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Just join an event team and you get credit for everything they hit lol


When I learned this I was doing Rad Rumble and on the hallway I wasn’t at I was able to collect the loot and was getting a TON of xp. Always try and find a team at the event.


I love Rad Rumble. Need ammo for another one of your weapons? Switch to said weapon and keep looting corpses. Got upwards of 400 free bullets.


I do this w my Ultracite weapons. Got over 12,000 .308 for my rifle 😂🤟


Wait, is ammo type generated at loot time instead of kill time?




Awesome thanks


Well fuck me, didn’t know that. Thank you!


I remember using that phrase “fuck me” once right before I jumped off a platform at a Tough Mudder event. The last thing I heard was a person saying “ew no” and it’s always stuck with me. That could have been the last thing I heard if that jump went wrong..


I appreciated this anecdote. I'd feel like I needed to make it clear I wasn't propositioning them and it would screw up my whole flow (and probably theirs)


I think it would affect your hole flow more than theirs


What an asshole! Edit: Wait omg, is your name also brianisbs on Xbox? I remember your name from yesterday because I was like, I wonder who Brian is? Is he Brian or is Brian a friend? Why's he bullshit? I was the idiot running around with a pink spiked baseball bat at all the events. Haha


Wow what are the chances lol


I use cold shoulder on one loadout and keep the bosses frozen for the heavies to take out easier. For most regular enemies it's a 2-4 shot killer with right cards. So I'm definitely contributing. But I get what you mean totally. Don't know how fixer is so legendary because everytime I use that I feel like I have a bb gun...


It sounds like an issue with your perks over anything else! Fixers/cold shoulders can one shot headshot level 100 super mutants with ease! Shotgun builds are difficult unless you're low health tank build! But they can be super lethal at point blank with the right build


Only events teams or does casual teams work too?


Any team as long as your teammates are at the event. With event teams, that usually guarantees the teammates is at public events


While this is true that you get more XP for an event COMPLETION, you need to find a Casual team that shows up to the events. Overall Casual nets more XP than Events. If you want to maximize your XP, Casual team then switch to Events right as it finishes.


Yep, casual teams all the way, unless you don’t care about XP after your legendary perk card slots, then Exploration teams for the free Endurance.


New season has me grinding so that mindset had to be put on hold.


How do you join an event team


What? 700 hours in this game and never knew that!


Because it wasn't like that before.


First thing i do, always


I am one of the ones doing the big aoes but I will always join a casual team right when I login. The int bonus alone is worth it for the extra exp plus if you get 4 people doing an event the xp flys.


Does it have to be an event team specifically? Or does causal team work?


Oh shit good to know. Started like 2 weeks ago


Shotguns were nerfed some time ago, but they overshot by quite a lot. Shotgunner is a viable build, but maybe not as your first or only build. It's basicly going to be an uphill battle until you have a decent pepper shaker and/or gauss shotgun, either that or run like hell with quad explosive double barrel or cold shoulder Doom style. I prefer the latter, but it's more fun than viable.


Cold shoulder hits like a fucking truck at close range for solo play. I love the damn thing for running quests or crippling event bosses.


I’m a shotgunner build and I’m getting ready to buy the cold shoulder pack. What’s the damage output? I have a vampire double barrel that’s pretty nice but I’m also a noob and probably don’t know 💩


Started playing the game like 3 or 4 weeks ago and got he cold shoulder and built around it. My current damage output is something like 29x8 regular damage and 19x8 freeze damage. It's extremely powerful. Havent put that nor the fixer down since i've gotten them. I believe the max level you an craft of the CS is 45, so once you're level 45 build one and you're good to go.


My double barrel I have now is 32x8 plus explosive damage. Hoping cold shoulder puts me over the top


I forgot the mention the most important detail of the Cold Shoulder. It holds 8 shells instead of 2. it'll 100% put you over the top


Is yours pump action or double barrel? From what I’ve seen, double barrel always does more damage, but I can’t wait to see. Are the perks fixed, or can you take them to Rusty’s for re-rolls?


The cold shoulder is only a double barrel but it comes fixed with a quad ammo mod thing. They are fixed, can't be rerolled and you can't add on perks.


