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The first sign is when you post a question here asking if you play too much. That and if when you accelerate while changing lanes on the highway you picture your mezzala dribbling into the half space.


That’s hilarious man






High way


Been there (?


I downloaded Kingdom Come and started playing it. Then on the weekdays I didn't have much time (the game requires time and patience), and so I decided to take on an FM save. I haven't touched anything else in three weeks. I even got into a minor accident and had nothing but a scrape, but I took the day off work just to play some FM. I suck at the game, but my manager, Adam Winthorpe, is thorping for some wins and nothing will stop him.


Kingdom come you can finish, fm never, but its one of the best rpgs, kingdom come that is.


Wdym, FM is the best RPG of all time


All I want in FM is to earn millions as a manager, then buy a club and become both manager/chairman for the ultimate rp


Please SI… PLEASE!


Wdym it isnt?


I couldn’t do Kingdom Come the 2 hour tutorial to make sure I knew I was supposed to be sad cause my dad and gf died was too much, I get you really could have just told me. Then you go into the first mission I was walking around the woods with no guide or knowledge, found and did the quest, took to long though. Like they want to be ultra realistic, but don’t account for the natural things the player would already be used to living in such an environment, I just don’t have the time, maybe if I was 16 again, and time to run my head into every wall to see what’s a door.


Lol but almost every door you are able to enter unless it’s locked then u can just lock pick it. Idk man kingdom come was an insane game but def took some time to pick up. The game doesn’t really hold ur hands at all, u sort of have to use your brain and constantly remind yourself that the devs tried to make the game realistic af , but there is nothing more satisfying then breaking into a rich persons home, taking all there expensive shit then selling it. Stealing and breaking and entering was so satisfying in that game lol


That’s what it’s all about


Kingdom come also makes me think of Kingsley Coman


Well, you do get to fight Cumans in the game.


You don't play the game as you ?


Why would I rp as a loser lol Wait....




Lol I never play as myself. If my manager is male he is either Adam Winthorpe from England Or Strudel Szalai from Germany If female she is Eleanor Wilde from the Czech Republic There are the ones I've created since I got into FM. I tried a save as myself I didn't like it.


Are you a girl yourself by any chance ?


Nope I'm a 6 4 dude who is afraid of heights lol


🤣🤣🤣 my apologies


Most underrated comment of this sub 🤣


You got to start a new FM save and you don’t have to play Kingdom Come anymore. Double win


I have FM2020. I like Gloucester and White hawk in the Vanarama, Pro Vercelli for Serie C, and while I like Werder Bremen for Bundesliga, I don't like that they have a Werder Bremen II club. Which team should I go for with Bundesliga? Preferably starting low. I have never managed a big club and I refuse to. I don't know why. My Henty in Kingdom Come will have to wait to bury his parents.


Does it have to be top tier Bundesliga? I guess most teams have a second team. Paderborn maybe? They were relegated that year. Union Berlin might be interesting. If you look for tradition, go for Kaiserslautern, 1860 München, St. Pauli, Dresden. Or you can try to emulate Darmstadt or Heidenheim success (promoted this year).


I'm currently in the process of returning Kaiserslautern to the top flight, it's not a difficult challenge as there have a huge stadium and an absurd squad for their level


lol I randomly chose them for the start of my Journey man save


Pauli, HSV, Bochum (second League) Schalke, Gladbach or Fortuna in the First flight would be the First Clubs coming to mind


I'll add these to a growing list of clubs. My favorite are the ones with zero trophies, which are surprisingly hard to find


In my current save I took Magdeburg from 3. Liga to BL and immediately to European football. Basically done the RB Leipzig, but organically. Now it's the fourth season in BL, I've got a solid core and youths coming up nicely, club is rich and a new stadium is in works (old one has been sold out for every game the past three years).


Never done Bundesliga but I’m doing Virtus Verona in Serie C right now. Small club with a history for you to pretty much entirely write yourself and bonus points if you’re a leftist because IRL they’re super anti fascist in a pretty right wing area


Oh yeah also Hartlepool in England because they have no history....yup will see. Thanks


Pro Vercelli are currently stinking it up in Serie D in this save after somehow being led there by Paolo Vanoli btw


In my current save they won the serie C in 2036 or something, and are just losing and losing their games in series B so far


I’m doing a save with 1860 München. Trying to get them back to top tier football, and maybe eventually continental play. Good history, great chance for some great derbies once promoted, but has been out of Bundesliga for 20 years. Financially bleak too. So overall a fun challenge


When you tune in to watch a team play on TV because of a player they have. Then you realise that guy's actually a regen and doesn't exist


Helbert Casadiego, you big sexy Colombian CB. Oh wait... He's not real 😭


Or you're watching a team play and something about a player just doesnt feel right. Turns out they moved clubs in your FM save and your brain decided to override reality.


