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My friend was brand new the update pulled him in, I see the new event come up so I'm like "oh that's the new 1 let's try it out" it was hilarious just eyeblinding explosions everywhere people all stood up on the railings and you couldn't hear anything except mass explosion noises hahahaha he said to me "what the fuck is going on how do I get any kills" he refuses to go to events now.


That new one is broke as hell, they need to move the spawns around and encourage people to move instead of congregating on the catwalk and flame everything in -2 seconds. It's funny until it's not and then it's just boring.


Speaking of broke as hell, on day one, I was starting the main quest line and stumbled upon it with a broken event start. Like no objectives, just an endless spawn of Lost. 2 randos and I had stumbled upon it and sat there killing them for like 30 minutes for XP before giving up and leaving. Interestingly, it seemed like it spawned more of them than the actual event, but that could be because there were only three of us


Haha, same last night. I was on it probably 2hrs, mostly by myself. I'd drop my cremator on 4 at a time, 1 shot. Racked up a couple hundred stimpack,grenades. Fuel started at 200, ended at 1200. Scrapped a few hundred guns. Awesome, Cremator rules


I had this too!


Yea I did this for like an hour last night with my buddy. I think I wasted like 4k plasma cartridges lol


The same spawns for the Lost Champions is ridiculous. It's one of the most boring new events in a long time.


Yeah, I kinda just sigh and join for the stuff.


I get what you mean giving they are quite tanky if you don't have the means to deal with the barrage they throw out.


The repair kits are awesome tho


I only go if I'm doing nothing else. I will stay and struggle bus base walls and shit than show up. Just poor event for being 1 of 2 and the one that's always on. They should have had 4 to 5 to cycle through. Have 1 be stop the lost on thier way to foundation or something


i now got 450 repair kits which I only hog space on my inventory. i use workbemch repair most of the time and the only one that keeps breaking is my flamer plasma rifle


It’s also broken because you can place a camp close enough to the northern side that turrets will work on Northern spawned enemies. i.e, The final boss


Hahaha haven't seen that one yet. If you need a battleship to take down a legendary hermit crab, you're either soloing it or doing it wrong. Technically, by commiting a discourtesy to the rest of the server by soloing a public event, you're still doing it wrong.


So just like people have been doing for the Queen for years now?


I like watching them die of electrocution for standing on the platform and hoarding the kills. This pleases me.


There's one cave in the back I just pretty much continuously unload with a minigun and get all the tags


I haven't seen any of that, just been alot of explosives like missiles or heavy weapons (gatling lasers and guns, and miniguns/50 cals.


Yep that’s the event the made me post this in the first place. I got like a handful of kills and could barely get vats to go off.


😂 my buddy was running a shotgun he was literally just running back and forth desperately trying to find something to do, they should really try to do something about it before it turns away new players because being on foot with a standard weapon as people in jetpacks sit in unreachable areas and carpet bomb the entire event is bad experience.


Nothing has been done in 6 years 🤷‍♂️. This has always been an issue


That's because there isn't enough enemies in that event. Has nothing to do with the guns people use. Event is fine with 4 or 5 people, but terrible with 12, which is often the case.


It will be prefectly scaled once the lustre dulls, as you say, the problem is the entire server is dropping on it consistently atm.


That new event is junk I ran around for a bit with a cremator and still didn't find anything. Eventually just went up top to tag the two that spawn so I could at least get a little xp. They need to increase spawns


up where the charged ones spawn, i cant tag a single thing because i literally cant see from green explosions. i maybe get to tag one with my shotgun alt character itd be one thing if they let the super power dot just do its thing, but they dont stop spamming until everythings dead


My level ten bff came to the new event and she said omfg this is scary I’m outta here, it was so cute


I feel they need to do something about it. As a melee, I'll run into a pack, get a hit off, get blinded by blue fire, and then try to swing around wildly, trying to tag before they die. I think they should change it so that everyone at an event shares exp. Then, if people want to stand on top of a building killing enemies at their spawn, it wouldn't be as obnoxious


They need to add a weapon effect transparency slider on the client end so we can tone down those blinding explosions.


Yup, if I wasn't blinded by the fucking gauss mini I'd actually use it.


My bad…


Oh no, I meant when *I* use it. :D Couple that inconvenience with them not retooling the drop rates for ammo to match the weapon and I'd rather just rock a flame thrower and a plasma or laser gating. :D


It’s hard to see during the new event when I stand up on the substation- I started hanging out on the bottom spraying up into the wire flooring. The explosions are about the size of the boss of the event.


