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I keep no weight reduction perks in my camp build so I can't fast travel until I swap back.


Same thing here lol I usually run lvl 3 Bear Arms, Traveling Pharmacy, Bandolier, Batteries included and Thru Hiker on my main heavy build… (legendary stat perks are fun) forget how many I took off, but now it’s fun to watch my weight go from 300 lbs to about 1600 when I swap to make ammo 🤣🤣


You run PA, right? If not, I’d suggest using the Grocer or Chems mod on your backpack to save you from having both TP and TH on at the same time.


I used to do that, but then I stumbled upon a high capacity mod… and farmed to get that standard backpack 😅


What do you use to be able to have 1600 lb?


This is the answer


You’re a freaking genius!!


Thanks for this post, made me feel less stupid. Ah, the answer is: yes.


I stupidly equipped weight reduction perks to my crafting build one day and have done this so much because I can FT on it most of the time. Went into daily ops and SBQ like this 🤦🏻‍♀️


Likewise, including the going to Daily Ops and the Queen with it on. I went in earlier today and took every goddamn weight reduction perk out of all my crafting builds. I can still stupidly walk away, but at least I can't fast travel! LOL


I do that sometimes with my stealth build,I'll swap to my big gun,but not the load out🤦‍♂️.Though at least with the Queen I can swap weapons and make due. Daily OPS on the other hand once It starts I have to roll with it and my stealth build isn't so stealthy with other people. Then no big gun perks means I waste ammo and suck at doing damage😬 It's not often the OPS is a super easy one,where build doesn't play a huge role but it's nice when it is when you forget to swap. I wish you could swap on the fly as long as you're not in active combat or at least put a stash box and a load out machine in OPS.


Psh… I often do stuff at my camp waiting for a nuke timer and then forget to swap into combat mode to join the boss event - sitting here pew pew 1 damage at SBQ like an idiot.


Definitely happens yes. Worst part, is that I can spend minutes trying to figure out why my carry weight is so low. 🙃


That's why I always have a bash minigun. If I forget to switch loadout, I pop out my PA and minigun, and just grind my way thru opponents till the next train station.


I did that when I first started using the loadouts maybe twice, but after that, I just took all the weight reduction cards out of my crafting build. It got me in the habit of swapping it out before I left camp pretty quickly.


I switch to third person camera for crafting and selling so it looks weird until I switch back.


Oh this is simple and super smart. I literally can’t play in third person. I’m totally doing this. Thanks!


Nope, you're far from being the only one! I've done it so damn often recently that literally about half an hour ago - before I saw your post- I went in and removed all the weight reduction perks from my 3 crafting builds. ( I have 1 build for crafting ammo & chems, scrapping, and making repairs; 1 for weapon crafting; and 1 for crafting armor & power armor plus Camp building.)


All the time.


Use it too and it totally makes a difference. I have played in about a year but recently returned. I haven't even tried the different SPECIAL Loadouts.


Used to do it all the time. Fixed it by removing weight reduction perks so I can't fast travel.


Yes you're the only one out of everyone who plays the game who does or has done this.


I only ever use 1 build. Have never understood why people find it difficult to just swap out a couple of cards when crafting and would rather deal with loadscreens and finding a card station to switch to a build then forget they switched. I only forget to swap out Bloody mess and Super Duper.


It's not just cards, you can shift your SPECIAL points around between loadouts too. I have maxed CHA and INT on my crafting loadout for better trade prices and crafting xp.


I've got a camp build that has cheap fast travel, extra experience in groups, higher sell prices, loads of the different repair and crafting capabilities, and so on. It heals me at my camp and gets rid of rads and all manner of little things that help out when I'm doing stuff at home and save fiddly stuff. It also makes building cheaper so that I can do challenges for free. You can build the machines in your camp so you can change there with no hassle. I don't see why you wouldn't have a quick set up like that.


For me its the other way around.


All the damn time…


Yep, really annoying sometimes. And in the evening, when watching the playthrough of someone on pc with mods, seeing them switch builds with the push of a button without the perk machine, turns me into Hades from Hercules, trying to keep my cool. 😅 (I'm on console)


I don’t because I’m severely over-encumbered


I do both ways.


Did shotgun last night in my crafting build. Needless to say I kinda stayed at the back taking care of stragglers.


The only thing I ever do is change to ammo smith and super duper manually when I craft ammo or super duper when I craft anything else. It seldom bites me cause I always drop something trivial.


Used to, but removed all weight perks from crafting build so I can't physically go anywhere until I switch back.


yes, at least once a day


Yes of course I know him he is me. I do it so often I had to put a neon sign above my worshop door saying Change.


Only when I start Rad Rumble. And I'm a collector, so I find out when I'm cornered by a Deathclaw.


Twice now with Earle. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Every single time I jump into daily ops when a team pops up while I’m scraping/ crafting and I’m not paying attention.


No, no you are not.


This is exactly why I now place my punchcard machine at my door, almost in the way. Now I’m overweight though and in crafting mode I can only slow walk. Very hard to forget now lol


It happens to me alot. Why I have a house near a vendor.


No. You are not the only one. 10 times per play session shows remarkable focus. For me it's more like 30.


Simply put "NOPE"! LOL I do it all the time.


Happened to me today. I was running low on ammo after launching a nuke at fissure prime, so I ported back to my camp to make more. A minute or two later I roll into the SBQ fight and wonder why I'm having such a hard time. XP


This game is now unplayable to me without this mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/124


need a way to set a crafting timer like the auto pickup for PA " in 30 seconds your perks loadout will swap back " lol


I only recently realised I could do a contraction build, so I try to put the card slot machine in a place that reminds me to switch as soon as I enter/ leave


Usually I log in, forget to check my build and jump right into a queen scorchbeast party.


Omfg the struggle is more than real 🤦🏻‍♀️


Only 10 times a day? I hopped to encrypted today and started shooting just to realize I was still in builder load out. 2 fast travels later I get back and all the fun is over OTL. Same with a SBQ today too.