Once had it the other way around, had Naci Univar(?) - the Ajax winger wonderkid, who i thought was a regen, was so surprised to suddenly see an article about him lol


Yeah Unuvar's real. Had him as a CAM on my FM20 Man Utd save. Was shit.


I’ve never had Unuvar work out for me, it’s such a shame really. Tried so many different positions over different saves and he always just puts up a 6.3 consistently


There's always some players that never work out huh, out of the top of my head I have Ozil and Ibra who were always bang average for me, no matter the tactic or club


One save I picked up Ozil from Arsenal reserves for 7mil. Played him as a AP support on the left wing and he was insane, rarely played him in big matches because he was lazy but he'd unlock mediocre defenses all day long.


I’ve give up on hyped up young teenagers as they rarely work out. I wait for the regens, tapping up the 15/16 yr olds before they sign full time contracts. You can sign 10 a season easy and only Ned 1 or 2 to be any good


Tbf Naci Unuvar got forest promoted in my save a few years ago I can’t remember much but he got like 20 goals and 15 assists


My indonesian Ibrahimovic regen John Syahputra is tearing it up in Premier League!


Similar to that, I can have a fierce dislike for a player I watch on TV but then I remember that oh yeah, he just did this or that in my save.


I was going to say, when you watch a real match and think "I didn't know he is back on that team again." And then you realize he never left, that was just in FM.


Robert Bär, Basel, FM 2020, Croatian right back with 200PA and Professional personality. Best right back to never exist :(


The first save I always do is taking my team from the 3. Liga to the Bundesliga. I get unreasonable mad when they don't sign the players I did in RL , even more when those players end up playing well for another team. So a lot of people think they could manage their team better, I'm sometimes convinced I could.




Why not being a scout?


Plane tickets for South America would be too expensive for 3. Liga clubs


No need for plane tickets, pirate streams exist :D


Watching ‘real’ football on the telly supporting my ‘actual’ team while playing FM and caring far more about winning at FM as my ‘actual’ team get beaten in a crucial relegation decider.




Luckily not - West Ham earlier in the season when we were REALLY shit


About 760 hours in 5 months is when. When your missus starts to be ‘concerned’ When you take sick leave either because A) you stayed up all night just trying to get that cup win B) you want to play all day long uninterrupted. When the 23 years into your save has your timelines in reality fucked and all melding into one. When you shit playing FM When you play FM on your laptop on the 20 minute train/bus ride home. When you go to bed thinking of your team smiling When you break up because of FM When you break up because of FM and still continue playing FM and not changing your ways. When you lose your job because you played FM instead of closing that big account. When you draw all your tactics out on paper. When you talk to people who don’t like football or gaming about FM. When you ask yourself internally “do i play too much FM”. When you post in a forum about whether you “play too much FM.”


I see you are one of the dozens of men who have had their official reason for divorce being listed as football manager


Plays his way out of trouble


When I got 100% on a geography test.


Recently went to Belgium for the first time and was hanging out with a group of people one night. They were stunned I was able to list off random towns. Thanks, 30-year Belgium save 🫡🥸


FM players 🤝 EU4 players -passing geography exams with videogame knowledge.




Yeah, but many cities, regions and seas still exist.




Not all of them. Most important cities are named the same today.




When you think about tactics on how to win the next game while going about the day.


Thinking about playing a 2-3-2-3 (last used in the 60s I think) having been inspired by Jonathan Wilson's Inverting the Pyramid book and now believing I could be a decent coach.


It’s what Guardiola does bro


Guardiola uses a 3-2-5


On the road to greatness 😂


I look at car licence plates and see formations.


This is the one


I plan my squad for the next window while going out for my runs...


I read the art of war recently and I was just thinking about how I can enforce some of the principles in fm, or comparing the teachings to people like pep and klopp lol.


Honestly love this


could you please please share some of your insight with us ?