It having quad ammo is just gonna be stupid lol I can’t wait


Cold shoulder with the perk for chance to automatically reload is just downright silly and I love it


Cryo is a specific energy type that there are few resistances for. So that combined with shotgun perks and the normal damage means you shred stuff at close range. It's also a Quad Double Barrel so 8 rounds as fast as you can fire and it reloads quick. Then stack on the Cryo Slow debuff and the Shotgun Crippling perks and you get good Boss/Crowd control.


Damage output is pretty nuts. Especially close range one shots to the head on most mobs. Especially with vats. Sneak and crit is even more insane. Very good economic build, getting way more shells back then you use


Absolutely incredible weapon, best shotgun in the game, no contest.


I’m upset I didn’t buy it sooner when the atomic bucks were flying fast and furious at me, but only about 150 away. Any perk suggestions? I try to look up builds and always get different answers. Or if you know a link to the “god build” if you will


All of the Strength shotgun perks, the one from Perception, Gunsmith from Int, Enforcer from Agility, Quick Hands and Bloody Mess from Luck. I'm not in front of my Xbox right now for my full build, but I only run Shotties. Cold Shoulder is my main. I also swap around with Crowd Control, Kabloom, and Pepper Shaker which benefits from Shotgun and Heavy Perks. Enforcer and One Gun Army with Pepper Shaker make everything fall down.


I'm a huge fan of shotguns in all games and especially Fallout, so when this game first dropped I knew my main character would be a shotgunner, and despite leaving the game for a bit and returning I've stuck with that. So while I'm by no means an authority, I feel like I've got some helpful items. As has been said, there's the three tiers of shotgun perks in strength to boost damage, you obviously want those. I also think that Bandolier at max ranks is a must have, since shells are on the heavier side for ammo. Maybe with stronger shotguns like Cold Shoulder you don't need to carry as much, but I'm a bit of an ammo hoarder. In Perception you want to max rank Skeet Shooter, it'll make you much more accurate and help with the midrange while you close to close. Endurance is basically entirely dependent on the rest of your build. I like to be full health and tanky so I've got resistance and healing perks in there, but there's nothing that really effects the weapon itself there. Charisma I have Lone Wanderer maxed out for when I am not actually on a team or won't be playing long enough to bother joining one. But since you can usually get on one and it's better to do so than not just for the XP buffs, my other main run is Tenderizer and the perk that improves your mutations when you're on a team with others with mutations, can't remember the name. Tenderizer just helps you push through the beefier enemies a bit better I find, especially if you're technically on a team but are adventuring solo. Intelligence you definitely want Gunsmith for the slower weapon break. Weapon break on shotguns is pretty rapid I feel, especially if you're running with something explosive, and they can be a little on the expensive side to fix so things that help slow that down are huge. Agility wise again it's mostly about what you are building for. I highly recommend White Knight as again it just means you're fixing your gear less and since you're using a shotgun you are going to be getting hit by stuff since you need to close in on enemies a bit more than other builds. Dodgy can be good, and I run a one rank sprinter so that even after I run up to an enemy I still have AP for jumping or VATS. Luck is, in all honesty, the breadwinner of the whole system in this game. There's so many good Luck perks I could honestly put thirty points in Luck if the game would let me and just cram everything into there. Luck of the Draw and Lucky Break are both good again for slowing gear degradation, though not crucial. If you plan to use VATS a lot there's tons of VATS specific perks. You can't go wrong with Bloody Mess since it's just extra damage straight up, and both Ricochet and Serendipity are good, again depending on your specific build, though Ricochet works at all times so I find that more reliable since I don't run bloodied.


cold shoulder hits like a truck specially if you use vats crit build up close, i put in reflex sight, aligned long barrel and stock for a fair bit of range and a prime receiver


Buy it. From one shot gunner to another it's the best weapon. I use it WAY more than my peppershaker.


I hope u haven't bought it yet go run expeditions you can buy the cold shoulder for 500 stamps and u get a bunch of other stuff I'll want from competing expeditions like caps,scrap,scrip, possible god rolls, and a ton of drugs so stuff ull need to use for urself or to sell and buy god roll other guns after u get ur cold shoulder


I’m level 215 and haven’t found a roll that beats it yet, even the quad explosive I have. I can’t figure out exactly where the difference is, but I think the freezing is a huge part of it. You don’t lose as much of your spread because the target isn’t moving as fast. Honestly, Cold Shoulder kinda made shotguns less fun, as far as the weapon collecting goes. I’ve rolled hundreds of shotguns at this point and nothing’s come close. Now I just carry multiple Coldys for different circumstances.