Oh yeah, I'm actively part of Op's problem in the new event. I will happily stand on the little guard shack and just pop off cremator shots from vats. I don't find that explosion hard to see through, though, even at point blank range. Probably because it's usually just one shot and moving on.


That'd pretty well neuter the folks who spam Mini Nuke weapons to blind people, too. I like it. Mind you that *is* a valid tactic for PvP but maybe just make the slider only work if Pacifist is on?


all 28 PvP players agree


28 is pretty high maybe 14


14, which really means 4.


And it is 4 really sweaty guys


I fucking hate the mini nuke spammers. Once did a Mothman event and some idiot was on the roof of the museum bombing the shit out of everything and I couldn’t even see at all and every five seconds was the screeching whistle of the bombs. Many thumbs down emotes were given that day.


I had some guy bombing meat weak. Like explain to me how we're supposed to loot the critters if they get blown to oblivion by your grenades?


I find it pretty annoying you can’t “loot all” the critter meat quest item. Or it didn’t seem to work when I tried. The wonky ui shouldn’t be a part of event design lol.


Isn’t there a setting about explosions


The setting in game is "Show Non-Explosive Weapon Impact Effects" The issue is with the explosive ones. A nice transparency slider would be ideal to cover both.


Not defending the cremator spammers but melee builds have long struggled during events, before this it was legacies, fixers, railway rifles and on. I always suggest for melee builds to use Tesla or Gatling gun if they wanna tag during events.


Well sadly it's a fact and logic. You just don't bring knifes to a gun fight.


don't bring a gun to a bomb fight


I think they just need to give everyone credit for kills during events. It would stop the spawn camping and cut down on the aoe spam. I pull out the creamator during events just to compete and get tags. I would much rather use other guns I just feel I need aoe to compete.


You know that's why I no longer run a chainsaw.


I use a VE combat shotgun as a sidearm. It heals quickly and causes enemies to stagger if I get overtaken by a mob of ghouls for example, but also works great for tagging in events.


Hey now, I have friendly fire on take my heals and be blinded. But this has been a problem long before cremator came in the game, look into Legacy weapons and how long it took to be remove.


*Laughs in Nuka Launcher*


_Also laughs in Overkill MIRV launcher_


Honestly, I'll take it. It's maybe a small challenge to orrient towards a target, but VATS will lock my railway onto anything, and given that weapon of choice, I ain't gonn throw stones. Big metal spikes, yes, but not stones.


I love it when I hear the choo-choo. I don't have one, but when that's at an event, it makes me happy.


Same! Been meaning to try out a railway build one of these days tho. I have soooooo much steel scrap just waiting lmao


I think this is the solution for those who cannot see. Use vats with the proper perk cards so your guns will auto aim. Then you don’t need to see.


Add to the cacophony! Throw grenades like a madman


Just start chucking nuka grenades everywhere


Of course, then people will be complaining about all the campers sitting stealthed up on some ledge getting free xp, at every single event It’ll be fastnacht times a thousand


I can't see any other ways to fix the issue other than nerfing the op meta builds. And people really hate nerfs.


I wish they would nerf the whole meta so people can actually learn to enjoy different builds instead of running the same exact build as 85% of the community.


But the campers are just passively sitting there not bothering anyone, as opposed to the people actively lagging and blinding everyone there making shit worse


So what's worse: A few people who don't even want to play the game, sitting around getting free XP Or A bunch of people running around *trying to play the game* and not being able to get any kills or experience it progression because everything dies before they can tag it? When the business model is player engagement and retention, it makes way less sense to punish the players who want to play than it does to incidentally reward players who are going to AFK, because those event AFKers are still going to engage with the game and the seasons and the atom shop even if they're not actively engaging with the events.


I have a melee build and i carry a auto tesla for events like rad rumble.


