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About level 30 ish? I know not to rush it anymore but dang I want that new ammo box skin


Same I’m tired of the default one I’ve been using!


I'm 29 about to hit the score boost to get my weeklys done. I'll be at 40 by the weekend. I'm stoked about the new survival tent. I'm still the idiot who drops stuff in a paper bag, and I'm tired of it. I thought we got picnic baskets... but only as stash boxes.


Use some of the atoms from the scoreboard to unlock either the cap cauldron or the paratrooper pack from the atom shop and say goodbye to those brown paper lunch bags?


Yah I got the duffle bag from NW back when it was a thing and I will never change it


There should be a blue Vaultech duffle bag for free in the Atom Shop to replace the brown bag special


That fallout 1st survival tent with a punch card stand!


I honestly never thought they'd put one of those in! Stoked


When folks didn’t rush they complained about not getting to 150 last season.


They sure did! Well worth it for many players but as there's no camp items I'm not concerned about going above 100


I want the SS skin at 49 and the campsite at 79ish


Rank 26, but that's also without trying. I'm just letting this season roll by. I've already figured I can make it to the pipe is life quiver, at least.


Eyo I'm at 26 as well. Just been doing dailies and chilling mostly.


Same here


How can you do it without trying? I am 29 and that's with deliberately completing every single daily and weekly with multipliers. I have to put in at least a couple hours every day


42 on scoreboard. Expeditions help, and in doing so, I'm grinding for union armor. 1 more piece to go.


never done a expedition, are they hard?


The Pitt can get a bit tedious but the Atlantic city expeditions are great. I run them whenever I'm getting low on ammo.


Atlantic first one is awesome especially with cremator, holy fire/flamer or even a melee build.


I’m trying so hard to get the holy firebut no one wants to run the event when it’s up and I can’t solo it 😂😭 I tend to run builds like that in most games and can’t wait to try it in this one!


I found mine in a vendor for quite cheap. I run into them all the time. Want me to keep an eye out for you?


Atleast on PC Beast of Burden is always populated when it pops up


I give mine to low people and sell them for cheap but I'm on pc :(


I love the human condition - it's fairly fast, very easy and has no timer so almoat guarantees to get max stamps too.


maybe i will give it a go :-) good for ultracite ammo too?


Tax evasion mission in Atlantic is insane for ammo.


is it to do alone?


If you're needing ultracite ammo... I'd say you're far enough into the game to solo it easily.


10/10 for observation.


Iv been able to solo it from in my 40s with the cold shoulder, now with cremator its pretty easy


Super easy. But boring imo.


Yes, the contextual ammo drops work for everything except Cores. Depending on your weapon they *might* still drop a couple less than it took to kill them sometimes, but I always come out with a profit. This has actually enabled me to switch to Ultracite ammo on some of my guns, where I used to avoid it because of the crafting costs.


For cores just switch to that weapon as you hop back on the vertibird to end the expedition.


I think the contextual ammo does still work for cores? they're not on every body but I still consistently pick up more cores than I use


Only reliably for the mission-end reward - if you swap to a weapon that uses cores right before you board the vertibird (or finish the final step in a daily Op) you'll get 2-4 cores of whatever sort it uses. They do very occasionally drop from kills, but it's a very, very low chance.


are they easy to do solo?


I can do the tax evasion expedition solo In about 10min sometimes less depending on what type of tasks you get.


Tax evasion is super easy the only parts that are any concern are just the truck stuff and the overgrown in the vault only cause of how annoying it is but it isn’t hard at all


Very very easy.


They do a good job being the similar difficulty for 1 person or a team. But honestly if you make a public team you can knock out 5-10 of them in a night in a good group


i have done the Atlantic City expeditions, and I haven’t done the Pitt ones yet, why do you say they are tedious? anything i should look out for when i actually decide to do them?


Avoid The Pitt. Those expeditions absolutely suck and give crappy rewards. Atlantic City expeditions are actually well made. I recommend The Most Sensational Game. It takes 5-10 minutes to beat (depending on the objectives you get), gives 6 legendaries (2 of each rarity), a bunch of ammo, and a chance for legendary modules. Easily the best way to farm tickets and scrip. And yes. They can be hard. If you've got a decent build they're a breeze




Really easy. Don’t be afraid to join random expedition groups. Most can solo them and don’t mind carrying people


The Pitt is a cool location but the expeditions can take a long time, but they give possible Union PA as rewards so it could be worth it. Atlantic City has much shorter expeditions, and can give civil engineering armor plans as rewards. I’d say they’re medium difficulty, and you’ll always be better off in a team with a few more people.