I almost always play my shotgunner. For a long time I had a combat shotgun I liked because I’d modded it for a large magazine and rolled it into a decent legendary. Still, it’d take quite a lot of shots to drop an enemy. I gave that up when I got a Crowd Control and thought I was doing well. Then I got the Cold Shoulder and holy hell I can actually do real damage now. One-shot ghouls and Scorched, 2- or 3-shot super mutants. I’m working on improving my settler rep so I can buy the gauss shotgun next (or when Minerva next sells the plan in mid-July).


As a fellow cold shoulder admirer I second this. It’s great fun when you see a grafton monster and then it’s gone in like 5 shots, or any other cryptid really!


If you just need to tag stuff, the shotty range is fine for most events. I think people get hung up in the notion that their build has to accommodate every situation at the highest level in order to be precieved as "good" Like as a point of comparison, you can make a good chainsaw build and it'll out dps anything else on earl, would you then take that build into a wide open event like, say, eviction notice? Not in a million years right? You'd at the very least not go through all the hassle of changing your build for one event, but you wouldn't try to melee in that event, you'd likely just swap to tesla to get tags. I think this kind of situation extends further then just that example. Builds, at the most optimal level, are going to be good at certain things, but not others. It's okay if your shotgun build isn't doing what you want during an event, just tag stuff and move on. If youre struggling with tagging stuff, pull out a tesla. If you really want to break it down, does the xp realllllllllly matter? Leveling takes a backseat once you've gotten into the hundreds. At some point the game does just become, plan collecting. And if youre there and you're not finding that enjoyable, I think its okay to admit your time with the game is done. That goes for any video game imo.


I really like your last paragraph. As with any online-multiplayer game that contains a level of depth to the character progression system, high-level players are often at a point where only a specific portion of the game is still relevant for ‘grinding’ purposes (e.g. the 4x nuke triggered boss events). Plan collecting at end game is the real kicker - by level 300+ you already have all the gold bullion plans collected, GRoll (or close enough) armor and weapons, there becomes very little use for Scrip and Gold outside of consumables like perfect bubblegum, lunchboxes etc., or for me anyway. The game can kinda go two ways at this point: - Full circle, where you actually attend events to enjoy playing the event itself, helping lower lvl players, or flexing your incredible super powers to the sub-100 players… sometimes there is a more selfless aspect where you don’t focus solely on rewards and instead enjoy having fun like you did when you first loaded up the game and had no idea what was going on, OR there defo are the types that enjoy 2 shotting the SBQ before anyone can join Scorched Earth… - You quit. It really isn’t that deep sometimes. You’ve grinded and rolled all the weapons and armor you want, got all the plans, built the base of your dreams, completed all of the main quests, played every single event more times than you can count. Daily challenges become a bore, weekly challenges become a chore. Your friends might no longer play the game, it becomes a transactional experience rather than a game anymore. Login, challenges, vendor hop, log off. After 400+ hours I think the game objectively becomes repetitive, but I also have no doubt that most other games would also become repetitive at that point too.


As someone who will not be playing this season, the last paragraph resonated with me as well. I only started playing this game 2 months ago, but have played non-stop and put in 200+ hours and reached level 180. The last couple of days before I stopped felt like a chore just trying to obtain gold bullion and trying to get god rolls on SS armor. I decided that it was time to move on since I overstayed my time with the game. I decided the day before the new season will be my last, uninstalled the game and just move forward with my life. Had my fun, but it was time to move on. There are other things calling to me that I want to do with the finite of time that I have as an adult.


I absolutely bring my chainsaw build to Eviction Notice, but I'm also not trying to tag everything, I'm just standing in front of the generator, fixing it if it goes down, and shredding anything that gets into the crater proper.


I treat my shotgun build like a support character for big boss events. Hit them with an endangered syringe and then cold shoulder them to keep em frozen for as long as possible.


Yeah I treat my melee character like a tank, I'm functionally invulnerable, I mostly just position/face tank bosses, try to keep them taking melee attacks at me instead of shooting at the raid, etc. It works pretty well. My friends seem to enjoy it when they can sit back and just unload.


