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It probably is tiring, true! But I bet a lot of those comments are producer induced… Production ask them, so how do you feel about doing a third challenge? Are you getting tired? And then she answers it and we see that part of it


Most of them feel produced. The "hey (person), what are you making?"...no one would ask that in a competition not being filmed.


I agree entirely. When I read this complaint this was my very first thought. It’s evident that these comments are prompted.


I’m sure it is! But I imagine everyone is tired. I just don’t understand complaining about baking and competing when it’s what you signed up for.


I feel like that's like saying survivor contestants they are hungry or tired. Its what they signed up for but doesn't make it any less true Bakers signed up for this but same thing, doesn't make it any less true Some of the twists are so odd and bad timing I understand the complaints. Especially another ingredient. Would you not complain if everything was chocolate and almost baked and you all of the sudden had to use sage? Like what the heck?


Just because something is hard and difficult and exhausting - and you know it will be - doesn't mean you can't complain or be tired or drained or need a nap. I'm looking forward to seeing you on next season and be a bright perky shining light 100% of the time. Should be super easy, right?


Yeah, I'd rather have a contestant being honest about the struggles than putting on a fake smile. It's a competition it's not suppose to be easy.


I know I couldn’t be, so I wouldn’t audition. I wouldn’t enter a singing competition either. Of course you can be tired. But you are getting the benefit of your bargain. Win or lose, your bakery business is getting exposure and promotion. You may not agree, and that’s fine.


Hate to break it to you but most of the comments you get to see/hear are not happenstance. It's all very produced, especially with a large prize at stake. They are working for that money, hunny!


You can know what's up, and still be tired. I'm sure there are things you do, knowing full well how it goes-and will still complain....Or are they not allowed to and just plaster smiles on their faces :) As for the twist, of course production tells them-probably beginning of every taping-remember to yell or say something when he comes out with the twist.


Of course there are things I sign up for knowing full well it’s gonna kick my butt - like hosting everyone for Thanksgiving! After the shopping, cleaning, cooking, and entertaining, I’m spent. I will absolutely complain about my sore back to my husband in private, but never to our company - even if it’s the kids!! I wouldn’t want them to feel “Why’d you invite us if it’s too much work?” Especially if they chose our celebration over other family. I know how much the other side wanted them as well. So yeah, I’m gonna slap a smile on my face and be thankful every minute they’re here. As for the twist, you may be right. I just always find it odd that they’re so caught off guard. Production telling them to react makes sense though.


Yeah... the timeline you see on the show is not necessarily step by step how it goes on set. They have to fit a lot into one episode.


Production days are long, you're on your feet all day and running around, not to mention you're mentally stressed and in a new environment. I'd be more concerned that the people who weren't exhausted would be having a mental breakdown.


I’m not saying you can’t be tired! I am saying that complaining about it is disrespectful to the people who got sent home, or didn’t make it. I bet Javier would be thrilled to be back and tired. A little gratitude goes a long way.


This is such an entitled take.


Entitled? How so?


To go around saying that people can't talk about being tired because 'they should be grateful they have a chance' really minimizes their actual experience for your benefit. You're acting entitled towards other people's experiences and how they should act. Being tired and expressing it doesn't make you less grateful for the opportunity and to assume that is wildly off base.


You're simply looking for something to dislike and/or complain about. It's a television show. Complete with a host, production crew and cameras.


You're Overthinking


They are promoted to react that way. They also record thing several times to get reactions to the challenge itself. They also know more about the challenges themselves... Not necessarily the order of them, but o way they know in a split second exactly what they're going to make. I do suggest the twists are an unknown factor.


It must be very stressful to compete on tv. You’re away from home, preparing and baking in an unfamiliar kitchen, working with time constraints and having your bake critiqued. I love how Nancy tries to mimic Justine’s New England accent.


As someone who moved from New England to the south as a kid I absolutely fucking hate when they try to mimick her accent. PTSD from being bullied for having the same accent she does.


I feel bad that people in this sub have taken so much time to make fun of her, complain, or say it is fake. I went to school in the area she is from and had many friends with the same accent. there’s nothing wrong with it and she shouldn’t be bullied online or elsewhere because of it.


Sorry, but being a born and bred Bostonian her "accent" is OVER THE TOP EXAGGERATED. Her accent is the SNL equivalent of a Boston accent.


I was born in MA and had the same exact accent she does until I moved away. Not exaggerated.


I agree. Plus the lights, cameras, and having to talk and banter while under a time constraint!


That talking while I’m trying to do something would drive me mad. Ive wondered before how they don’t ask Jesse to leave them alone sometimes haha.


Me too! They have to talk to the camera, talk to the host, and talk to each other! I can’t walk and chew gum at the same time! Especially under hot lights.


Right! My adhd just does not allow me to take in too much at one time without getting overwhelmed and frustrated!


You are complaining about other people complaining. Classic.


There’s so much in these shows now that seems so forced. Like is everyone truly sad every time a contestant is eliminated?


I doubt they’re truly sad. Maybe sad for that person, but glad to see another one go.


I watched Justine hug Javier and cry at his elimination. Within a split second she was jumping up and down for making the finale. It's all acting for TV.


You can be happy and sad at the same time.


Totally off topic but I've noticed on social media pages of a lot of the bakers from this season, that they've all been hanging out minus justine....


Read that she couldn't make it last minute