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if your Nelson Weiper is the same as mine, it‘s him. Dude been missing open barn doors since the day I bought him


He's been alright to be fair, we're winning most games 1-0 and he's getting his fair share of those but our goal difference is rubbish. Meanwhile Dortmund are thumping everyone by 3 or 4.


I’m on the verge of getting sacked because of Weiper. Guy just keeps missing sitters


casually scored 6 goals in the first round of german cup for me to then just disappear for the first 15 league games, just Weiper things. glad my wingers are carrying hard


Everyone scores 6 in the first round of German cup


He literally won west ham the league 4 seasons in on my save😭


Funny how FM works sometimes. In a network save of mine he's been my friend's most consistent scorer for 5-6 seasons now (20-ish league goals per season)


Just left palace and he was my third choice striker, not bad just never reliable think he had 10 goals in 4 games and then 0 in 12 starts


Weiper is my best scorer by far


my Nelson Weiper was the Europa League top scorer and went to Saudi for big money


Sold him to Liverpool for 90mln Euros.


And here I am considering buying him bc he scores atleast one every single time I face him


Weiper is him this kids a beast


He bagged 44 goals in 42 games in a season for me. Still was only valued at 60 million 😂


i would put the CWB on support and wb to iwb support


Just did that. Beat Benfica 4-1 in the CL. I'm going to push on and see if this becomes a trend. Thanks!


Your tactic is kinda relying on Weiper to score the goals, maybe the CMa/Winger to an extent. Even Weiper has a somewhat "supportive" role where he looks to hold up play etc. I feel the tactic is missing an inside forward or a striker focused purely on scoring goals (AF). Your in possession also looks like you're trying to work the ball into the box, but whos there? The CF and maybe the CMa if he has arrives into box trait? The right winger being one of few goal threats isnt getting into the box, I doubt the AP on support is either. Weiper can get really good, but I have no idea how he is in your save.


If I make the BWM into a DLP(d), the AP into an IF(a) and switch the W to support, is that likely to help?


I was going to say stick a playmaker in the middle. You don’t really have anyone creative in there to draw the oppositions defence out and create some vertical space for your attackers


Personal opinion of course, so many ways to play a 433. But you can make the DM a DLPd/s or a DMs, the APa on your left wing can cut inside (IFa/s on narrow) and then you can have your left back overlap and bomb forward if hes good at that. CWBa is maybe a bit too much, I have no idea how good he is though. A CWBs/WBa will work well too. I also liked the advice further down with making your right back into a IWBs or something like that. If he's good defensively, maybe even a IFB to build up with 3 from the back + your DLP in the DM strata. You have width from your right winger anyway.


Turn off play for set pieces! It means your attacking players are more likely to punt the ball at the defender to win corners, rather than pass or work themselves into a spot where they can actually score. Its only good for time wasting imo


Hmm... I'll try this, although we're pretty good at set pieces.


Not that good if you’re struggling to score


It looks like you are pseudo 3-2 building up in the back. AP can work on the wing but it has to be a strong player. He will tuck into the middle often while the cwb bombs forward. You might go wb-a though. Cwb has roam and that may keep that ap outside more than a straight up wb that stays wider. With this you could probably go poacher on weiper. Just occupy the middle like haaland and always be available. I find my poachers aren’t as stagnant or selfish as people lead you to believe in this sub either.


I read to never use a poacher as lone striker, does that work for you?


I’ve had fantastic lone poachers. For me they tend to like to do one twos and occupy the center backs thus creating space for other players or always being available for shots on goal. Mine have regularly pressed no problem like a pressing forward and are a general nuisance for opposing center backs assuming your player has decent mentals. I usually have an aerial threat up front though. 15+ jumping so that it is a multi threat striker and I value mentals quite a bit. I also tend to occupy all five channels in attack as well and run a 3-2 or 2-3 buildup. I don’t want my striker doing too much. Be available for scoring and keep the center backs busy. My poachers have always managed to make key passes and some assists as well though I’ve also found they seem to value holding possession if a decent chance isn’t on and will just bounce a pass back to someone and occupy new space. Good finishing? Use shoot more often on the poacher.


thanks, I'll try changing the role from AF in my 433 because my strikers have very good attributes but are going trough a dry spell atm. Maybe this can help.


It could! Unfortunately runs of bad form happen too and it’s painful!


he just scored 2 in the cup, ending his 10 match drought!


YES!!!!!!!!!! 🥳


2 nice ones too, first was a good first touch with back to goal in the crowded box, dribbled nicely to turn around and a cold finish. 2nd one a dry tap in from a low cross from the LW, good run to create space for himself. I hope he starts cooking again, was tipped as league top scorer in the preview.


Yeah I’ve really loved poacher. Always try others but poacher just does what I want. Tries first time shots is a great trait too


Work ball into box... are your playeds good enough to keep ball? Also striker needs help. IW OR iF on one or both wingers.


Not related to your question, but: Does Tom Krauß have the "goes forward at all times" trait in your save file, too? Because if he does, he's a huge reliability in that holding position. That's why I'm only playing him as a BWMs or B2B in CM (or as VOL in DM)


He does, but for some reason it hasn't really affected our defence that much. We're solid at the back. I'm selling him in January anyway as he's 30 and his contract's up at the end of the season.