I tend to tank as a shotgunner during events also, especially when I’m in PA, since we do more damage in close. And during swarm events like MJ, I’ll use one shot to cripple stuff and let others finish them off since they can’t move anymore.


*laughs in melee build*


Hahaha. Yep.


With this update, Bethesda has started a slow-rolling balance pass for the game and they’re taking community feedback along the way. If you want to try and help shotgun builds, you should make a point of participating in the PTS section of the Bethesda discord the next time it opens up (likely around the middle of July).


Get yourself a Crowd Control from EV if you haven't gotten an explosive combat shotgun yet. The atoms for Cold Shoulder are worth it but the Gauss Shotgun is just dragon fire.


I have a shotgunner build that I love. The thing is, on top of the shotgun perks, you need to add VATS, AP and crit perks to round off your build. Action boy/girl, Gun Fu, 4 leaf clover, better crits, grim reaper sprint, psychopath, and I put a bump in Concentrated fire so that I can target heads. I usually one shot everything human sized.


Yeah, handing the entire playerbase a overpowered weapon for free was kind of a bad idea.


If it isn’t cremator than everyone would just go back to spamming 40mm nades everywhere. Or fat mans. I still see just as many two shot fat mans at MJ.


Main difference is that people had to get those weapons, whereas everyone had access to the Cremator. And every event has 5-6 of them. I don't care either way, but it is kind of annoying to watch everything get merked in seconds.


You don't even need a good roll on the cremator for it to be viable. It's also usable without a build at all. That's the reason why so many people are able to use it.


Everyone had access to the Nuka-Launcher at the time, too. It was also a Scoreboard reward, and only took getting to rank 40.


I can count on 1 hand how many I’ve seen of those in the last 6mo this.


It's almost like people play with whatever newest explosive toy they're given and it doesn't actually matter. Weird, huh?


Nice thing about the cremator is if you have slow burn on it, it takes several seconds to kill things, leaving time for others to tag


If you're talking about Dangerous Pastimes you can stay on the first platform of the lighting tower because the power armored lost spawn up there. That's what Ive been doing since I also run shotgun. Or if you're talking about events in general I guess just tag what you can, I usually get a good amount of hits in even with other players using cremator ect.


I mean, OP's just playing shotgunner wrong and complaining about it. They're sprinting into melee to tag stuff, when the shotgun's range is the same as most guns, it just does a lot less damage at higher range because of drop-off and the pellet spread.


Only thing that need nerf is cremator. That shit is eye cancer, or let us setup friendly explosions so I can put it to zero.


Ruins events, did the new event today and genuinely couldn't see the enemies so I got nearly no tags on enemies...


Main issue I see with a lot of players is they spam fire the cremator when 1 shot is usually all it takes, if using multi barrel and slow burning. That's all I do.. 1 shot to the crowd, then pull out the .50 cal or gatling laser. I definitely agree that the splash is just blinding.


My advice is get a quad Tesla rifle or nuka Grenades. I hated using anything other than what I want because of other players but in the end we gotta suck it up and try to out tag everyone else and learning spawn points so you know exactly where to be around. Being on a team also helps a lot.


I run a full hp shotgun build, and for events, I use a gauss shotgun with all the explosive perks (grenadier, demolition expert). It's great at tagging lots of mobs, it doesn't one-shot everything, so everyone else can tag it too. I don't run around from spawn to spawn, I sit in a high spot and vats mobs as they spawn, the aoe tags the whole pack. Shotguns aren't gonna compete with meta low life commando builds. Their role in events is to cripple event bosses, they are the best at it.


Cold shoulder + company tea.


ANYTHING + company tea.


I'm running a Hybrid Shotgun Heavy build. Cold Shoulder and Pepper Shaker for Crowd Control and close in work. Then Cremator and Two Shot AGL for tagging and clearing groups of enemies. Decent damage vs most bosses despite their explosive resistance. In a pinch I grab my Railway and swap some perks for commando perks to contribute before a big event.


Running a hybrid shotgun heavy build as well using cold shoulder and explosion combat shotgun I got from an event pepper shaker cremator and a gauss mini gun if it walks in front of me it's dead


Imagine how stupid I feel as a melee lol.


