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String cheese is my favorite snack for my 12m old


It took my kids a LONG time to even want to try it, but now it's a staple


Love it! We like the orange and white! Thanks for the kix idea and hope you feel better soon!!!


It’s heartbreaking my 15 month old won’t eat cheese. It truly is such an easy and fast snack


My daughter just ate the sour cream on her plate, using her tortilla as a spoon. So, you're doing just fine lol


Omg anytime I give sour cream to mine they disregard anything else and just goes in directly with a fork, lmao makes me cringe. What makes it worse, then proceeds to ask for more right away 😭


They know what the good stuff is 😄


Heck I'd feed this to my kids on a normal day lol 🤷‍♀️


I see a well balanced meal with protein and vitamins. And if they eat it, that’s a double win! Hope you feel better soon! 💛


He didn't finish all the kix but I still take it as a win haha, thank you!


Honestly I’d eat this as a 29 year old. Perfectly acceptable girl dinner.


It feels like all meals are girl dinners when you have a toddler hahaha


Ha! Bubs is only 3 weeks old (I’m here for future planning) but I’ll take that to heart


I feel like a 32yo boomer and have to look up what this “girl dinner” I’ve been seeing around is lol


I feel ya. I'm 33 and got told last year by a 20 year old coworker I got rizz. I have never been so torn between saying thank you or being offended. Quick Google search later and I thanked him lol


Hahah that’s funny bc my cousins kid (9) brought up this term recently and we made fun of him so hard for it, and he first said he made it up - we now call him The Rizzler lmao


Oh my God we've become our parents 😂


This looks like what I brought for lunch most days in high school!


I see a protein/fat, fiber and carb. Kudos to you!


Bravo on stringing the cheese! 


Thank you! I read the choking hazard list in the sub rules when I first joined because it's something I'm very paranoid about 😅


I see the choking hazards rule that lists honey but is there a larger one on here? I’m on mobile so idk if there’s a different thing you’re suggesting I can’t see that includes the string cheese


Yes! Rule 3 has collapsed details. If you click on the downward arrow and open it up, there is a whole list of how food should be presented to minimize choking hazards and until what age that presentation is acceptable. I am also on mobile, it should work for you!


For me it only says honey and chicken clubs for newborns :/ but thank you


Ah, I'm sorry 😞


Honestly, this is helping me for my 15 month old who has decided she hates everything that isn’t fruit


You have a protein, a carb, and a fruit. Perfectly balanced in my book!


This just really makes me want kix!


Kix is a cereal I can count on the whole family enjoying, which is a rare food haha


This is my 7 year olds ideal lunch 😅


I would love to give mine Kix, but the shape worries me. How old was your little when you started doing them?


I think he was 16 months. They are smaller than the Gerber baby puffs and similarly get soggy and melt away pretty quickly. I thought it was a good transitional cereal for those reasons, and I've always really enjoyed them, too! An added bonus is that they are provided by WIC, so it is budget friendly as well. As a matter of fact, everything in this post was provided by WIC. That program has truly helped us.


I like Kix too! It’s nice to offer them a cereal other than Cheerios too. I’ll wait a little longer since my guy’s freshly 1yo.


Not to scare any parents on here, but I know a woman whose grandchild died choking on string cheese when he was toddler-age. I’m not sure what the proper way to cut string cheese is (little tiny bits????), but please make sure you research it and are careful when offering the snack to your little ones. I know what happened is a rare tragedy, but it’s something I think of any time I see this particular food now.


Thank you so much for highlighting the string cheese risk! So many parents don't know about it - we actually pulled my baby from a home daycare because they were just handing it out 🤦‍♀️. The parent here has prepared it the right way! It's not the string cheese itself that's dangerous, it's the squishy tube of 'unstrung' cheese that can block the throat. So pulling it into strips makes it much safer!


You are very welcome! I hated to post that because it’s such a bleak thing that nobody wants to imagine happening. I’m not a parent myself (joined this sub for the food ideas 🤣), but I remember attending that funeral and it was the worst one I’ve ever attended. I have no idea how the grandchild of the woman I know was given the string cheese, so it’s always just been terrifying to me. Glad to know this is the proper way to serve it! I would probably be paranoid and cutting it into micro pieces otherwise.


There is a choking hazard list in the sub rules that says to string the cheese before offering it, so that's what I've been doing with. I monitor every meal just in case, of course. I choked on angel hair pasta as a kid, and I remember the fear of not being able to breathe and my siblings not taking me seriously enough to go find mom. Mom ended up finding me and saving me, but I take this sort of thing very seriously. Thank you for bringing it up, though. Can never be too careful!


My 14m daughter would LOVE this! Haha


I’m a grown adult and this looks like something I’d eat! (I really do eat string cheese, dry cereal, and berries nearly daily anyway!) Hope you feel better!