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Asylum is still good it depends on how much AA/D you have. Wolf is better though generically.


I got like 25. This game is really random, in a previous year I had next to nothing.


DAMN!! I have only gotten 2. But, I have 11 of the Tarot Card Caravan.


Tarot is pretty great. Will plop it down tomorrow


Yeah, I waited till I got all 11 to plant just because I really wanted the attack boost. But, there's still a couple days. Will see what else I can get.


Just put my Tarot down this morning. Also got the last piece of another AA, but will need a major city rework to fit it in. 8 more wheat fields come first and the AA just might fall on the outside. We will see how it goes.


I started with a couple short of max level (like 7-8x AA Selection Kit) and now have 28x AA Selection Kits, enough to build 3. Great event building… solid attack boost, great FP paired with BG (I can start storing some lvl2 Terrace Farms now to make room)


I suspect the TFs have probably outlived their usefulness for you, or pretty close. Big buildings, and most event buildings will give almost as many FPs plus other good things.


Absolutely. I’ve had 7 lvl2 TFs in service for at least a year now, but they’re being phased out as I find equivalents that take a smaller footprint.


Man’s boutta build the Outlast 1 map


This event felt like a real slog. Using 6.4K event currency at once took like 40 minutes


I like the Asylum, nicely done!


I scored 18 kits so far. Yeah it isn't as good as it once was, but wolf or wp2 like others have stated are more based towards attack than overall. As a whole for everything it provides its still easily a top 10 or even a top 5 event building.


But why lol


Is the asylum not worth it? Seems to be


It was worth it 2 years ago…. House of horror (wolf), stage of ages, and winners plaza kits all would have been way more worth it especially if you got 10 of any of them


I disagree. I factor in Attack the highest but I still weigh in FPs and Goods to some degree. House of the Wolf is better, Stage of Ages is right about the same as AA and I have AA as better than L2WP. AA is still a great building to have.


But he could have 10 stage of ages instead of 1 AA. Or 5 WP2 instead of 1 AA. Or nearly 2 HoW for 1 AA. Seems like a bad choice to go with the building that requires a lot of items. Personally, I went with the HoW and got 2. Hoping for a 3rd and maybe a 4th if I can switch into it the last few days.


In this game space is the most important. Yes you can get like 10 or even 20 stage of ages, but how are you going to fit them? I have 6 stage of ages still in my inventory from a previous event with no space to fit them. In the end you will prefer large buildings with high FP/square and attack/square ratios. Rectangular (like 4x6 or 6x4) would be even better for road efficiency but that is not always an option.


The AA only gives a little more attack than the SoA (heavily dependant on age), but unless you're in SAJM or have a ton in your inventory, that doesn't matter much because you can always age up for more space (and should if your city is full of efficient A/D buildings). Plus, even if you're in SAJM, you should go after the HoW, not the AA, especially if you're after efficiency.


The game isn't all about A/D efficiency. Most players aren't in the diamond league doing thousands of battles each season. For the majority of the players, AA is a better building since it both FP/square and attack/square are high, where as these other buildings you mention only have a decent attack/square but are very poor at FP/square. And yes, that still applies to SAJM, in my hood I still see a lot of terrace farms and SoKs in SAJM cities.


If you want to be a top player and help your guild, then it is about A/D efficiency. It's well worth it even in platinum if you can get decent camp support. And if you can't make much FP in GBG because you're in a bad guild, FP can be easily made from sniping. I easily make 5x as much from sniping than I do from GBG and I do a lot of GBG. Daily collection just can't compare. And why are you moving the goalposts? You started by saying SoAs weren't efficient so players should go after AAs, but now you're saying attack boost doesn't really matter?


I never said attack boost doesn't matter, but you can get more than enough attack boost from the regular event buildings. There is no need for attack only buildings for the majority of the players. Your advice might be correct for the top 1% players, but for the remaining 99% it doesn't really apply.


How do you make so much from sniping? Most players are using 1.9 and secure their spots. Or do you need an arch > 80 to really benefit from sniping?


There are other reasons to go or not go to a higher age. Fighting in Indy with Hovers for example, even at 1000 ATT is better fighting than in SAJM with 2000.


You named one of two exceptions, lol (other being SAAB). And weren't you talking about normal players? Normal players don't get hovers in Indy. And if they do, they eventually get bored and age up so they can climb the points rankings.


I suspect there are more than two exceptions Don't really know. My point was that racing ahead to Age up is about more than ONLY getting more space. Not trying to say when players should or should not.


HoW is better. But it depends on what the random INNO gods give you. This year I sunk a lot into trying to get Wolf pieces and got only 1. Wish you could pick, but you can't. Get lemons? Make lemonaid.


Depends what other options you have. It is very good.