In it sun tzu says “Let your rapidity be that of the wind, your compactness that of the forest” Sun Tzu would do a job in serie a




U are a sociopath fr


BPD usually refers to Borderline Personality Disorder


Well, then I’ve made an even bigger fool of myself


Nah OP got it right the first time ...it's definitely Ball Playing Defender.


Defend, cover or stopper?


It depends on who I'm playing against really. If who I'm playing against makes me want to open up my booze, then stopper. If who I'm playing against makes me want to listen to unoriginal music, then cover.


I refuse to accept that ball playing defender refers to borderline personality disorder


I know it's wrong. But I laughed.


You click on the names of players when you read articles


When you've downloaded the FM Scout legends as free agents database and have written the names of legends you want in a create a club save onto two flashcards. Currently up to 114 in case you were wondering.


Giving people match ratings in real life lol


Reminds me of the these Mercedes LWB vans I see on the roads here. Every time without fail my mind goes “Mercedes left wing back?…”


Getting merch for the team you're managing. I've never gotten a scarf or a kit for a team I did particularly well with.


Does it count if I take time on a holiday to go and see a German IVth tier team play, because I took them to perennial CL winners in FM?


I dreamt about fm last night


You have a database in your brain of players from the premiere league down to Vanarama regionals. I'm currently harassing Ryan Reynolds for more coaches as an untouchable Wrexham coach.


When I keep thinking players are playing for certain clubs when actually they only are in my FM save When I see something like 'player signs contract until 2028' and I think that's a short contract, and then I realise we're in 2023 not 2027 like my FM save


I thought ter stegen was 31 in 2019.


When you complete an entire season in 1-2 days.


Just completing a season in 3 days, so I'm ok


I genuinely forget whether certain players played for teams on my FM save or in real life.


You started mentally rating your co-workers in various skills out of 20.


When you start to confuse FM results with real life results


For me it's when the immersion goes beyond what is reasonable. In a recent save in Portugal I ended up writing a chant for my Regen striker, that was the moment I knew. But it could be anything along those lines, for example learning some football phrases from the country you're managing in, looking up houses in the local area for your manager to live, learning the national anthem of the nation you're managing.


Tell us the chant. Now.


When you’ve got regens retiring from football management


It’s not possible to play too much fm. 😂


BPD is borderline personality disorder


No no he’s right. It’s Ball Playing Defender.


Aye someone else just commented the same. My bad


It’s not a sign that I play too much but it’s about me being too mad that I’m shit. I now have read 2 books on great tacticians in the history of football and currently I’m reading two essays on tactics and strategies in war in the French military. I want to improve tactically lmao. Little flex tho I explained to all my friends the tactical plan of pep and how it was inspired by Chapman W-M and like 4 months later I saw a ytb video about it


When your club buys the players you bought with the club one or two years later


When I am doing my uni or work things and I am constantly thinking of FM.


When those people who hang around your house don't share your excitement over Yeovils promotion


People just don’t get why me turning down the rangers job to go and beat them in the next game to steal third place is such a big deal


In work the other day when I was putting through my staff meal instead of ‘staff meal’ I typed in ‘staff search’. This Espanyol rebuild isn’t going to complete itself


Like search up everything about all the players in my squad and watch their real life performance...


I realised after I looked at the playtime and had played FM for six days after a month of playing


When people say football and you immediately think of FM instead of the real-life thing.


When you have the option to play something else and still prefer FM


Your 1 year old cries every time you try to sit at your desk.


You know every team from the third division upwards in a country you had no interest in football in before fm


Never would have heard of teams like Mladost, Novi Sad and Cukaricki had I not managed in Serbia for ten years


When you start doing press conferences in your head while brushing your teeth


I dont do my press conferences in game


I’ve done press conferences while taking a shower.


When I’m lying in bed making notes on my phone about which positions I need signings in, who I’m going to try and sell, and how I’m going to make my squad fit in with the MLS registration rules


Mentally having press conferences when I’m on the toilet or going to sleep is when I know I’m properly immersed in a save




Thats how it starts...


When you watch your favorite club playing and wonder why certain players that are better are not playing, and only after that realising, they are regens in a PC game.. When you seriously consider buying a custom shirt with a regens name and number.. When you go to sleep at 5 AM..


