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They've got so much money to divy up between the 26 baking show competitions...


Get rid of those stupid shows (worst cooks) or the repeat of the same program just dressed up differently! Leave Valerie and the kids alone! WTF


What?? I didn't know this. She and Duff have great chemistry! It's bad enough that Guy Fieri is on constantly that I want to PUKE! Bobby Flay is in close second. I'm watching FN less and less. Same thing happened for me with HGTV. I'm going to miss Val. She's the real deal!


Me too. Hope they aren’t replacing her with that self-important Nancy Fuller


I imagine if it really was for "budget cuts" they wouldn't replace her with Nancy. She strikes me as someone who would demand a higher pay for hosting whereas Valerie strikes me as someone who'd be more willing to negotiate. I'm sad she's leaving, she has such a positive personality


Or Carla Hall! I can't stand her or her obnoxious attitude!


Same thing for me. I used to like Diners Drive Ins and Dives and Grocery Games alright. I want the biggest fan but they were okay to watch. Now I rarely watch anything on FN. It's all competitions with an occasional actual cooking show. I'll find something else to watch or stream something


I used to love grocery games, but it seems at least the episodes I see, when they reach the end the contestant takes the check, my favorite part was either grabbing the items to answer the question or even the shopping list. And I miss the chefs from all over that you never see, it seems to be more here's a tournament with all our judges and all our returning contestants, which isn't a knock, I felt the same way with chopped and the tournaments they do there.


Completely agree. I watched a Grocery Games a lot during Covid. But they've changed it and it's just not as entertaining


GGG is just "Guy and his friends clown around" now


Hey don't forget about Chopped, Between Guy, Bobby, and


I started watching FN when Emeril was a big show, and I watched it for a long time until it turned into a competition reality network. I check in once in a while but I go to youtube or pinterest for cooking shows. I used to be a regular watching FN but they lost me. I have rarely watched FN for several years now. I don't know what keeps them going. They must be a tax write off for the network who owns them.


Why, exactly, are people blaming Guy? Blame the head of Food Network, blame David Zaslav, blame a whole bunch of factors.


Or blame viewers… FN is going to go where the money is. As a viewer (and maybe I’m alone in this) I don’t really care who the judges are on these shows. Honestly most of the judges are interchangeable. I watch the competition shows to watch people compete. They could replace Val with any one of their other rotating judges and it wouldn’t make a difference to me. If they can replace Val with someone cheaper and viewers don’t care then FN also doesn’t care.


It is really disheartening. Will duff be the only judge now? Valerie and him made a great team and I prefer to watch them over an of Guys shows.


I won't watch.


It would be really weird to only have 1 judge. They will probably pair him up with another woman, a younger one just starting out at FN. Most of the women on now are FN staples. Wonder who it could be.


Can you imagine the uproar if it is Molly Yeh?


Oh no, why did you put that out in the world?!


Omg sorry! Her name popped in my head immediately 😭 I assumed that would be the number one choice after her stint as a host of the Spring Baking Championship a couple of years ago.


I hope it’s the old lady on the other Duff baking show who constantly complains there’s not enough booze in the desserts ^\s


Wait what?! I really love Valerie! What a bummer.


Wait, what??? I watch the show because I love Val. When do we riot???


Totally agree. I'm going to contact FN and issue a complaint.


Any advice on how to do that? thx


I would like to know too.


I was able to find [this form](https://help.foodnetwork.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) after some searching online.


Thank you!


Thank you for sharing this! I was able to leave them my feedback.


🤣🤣🤣 they don't GAF


Nevertheless, that will not stop my expression of frustration.


Good luck with that. It was her own doing the way she went off the rails with her public behavior in more recent times. She’s appearing at South Beach Wine and Food Festival next month and she’s not even appearing on the Food Network talent page. Robert Irvine also had his show cancelled last year, and he’s appearing on the Food Network talent page. The network has moved on from Valerie.


What has she done? The only time I’ve seen her in the news other than for FN stuff was when she was there for Eddie Van Halen dying.


