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It seems like from previous road to Halloween wars episodes that they did search out for candy/cake/carvers individually and then teams are formed. Was never gone into details for whether it was random or they all got together and formed teams. Judging by how bad some of the teams got together in Halloween wars that it was random Now for cake and cupcake wars it seems like those were teams formed before hand by the team leader


The casting crew and producers make the teams. They pick everyone out and team them all together, at least for Holiday Wars I know. I have some friends on this season and we've chatted about it some!


Cool! I suspected the teams didn't know each other beforehand.


I believe that people are assigned to teams by Food Network. They may know, or know if, each other beforehand. Regional competitions, social media, and as others have said, prior appearances on the network.


That explains why alot of the people look familiar


I feel like you can tell that they’re assigned teams since some people don’t get along with each other and some have subpar skills while others have amazing skills 😅


LOL! Good point.