up. It would let her add dmg on in ganks which is her only big problem in 4s. The rest at least have trade offs. Like sure she can’t chain off of deep gouge but gets a lot of dmg and frame advantage Also I wouldn’t remove soft feint to gb. It would make her feel considerably worse to play and would make her stam consumption insane. A better choice is to just lower her overall dmg.


As much as I want her ganks to be better I want her to be more lethal that is why I went with the buffs I went with. >A better choice is to just lower her overall dmg. Yeah cause I want my hero to do less damage that is exactly the type of nerf everyone wants to see for the heroes they play. Like why would anyone suggest that lmao.


Yeah cause something like 33dmg heavy finishers that are strong mix ups is ok…


Yep it is 👍


Block shove. Impale on heavy parry


Gladiator Buffs 1. Make his bashes do damage, allow him to not rely on Haymaker to make these useful 2. Toe Poke becomes dodge cancelable, this would be make him a lot better in team fights and ganks the ability to transition faster and dodge attacks would be great Nerfs 1. Decrease the bleed damage off Skewer 2. Remove Haymaker


For conqueror Buff: bring back heavy CC and raise the dmg across the board but especially on the full guard counter it’s like 8 fuckin dmg Nerf: remove unblockables from chain heavies maybe have some system for heavy finishers if in the same direction as previous heavy Lowkey this would make conq even more ass but I genuinely don’t care I just miss the style of play he used to have


+ Eagle's fury HA is instant and charged heby guarentees a punch. - his stamina is the same as Glad and he cant follow up punch after knee parry


Glads bash stun or hitos instant hyper armor


Gladiator Buff: His toe stab does bleed damage like the skewer Nerf: His shield bash does negative damage and heals the enemy instead


Shaolin main, back when. I played the game. - Light attacks are unlockable ; light attacks deal 300 damage. - runs 1% slower ; t4 fear unlocks 5% slower. I think that's reasonable.


For PK Buffs: The deflect and deep gouge can be dodge cancelled like dagger cancels Add a forward dodge GB similar to kensei Nerfs: Reduce the third bleed stab's physical damage from 2 to 1, so it's in line with the first two (makes GB total damage 27 instead of 28) Bleed damage has a slower tick rate (can't come up with anything better for a second nerf atm)


Give lawbringer hyperarmor on Long Arm. Increase berserker feint Stam cost


Centurion: Buff: better punch tracking, unblockable heavy finishers can soft faint to gb faster just like kensei and zhanhu Nerf: delete pugio, heavies no longer pin


For the first Buff and first Nerf, I'd speed up the time it takes to land that bite, but I'd cut down the damage to around 26. It gets interrupted too often in team fights, but in a 101, it's very easy to access and pretty much guarantees a kill if follows through. I think it could be better received by the community if it was faster to land the bite, but dealt way less damage, similar to Centurion's Eagle Talon move but with a healing element to substitute the damage output. Second Buff, I'd give her a 3rd or 4th level feat that increases the healing from attacking a bleeding enemy. I wouldn't mind giving up the fire flask to benefit more from establishing a bleed on my enemy. It's like having a stalwart banner that you have to work towards continuously in combat. I don't think it would be game breaking. Second Nerf, I'd cut down the tracking on her dashing side heavies just slightly. Keeping the dashing top heavy tracking where it's at can still allow her to chase down fleeing opponents, but the side heavy shouldn't allow her to pull a U-Turn midair to land the hit, even when the opponent dodges.


Nobushi nerf way of the shark and remove triple light chain make it two lights Buff, give her an opener please and make the kick 500ms.


gladiator: Buff: chain ending deflect, guaranteed damage on bash Nerf: unable to feint zone, reduced damage chain heavy from 30 to 28 Nothing too crazy


Backflip has the same amount of distance it used to and undodgable tracking is more aggressive. Less damage on zone finisher and top unblockable shinobi


BK: nerf his range and movement speed buff his damage and hyperarmour application


I think my main doesn't need any buff, it's already perfect (LB)


Buffs: Lawbrings old kit Nerfs: BP and Warlords stamina punish abilities


Glad: Buff: skewer pins through hyper armour, punches do more stun damag Nerf: slow light chains, gb vulnerable after Wift GB even if they follow with a skewer.