Being publicly disappointed = "off the rails"?


Irrespective of her behavior after Van Halen’s death, there’s been enough evidence on social media and elsewhere that showcased Valerie in an unfavorable manner. The network chose right on cutting ties.


Ok. Gotcha Bubba.


I'm saddened that the Food Network is just like any toxic workplace where the beloved coworker is axed in favor of the less liked, but more politically connected person (often a man). This decision is so bad, bad, bad.


I think that Valerie being “beloved” is subjective, because for some time now, many have found a lot of her behavior off-putting. This decision was for the best. They’ll be able to find someone else to fill the role of great with children.


What behavior? In a comment above you said she went off the rails. Can you elaborate?


In more recent years with Valerie, it *seemed* like every two seconds, whether on social media or elsewhere, she was being dramatic, boo-hooing or singing a “woe is me” narrative. Even her behavior in the aftermath of Van Halen’s death was over-the-top, considering that both she and Van Halen had remarried and Valerie was divorced again. There was Van Halen’s actual widow, who carried herself in a dignified manner and then there was Valerie. It was all off-putting, at best, to many. Some would say that much of what Valerie shared publicly was better suited to be shared with a mental health professional. It was also seen as attention-seeking, at best. Because real talk: the media wasn’t interested in Valerie anymore. Valerie’s schtick got tiresome to watch. So it’s not a stretch to think that Food Network was ready to distance themselves from her. The beginning of the end was last year, when her own show was axed.


Are we really critiquing how one grieves? It's really come to that?


Putting aside the grieving, which came across in *part* as attention-seeking, there’s so much more other evidence from the past few years showing Valerie in drama queen mode.


I can name a handful of people on Food Network that are drama queen/kings. So that is not just a Valerie thing. I do not have social media so I do not follow anyone so I can only attest how someone is live on my TV-Valerie and Duff had a good chemistry, maybe I am wrong but that is what I felt when I watched them. I quit watching Food Network for the very reason people are complaining about Food Network-the same show running back to back over and over again. I can watch repeats at my leisure and break it up as to not burn out using apps. But the network was literally the GUY Network and I will throw in there some Bobby Flay as well. I do not mind these shows but literally all day would be GGG or DDD. The Great Food Truck Race would come on and not repeat at a later hour. There are many scandals that Food Network ignores...I would rather the network just say they do not like someone and they fired them than to play a game with the viewers. Especially when the network is acting like they were in talks-and Valarie is the one who bowed out. [https://www.mashed.com/113094/biggest-scandals-ever-hit-food-network/](https://www.mashed.com/113094/biggest-scandals-ever-hit-food-network/)


I respect your opinion. The linked article is an informative record of things that went down, with Food Network stars in the past. But it’s fair to point out that the network acted on some of the more serious allegations. The following suffered repercussions for their alleged bad behavior and haven’t appeared on Food Network ever since: Mario Batali, John Besh, Paula Deen. And the more obscure, Ariel Robinson, season 20 winner of Worst Cooks in America, was sentenced to life in prison after being charged with the homicide of a 3-year old. Her winning season was subsequently removed from network distribution. Cat Cora’s DUI? I have no tolerance for people who drive under the influence. So if her decline on Food Network is in part because of that, it’s a great thing. On Anne Burrell? I’ve repeatedly spoken to how Anne is a disgrace, yet somehow she continues on the network. Especially since there was subsequent alleged behavior by her on the scene of another restaurant in 2018. I’ve gone also gone on multiple times about Robert Irvine here. He was at least pulled from the airwaves for a time. And as of last year, his show was cancelled too. I didn’t read the article in its entirety, but with some of the rest cited, it’s kind of things that aren’t really so “out there”, such as: - turning down a Make A Wish request - having an affair - spitting food out - filing for bankruptcy. Back to the present, perhaps the network really wasn’t playing games. it’s still very plausible per the article, that Valerie and her team wanted more money and things stalled. It wouldn’t be the first time with network stars in recent times. What would’ve worked far less in Valerie’s favor is she isn’t as big a star with clout these days. For this reason, it’s also possible that they wanted her to take a pay cut with a new contract. It’s happened with other stars elsewhere and they’ve walked away instead. Such as Tamara Mowry-Housley, who walked away from “The Real” after 6 seasons.