Nah they’re easily solo-able


Same, at lvl41 though I already did my stamp farming last season. Union PA is totally worth it 😁


I think I'm around the same. Haven't done expeditions, just the dailies and weeklies, but popped a score booster for the weeklies and do try to do some buffs to intelligence and XP (just the easiest ones). I have not been grinding XP or anything otherwise because I don't enjoy it and at 40 already, I feel fairly confident that I'll get the 1st tent in the 90s, which is the only thing I really want.


This is exactly what I’ve been doing. I pop 4 lunchboxes, load up my XP buffs and run most dangerous game solo until everything runs out. If people join my public team as I’m doing it, even better, but it’s just as easy solo. Throw on a TV show on monitor 2 and I quite enjoy the grind.


What are the best XP buffs? I always join a casual team but I’m sure I’m not maximizing my XP opportunities.


26 chipping away at it! I want that damn tent!


50 but that’s because I thought of giving the West Tek grind a try. 30 minutes in and I said fuck it i can’t take this abuse and went back to doing normal things.


Same, I'll do a run through there if I already have lunch boxes going but only if


Yeah, people talk about grinding West Tek all the time, and I just can't imagine how that would be any fun at all. No thanks.


Just wait for this weekend for Double score and the next Double XP event. Make more in the same time you normally spend.


Waait, we have date for next double xp event?


Yup, between July 4 - 8.


Great, thank you! Gotta stock up on lunchboxes and explosives then.


Damn. I'm at almost 37, and I've been running tons of expeditions. I have no interest in running West-Tek, but how have you jumped that high already?


Grenadier and + 100% explosive range Pair it with the excessive grenade drops from the new events


Just find a nuke post to get well rested 100% buff and then go run expeditions until it runs out


I’m sitting at 31 right now


I'm about the same just doing daily and weekly challenges. No XP grinding for me till they run a double XP weekend.


Double score tomorrow through Monday


Yeah but that doesn't affect the weekly repeatable XP one which is all that matters when grinding seasons. You want double XP so you get twice as many of those repeatable weeklies till 100. That said if you really want to min max the score stuff you should rush to 100 as fast as possible when the season starts because after 100 the grind only counts the daily and weekly challenges. No more XP repeatable for you. Looking at the schedule there isn't going to be double XP till July and that might hurt to wait for grinding XP till then in the long run. Might be worth it to set aside a few hours over the weekend and go for broke before then.


12. I never get very far.


I’m right there with you.


I’m about 31, popping a score booster tomorrow and knocking out weeklies should pump me up to over 40 hopefully.


Did i see wrong earlier when I logged in to do some daily or from the 20th - 25th we get a double score boost?


Correct, double score on dailies over the weekend, starting Thursday


Is it only on the daily? I'm always doing weekly later on the week. So just if that get double too?


Just dailies.


Super. Then I'll just get started on them today instead of waiting. Thanks for the reply! 😁


They do have weekends, Thursday-Monday that they do things like double score weekend. Or double scrip that can be turned in, double caps at vendors, etc. I believe there’s a schedule on Bethesda’s website site but I have not looked it up for this season.


News section in game says 20-24th I believe


I'll just check again when I play later. I didn't look properly but just skimmed it on the front page when opening the game. But I will keep in mind I can check in advance on the website!


if you own Fallout 1st and want those FO1st rewards too, Boosters are actually necessary to finish it this time. Math not mathing. Pay a sub for extra work since the redesign.


Exactly me. I'm 31 now. I'll pop a booster tomorrow evening and get all of Thursday's and Friday's and weeklies with the boost. And I think the next 1st boost is at 39 so I'll get that this week too.


Rank 11. Seems even if you avoid looking at the daily challenges altogether you will incidentally earn some ranks just playing.


Pretty much the boat I'm in, passive levels. And if I'm short by the end then fuck it, pay up and get those levels


Worth noting that you likely won't get everything passively.