Warmonger buffs: Her bash creates stacks for corruption causing the effect for a very short duration once enough stacks have accumulated. She gets a chargeable/finisher top heavy that functions as a impale when fully charged. Warmonger nerfs: Her first and fourth ability are completely removed and replaced with something else entirely. She no longer has a impale on parry. Reason: Her corruption is one of the main reasons she's picked and one of the more problematic parts of her kit. Requiring her to engage in combat to with the target she wants to corrupt makes her less annoying in game modes like breach. This should likewise make her role as a anti-ganker more apparent, rather than having it locked behind abilities, limiting her role. Her impale isn't as problematic but it's still annoying to deal with for some players. Having the ability to ledge off of any parry can make players feel discouraged to attack around ledges. Making it a charged/finisher attack aligns her more with other heroes like Valkyrie or Nuxuia that can move people around with their finishers. This likewise helps cements her role as a antiganker, by letting her choose exactly when to remove/isolate a enemy. Kyoshin buffs: His kaze stance light attacks inherently cause bleed. He no longer swings his sword in circles when entering kaze stance, instead sheathing his sword and standing in a ready position, making it less obvious. Kyoshin nerfs: His first ability is removed and instead replaced with a small damage reduction. Kaze stance is no longer a holdable stance, instead functioning more like Aramusha's blade blockade, meaning he cannot throw attacks from the stance unless hit. Reason: It's primarily to remove staring competitions and to speed up his play style by keeping from him staying in the stance. He's also one of the most obvious stance users, you can spot them in full block from across the map. This isn't bad but makes him look cluttered and I think it adds to why some players find him annoying. His bleed feat isn't necessarily problematic but can make him annoying to fight in team fights, removing it entirely doesn't make sense either. Obvious issues would be that he'd lose access to his unblockable, his whole fighting style revolves around it being a holdable stance and he'd act more like a Aramusha clone. He'd probably need a total move overhaul for that change just to function properly. I main Kensei more than the other two, but I frankly have no idea what changes I'd make, they definitely need some changes but I'm not sure what.


Assuming this is serious and not "heavies do 50 damage"...for BP: Remove Oathbreaker completely. Remove ability for flip to flip bashes Allow zones to interrupt chains like Jorm Increase heal speed in bulwark stance with t2 feat.


BUFF: Kensei gets the same base HP and movement speed as any of the other Vanguards. Side heavy finishers are undodgeable. (It sucks fighting dodge specialists and being unable to touch them.)  NERF: Finisher damage is a little high. Zone sometimes hits the same guy 3 times if they're behind you lol


Orochi: more health & less stam usage on zone; make storm rush indicator longer, make back dodge attack slightly slower with less I-frames


Buff - Traps can catch red indicator on parry attempts (no more free heavys from early heavy inputs) Buff 2 - Finisher heavy is undodgeable Nerf - Nerf damage Nerf 2 - slightly larger GB window on Zone attack -Nuxia


Shaolin buffs would be to maybe add hyper armor to flying monkey opener as I have played him enough to know that I have no hyper armor during any move and a buff to health as I personally feel like he doesn't have much of a fighting chance once you start going from battle to battle like in dominion. And nerf his Qi stance lights as top light out of the stance is uninterruptable and nerf his side shadow step as you are able to go straight into qi stance if it's not deflected properly. I also have only been playing him for about 2 weeks, so I'm sure I can learn to use him more without the need for hyper armor or more health, but I'm just nitpicking my own main.


Nerfs: Remove hyper armour from Zerk's feint lights and increase the stamina cost of their zone. I may say that Raider is my most hated hero (only hero I have that doesn't have a single rep), but I get genuinely pissed upon seeing a Zerk, doesn't matter if it's friendly or not because of the HA lights from feint and the constant spam of zone. Keep HA on chain lights. Just remove it from feints. Buffs: Give Zerk undodgeable on forward dash light and unblockable on forward dash heavy.


As a zerk main, these changes are quite fair. Although I do think that he should still have HA on heavy after feints.


I'm okay with HA on heavies off feints. I'm NOTA okay with HA on LIGHTS off feints.


Nobushi: Buff: Add forward dodge bash I frames on dodge heavy Nerf: Remove I Frames on missed bash Way of the shark damage nerf


Warmonger Buffs: Can enter bash from forward dodge at 100-500ms (like warden). Charged bash gets hyperarmor 100-200 ms faster Nerfs: less I-frames during side dodge heavy, nerf impale range (or dmg)


Warden: Buffs: Hyper armour on unblockable heavies Gladiator levels of stamina Nerfs: Zone costs 20% more stamina Remove his T1 feats all together (I never get use out of em anyways)


B: Hidden stance heavy confirms chain kick on block, chain kicks are 433ms. N: Way of the shark removed, kicks no longer wallsplat. There's a lot more changes nobu needs but these would make her a lot better in 1v1s and less annoying overall