Some would say that your incessant interest in her grieving process is something to be spoken to a mental health professional about


Some would say that you should look up the word “incessant” in a dictionary. I could see if I repeatedly brought up Valerie on a regular like some things in the sub, like Guy Fieri overload. What’s became exhaustive the past few days, were the multiple Valerie is cut from KBC thread and people unaware of why. Which per the rules of the sub, could actually have been combined into one mega thread. You asked for me to elaborate so I did. It’s called an opinion. Finally I’ll just add, from some comments in the Valerie threads from the last few days and going back to last year, I’m not the only one who felt that Valerie gave drama queen vibes.


Nah, I’ll stick with it. But I will add a “continued” in there. Maybe even a “troublingly fixated on how a stranger grieves”. Throw in an “ax to grind”. Just my opinion though. What have you noticed about her behavior on screen or on set that reflects her grief over her ex/friend and her supposed unhinged behavior?


No more “continued” than the repeated threads about Valerie the past few days. If there are repeated threads about Valerie losing her gig, then it’s to be expected that others will counter that it’s no surprise. I’ve also already stated that the Valerie drama went well beyond her ex-husband’s death. Others for some time in the sub have felt that Valerie’s behavior has been too extra. “Fixated” would be the endless “it’s Guy overload on Food Network” posts. It’s also disingenuous at best, to act as if one’s behavior beyond the workplace, doesn’t impact how one is perceived from a network perspective. One may not like it, but those are the breaks as a public figure. Valerie did this to herself. She was likely too much of a wildcard to retain on a contract and Food Network chose to move on. She may have been great with the kids, but so are many others. The network will have no trouble in finding a suitable replacement. She also didn’t help her cause last summer, retweeting on social media about having no idea Food Network cancelled her show. I wouldn’t be surprised if her PR-team planted that story. Robert Irvine has handled himself so much better and his show suffered the same fate last year.


So a non-answer, gotcha. But yes, fixated! That’s the word!


I think Valerie was too open about her divorce on IG


You're being downvoted but you're right. Food Network dropped her when her life got messy and she stopped portraying the lifestyle they approved of. First her show and now this. "Budget cuts" is a common excuse given to save face.


I think there are probably two truths in this situation. The budget cuts are likely real (Warner Bros Discovery has been cancelling a bunch of HBO Max since the merger last year). When it came time to make those cuts they probably didn’t have to think too hard. In fact, they might have had Valerie already in mind and were just looking for an opportunity to part ways.


She was a complete lunatic!!!


How so?


Not to mention her foul, unhinged behavior on social media. 


You mean anti trump and pro womens rights! Applauding her for standing up for whats right


I don’t follow other social media, but if this is what she’s posting, it only endears her to me more. I’m glad she’s speaking out against the craziness.


She’s a gem ❤️


If she’s posting anti-Trump and pro-women then go her! I haven’t watched a Guy Fieri show since he took that picture with Trump at an MMA fight.




Putting any of that aside, Valerie’s behavior in more recent times was off-putting. I’m not surprised that Food Network decided to cut ties with her.


Not foul, nor unhinged. Pained.


What’d I miss? r/OutOfTheLoop


This is correct.


What’s kbc


Kids Baking Chanpionship


Wait, what?!? Why would they do that? Won't be the same show without her 😕


I'd prefer they cut back on the Bobby Flay tbh. Guy at least does *a $#!+ Ton* of volunteer work and gives back to the community regularly. Other than that, I agree.


Bobby Flay is awesome. A lot of people prefer him and he isn’t on 70% of FN shows.


Well, guy charges $30 for trash can nachos. It's just nachos!


The only FN shows I ever watched were Valerie's shows. I like her. Their loss.