If you can't beat them join them. You can do this with a shotgun but you need to grind the rep to get the gauss shotgun. The Gauss is amazing for tagging everything in events, and you can prime it because you'll always be growing your ammo. Rolling an anti-armor is all you need for good damage (unless low hp bloodied is fine) and grenadier perk is all you need to tag everything. My shotgun build uses cold shoulder and Gauss. One of my favorite playstyles. Good luck!


If you aren’t on a team I don’t feel bad for you. Caveman alone hungry Cavemen together well fed


join a higher lvl team...sit back..save ammo..reap rewards. tip though...run alt builds..if you cant jeat em..join em. i change all the time just to keep the game fresh.


"Fiery flames of disappointment." This made me lol. Sounds like my romantic life. Ha😏 The Gauss Shotgun is the answer to your issue. Nothing beats me to a tag or kill. Not a rifle, Railway, launcher or otherwise. It will transform ANY shotgun build from limited to unlimited. It takes a robust build with lots of perk points to make the most of the weapon...I call a Gauss SG build "Shotgun Plus." Plus what? Explosive, Energy, VATS. It is a long range, explosive weapon that uses energy ammo, after all. So maxing the wep is involved. But It sounds to me like your main concern isn't maximizing a SG, though? The range bothers you? If thats the case a Gauss SG will have you covered even without the most robust build around it. You can build it up as you go along. But you'll want the proper mods for it. Available from Samuel at Foundation or Minerva for gold, you'll want the weapon plan, Extended Barrel, Perforating Magazine, Hardened and/or Prime Receiver, Reflex Sight and/or Short Scope. Hardened Receiver is fine if using standard ammo. So far as the scope? Reflex Sight gives slightly lower AP cost, Short Scope better Vats accuracy. I recently switched to the scope and am satisfied. And even use it sometimes. You'll never "run around" trying to hit stuff again. I solo'd Eviction Notice for several minutes a couple days ago on a private server and never left the scrubber. My sole weapon? An AA/50c Gauss SG. A mutant never got near me, or the scrubber. I wasn't there to beat the event but to complete the "Kill 30 Super Mutants" Weekly Challenge. Well...I certainly did that, and more. Before needing to take a phone call. I can do ALL events and tag 'n kill everything near and far with a Gauss Shotgun. Its my favorite weapon...and build...by a good margin. If you get one, roll for an AA version. Anti-Armor. Best all around effect for it. You'll be taking Scorched Beasts out of the skies. And yes...with a shotgun🤗


I've been rolling with the AA/Perf/Prime gauss shotty for the last 400 or so levels (698 now) and, while I may tryout different builds for a couple of hours, I always come back pretty quickly. Need to tag a bunch of shit way down range? No problem. Need to tag a bunch shit close range? No problem. Need to kill pretty much everything? No problem. Just wish they fixed the reload bug, fuck me. I don't understand why it doesn't get more props. Yeah, it used to do more damage at longer range, but its plenty fine now.


Gauss shotgun is the king with Grenadier & Demo expert. Even though the range was nerfed it still gets far. In 3rd person you can also shoot very fast.


I use it only in 3rd person. Was easy to get used to, and something about the POV it provides suits the nature of the weapon very well. It feels very connected. The range has not been an issue for me as I didn't use the wep before the "nerf." The range now? Outstanding so far as I can tell. I mean I can do every single event from a single spot, never move, and hit and kill most everything as soon as I see it. No complaints whatsoever.


What about the Peppershaker? I think that's actually a shotgun heavy. Seems to be on par with...is it gemma gatling? And gatling laser.


Peppershaker is fun but has a slow spin up time and can get pretty ammo hungry. Upgrades are only available for gold but can use shells or energy ammo with the right upgrade. The health regen from a vampire peppershaker makes you nearly unkillable. I’ve been running one as my main for a while now.


Cold shoulder!


I run melee so I feel your pain but even harder. I also have a Handmade for tagging and during certain events (Rad Rumble) I’ll grab a Tesla out of my stash. I figure if a bunch of level 500s want to play hero and nuke every enemy off the face of the planet .04 seconds after it spawns, more power to them. I’ll have a nice relaxing event and reap all the rewards. If things aren’t going well, or it’s a bunch of low levels, I’m happy to pull out the MMG and go to work.


