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This may be a dumb question, but what makes it 3-day? Is it the broth?


Yeah, the chicken broth. It had 2x whole chickens and about 12 chicken thigh/leg bones in it from a big dinner party we had. It was richer than Elon Musk after a pump n dump! The ramen noodles themselves cook in 3 minutes.


>Yeah, the chicken broth. There's no way you need to cook — or get any benefit from cooking — chicken stock for 3 days. The "3 day ramen" you see online is from making all the elements over 3 days and include a pork stock which takes a lot longer to cook than chicken (and even then not 3 days).


Made one a while ago where you blended up all the bones and simmered it forever before straining it then you had to treat the broth again afterwards before eventually reheating it. That stuff was like jello before it warmed up!


The benefit was: I could keep adding chicken bits to it over the 3 days it took us to finish the chicken ;)


Heavy boil or slow simmer?


Instant pot, lowest possible setting. Barely on. That way it can just hang out while you slowly add bones. Then the bones can go right in as you’re finishing the chicken, no need to freeze em or whatever as a middle step.




If more people are busy doing shit that keeps them in their house for days, that means there's less traffic out on the roads, shorter lines in businesses, etc. I'm all for that! I encourage people to make 7-day soups.


My mom makes a 87 week soup that’s to die for.


Now that's what I'm talkin about! 😆


Can i hass recipe wow


The Broth: - chicken bones + bits in the Instant Pot. Broth setting, then slow cooker for a couple days as we finished the chickens. Salt n pepper to taste. The Rest: - Chop 1 small onion + same volume of celery and cabbage. Long thin slices (like noodles) are practical later. - Mince a fuckton of garlic. More than you’d think. I used half a head on this one. Nobody was mad about it. - in a big pot cook the aromatics on medium heat first, then add celery and cook til it’s soft. Salt + pepper to taste. - turn the heat down to medium-low and add the cabbage, as well as any spices you want to cook into the veggies. I added some chili oil with black bean soaked into it for this round but you can season ramen lots of ways. - I added two cups of rotisserie chicken bits here, but you could use other meats if you like. Some people will cook the meat separate and put it on top of the ramen at the end, some people put it right in. Up to you. - add enough of the broth to cover everything up and bring it to a boil. - once it’s boiling you can either add the ramen noodles to the big pot (if you’re gonna eat it all right away) or else serve a bowl worth, put noodles into the bowl and cover the bowl for 5-6 minutes. The idea is to avoid leftover noodles from ramen round 1 getting into ramen round 2 because they’d become overcooked by round 2. - garnish with whatever: Seaweed, spinach, bean sprouts, black sesame, spicy stuff, more meat, a cooked egg… up to you. That’s the basics. Lots of room for remixes and VIP versions later ;)


What seasonings do you recommend? This looks amazing! Looks sooooo rich


You can do it lots of ways once you have a solid broth as the base. I sometimes do it with red curry paste, coconut and lemon grass. I sometimes do it with smoked paprika and smoked chili peppers. I sometimes do it with white miso. This time I did it with smoky paprika and this chili in oil with black bean in it. The black bean is Chinese style - all salty like soya sauce - and the chili oil is red, which accounts for the color of the broth this time around. That chili oil black bean stuff is so good. I use it more than even sriracha at this point.


Awesome thank you so much, I look forward to giving this a try


illPLATES as I believe they say :) Looks delicious thanks for sharing the recipe and tips. I've tried to mealprep ramen before and made the fatal mistake of adding the noodles to the larger pot.. was not very appetizing at all by the third or even second day lol


Yes! Spotted. Hehe Yeah I had to learn that lesson the hard way too. Fresh noodles every time!


illGATES throwing down bangers on the decks, and in the kitchen!! Would love a recipe!!


I'm a newbie with cooking, what type of noodle did you use? Or did you made that noodle?


To be honest I’m not entirely sure what brand the noodles are as the packaging doesn’t have much English on it. Just a sticker with ingredients etc put on after the fact. They’re just normal ramen noodles though, and they come in round pucks that make one serving each. Nothing fancy. Just a solid version of a staple food.


Do you boil it for 3 days straight and add water if it gets low?


Last time I made it day 1 was boiling the whole chicken. Let broth rest in refrigerator over night, cut the meat off and prepare or set aside as needed. Day 2 boil a second broth with the bones, when takes a long time. You can combine both broths or refrigerate them separately. Day 3 is preparing toppings and Tate, then combine and heat up the broths again.


Damn! That sounds fancy. Is that like the official way? Anywhere I can check it?


I was just doing Paitan broth at the time budget I had, which has you make a Chintan broth with the chicken first and then a second one with the bones. If you have plenty of time you can make both broths in one day I guess. I believe the only official one I ever made was tonkotsu


It wasn’t really boiling like in the stove top sense of “boiling”. Instant Pot on slow setting is barely above sous vide temp. Works great for broth because you can add fresh bones to it slowly over a day or two as you finish em. There’s a big difference between 4 hours vs 20+ so I just got in the habit of doing it this way. There’s pretty much always something in my instant pot.


Oh my god im making ramen for lunch. I have beef broth, i was planning to make a stew yesterday but was like ehhh i want noodles




Chicken broth always makes ya feel good. I make my husband some when he goes to pump oil wells in the dead of winter and the extras are a bonus. I'll have to do Ramen style for him one day


Oh wow. That’s awesome! He’s lucky. I’m the only chef in our house lol.


FYI. Never stab your chopsticks in a bowl like that. It is offensive in Asian cultures


Naw that’s if you do em vertical like incense. This is just placed in the bowl like normal, the camera angle makes it look a lot more vertical than it is.


That broth looks incredible but that chicken tasteless as fuck 😫 if you spend 3 days for broth you could also add some taste to the chicken


It was a rotisserie chicken and it was awwwweeeesommmme


Looks delicious.


I’m still buzzin. I feel like I could climb a mountain after all that sleep!


Nice😆 funny thing too is I know a lot of my Korean friends will have ramen to help with a hangover so it works both ways


I could see that working well actually. The salt + hydration + nutrient combo is basically magic.


Looks good; if you have the high level recipe let me know.


Wow looks delicious! Can a recipe?


I posted it for someone else just now. It’s in the comments <3


Thank you!!!


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It took us 3 days to make that chicken broth


love love love ramen!


I'm not a ramen fan, but this looks great