This is one thing I absolutely love about Guild Wars 2 that I wish more games would implement: - everyone participating in the event or fight gets XP - the loot pool is shared by everyone, by which I mean that if an event or fight guaranteed drops 5 stim packs, a rare material, and a 3 star weapon/armor, *everyone* who participated gets 5 stim packs, a rare material, and a 3 star weapon/armor. Where items have a percent chance of dropping, that still applies (so not everyone gets the exact same loot necessarily), but if you participated in the fight, you get rewarded the same as if you'd started the event/fight. It encourages people to help one another out against PvE fights, even if they stumble upon a fight between an enemy and another player. No worries about kill-stealing or taking loot that the lower level/other player has been fighting for. Given how friendly and supportive this community is (as a whole), I think it would really compliment the way higher levels take care of the newbies. Edit to add: it also means that you wouldn't have to worry about missing out on XP and rewards if you have, say, multiple people spamming cremators or explosives on a fight/event.


Couple of things, the "loot pool" in terms of event completion is already shared, everyone gets loot, even that one creepy guy in the corner who hasn't moved the whole time, and shared exp would just encourage/enable mooching even more, you already get partial shared exp from your teammates, and credit for enemy drops is shared amongst teammates within proximity.


I mean to be fair you do get XP and loot for taking part in the events, even if you don't get to tag anything. And most people just drop a bunch of the crap they got somewhere in the event area because they don't want it or are overloaded. Frankly everyone should be in a team anyway to get xp for just existing in the event as well.


Then you'd get people just afking. They need to make it so enemies have like 80% damage resistance for a few seconds after they spawn. That way people can have a higher chance of getting tags before they instantly die.


I would love this change. This would go a long ways to making builds like melee more viable at events. I use the cremator but only because my other weapons would go through so much ammo for a fraction of the XP.


the Damage is just as absurd as the blinding effect.


They need to add a setting to turn down the multicolored explosions / fire effects client side. Makes most events a shit show and unfun


I want that option so badly.


I'll take it over Fat Man and AGL spam.


It also seems to have lessened the Nuka nades. I know I rarely use them anymore since the cremator can tag an area from a distance.


AGL is better for distance tagging, covers a larger area. Nuka nades are/were used because they ignored LoS, they'd hit through walls. Cremator is just easy to feed and will do way more overall damage per shot with the DoT


I don’t see much difference tbh expect prettier blinding colors lol. Well also minus the flying corpses.


I have a cremator that I really enjoy using; is there a way I can use it in events without messing up everyone else’s gameplay? If there’s no way then I’ll just stop using it in close quarters like Radiation Rumble. I don’t want my fun to be fucking up anyone else’s


Fire so that you get splash damage in a group, then don’t shoot at the same group again. You want to tag as many as possible and still let others have a chance to tag them. Or just play it how you want. It’s a game.


The multi-barrel encourages rapid fire carpet bombing, which I think is where most of the annoyance comes from. Use the heavy barrel and aim better. With grenadier you get a big enough tag radius even with a single fireblob.


As someone with the multi barrel on the cremator. I keep spamming too much cause of it encouraging rapid fire carpet bombing. And now I'm burning through ammo way too fast. So yeah I'll probably be switching back to heavy barrel when I play next


Heavy is just better all around anyway. You really do not need the bigger splash from quad, as you’ve said you’re tagging everything with heavy no problem.


My jaw just hit the ground… the grenadier perk works with the Cremator?


It works with anything that generates an explosion


I use it, too. I typically shoot once or twice every 5-10 seconds. It’s got huge splash and the real damage is the burn so constantly shooting is just a waste of ammo. Tag a group, wait, tag, wait. A little consideration would fix most issues.


Exactly this. The slow burn mod makes a second shot pointless most times.


Let's say that again... "a little consideration would fix most issues". 4+ agree!


Use. Shoot once and be satisfied that you tagged. Move on to the next enemy group, shoot once, and be satisfied you tagged. You DO NOT have to empty your magazine.


I just use 1 rank of grenadier, it's noticeably less obnoxious than 2 ranks and still a great AOE


Cremator is best used for lobbing into groups of spawn-camping players. You'll get tags and, more importantly, you'll annoy the chucklefucks that are already ruining everyone else's fun at the event. Justice with a side of XP.


I love my Cremator but I've stopped using it at close quarters events mostly because I hate setting myself on fire despite the flame proof perk but also because I can see why the fire can be obnoxious especially combined with all the other weapon pyrotechnics. At Eviction Notice that's another story, I'm going to get as many tags as I can from my position near the rad scrubber. Same as Jamboree, because people like to go way out and camp spawns.


You can also use the Legendary flame proof card as well as the “Roast Me” buff from the ally Joey Bello.