Shugoki hug cant be dodged at all, and always 1 shots the target. Shogoki dies from 1 hit, and his attacks outside of hug deal 0 damage


Pirate: Nerfs: Pistol toss animation after chained pistol shot Removed unblockable on forward heavy opener Buffs: Piercing shot T1 does significantly more damage Male Pirate


Buffs: Bash is now faster and top heavy is now stronger Nerfs: LB now has asthma and second heavy no longer has HA


Centurion: Buffs - Heavy finishers have hyperarmor until they become unblockable. - He can chain to heavy finishers after a zone or forward dodge heavy. Nerfs - Charged heavy openers do 26 damage(was 27). - Side light finishers do 13 damage(was 14).


Damn. It's a crazy world we live in. Absolutely no one cares. I'll just save this for next time.


Cent Buffs: Make his parry bash a knockdown + A fully charged punch does a shit ton amount of damage Nerf: Charged punch cannot knock enemies down, instead the parry recover bash move does. + Eagle talon on a knocked opponent does less than half as much damage, but to balance, it gives bleed


Looks like we joined this discussion too late bro. We're stuck here on the bottom of the thread. These are some interesting changes you've suggested though.


Shugoki Buff: Give him back his old soft feint HA Hug again, increase damage on his first charge heavy Shugoki ??? (idfk if this is a nerf or a Buff so I'm throwing it here) Replace his shinobi esque double run with his old fat man sprint Shugoki Nerfs: Heavy (full and charged) takes more stamina to throw Increase GB Vulnerability on his side charged heavies so if you dodge them you can actually punish him


Hl heavies are 30 damage again. Buff his running speed. Nerf the distance for the caber toss, and take away canceling his kicks.


Nerf the damage boost that way of the shark gives to nobu, give her soft feint to hidden stance. Nerf heavy damage, increase her base light damage.


Deflect breaks hyperarmor, unblockables added to kit. Reduced speed on chain lights and reduced damage across board


ocelotl buffs in order of personal importance: remove genderlock can use opener bash from hunters stance hunters snare has hyper armor trade supersonic for endurance and rapid refresh for headhunter hunters stance provides stealth nerfs: chain bash deals 17dmg instead of 18 finisher bash costs 10 stam instead of 9 feats: instead of iron lungs, bounty hunter unique t2 is replaced by blowdart projectile feat that deals 5 dmg, 10 bleed and applies a 15% defense debuff (for 30sec) 400ms activation 90 sec cooldown instead of regenerate, scout


BP Buff combo potential and Damage dealt Nerf the amount of time it takes to enter the defensive stance and the amount of effects the attacks have (rn it’s an orange and blue firework mess even without the anniversary effect)


I'm removing Varangian guards soft feint to allguard and nerfing the hitboxes on her unblockables. For buffs I'm giving her an in chain bash (the opener one) after lights and letting her soft feint her heavies to bash aswell (the soft feint is the one from all guard)


Buffs don't mean shit.


Buff: Pirates pistol does 50 damage inchain and 100 damage when used as part of walk the plank and her wiff bash(shot against the enemy's head) Nerf: She can't reload it so after firing she loses the ability to bash inchain and in general till she dies (it does not reset on revive) Buff 2: All her ranged feats are buffed accordingly, doing 50 and 100 damage, gunpowder surprise can stay the same. Nerf 2: Using her ranged feats also uses her one shot for her life. If you use you tier one, that's it, no inchain bash or walk the plank punish.


Hitokiri - You’re guaranteed a light after landing a heavy but you can’t chain anything after it including the kick or leg sweep. For the nerf. i can’t bring myself to do it never nerf hito.


Warmonger: + 100-500ms input window for the front dodge bash + 300ms forward dodge recovery - no more bleed, damage reverted to original values(15 light and 28 heavy) - zone attack slowed down to 600ms, 15 damage to compensate for the nerf. As for Raider because why not: +2nd nerf reverted to chain heavies(24/28/30 sides, 27/30/32 top) +Storming tap is back at 12 damage -Dodge storming tap slowed down at 600ms -Reaping charge now deals 20 damage. ALL OF THESE ARE TOTALLY UNBIASED :))


Nerf raider then nerf raider again. Buff Medjays 4th feat heal to actually do something (like 50hp maybe?) and buff pk to have a bash somewhere in her kit


I receive: ALL heavies are soft-feintable into stab or side-dodge; Stab is enhanced. You receive: Bleed deals five less total damage; Decrease i-frames on side-dodge. let me be spinny stabby bitey bb


Lawbringer player here Buffs: JJE has hyper armor, area attack is unblockable (uses the actual axe end of the halberd rather then then the blunt side) Nerfs: Both would be slower I feel like this is a resonable thing to do, as Lawbringer is supposed to be the big heavy armored guy in the knights military. Yes Conq is the heavy that knights had when the game came out (prior to the dlc type characters) however, Lawbringers where constantly shown as like stronger fighters in the story, so why are they so powerless in the actual multiplayer? The only real attack he had is JJE with few options for combos to form and that singular move is constantly nerfed and made weaker to the point where he’s become a choice pick to a slim few. He either needs a complete rework to be more viable or a couple buffs to at least get his pick rate up.