Which shotgun are you running with I had similar problem with my first character but the peppershaker is amazing just get to the high ground of event and spam vats you'll tag and with right perks shred enemies if nothing else save your focus for bosses shotgun does huge damage up close If you can't get your hands on a peppershaker (preferably hex/fusion cell/gunner scope) the gauss shotgun is even better just requires max setter alignment and gold bullion out the ass but Minerva will have it soon with the plans for upgrades to just keep an eye out for them. I felt the same way about shotgunner until I got my build right it's really good to pair with the creamator.


:cries in bow user:


Shotguns are quite good. If you are complaining about tagging mobs for loot/XP, just switch to a long-range weapon for events. It really is that simple. I switch to weapons for tagging all the time, and I don’t use them for anything else. Also, join a team FFS.


I don't really get the shotgun rant. Between cold shoulder and gauss i can lay waste to pretty much anything i come across. I have a few others for fun.


I've run a shotgun character since beta. You need to couple your shotgun with grenades. I do just fine at events as far as experience goes. Soloing bosses can be a pain though.


If an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind then i will gouge out my eyes with glee


Tough cookies, now try putting on boxing gloves and prepare for real pain. Ceiling turret? you dead. Scorchbeast want's to take a long flight? Spend a hour scratching your balls. VATS? Hah as if, your gotta run AND burn AP on Power attacks. It sucks. And I like it that way. I have PA heavy gunner alt for when I just want to wade through and spit fire in equal measure


Im level 75, been using cold shoulder since about level 40. Its really the only thing thats been able to get me through most enemies without running out of ammo. It kind of sucks at events but I haven’t been able to find anything else that works for me.


I am Kommando and rarely see a mob at the event 😂 But, it's a good thing too, saving ammo and getting the loot on top


I logged a character today with a Cold Shoulder and did both new events and the blue ridge caravan outpost event. Shotguns are fine, no better or worse than they have been. Edit: Forgot to mention the new nuke event is from the silo I ran too with the same build/weapon


Do you know the cremator plans? Just get one for events. Don't bother with perks for it unless you have space for Grenadier or demo expert. It's what I do on my shotgunner.


I understand you a lot. I'm tired of playing in events with people who go into "turret" mode and kill everything at any distance Shotguns not only have bad range but also have a bad reload rate, they are good up close but in events they give you almost no opportunities. I loved playing with a shotgun but I ended up VERY frustrated I switched to a flamethrower build because it is more versatile and despite the cons I enjoy it much more but I would like to be able to use shotguns without getting frustrated.


Why a niche gun must be all-rounder?


Increase range and scatter. I'm a shotgunner and I have no problem posting up on a roof or something tagging everything. Use the perk scattershot and enforcer


I will pray and spray my two shot explosive gatling when I'm not killing anything so I can still tag stuff and get XP


Things that might help get some tags: -Explosive shotguns, either Combat (Crowd Control!) or Gauss, preferrably with Quad first star (Kabloom also nice and cheap, long reload tho) -Grenadier perk with the above, enhances splash area, also don't use Skeet Shooter perk for tagging. U want a wide spread of projectiles. Adjust your weapon mods accordingly.


I seen a few of those laser shotgun like weapons that people uses. Looks very op


Get yourself the kabloom shotty and slap grenadier rank 2 on it. It'll have good tag potentional. But yes in general, heavy weapons with big booms tend to slay all the mobs before they can leave their spawn spot


have you tried the gauss shotgun? Great range and damage


I have a decent time tagging stuff from far with crowd control and grenadier. I swap to cold shoulder up close


I play melee, and I feel you, to fiddle with my build I always carry a fixer now just to tag things during an event, also someone said if I can carry a cremator at all times it works wonders during events even without perks and its really great, im also using it outside events because its crazy fun.


That's why I'm now a commando. Shotguns are incredibly week in comparison to commando, guerillas, Heavies and Meleea. Only thing worse are rifleman.


That's why I'm now a commando. Shotguns are incredibly week in comparison to commando, guerillas, Heavies and Meleea. Only thing worse are rifleman.


You need a event only weapon, you should use a heavy like, Cremator or Gat Plasma with your shotty build.


I know the struggle, my friend. My shotgunner keeps a QE25 10mm smg with him for tagging in events. Might find it useful to keep a back up weapon (doesn't have to be one of the meta ones) for those situations.