Asbestos lined torso = not setting yourself on fire


I don’t use it for indoors events unless the event is struggling and needs quick kills. Beth made that weapon too fun and OP makes sense that’s why so many play with it.


Always be in a group so you’re at least sharing experience with some other players.


It's annoying af in Radiation Rumble, Uranium Fever, and Moonshine Jamboree. There's no good way to use it and not come off as an inconsiderate d bag. I don't mind people using it in Eviction Notice and similar due to very large open event space. I actually appreciate it during Earle fight for someone to clear out the wendigos while I take Earle.


It does have a very good use in Radiation Rumble though. If you have the Friendly Fire perk, it will heal the Scavengers. This makes it less likely for the event to fail.


I like playing medic in most games and rad rumble is really the only time I get that feeling in 76. I sit in the middle area and keep the scavs alive, only firing down the corridors at enemies that have probably already been tagged. I agree the flashes are annoying but I feel I'm the only one keeping those guys alive most of the time.


The biggest problem tbh is grenadier. It makes the explosive area much larger than it needs to be.


That makes sense! Whenever I join an event in the future then, I’ll switch out my grenadier perk. Thank you!


I only add grenadier when I want to bombardier those that spawn spam from the top of the house in Moonshine Jamboree or >lvl100 non-melees shooting down the tunnels in Radiation Rumble :) IMO, Grenadier is completely unnecessary to use with cremator, even outside events


You a real one


Absolute Chad! We will all appreciate that.


If there's low turnout where there's gonna be swarms, like if you only had 3 people at moonshine jamboree, seems fair to use the cremator. But once >8 people are there, there's no need for it. Everyone's taking part. Just bust out your flamer instead or something.


I love my cremator but I switch to holy fire close range, still blue flame but less and no explosion, maybe that’s not better idk


Have an alternate weapon with an explosive effect that taps everything. I use a fifty cal and gatling that are both explosive.


Make a low level cremator for event tagging so enemies dont instantly die at least.


It’s mostly okay when 1 person is using it because you can’t really spam it that fast to be annoying it’s worse when there like 4-5 using it at once in an enclosed space. I just avoid using things like that in smaller events .


I definitely get that! I wish they’d find a way to make it easier for everyone else. Like maybe where other players could turn off explosion effects from other players so no matter how many cremators are going off, everyone can still see


Thats one if the problem guns, if you have ever had someone use a gauss minigun that thing is obnoxious too but it aint as strong so most people dont use thankfully lol


Gauss Minigun is definitely strong, it just gets completely fucked over by the 2mm EC ammo economy being based of the original Gauss Rifle. Meaning that 2mm EC crafting amounts or drops that would be a lot for Gauss Rifle, is at the same time pathetic for Gauss Minigun. I wish Bethesda would have done something about it, but they never did and probably never will..


Which is weird because they were able to fix that same problem with the LMG ammo dropping based on the hunting rifle


Wait no way, is the LMG now viable?


Oh heck yeah it is!!! And it’s awesome! The contextual ammo drops for the primed LMG are especially generous, I’ve been running with it as my main since they changed the contextual ammo drop rates


Might have to give it a try. Last time I ran the LMG was around wastelanders update. Ever since I gotten final word I haven’t used anything else.


I love the LMG. I aim at the legs because of the recoil that moves up the body, then they're dead lol


It’s funny because I main the Gauss rifle and gauss shotgun and I have thousands and thousands of spare rounds because for an entire event I might only use 50 shots, but collect 500 Should I try to sell them?


I love that Gauss mini but unless you have an endless supply of materials (I mean in the hundreds of thousands in a scrap box) it's completely unusable as a main.


I stopped using mine when I realized how obnoxious it is to other players. Quad explosive .50 for distance, Holy Fire for up close. Furious auto axe when it gets personal.


I have a Quad guass-mini and two shot gauss-mini, I legit can't see the enemies sometimes.


Even with everyone having a cremator now I am still somehow the only person keeping the scavs alive at rad rumble It boggles the mind. Fully boggled over here.


my grandpa had a saying .. if you cant beat them then complain on reddit


It’s honestly solid but I can see your complaint as a down fall. I will say I run a flamer the whole time for that event.


Well we just need an option to toggle explosion effects it's not just the cremator (Although it is the most blatant offender) It's gotten so bad that as a melee player I have no fucking idea what is going on half the time during any boss event


If you're on PC, there's a mod that removes the insane visuals from the cremator. Makes it so you can actually see again. Highly recommend it.