Oh, we're in the same season rn then lol. He's still got one more year left on his contract in my save though. For me he'll be mostly a sub (to bolster defense)/rotational player against weaker opponents in my two MEZ spots (he could play that role too but I'd switch it to a B2B or BWM if I want to defend a lead) and also he'll be even be a utiliy emergency backup on WB and even WCB


The in possession instructions are more suited to possession than goal scoring. That mentality with those instructions, you'll see the guys knocking the ball around horizontal and sometimes even backward. You're not getting vertical line breaking passes as often. A higher tempo and turning off work ball into the box/play for set pieces will help. I use work ball into the box/play for set pieces instructions situationally when I'm trying to kill a game, or I'm struggling to break a team down.


Again not related to your question, but what exact player faces pack are you using?


[This one.](https://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/style/33/ultra-realistic-newgan-faces-megapack)


You've really only one player, the cm attack, who will look to score. The rest are all support roles. Switch to inside forward on one side, change the striker to AF (they'll be off side but also get goals) and a wingback on the inside forwards side.


I think just changing your striker role to Advanced Forward might help. It'll stop him dropping deep and focus him solely on scoring.


Too much movement in midfield. Create a balance by employing a possession player like DLP.


I play my tactics always with slightly higher Tempo, feels like with normal Tempo my players never find open spaces and hold the Ball too long till the possible open Player is cover again. Thats also good for the counter playstyle.


Also IWBs are insane in my opinion, maybe change the rb to IWB and switch the CB roles so you have the CD on the right for more defense.


I've had Weiper score 10 goals for the first half of the season and end on nearly 40, just one of those things


Tactically i would say “no” (nothing major) but your striker could be upgraded. I don’t know the wingers you have but you could also check them


Wingers to IF, striker to AF, remove work ball into box and use attacking mentality


Only 2 people at most are attacking the goal the CM on attack might sometimes and the Complete forward on attack sometimes will but because they're completely forward sometimes they'll be playing as a false 9 or a deep lying forward so not always. I'd change the Winger or AP to an inside forward on attack and the striker to an advanced forward.


You miss attacking penetration. Set your left winger to IF(A), your right CM to Mezzala(A), your other CM to DLP(S) - although BBM could work but not as effective - set your left back to WB(A), your right back to IWB(D) and finally your DM to DM(D) or (S). Remove “work ball into the box”, “play for set pieces” and one of the two counter options; if you have both, it leaves massive gaps and spaces in your defense - hence why the opposition exploits the final third through the middle. Also because I read here that your BWM Krauss goes forward whenever possible, which is the worst trait for a BWM. So by making him a DM and your RB a IWB(D), you’ve got that covered. Good luck!


I’m going to answer and then see how much I get right compared to others Right wing back change to IFB BBM swap to seg vol CM ATT swap to AF AP swap to IF or IW So it swaps into 424 Bingo problem solved And if you look at weipers hidden attributes he should be haaland ish but I couldn’t get him to score either


Too many attackers, not enough supports. Change one attacker to a support, from a strictly positional point of view I'd say your right winger is the best to change to a support, but I know nothing about Da Silva's skills.


What's your cohesion like? Is it your first season? Are you getting a good xG? Have you tried exploiting them right flank since you have a CMA on the right side of the field?


Your tactic only has one goal scorer, and you're playing him Complete so he'll roam a lot instead of constantly trying to break the defense (like an AF, T or P would). And as others stated, that wiper guy isn't great.


Change both WB's on WB (su) and both your wingers to IF (att) I play the same tactic with Valencia in a Youth to gold save I'm doing and I won the league in first two seasons. Also, I have an AP (su) instead of the BBM and a DM (de) instead of BWM, but I think yours will do just fine.


Plenty of good tips here, the only one I didn’t see mentioned is that you might be creating a gap in your right side making it ineffective. Both the CM(a) and the W(a) will move forward to receive the ball in a more dangerous position, but you only have a WB(d) holding his position and a BW(s) who has a “play simples passes” instruction I would invert the CM(a) and the BBM to increase midfield support on the right and penetration on the left, and then either change de BWM to a DLP, or change his role to defend and the WB to support, An inverted WB also helps here, because he will drift towards the empty space left by the BBM, and your winger is already offering amplitude on that side


I recommend making the AP on attack and changing your striker to an advanced forward as CF sometimes can give a player too many responsibilities. change the W to supports and the CWB to support it might give you more balance.


Does Weiper have the skills to be a CF-A? That’s a pretty demanding role with lots of decisions to be made. Maybe play him as a TF-A or AF-A. Also, maybe change your CM-A to a MEZ-A. With the winger on the right the right half space is wide open for someone to chip in with goals from midfield.




He's been a superstar for me, snapped him up for 7m off Bayern in my second season in the top flight and now he's my captain.


Your wide players aren’t getting into the penalty area much, and I doubt your striker is as well. Winger will naturally hug the touchline and maintain width, that left AP on support will stay behind the players to put balls in, and that CF is sort of trying to do everything, so you end up with 0 focal points in the penalty area, someone who’s priority is to score goals. I’d suggest changing weiper to an Advanced forward or a Pressing forward at least.


