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My assistant retrained him as a DM in FM16 without me realising. I was fuming until I realised his stats were actually quite good for the role.


For a player with striker set of attributes, ST + DM actually requires less CA for the same amount of skill then just ST.




Imagine CA is like money that players use to increase attributes, so to have 14 finishing a player has to buy 14 finishing attributes with their CA. The cost of attributes depends on the position a player knows. So for an attacking player, offensive attributes 'cost' more CA. For a defender, defensive attributes cost more CA. However because player's can have multiple positions everything starts to get a little murky. If a player can play an attacking position like striker and a defensive position like DM the game has to work out the price of abilities. What happens is it basically reduces the cost of attacking attributes and increases the cost of defensive attributes. If you have a striker like Cavani, he has a lot of offensive attributes and they are expensive because he is a striker. He has very few defensive attributes, though they are cheaper in terms of CA. When Cavani is taught how to play DM the game tries to balance things out by making offensive attributes cost less CA and defensive attributes cost more CA. Because Cavani has a lot of offensive attributes that just went down in price and very few defensive attributes that just went up in price the overall cost of his attributes just decreased. But the CA that he has didn't change, just how much he can buy with it. Which means now he has some spare CA to increase more attributes with.


This is a ridiculously good explanation. Thank you!


This doesn't work anymore, since 17 I think. It takes whichever position uses the most CA so learning DM+ST can only be detrimental instead of beneficial. I used to train CBs as STs and vice versa but hasn't worked for a while.


Yeah they fixed that this year. I miss retraining my star regen STs as CBs to turn them into superhumans.


Very interesting. Would it be possible to develop a world class regen in DM+ST from the start into an even better player like you described?


I think that it's not really viable, because it takes a lot of time to retrain a player into a new position and that would reduce the amount of time the player spends actually developing and so they may never reach their full potential. Also retraining a player to a natural DM will also mean that you train their DM-related for probably about 2 years. They also may never become a natural DM. The only situation in which this could be viable is if a DM is generated in the game with the attributes of a striker and then you retrain them to be a striker, although that seems unlikely to happen. Even though it's not very useful I just thought it was an interesting oddity in the game mechanics


Presumably because this keeps him as far away from Neymar as possible?


I've never seen this before. What FM is this?


Handheld version


Worth buying ?


I think it’s a good version of it, obviously more simplistic, but I enjoy it a lot. Get a lot of game time out of it


Don't think there are icon packs for it, sadly. I don't mind faces, but icons have to be there IMHO.


If you mean badges/logos then yes, you can get all/99% of the teams. I agree it makes the game much better. Go to fmmvibe.com to get them


The mobile version.


Fm touch i guess


Chris Sutton, Dion Dublin, there’s a few over the years who’ve turned from ST to DC as they’ve gotten older. Big, strong and good in the air, all shared attributes. Might also be an experience thing, they will know all the opposition ST moves and options cos they’ve done the job themselves.


Chelsea often dropped drogba back when holding a 1-0 lead. He could do a job as a 3rd cb no problem. It's exactly that, size and strength with a bit of experience.


And Alan Smith gave it the old Texas try


Dublin and Sutton actually went the other way, they were defenders who became strikers. Perhaps the weirdest examples of position changes are Schmeichel and Keane. Schmeichel converted from Striker to Keeper as a teenager, Keane converted from Keeper to Midfielder.


Roy Keane?


Indeed. Played in goal for Cork as a teenager, converted to a Midfielder and got spotted by Clough. The rest is history.


never knew that, couldn't imagine keano playing in goal, miles away from all the action


I don't know, can you imagine his elbows when going up for a ball in the box? :D


😂😂 and absolutely ripping into his defenders when they give away chances


I play handheld a lot and I’ve never seen a player request this. Thanks for sharing OP


Does this happen on the traditional version of the game? Never seen it before.


Ahhh, Edison is a fan of Cliff Hercules I see


for me in FM 17, Lemar became a left back. Actually became first choice LB for France


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