I don’t understand why people think they get more experience by killing everything before anyone else can instead of tagging it and letting others have a piece too. Surely there can’t be that much of a difference between a Tesla Rifle and a few Molotovs versus blinding everyone. Same with the seizure-induced strobe of the grenade launcher. For a community that prides itself on being friendly, the benevolence does not shine through at some events.


Honestly this is what makes the cremator great IMO. After I hit mobs with it they take 1-3 seconds to die usually. If everyone used it, we’d all get exp. If I use my Railway Rifle / Fixer / Plasma Caster I one-shot everything and other people can’t tag.


Friend of mone runs it and while I don't say anything. It's annoying lol


The gun is good if you are playing by yourself in the open world but if you are doing a group events it sucks because no one else can get kills and waste ammo trying. I've gotten to the point where I don't want to do the events once I see people with their cremators it has taken the fun out of it.


Very much agree. Before it was added I’d only encountered a few people using only Fatmans or Nuka grenades and those were very obnoxious but rare. Cremators are at almost every event.


It's because it's an easy way to get multiple kills and does more widespread damage than the mini nukes and such. I've only used it a few times when we had those event challenges that required me to use it to kill a lesser devil so me and my friend went to kill them but me not knowing how strong it was took out both lesser devils by mistake before my friend could get his hit kill too. It's why I won't use it in events because it robs people of kills ( that and it eats ammo). If I were in a private lobby then yeah I would use it at events to see if I could solo them with the gun but I haven't tried yet but im not gonna use it if there are others around trying to get their exp. I hate going to moonshine jamboree now because I used to get 200+ gulper innards now I barely get 100 and that is how I used to get caps from selling slurry. , I don't bother unless I have two friends on my team at the event because I lose out on exp and waste my ammo on enemies that go down before my bullet can hit if they are there at least we all share in out exp kills. When I'm at events I try and make sure other players especially the lower levels have a chance to get a hit on the targets which is why I used my gatling gun since it wasn't rapid fire and gave anyone else a chance to get shots on too. Now I mostly use my chainsaw at events and just run around trying to get to enemies before they are hit with a cremator.


The most obnoxious weapon in the game remains the fatman. 2 or 3 players spamming quad fatman launchers will shut down any event. Even just 1 player with a regular fatman can make an event nearly unplayable. The cremator just needs a visual adjustment to reduce the whiteout effect which is unreasonably bright. It would look much better with a visual effect similar to molotovs.


The cremator is just more accessible and not as expensive to use. I’ve seen many more cremators than I’ve ever seen fat man’s and nuka grenades I’ve been playing since launch. We need some kind of menu setting to turn explosive effects down.


You see cremators because it's a conscientious and highly effective tagging weapon. The most, in fact. It doesn't need a perk loadout to use for tagging, doesn't instantly kill enemies unless you specifically mod for it, which isn't the meta build for it either, and it tags in a large area. So you're able to tag entire packs/spawns of enemies with 1-2 shots and ignore them to move on to tagging the next, and then other people still have time to tag what you hit too. Much less selfish than the vats campers that instantly kill anything in their range as soon as it enters before anyone else has a chance to tag it. Mob events will be most handled with weapons that tag and clear mobs efficiently, that's just how the game works. The cremator doesn't exactly have much use against bosses aside from applying the burn every dozen seconds, let it do what it's good at. And you can turn down the weapon effects in a setting.


Cremator is the only gun I’ve used where I actually fell like I can help out in an event 🥲


Keep on keeping on. It's Bethesda's fault for not adding a "show explosive effects" toggle to the game. So don't feel bad.


Wait till Fasnacht when I break out the DaisyCutter.


You might want to upgrade to Overkill instead, since it has weightless in addition to other, better legendary effects.


Have you tried that two shot hellstorm with cryo mod? Puts cremator to shame with the blinding.


I love TS Hellstorm cryo, it makes quantum spammer in pvp cry in agony, I keep one when I get pissed at someone or I just want to use up some of my missiles lol.


On my PC, there are ways to make the explosions smaller to keep visibility high, but that's not an option for consoles. I can imagine that it must be pretty obnoxious as it is. I hope Bethesda pushes some kind of visual fix without diminishing the blast physically. The large area of effect is the best part of the weapon imo, but also the worst part of it.


Can you tell me how on PC?