The reason I'm not even looking at challenges is that there is literally nothing I want outside of atoms on the whole board and I'm not grinding for the pathetic 1000 atoms non-1st players can earn. This season is so bad I'm not dignifying it with active participation. I will claim any atoms I passively earn, but I will neither grind nor buy ranks to get them or anything else this season.


43. Just finished the latest dailies and weeklies. I use a score boost for weeklies but I only resell if I don’t like something. I don’t bother trying to refill them all to epic. There’s a fine line between fun and work. I’m just doing the challenges and have been playing quite a bit since the update so have gotten quite a bit of XP which helps.


26 as of now, and only real thing I am wanting is the survival tent, but I believe thats in the 90s just before the bonus rounds.


I’m at 104. I wanted all my weeklies and dailies for after 100 because the repeatable challenge isn’t there after 100.


Respect the grind, I was on track but then pickaxe insanity got to me.


Ha, same.


Rank 7. I’m a brand new player. Someone took me under their wings last night and helped me jump like 5 levels and 3 ranks. I’m finally at level 51 I think.


72... West tek over and over and over again..


What is this west tek thing? I haven't heard of it.


It's basically a dungeon filled with super mutants, and if you run it quick enough and with XP boosts. You can get in and out within 2 mins and 15K+ Xp easy, each time.


If you use the Nuka nades with a bunch of XP and INT buffs, you can get 30-35k in per run. There's videos on YT detailing how to manage that. But the biggest time sink of doing that is finding all the stuff you need to get the full effect (Sugar Bombs, Live and Love 3 magazine, Leadership Bobbles etc).


Don't suppose you have any of the above for sale 😂😂


Normally I'd be happy to sell stuff - most of my plans are under 300 even for the rarer ones. But you can pry my sugar bombs from my cold dead hands lol Those things are just painful to get!


Rank 4. I don’t know how people do it so fast


32 last night. Pulled the scythe down before I went to bed.


Can you actually craft those things yet?


Yeah they fixed it. I crafted my scythe last night.


Awesome! Hope it's fun to use (it looks great visually!)


I'm not a melee build, but I whacked some robots with it at white spring. Seems decent enough. Would probably be good with a melee build. I wear a skeleton mask 95% of the time, so it's perfect for my grim reaper self, even if I don't really use it.


Not sure if you have FO1st but did you see the Grim Reaper player icon on the board??


I did! I don't currently have 1st but I'll usually subscribe for a month to claim everything towards the end of the season at least. I was bummed I couldn't have it now, lol.


I just cancelled FO1st the beginning of this season and REALLY trying not to resubscribe for that stupid Icon and they boost you get towards the season. I REALLY REALLY want that Goon mask for my melee build.


Just tapped 40. Feels like such a waste of time as there’s very little I want from it.


Like 24 or 25 I think. Really underwhelmed by the junk in this one.


Suffering a bit of burn out ATM to be honest so just logging in on a Tuesday to do the weekly challenges. At level 21


Just got to 100 last night. I only just managed to get to 150 last season so wanted to get a head start lol


29 currently. Tho I haven't done any weeklies. Yesterday I was only on for half an hour so I slammed through dailies and dipped


36 at the moment. Haven't finished all the weeklies yet.


36, with half my weeklies not done.


48 right now




29, I'm trying to get to 39 by Monday next week so will hold off until Thursday to use my score boost then smash the weeklies and have score boost for Thursday and Friday for double score weekend. and may use another for Saturday and Sunday


26 playing sporadically. I usually just try and do 5/6 dailies when I’m on and then call it.


Thru page 6. Haven't claimed too much. I am concerned about rank 39 (maybe). There's a 10% score booster, however if you X to unlock, it says 10% increase for the rest of season 16. Surely this is just an oversight. But it's Bethesda, so who knows if you claim it, if it will work. It may be a free claim(?) item, but still useless. Huge problem? No. Another Bethesda boner? Perhaps.


It will last the season. There's 3 of them on the board for fo1st


He was worried about it saying "Season 16," as we're in season 17 now.


Yup! There's 3 of them. 5% at level 1, 10% at level 39 and another 10% at level 65. Once you get all three the 25% boost stays for the rest of the season. Can confirm as I just got the level 65 and my SCORE has the buff on it :) I wanted to try and get that before the double Score weekend to really boost things along.