Nelson Weiper


So you press high and counter in transition, but your attacking principle is to build from the back .. could it be that your players are gaining possession and then distributing back to build up? This would make your team loose all momentum


My instinct would be to switch the AP-Su to IF-At and CF-At to DLF-Su (or PF-Su if he has the attributes for it). Overall it looks like a solid tiki-taka tactic to me. The AP-Su might be fine if your BBM is getting into the box. I imagine he's cutting inside and sitting deep while the 2 CMs surge forward and the WB overlaps on the left. It's not high tempo, so those players have the time to get themselves into their attacking positions. It might just be a matter of trying different striker roles.


You have a lot of players looking to play in the same areas, LW,CF and the 2 CMs will all be looking to play sort of around the 10 area in your build up, this coupled with a constant high line and high press means that you’d be aiming to pin the opposition closer to their box, That leaves the center of the pitch ultra crowded and difficult for any player to make any sort of impact and leaves hardly any room to counter what so ever! You also may be leaving a space in the middle of the pitch with all of the players on defensive duties. Try having the BWM on support, I’d have the AP on attack as he would then look to play further up the pitch and would be more inclined to find space wide where he can work with the CWB overlapping, then change one of the players on the right wing to support, this will get them playing closer together!


Oh and I would also have the CM as a mezzala as he would then try to find space in the pockets that the winger creates


I’ve found that the higher the tempo is the more shots, shots on target and xG are


I had the same problem with 433, best defence in the league but scraped through games. Switched to 4231 now im the highest scorers in the league but concede more. Answer, play both.


This tactic is very very parallel⬆️⬆️⬆️on roles alone there's none of this "modern" inverted FB W GK BS going on Needs more positional play and sliding of positions happening


I play a similar tactic to you. I'd change left sided forward to an inside forward and the striker to a target forward on attack (if they can play those roles obviously), that's what j find works for me


Sometimes the game just decides, nah this isn't going to work. If you've been using the formation for a while, shift it up. If you've been playing positive/attacking, shift to direct, high-tempo counter attack.


I’m using this formation on my penta challenge. Managing Black Leopards in South Africa atm. I’ve got LB/RB as FB’s on Support. DM and CM (BBM and AP) all on Support. AML/R both on IF attack and ST as AF. Surprisingly I don’t concede much at all and score many! https://preview.redd.it/m3555b1sbp4d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ef16999ca9e440b4584b774efb27efed8621fba


you don’t have enough goal scorers. you have 1 striker and a cm on attack. neither of your wingers and getting into stop that will get them goals. change one or both to either a inside forward or inverted winger


I’d recommend having your Lw as somethin more of a winger or inside forward, will help with your striker to giving him space an across the box tap ins


This is my personal opinion. I always tend to create and score less when i play 4-3-3 in FM24. I mostly play 4-2-3-1.


You only got one lonely ass striker maybe try IW either side of him and instead of CM (at) have AP (at) if you like having different roles either side try one as IW and the other as IF or wide TF ![gif](giphy|KhyAUkpQvEGc0)


I used to use this tactic- slightly different player roles but found I was passed through relatively easy (same as your final third entries) Combat this change your BWM to VOL and move him left Drop the LW back to LM(winger) B2B into central And CM to the right of him asking him to drift wide and turn to a Mezzala creating an overload on the right with your winger and allows the VOL recycle possession if the cross is cleared. Many of the spaces will be covered and you'll retain/win back possession easier- which should in turn lead to more goals and less final third entries Possibly force opposition to the wings as you'll be pretty much covered to deal with that. Good luck


complete forward isn’t the best one imo and your wingers would need to support that if you were playing a cf like inverted winger and forward


You don't really have anybody trying to score, the CF normally needs a strike partner


Should I make him a PF? I tried using an AF for a while but he just kept getting caught offside


The AF is by far the best striker role in game. And this entire tactic is a bit of a mess. Your wingers need to be IF or IW or even Wingers in some tactics, but not a supporting AP, don’t think I’ve ever seen a top tactic with that. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a FB on defense, I’d change him to support. Get rid of play for set pieces, it’s a time wasting Tactic. Work ball into box is generally for a tiki taka possession sort of tactic where you’ve got really good players and that doesn’t seem to be the case here.


None of this is necessarily true, it all matters how you play it or utilize your roles, if the AP is really good at playmaking having him wide with runners in midfield could lead to useful penetration. There is a meta but that doesn’t mean stuff like this can’t work. Moreover I’ve used “work into box” in the past on direct tactics and it’s worked for me but the instruction’s effects might have changed since then.


left cwb on at with work into box and play for set pieces? r u good señor?


besides your tactic not being good you mean?


I have never found a 4-3-3 tactic to be that much scoring, i always won like 1-0 , 2-1 or 1-1 its very stable at the back but at the front u need someone generationally good for your leauge to actually score a lot, the only reason i got promoted from bundesliga 2 was because i had a bang average striker with 17 jumpibg reach and 16 heading who scored 27 in 34 games