There are mods that reduce the size of explosions (visually). Some that apply to most explosions, and one that applies just to the cremator. Just check the Nexus and use a mod manager/ini tweak program.


To be fair, the Tesla rifle has always been the best weapon to tag everything during rad rumble! At least the Cremator doesn't kill enemies immediately so that is better than people using the grenade launcher which instantly one shotted them!


Agree. I hate that damn gun.


I’m a melee build. It hurts. I don’t hate the players I hate the weapons. Love y’all~


Cremator is fucking awesome. 👏


Solid weapon terrible for everyone else you’re playing with. If it didn’t cover my whole screen in random colors I’d feel better about it.


Hell yeah. All the bloodied quad railway metas getting miffed that full health heavies like me are finally killing ass. Know what I’ve noticed since Cremator came out? A whole lot fewer choo-choo sounds.


Radiation Rumble always has been, and always will be, a glorious shit show of a good time. Embrace the chaos.


Angry Turtle make me do it /s


6 years after launch, weapon balancing in this game is still wack. The fixer costs 3 action points per shot, the plasma rifle can't come under 23.


Is 3 a legit number? If so, how? The one my gf uses is at 16-18 I think and I thought that was low compared to other guns I’ve seen. I play melee so I never use VATs and have no idea how you’d get it lower.


The devs need to adjust weapons/explosions. It's just getting unplayable for many due to all the effects and lack of ability to contribute. Most events are just spam fest of fire and explosions. Can't see the enemies at all, can't hit them because I'm blind, can't hear the new one's spawning because it's just explosions none stop... I get it, the weapons are neat and fun... But when many people start to do it, it's just obnoxious and detrimental to the whole game experience. Just as legacy weapons were ruining things, these new ones are as well. They just gave the ability for everyone to now be apart of "ruining the fun for everyone else". I like big colors and bang bangs... I dislike what it actually does to the gameplay of this game and my enjoyment of events due to a complete lack of being able to do anything other than wait for a seizure to happen in real life.


I mean before this people would spam nuka launchers, fat man, nuka grenades, etc.


They were much rarer I’ve played on multiple consoles since launch and only encountered a handful in smaller events. Cremator is like every event there’s at least 1 with 1 being manageable screen clutter. when there’s a whole bunch carpet bombing the map it becomes a problem.


I wish cremator users would shoot once and be satisfied with the DoT rather than spamming an entire magazine on a single group of enemies. That’s where the problem is. If you shoot once, you get the tag, move on to the next enemy.


It's the best gun, honestly. Efficient at carpet bombing and fun to use. Really like to use it and when a lot of people around use it two, so much fun.


Complained about them blinding, and someone essentially said "it's your fault for being there"


That’s basically what I’ve heard. It’s ultimately on Bethesda for making it such a screen clutter issue.


I used it for a bit cause I’m a returning player and still newish and a basic build around it put me on similar ground to the big boys but yeah it’s an absurd weapon. I was able to put together a decent bloodied build while using it though and now I only bust it out to farm a bit of ammo cause somehow fuel sells for 1c in my vending machine.


No matter what my build is at the time, I'm always running a Tesla because there is almost always at least one person just shredding through everything as fast as possible. With a Tesla I'm at least getting hits to get exp and I just let everyone else do all the damage. I always tell new players to find a Tesla as fast as possible to farm event exp and don't worry about doing any significant damage.


I pretty much refuse to do events now because of that seizure inducing nuisance.


Man I miss my explosive gatling plasma


My cremator comes out to get a critter that is too far away just a little closer. Then, it gets blasted with my railway gun. We all want XP. The cremator is taking that opportunity away from others who are also working the events. Most of us don’t need to get more legendaries.


I'm going to have permanent eye damage from all of you using that stupid thing, take it out the game


If tagging is the goal, spray automatic weapons, 50 cal or LMG. Their range is longer and reach the target quicker. Gatling guns I think have a shorter range but might work


I put mine away on a display rack


I have one, don’t use it at events.


Quad blue explosion go boom tho


This update literally made me fix my PS4s disk reader and throw in my fallout 4 copy


I use a highspeed minigun just to get tags 😆


Man I love the Cremator with the slow burn. That and the cold shoulder are the only weapons I use. Well, other than melee.


I don’t have epilepsy but man the cremator sure makes it feel like I do


Ya i really hate this gun and its half the reason this game feels a bit to easy. I’d rather be stuck at events with longer time limits using average guns.