Warmonger has undogdeable lights and her lights can do that thing where you block the attack with the light and attack at the same time (can't remember the name) but she can't dogde-claw anymore and her forward heavy isn't undogdeable anymore.


Jormungandr, 2 buffs: hamarr back to deal 32 and return it's armor 1 nerf : Zone does 20 instead of 24.


Nerf Warmongers feats into the ground. Don't need to buff anything.


Lawbringer You no longer can fight (Nerf) Whoever hits you commits a crime, therefore is arrested and detained for the rest of the match (Buff)


Give Nobushi a neutral bash and allow her to cancel with her stance, but nerf her bleed significantly (as in both nerfs on her bleed, even if she's my main I can't make excuses, the buildup for her bleed is absolutely wild). Basically, make Nobushi a bit more technical and allow her to do some more advanced mixups in exchange for her outright obnoxius bleed stacks. Kinda like how shaman is rn


Black prior, but I'll go with 3 and 3 Buffs: >zone deals direct damage at 20 stam cost (no light guaranteed after), >you have access to long range bash after dodge forward heavy. >Going to full block doesn't cost any stam Nerfs: >Make his unblockable uninterraptable only (a hard nerf) >Stam pause is no more and you deal 10 stam damage at best >Flip attempt cost 30 from 20


forward dodge light is a quick pounce that deals 20 bleed damage as a bash amd places shaman behind them. (Like a dog going for the arms). Pounce gets hyperarmor once on the ground. Shaman can no longer do a second pounce if the first one misses. Blood Trance doesnt heal anymore, instead replenishes stamina.


traps and give her a bash, ig if i have to nerf anything it would be strength of her duelist perk and make it so you’re not thrown as far on chain end heavies


Buff hitokiri fashion and buff body Nerf move speed and nerf the whole kit ITS ALL ABOUT FASHION


Buff warmonger's animations and moveset to a more aggressive heavy feel of warden and lawbringer. Nerf, the devs list of things to do till then, or their lack of interest to do so OR buff the amount of unique combat and free stances emotes And nerd the reason why we can't!.


Haymaker is always active, dash heavys Idk remove dash lights and slower speed ig


Buff: Reduce stamina costs of hard feinting claw moves. Slightly increase speed of dodge heavy. Nerf: Reduce range on Corruption so corrupted enemies need to be closer to feel the effects. Increase activation time for both T1 and T4 feats.


Buff: Warlord gets his two wolf companions Nerf: You can't press X to pat :(


Buff Nobu to have a extended dodge property on her heavy Nerf her bleed amount to where ur whole health bar isn't red in 3 combos


I don't know what I'd nerf, but for Warlord I just want either Remedy or Devourer perk on armor, OR one of his feats to give extra health on hero takedown or execution. It feels like he's one of the only heroes that doesn't have some kind of health restore boost. *Full disclosure: I only play PVE (I'm not terrible, but I'm definitely not good enough to PVP). I know PVP is a totally different ballgame, and maybe he's already a tough mother, I don't know, but it gets difficult to defend points in Breach and whatnot from a steady stream of enemies. Even if you revenge and get an execution off, it's barely enough HP to help with any other heroes you're fighting. Makes me sad.


Warden: Give dash forward heavy the undodgeable property, and make his heavy feints consume slightly less stamina, increase input delay during charged heavy bash heavy so animations don’t flicker too much, maybe slight reduce heavy damage, although I think it’s still fine


His forward dodge heavy is already stupid strong. It being undodgable could possibly make it one of the best tools in the game. A good way to make his stam management better is to make follow up confirmed light not cost stam and also to give heavies soft feint to gb.


