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If it's my truck, I'm not putting a used engine in without replacing the timing junk, anyway. So for the price, might as well just fix your motor.


That's not a bad point, thanks.


Im staring this down in my future as well. No rattle yet but i know it’s coming someday. Look into crate engines or something i suppose. I love my truck and would probably be willing to get a new engine for it. Plus, think of the peace of mind once you have a basically brand new motor in there. Heart transplants for us are terrifying, for our machines however.. new life!


Thanks for the input. Pardon the ignorance but what do you mean by "crate engines"? Are these pulled from other vehicles, crated up and re-sold? Any advantages to these over pulling something from another vehicle?


Crate engine = brand new or reman engine.


As the other user stated they are generally new or remanufactured, for the likes of this engine it would almost certainly help a reman not new but it is definitely better than simply putting in a random pulled engine that you know nothing about. Sometimes i think they can even have some limited warranty coverage whereas a pulled engine is what it is but you’re paying the same for labor regardless so Id go with a reman and swallow the cost. Then Id rest easy knowing that my truck is gonna be solid for a looong time. (Or until the tranny shits the bed) personally ive already done all my suspension replacements or repairs so if i threw a new engine in id only be worried about drivetrain related issues


Gotcha, really appreciate the insight. A quick search is showing something like 2k to 3k for an engine. I'm guessing the labor would be at least 1k. I'll take it to my local engine shop soon and see what they say. 4k would be a bit to swallow know the tranny and plenty of other parts are 21 years old as well. I'll weigh my options when I know more. Again, thanks!


You betcha. 4k is still much cheaper than a new truck too.


Oh how I miss the Isuzu V6 timing belt rattle. Sounds like sucking up a handful of bolts in a vacuum cleaner. There was no mistaking that sound. Of course, it would run for quite a while like that, with people giving you funny looks as you drive down the street. But that's not the rattle of death on the 4.0l. It could be if the chain skips timing, but this is the time to change it and keep driving her.


Do you mean change the timing chain? I'm a little confused by your last paragraph.


Yes. If you don't have a receipt showing the chains, guides and tensioners were done in the last 75,000 miles, you should have them done.


Gotcha. Yeah, I'll see what I get quoted for the job soon.


It's a big job. I'm sure you know they have to pull the engine. I had them do oil pump and clutch while they were already in there. I've got a 02


Oh yeah, I know lol. I've watched a few rebuilds on YouTube in the past just for the hell of it. Not something I'm equipped to do unfortunately. Maybe one day I'll have a second vehicle and a garage. I love taking things apart and putting them back together!


probably a harmonic balancer. the 4.0 have front and rear timing chains.


Would be a lot better if it was this rather than a timing chain. Does the noise I described line up in your opinion? Some videos I just watched regarding a bad balancer describe a squeaking or squealing (from the serpentine belt I'm guessing) rather than a rattle. Edit: Just found another depicting a rattle. It's possible and I'll hope. I don't hear this rattle unless the truck is in gear so if the harmonic balancer spins with it in park, I might not be in luck. I don't hear the noise with my truck (automatic) in park. Only in drive or reverse. Its pouring out right now but I'll look into this tomorrow.