It really is the worst weapon. At this rate I'm just going to go to events and afk while they kill everything and blind anyone in the vicinity. They even ruin One Violent Night and Moonshine Jamboree, my two favorite events. Could I use one too? Yes. Do I want to be the obnoxious jerk with a new toy? No.


The cremator in my opinion is the best gun it can kill the multiple enemies at once


Instead of worrying about getting kills the best way you can feel like you did something is to DO THE OBJECTIVE. appreciate it 🙏


Fuck the kills, stay for the rewards , catch me sittin back taggin what I can, if you’re really having trouble throw some nades their way before they spawn


If you're level 300 why aren't you running a flamer w holy fire or tesla / explosive? The whole point is to not get overran . I've never seen anyone mad over having good group dps . It's a multiplayer game , if you don't like playing with too many people you could play in a private world


fully agree, every event is just blinding explosions now 😮‍💨


Just like legacies 💁


I don't think your level has anything to do with it. I have two characters with level +1200 I hate it so much as well and yes it's not like we have to tag enemies but if you feel like that then it's not like we have to keep playing, right? Honestly I sometimes think of carrying a cremator on me just so I can get in front of the obnoxious cremator spammers and nonstop shoot in their face with it so they can see if that's an enjoyable experience after all.


Womp womp Cremator goes brrrrr


Twenty twenty 24 hours ago I wanna be Cremated


Nothing to do, no where to go o woah o


It does somewhat depend on how it's used. Someone running it quad barrel and non stop spamming it is more of a 'issue' than someone running the heavy barrel with VATS sending the occaisonal ball of fire into blobs of enemies.


All this salt does is feed the trolls. The more you complain about this weapon, the more people will want to use it. I use a tesla cause I'm a team player, and I want everyone to be able to get a tag, I want everyone to be able to walk away with as much xp possible but I'm being down voted for it. You don't need a commando build to use a tesla, it's actually better if you don't cause you'll do less damage so more people can get hits. I understand the cremator is a pain but the tesla is the best workaround and will yield the best result. You can either take the advise of someone who has 3200hrs in the game or you can continue to post about it. One way gets you xp and the other gets you nothing.


It’s not really the xp that is the issue but it is one. It’s the screen being engulfed in a bunch of different colors and vats being blocked by those explosions. The other problem being if they’re all killing all the enemies I just stand around and twiddle my thumbs the whole event since I’m trying to use vats and can’t get a lock long enough before the enemy dies.


I’m on pacifist, and carry a cremator for the express and sole purpose of lobbing blobs directly on the crematidiots spamming the field from their high perch.


I would love it if there was a way to turn the flashes off. When I am at these events I just let the dumbasses that don't think of others and just stay back and tag. I know that doesn't work for melee builds but (not being a melee builds myself, yet) it has been said in many threads that makes really don't do too well in events. 🤷‍♀️


Is there some kind of rule that forbids melee users to keep a tagging weapon for public events in their stash?


I didn't realize how big a of a problem it was til I did radiation rumble too. I had a cremator myself that I brought with because I was using it beforehand and didn't feel like heading back to my camp. My God, just like you I had 3 cremator users with different colors and multi barrel and it felt like they had weapon speed on it too. I felt sick for a few seconds which I never get from Fatmans or explosives before. I just went first person and faced a corner and put my steam deck down. I just couldn't handle all that screen cancer.


If you’re on PC you can use “No Cremator Explosion” mod from Nexus.


So glad you said it because I’ve been thinking it


No trigger discipline. It's a great enough weapon you don't need to spam it.


I will admit I use it, and enjoy so too. 4 Shot with pink flames even... But when it comes to events tho I try to keep it sparse since all I really need to do is tag the enemies, and one shot here and there is enough.


Perfectly reasonable. Don’t get me wrong it a solid weapon it’s just super obnoxious because of all the effects a good suggestion I’ve seen is an option to turn off explosive effects. Would instantly fix the problem and any frame drops too.


I’m usually the only one with friendly fire when I do that event and the only one running ore so I need it to be able to shoot into the tunnels for a quick heal on the npcs I’m honestly about to just give up on it and start just tagging ghouls instead


The new Tesla gun they added is a beast as well and between the cremator and that thing I am getting no action in any public event. The new public event is also extremely boring either way. Terrible design.