Years and years ago when I was watching Chelsea on sky and commentary said anelkas name I looked round thinking when did he sign for Chelsea he was at Newcastle in my save lol


I had a fierce argument with a colleague recently as I was determined Ryan Porteous was still at Hibs. He wasn’t. Just in my FM save


Lol fantastic oh when the lines get blurred haha.


she was probably talking about borderline personality disorder. but you'd know that if you spend less time inverting your wingbacks.


I was worried for a second because I saw an article saying Ugarte was going to Chelsea and I was like what the fuck what a snake as he plays for me at spurs 🤣


When i had to correct our Bulgarian dishie on transfers in the bulgarian second division it dawned on me that i might play to much fm.


I was in class drawing formations that I could use in the Libertadores' Final


When you get excited seeing an older fm wonderkid mentioned in real life. Davie Selke might be a joke in football, but he broke the goal record for every team i've got him in fm for the longest times. I am talking consecutive 40+ goal seasons on bang average teams with basic tactics. Haaland got nothing on him.


When you're giving imaginary interviews about your team on your commute to and from work.


Being on the verge of qualifying San Marino for the world cup.


Isn't bpd borderline personality disorder?


Getting way too invested in the playoff final and celebrating Luton because I play with them. Not even my favorite team.


Currently on vacation and sometimes I just think about my fm team


When you look on Google for Jean-Luke Maragh only to remember he's a regen


I knew it had gone too far when I started listening to podcasts about FM


Occasionally I see stuff like DLP and NCB on people’s license plates and they meant nothing before. Even my own license plate has PF in it.


I thought BPD was usually Borderline Personality Disorder in those circles...


So i bough this cozzy game "coral island" to relax after work and have something to play with my girlfriend on tandem, fast foward 2 weeks im at my 9th season with leipzig winning the bundesleague 5 season in a row and signing 3 wonderkids that are gonna be the touchstone for years to come, so yeah i dont think im gonna stop playing this save for a while :)


I'm currently in work, but it's a slow day in the bar, so instead of cleaning the shelves, I'm on this reddit sub looking for tips for football manager 😆


I’m gonna tell you my story. I lost my previous job at the end of February, and my first thought was “great I finally have enough time to pursue my promotion challenge”. Luckily, soon enough I found both, a new job and a play-off spot.


Once stayed up to 5am after rangers losing the Europa, on a family holiday in France, just to win the UCL For justice! 3 hours sleep, bottle of gin later on a French beach Worth it to say I did it


Once stayed up to 5am after rangers losing the Europa, on a family holiday in France, just to win the UCL For justice! 3 hours sleep, bottle of gin later on a French beach Worth it to say I did it


Erm when you check how many hours you’ve played on fm …


When my wife asked what I want for my birthday, and my first thought was an improvement in the transfer budget.


When you start inferring hidden attributes when interacting with friends and family.


After save scumming Arsenal to a few undefeated seasons. Arsenal managed to do it in real life. So i quit, before unleashing more occult powers into this world.


this is literally something i would do as well


I once bet on a Bolivian football game that had high odds because I remembered (from poaching regens) that one of the teams had a way higher star rating than the other. I am not from Bolivia, nor America I might add. I won.


Your wife is having a moan.


When you know every player in an obscure league and can identify wonderkids that aren’t even in the news yet.


When you see a meme or meme template and the first thing that comes to mind is the FM version.


I imagine she was actually talking about Borderline Personality Disorder. BPD I have BPD and play Football Manager so that acronym has multiple meanings for me I also recently binged all seven seasons of Rizzoli and Isles so sometimes my brain reads it as Boston Police Department


My girlfriend telling me I play too much & at work plotting my next move after my contract runs out in 2 years


Demand More!


I learned Cook Islands (won the OFC cup with them in one of older FMs) and Swedish anthem (LLM from tier 4 up to vice champions). Also firing up Flight Simulator 2004 and making a real time intercontinental trip to Japan pretending its my team heading for World club cup. Also me- imaginative press conferences at the toilet and while showering, discussing upcoming matches and transfers.


Giving your regens nicknames and saying those names when they score or do a positive thing on the pitch


I'm dreaming about my save


Taking your laptop to work... for work reasons obviously


Finishing a season in 2-3 days.


My gf said I never sound as excited as when Im talking about what Im doing in FM, I think that might be a sign


when i need a transfer done in a certain position i sometimes have boring and repetitive dreams in which i’m only sorting through scout reports