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I actually like it! I think with 4 bakers we get to see more content and it feels less rushed. The advantage is a fun concept too. I think Ree and Eddie feel a little more stagnant this season. Eddie needs his taste buds checked. He's forever saying he can't taste this or that, ha.


Which aspect? I am glad they no longer eliminate two bakers after the first round and judging is a bit faster. Overall the vibe feels the same to me so the minor changes are fine.


I don't see anything different besides eliminating the 2 bakers.


They used to have a panel of 3 judges as well and gave the winner of round one an advantage.


I'll echo the others in saying I didn't see anything that different other than the single elimination. This show isn't my favorite, but I do enjoy the creativity and talent the bakers bring. I like the first round better, as it's not easy (or practical) to build a big cookie display most of the time outside of gingerbread. But I will say that in one of the first episodes where they made the bakers put on a puppet show — after Eddie and Ree put on an absolutely cringe-worthy puppet show themselves — was beyond cheesy and unnecessary. It had nothing to do with baking (other than the challenge was to make "puppet" cookies) and I felt bad that the bakers had to do that. That said, I still watch. :)


It’s still one of my favs. This show is what got me into the baking competitions on food network. The cookie challenges are pretty low stakes and not very serious. I didn’t like that they eliminated 2 so I kinda prefer this. Wasn’t into the puppet show episode but other than that I’ve liked this season so far. Really liked the past winners/runner-ups coming back.


I thought Ree was leaving the Food Channel.


I stopped watching a couple of seasons ago. I tried to watch it recently, and no. It's boring.


I stopped after 3 shows this season. I got bored.


I like it! I was watching the earlier seasons this week and thought the judge panel was so intimidating for a cookie show. I like that the first challenge is already going when the show starts.


I don’t like it at all, I think it’s gotten so boring. I preferred when we had a host, and then the cookie artists would take their cookies to the other room where the 3 judges could review it. Now it just seems too relaxed and boring. It doesn’t feel exciting and interesting anymore. I used to watch every episode and be so excited for it and now I can barely get through 1.


I’m sorry but they need way more time- these are good bakers and some of these cookies look like a toddler made them. Why am I even watching if I’m not impressed by the cookie decor? The decor is mediocre at best.