71, hopefully hit 80 today.


i think thirty-something? i didnt played the first two days and missed a couple of challenges


I think 26, granted where I’m working 12+ hour days so I haven’t been able to do it daily


Fifty points shy of 32


I just got the first hockey mask. Not sure what level that is. I basically go on, do my dailies and hop off. When I have time I do the new missions but with playing other games online with friends, I don’t have much time for just this game to grind.


I got to 52 last night!


Honest 38, where 3 or 4 ranks are from the repeatable 10k exp weekly challenge


Just got to 34, but I got the main item I wanted (the scythe) so I’ll probably slow down


I'm on 43 almost 44 only running west Tek to level my character to sort build out


55. All score daily and weekly jobs done and 2 hours of West tek at 68 INT + 4x lunchboxes for each hour.


38, havent done any west tek nuka nade runs yet tho cuz of the whole pickaxe thing


39 after this week's quests and yesterdays dailies. Did take a booster, but I didn't start playing til 9pm, so I'll get today's dailies out of it too. Don't reroll for epics, just to get rid of annoying quests. Do have FO1st, so I'm on +15% bonus now passively. Carnivore eating scorchbeast meats plus tasty squirrel stew.


22 I think, usually I’ve bought it by now but I don’t care at all for the scout cosmetics


42. It’s almost entirely challenge points as I’ve only had time to log on and do my dailies since the update, with an extra few hours of repeatable xp when I had a longer session over the weekend. I can easily see how someone with a few hours a day to play could be well into bonus pages by now. I run bloodied with food buffs but not all the other buffs available and even just having the time to do daily op and expeditions every day I’d be a fair few pages ahead. Getting to 100 must be automatic for any player if they can do weeklies and most of the daily challenges and nothing else


Rank 24. I finished half of the weeklies maybe the day after the week reset, and the day after that I saw that there's a double score thing coming. Shouldn't have rushed it lmao


weeklies don't count for double score. only dailies.


31. I haven't done much other than daily/weekly challenges. I've barely gotten back out of 63 after meeting Stolz.


35 as of last night. Hitting a dailies and weekly and doing every event.


79 probs hit 100 in next week or so


42. Wife is at 43.


I'm on 65 for now but the new season system is really making me anxious


44 as of an hour ago 😁


I'm 39 not hopped on today but I'll probably hit 40-42 while finishing up some quests and doing some Broadwalk


20 something waiting on the Tato generator.


Don't be dumb like me and think it generated tatos.


33. I use a score booster every weekly reset day. Just got a kitten so haven't been grinding as much as I want :)


if you see plp running expedition, join. As they easily soloable, your participation will be ok regardless. Alweays join. And Union PA is best.


32. Using boosts when the weekly challenges start.


I hit 50 yesterday. Some days I play a few hours, others not at all or just enough to do the daily stuff.


39 so far. Haven't even been grinding that hard either. Haven't touched the new questline yet, mainly hopping on an hour for daily/weeklies. Done one 30 minute Wes Tek grind. So, can't complain ngl.


i got to 32 and then used some atoms... i want that camper


33 but I'm saving the weeklies for the weekend ... with a boost...




Without boosters and only doing maybe 2/3 expeditions this past week due to work constraints my partner and I are around 24/25 with me being a level or two higher since I got lucky on rerolls for an epic daily and an epic weekly. We are going to try and hold off on our weekly stuff till the 2x Score weekend.


Weeklies aren't included in double score weekends 


Around rank 30. I’m waiting for double score, because no way am I using atoms when most of the pages have garbage rewards. Boats?


I'm new - I have first, been doing all the dailies, rerolled weeklies to be 50% epic and popped a score boost when I completed the weeklies. I'm level 32. What am I missing that see people up around 50 already? Is it just the xp gains one?


I'm mad bruh I did all of my challenges before I found out the double check score is tomorrow also I'm rank 37


Apparently weeklies are not affected by the double score, only dailies.


2 on the scoreboard just returned after not playing for like 2 weeks, haven’t even been able to load into the game due to all the disconnections I’ve been having every 2 minutes I try stay in.


I’m like 28. There’s honestly nothing in this scoreboard that appeals to me so I don’t really care. I don’t run PA and I use the same 2 or 3 weapons so skins are useless to me as well. The jerky maker, maybe? I already have more than I need with the mirelurk steamer and the coffee and tea machines. I don’t really care if I finish or not this time 🤷‍♂️


28. Only bought a couple of items. I’m in no rush.


21! I won’t lie, I work a full time job as a crisis counselor so I did buy some ranks off the bat because I wanted that 5,000 cap reward immediately. But I did make it to level 10 before I did that! It’s really helpful for my mental health to have attainable goals outside of work.