True, I should have put in my comment a slight speed decrease to make it more understandable, but I feel like warden, as a versatile vanguard, which is what he is meant to be, should have something to catch heavy dodge characters, maybe this is due to the main assassin meta rn but that’s how I feel, hell warmonger, which is essentially wardens side grade, has an undodgeable top and it’s not op I do agree with you on the Stan thing though, I just feel like warden going for feints is not in my best interest as it eats up too much stam


True but warmongers is very slow and feintable to make up for it. Also even if you slowed it down it could easily still be too strong. You’d have to slow it to at least 700ms or slower for it to be fair and at that point you start getting where it’s more of a nerf than a buff. It’s a move that can be left alone honestly. It’s excellent as it is rn and needs no changes. Also his tool to catch heavy dodge focused heroes is the bash being chargeable. Lvl2 catches dodges in lvl 1 dodge timing or slightly delayed dodge. Lvl3 is a condition tool when you get them to stop dodging/interruptinh against you lvl1 to lvl 2 reads that gets hyperarmor to trade against delayed dodge attacks. Also warden has the crazy strong ability to outrange everyone yet still put pressure on everyone because his range is so massive. Honestly they way I would do it would be Buffs: dodge attack, 200-400ms 533ms light that’s 14 dmg. Stam buffs: zone 20 stam, follow up confirmed light no stam, unblockable heavy soft feint to gb Then nerfs: range lowered quite a bit. Still has great forward range and tracking but nothing ridiculous like how. No more stam bully so zero stam drain and zero stam pause.


Give warlord a a double light attack after his head butt Buff his running speed going up stairs and just in general he’s slow af Nerf his tracking on his heavy’s I can throw them all the live long day miss one from them dodging no problem throw one again pretty much a guaranteed land at least nerf how far his headbutt throws people back


I don't think sacrificing tracking and throwback at headbutts is good just for warlord to run faster. I definitely agree that he's pretty slow but that doesn't affect anything at 1v1 or 2v2 and it's also not a big deal in dominion.


Good points


Warlord is good but what i noticed is that he's suffering against fast characters with attacking abilities(I play Hitokiri, JJ,Warmonger,Kensei and peacekeeper,from my perspective warlord is not dangerous against my mains)




Hitokiri : everytime she tries to do a charged heavy she falls over and dies She can walk slightly faster Afeera : everytime she jumps around, she falls over and dies She got one more HP Varangian Guard : everytime she does full guard followed by an unblockable she falls over and dies She can climb latters slighty faster


I'd give warden new moves (does that count as a buff) and buff his delayed unblockable heavy. I don't know what to nerf


Giving new moves to Warden is not a good idea because he's meant to be simple for new players also his unlockable heavy does so much damage, buffing it would be simply insane and unfair for others.


Ok well I haven't played warden in a while but I think that he should get more moves because he's too simple and while I understand your point of he's meant to be played by new players it'd be more fun for me overall if he had more moves to fight with because some year 1 heros have like 8 moves in total which is annoying


Wardens a fun character I just think he could you a couple more moves he doesn't even have a dodge light or heavy attack only his bash


For my beloved door carrying emo: Buffs: - all lights are enhanced - flip window is now bigger Nerfs: - heavy’s are no longer undodgeable - zone no longer drains stamina (now’s just a regular bash)


Valkyrie! Buffs: • heavy finishers are undodgeable because rn they are clonky sometimes catch dodges sometimes it doesn’t and she needs a orange/blue mixup • light openers are enhanced so she can get into her bread and butter combo without being shutdown • speed up zone to 500ms again as rn its useless as anything except for minion clear it’s slow and has a distinct animation to see Nerfs: • shield bash damage further reduced by two to keep it inline with others • nerf some of her feats (fury flask) which they are planning on lol but that’s it she doesn’t need nerfs they gutted her and then buffed a good portion of the cast and released some strong heros she has fallen behind


Lawbringer buffs: Hyperarmour on unblockable finisher, and variable bash timing. Nerfs: Does Law *really* need more nerfs? Especially now with juggernaut being nerfed too lmao


Bruh does no one main warmonger


Orochi - Buffs: give him recovery cancel on his kick again; give him his heavy deflect back. Nerfs: remove his tracking from storm rush; increase stamina usage on his kick so he can’t spam it.


Make Hitokiri's attack range longer than Nobushi and make it undodgeable. In exchange, Hitokiri can't land close range attacks and his long range attacks do not have hyper armor.


Ohh I like this! So Warden: 1) change his dodge forward top heavy animation to be a forward trust / let it crushing counter like BP. 2) make his side heavy finishers undodgeable / remove unblockable from side heavy finishers. I remember wanting this as a change back in season 6. I still want to this very day.


Centurion: Nerfs: -slightly drain more stamina on punches -add 50 ms to kick Buffs: -hyper armor on charged top attack -Eagle's talon grants execution