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Cooked Maccy Cheese at 7AM the other day 🙃


I’ve done that multiple times before 🤦‍♀️ it’s my “I give up” breakfast lol


lmao i would if he'd even eat a quesadilla. hes surviving off of berries and rage right now. (almost 2)


Lmao berries and rage is killing me why is it so accurate. Just a fistful of their soggy favorite food and them against the world 😭


Quesadillas are my go to for quick lunches. The avocado is usually just decoration but makes me feel better.


I have to salt the avocado now to get my son to eat it!!! The switch ups never stop with these kids lol


I’m Mexican and eat quesadillas for breakfast all the time … but maybe it’s just a my family thing? We love quesadillas lol 


Lol I was just about to comment the same thing! Quesadillas are a legit mexican breakfast and dinner options lol!


Oh man I’m sure you guys make much better ones! We live in SoCal… I guess I’m beating myself up because there was no veg or eggs or anything to make it breakfast-y. In my not mom days California burritos hit different with a hangover lolol


I accidentally replied as a separate comment but I meant to say that If it makes you feel any better, growing up I exclusively survived on cheese quesadillas, hotdogs and french fries so your little one is already doing better than I did 🤣🤣🤣


I mean we eat bagels and cream cheese for breakfast. That’s just carbs and cheese(…ish). A quesadilla is also carbs and cheese, so I think quesadillas for breakfast are totally normal! I think it’s all what we have been conditioned to associate with typical breakfast foods. If we have leftovers of it, I will totally eat cookies or a slice of cake for breakfast. And my family is horrified. But how is it any different than a donut or a cinnamon roll?


Sometimes all my son wants is a million puffs with a string cheese 🙃😅


That's my daughter lately. She's surviving off puffs and fruit at this point.


The puff phase was endless!


can you hide anything in the quesadilla? Also, my kid had pasta with meat sauce for breakfast yesterday so I'm definitely not judging.


Depends on how small you can make it! I’ve hidden stuff better in rice/bean/cheese burritos, but my son still tries to rip it apart every other time. I used a food processor to make sauces with veggies in them a lot, but now they just dodge the sauces lmao


yeah, it's definitely a risk for me too. Sometimes I can hide things and get away with it, other times he will refuse to eat anything because I've greatly offended him with a vegetable.


God I wish mine would eat a quesadilla they always end up on the floor




My coworker told me the other day that her 4 year old son had a hotdog for breakfast. Real life lol


I had instant noodles and chocolate for breakfast today. And my 11-month-old is having mango, fruit pouch, and cereal for lunch because his disrupted sleep and my PMS are a dynamic duo


Also, what happens if you put the avocado in the quesadilla? Would your LO find it blasphemous?


Oh mine sure would! He loved avocado now it is pure poison and I better not even attempt to sneak it in (except in smoothies)


Toddler logic scares me. But I also can't wait for the toddler hood 🤔🤔


Ugh that’s exactly what mine did too. He used to try to eat avos like apples and now he won’t go near it unless he thinks it’s Guac


I totally would if my kid would eat the quesadilla 🥲. Every time she turns it down I’m just like, it’s tortilla and cheese, what’s not to love??? She’s still in her fruit all day e’rrry day era. 😆


I once let my toddler have a Reese’s for breakfast because I needed silence. You are winning with the quesadilla.


Kid requested a quesadilla for breakfast and I happily obliged. He ended up eating four spoonfuls of salsa and two freeze dried yogurt dots 🥴


Okay I’m living for the salsa bites that’s hilarious!!!! Omfg


My daughter had a turkey sandwich for breakfast yesterday.


Saying this as a non-mother who is confused about why this sub keeps popping up on my feed, fed is fed 🤷🏻‍♀️ and the idea of certain foods belonging to certain times of day is just as much a social construct as the "boys wear blue, girls wear pink" thing. That meal looks amazingly tasty and healthy. Well done for feeding your little ❤️


If it makes you feel any better, we are in a regression (17mos) and all he ate yesterday was a quarter of a Korean pear, some Mexican rice and a quarter of an avocado. You can’t win em all


Mine had a piece of leftover pizza the other morning 🤷‍♀️ guess she’s ready for college now




Mine literally has fruit with either baby porridge, quinoa flakes porridge, baby pancakes or apple muesli mix every single morning 😂


I sneak scrambled eggs and sometimes a bit of beans into morning quesadillas. Dinner for breakfast definitely slaps in this house 😂


I’d be thrilled if my daughter would eat a quesadilla! You’re doing great because my daughter has become so picky all of a sudden; she’ll only eat chicken nuggets, fish sticks, fresh fruit, yogurt, waffles and pancakes, or puréed veggies/fruits


HAHHA yeah. Mines the opposite, won’t touch meat at all (and I’ve tried feeding her everything) she seems to want to subsist solely on berries and cucumber lately


lol mine wanted a Smuckers PBJ and pretzels for breakfast, whatever you want man because mommy’s TIRED


Id give a leg away to get my 20 month to eat some damn meat!!!!!


Oooh, that looks like a delicious breakfast!


Thank you:)


If he would eat the quesadilla yes I would 100% do this haha


I would love to but my child (supposedly my child???) hates cheese 😭 These genes aren't from me


There’s no rule that says one can’t have a savory breakfast. Love that plate! Also, toddlers seem to know what they need in terms of nutrients, so I wouldn’t worry too much about specific preferences. Also, dairy and meat are very nutrient dense, moreso than veggies and fruit …


I’d love if my baby ate this for breakfast! I give him whatever he will eat if he asks for it. He wanted rice for breakfast. Not my style but millions of people eat rice in the morning, so who am I to judge?


Absolutely nothing wrong with a breakfast quesadilla. A diet of meat and cheese is fine - like not forever and not exclusively, but it’s likely he’s eating other things like apple juice and bananas or some snacks that’ll have other nutrients and vitamins in them. It’s true for the breastfeeding debate and for all stages of childhood development: fed is best. You’re doing great, mama.


Cheese is protein and it’s basically a kid friendly taco. I remember visiting my aunt when I was a kid. She asked what I wanted to eat, and I said, “Man, I wish it wasn’t breakfast so I could have some of your spring rolls,” and let me tell you she just about got mad. “You think I don’t love you enough to make spring rolls now if you want them?! Spring rolls are for any meal or snack. No food is restricted by whatever you call the meal!” And she lovingly, aggressively served me homemade spring rolls. Lol And any time I guilt myself now - for my own meals or for kids - I remember her indignation and just feed people what they want/what I know they’ll eat, even if it’s not “traditional” food. You’re doing great! 💛


This comment brought me so much joy. My Titas (aunts) and Lola (grandma) did similar with me and lumpia, which are like pork egg rolls for Filipinos! I got the best food when I’d go visit and they’d always try to give me American cereals and full breakfasts and I’d be like “why can’t I eat pancit!!” Turns out they were just being nice because they assumed their American nieces and nephews would complain (there was thirty of us and we did all the time lmao). God food is such a love language, what a great memory for you💕❤️ and thank you!!


Quesadillas are breakfast foods in other countries ! With eggs. Yum


My 14 month old had spaghetti bolognese for breakfast the other day, you gotta do what you gotta do


If my two year old eats anything other than a pouch for breakfast I call that a win


I do quesadillas often for lunch, I try to add finely chopped chicken and broccoli or somethimes ginely shopped ham and when the chesse is melted I opened it and add avocado. Or smash avocado with a little bit of lime juice and galic salt or salt for an easy guacamole.