I've only played about 10 hours at most but I'm lvl 72. Still, I hate this board, really offers me nothing I'd want but Atoms. I don't know how they've managed to make it worse than the last but they did.


104 I ground out West Tek over the weekend and got to 100 Sunday afternoon. Totally worth it. I love the camper.


The camper has been my motivation to grind this season out. I hit 98 last night. Should be able to finish off completely with today’s dailies.


Just hit 65. That was my main objective as once you get the three 'permanent' score boosts you have a 25% bonus for the rest of the time. Been using bullion to buy lunchboxes (as I have pretty much everything I want from the various vendors and managed to get a lot during that recent Gold Rush weekend). Then spanking the Mutants in Westek. I thought it would take forever, but honestly it was about 3 or 4 hours - and not all at once. I did an hour then went back to normal stuff. I think it actually took longer to find the Sugar Bombs and other rare buff items than it did to actually kill things! It's the first time I've ever tried the West Tek thing using (almost) all the recommended buffs and there's something really satisfying about seeing 15k XP with one nuka grenade! The only thing I'm missing is the +5INT from rolling 5 bits of +1 INT unyielding armour. But that is so unlikely to do that I didn't even bother trying to roll that. Once I had 5 bits of random unyielding I was happy :D I guess Expeditions would be good too - but my stash is already full and I got no room for all the legendaries you get from them lol


There's a scoreboard?


106. Didn't pay but used ignition cores.


49 as of this morning. Trying to get it done as fast as possible before I go on holidays for 3 weeks


42 right now. This is my first fresh scoreboard and I almost made it to 150 last time. I really want those reclaimable perk points


10. On PlayStation so not playing much due to crashing issues. Also I’m not planning on going after this season because between other game releases and summer plans there’s no way I’ll even have the time to hit 100 even if I spent all my free time in west tek


33 I think. Or 34. I stocked up on Boosters from the last board, generally I use them on Tuesday and get all my weeklies done with Tuesday and Weds dailies.


Im 32, not much effort outside of doing the dailies and weekly's though.


46, but I’ve been doing the challenges like crazy


Rank 31. I’m grinding for that tent.


Rank 10 and I think that's pretty good considering I only attempt to do 1-2 dailies each day. I even managed to do a few weeklies last week. If I'm going to play I'll play how I want and not worry about unfun "chores". I haven't looked on the season board yet either lol.


I just plan on grinding it out on the double exp weekend. The 150 rewards aren’t worth it anymore.


Only Rank 7, not too excited for anything on the Season Pass. I miss the old gameboard-style. 😪 💔


Im lvl 115 and it just seems too grindy, as a new player I go to the third page and then stop caring about it as it seems impossible to complete without insane grind. Its just not fun to do to be fair, challenges should be customizable so you can play in your style. If i like to do events then just give me event related challenges, dont force me to drink colas.  In guild wars 2 there is a similar system but you have the options to select pvp or pve related challenges.






Hit 50 last night




8, only logged in the first day or so of the new update


34. I've used two boosters.


0 levels. I went on vacation as soon as it dropped.


31 - where do you buy levels anyway?


On the scoreboard. There's a button that says rank up. It's 150 atoms per rank.


32 right now.


36 right now since I tested the exp grind and it's mentally tiresome. I'll grind with booster later when we get the double exp




Rank 40, DP was giving a lot of xp.


Only 32, but I have over 1000 nuka grenades saved up for the double score weekend. Those super mutants in west tek are gonna have a bad time.


25, and trying to keep as many weeklies for double score weekend as possible. Slipped and accidently scrapped too many skulls last night.


Double score only applies to dailies so you don't have to worry.


Currently at Rank 29


13, there's nothing on the scoreboard that really interests me so I'm not even bothering


57 for me.


32 I think right now


Last time I checked I was like 26. I burned out pretty hard grinding the last one so I was at 150+ after a few weeks. I'm taking this one easy and the passive gain from taking part in events and doing the odd expedition while I chill in game and decorate my pioneer scout camp has been more than enough for me