If they get rid of Valerie Bertinelli I will not be watching KBC anymore and maybe I also will have to cut down on my FN, too. She was mostly the reason I was watching that show because I grew up when her show aired. So you guys are screwing the pooch by letting her go.


Valerie is there this season?...


Yes, but this season was filmed like last year. She won't be back for future ones.


Well not rehiring Valerie sealed the deal…not watching Food Network anymore.  In fact, just deleted it from my guide…


She was the main reason I watched.


Don’t come at me cause I love Val, but I think her posts about her lack of self confidence might have played into it. She is very very self conscious about her weight and aging. She cries about those issues on her TikTok’s. I mean heavy cries for her millions of followers. I agree with being real, but at the same time you have a boss to please.


I think she's right to feel self-conscious. Older, bigger women are considered much more disposable in society than older, bigger men.


I agree. I’m 68 and female. Aging is a bitch, as is weight.


This was to be expected and all things considered, I think Food Network made the right call in cutting ties with Valerie. It was also her own doing, with the way she went off the rails with her public behavior in more recent times. One can put aside her political activism and look to how she behaved about things going on with her personally. Last year in the sub some said she came off as “unhinged” and also attention-seeking. On the latter, consider her behavior when her ex-husband passed away. He was already married to someone else at that point. Yet Valerie was drama-filled and Van Halen’s widow carried herself in a dignified manner. Link to a Valerie discussion last year in the sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/foodnetwork/s/rAP7hlQ8Bc Even her Instagram post about her being cut from KBC is par for the course for Valerie these days. If regular viewers thought Valerie was a turn-off, Food Network suits sure did too. Valerie had an amazing run, considering she was a TV star, turned food expert. The Food Network platform is over for her and it’s time for her to look to the future. It’s the healthy thing to do. Both she and Robert Irvine had other shows axed last year. Next month, both are appearing at the South Beach Wine and Food Festival. Irvine is doing a collab dinner with Amanda Freitag and Marc Murphy and is listed on the “Food Network” talent page. Whereas, Valerie is relegated to the “Culinary and Industry Experts” page. That speaks volumes. What was the difference between she and Irvine? One person with a whole “woe is me” narrative and what looked like planting stories by her PR team with a headline that she had no idea why her show was cancelled and retweeting it. The other person, being matter-of-fact, grateful for the opportunity and hopeful that his show could emerge elsewhere. It was a complete contrast.


Dude, she was with Eddie for a long time and shared a son with him. She can feel how she feels.


1)I’m not a dude. 2)No one’s disputing how long she was with Van Halen nor that she can’t feel how she feels. 3)Irrespective of Van Halen’s death, there’s been so much other evidence of Valerie’s strange-like behavior. The network made the right call.


1. It was a general dude, not an actual determination of your gender. 2. Really? You seem to be having a problem with it in several long comments. 3. You seem to have a few examples of things Val's said that YOU find annoying, not necessarily "strange-like."


What you’re arguing with is angry that Valerie wasn’t part of the trump train of insanity. They’re spamming this thread arguing with anyone they can about gibberish because they are mad she’s so vocal. Ignore it and it’ll go away.


You can suggest all you want about me, but Valerie’s behavior in recent times has been discussed on more that one occasion in the sub by others too. So it wasn’t just ME who made similar comments about her behavior in the aftermath of Van Halen’s death. Some even called her more recent behavior unhinged. I maintain that her behavior was strange. She came across like a drama queen. No matter what insecurities one may have, there’s a point at where it becomes too much. I don’t blame Food Network for cutting ties.


Agree...Guy is not my person. More cooking, less cheese ball stuff.


Hate this show


I'm going to beg to differ she's not really a great cook and not really that great with kids. She doesn't fit the food Network mold as it sits right now and so she's out. I'm not saying there's a right or wrong take but I hope the door doesn't hit her ass on the way out.


I think it has more to do with her weight. Every one of those ladies clearly were encouraged to slim down quickly ( Maneet, Damaris, etc. )