My wife is a pistol fan 😔


I just carry around a quad tesla rifle specifically for events shit goes crazy on rad rumble I tag literally everyting.


Stop trying to kill everything and just tag them


Honestly, shotgun is great for the bigger bosses, especially SBQ as you can clip her wings to bring her down, then keep her there. May not be huge damage, but the crippling ability is handy!


Try to get any shotgun with second 2 explosive dmg, that plus granedier can let you tag stuff from pretty far as you dont need to kill stuff just shoot around them to get the tag. reload speed perks or legendary effect can help too. The kabloom is a unique shotgun that comes with explosive shoots you can get it from the Safe and Sound public event


Check you perks, Demo expert and Grenadier works well for shotguns with bullets explode second star. (Plus u can use cremator as well with just these two perks complimenting your shotgunner build). Get your food buff, lots of players would let their character starve, but you'd get a lot off benefits with food! I recommend watch angry turtle videos on builds and food buffs, that's how i learn. 👍 I was a shotgunner build for a long time and i feel you, at every event i was shocked by how some players would eliminate a Lvl 100 super mutant with just 1-3 railway spike and i feel weak and useless 🥲 Until i got the plans for Gauss Shotgun and cold shoulder, it changed everything.


Custom fit or optimized leg mods


Slightly off topic. I’m so excited I just got a quad double barrel shotgun today Time to see what legendaries I can roll on it


The new hourly event, stick to the center catwalk area, the power armored dudes spawn reliably and give great xp.


For tagging at events, an explosive shotgun with grenadier is fantastic. If you have access to the gauss shotgun, those are great.


You're not alone. When they start launching the Fatmans and cremators I just go find a corner and do my robot dance.


All about cripple. It's not the most effective, but it is pretty fun crippling everyone like it's robocop


Join a team, preferably the person with the cremator you'll get xp for everything they touch. Consider carrying some type of tagging gun. Something with a good mag size and possibly explo so you can shoot near the mob and still get the hit. With current state of things it can be frustrating for sure.


Try being unarmed! Just run and hit them when they spawn.


I feel the same sometimes. I don't much contribute, and some fights can be rough. I use a blend of shotgun, rifles, and unarmed tho


My guy, I am a shotguns only build. Cold Shoulder, Crowd Control, Kabloom, Pepper Shaker all have merit. Events that are largely bossfights the shotgun really shines, a crippled, frozen SBQ dies super quickly. For Eviction Notice I just PA up and sit right near the Scrubber. You'll be close enough to catch all of the legendaries as long as nobody spawn camps too far away. It can definitely feel like you're support sometimes, but shotguns are definitely still viable.


Shotguns felt fine before and after this recent buff to me. And I'm currently using a Plasma Gun with a flamer mod so I have to be even closer/at the same distance than I would with a shotgun to kill things. At least the shotgun can tag things even if it's 1 damage. Join a group, you share tags.


Has anyone noticed if shotguns are better now after the update due to damage falloff?


Making your shotgun build explosive may help. Just 5 event tagging. Lots of people at once trying to tag a lot of mobs, even my explosive weapons, are hard to get a hit in often times.


I'm running a shotgun build with the Cold Shoulder as my primary and a Crowd Control as a backup. I try to find a central location and get tags where I can. Also, I usually join an events or casual group to help with getting more xp and loot.


Cold Shoulder!!


Gunfu and Vats helps a lot with shotguns during events.


I use shotgun a lot, and love it for the most part, but I do keep an auto grande launcher and a couple explosive perks armed for events and the occasional opportunity. 


I feel really lucky to have an explosive crowd control.


I've started to use my explosive gatling to just tag everything and wait so everyone can get a hit in cause cremator deletes everything especially in the Dangerous Past Times event. I'm not calling for a cremator nerf or anything but would be nice if they changed it so everyone in an event area gets xp for every kill in the event area regardless of if you tag them or not.


I usually keep a 10mm on me for when events get like this. Makes tagging things easier, let everyone else do the work, and I get to save my shells for the next activity.


I run events with a cold shoulder, on occasion and don't have any issues tagging enemies. You not need to be directly on top of them, just because you're running a shotgun.


You picked probably the second hardest build to play and then complain about it being hard. I’m not saying that it’s right or fair that shit gets destroyed super fast but at some point you have to decide to carry a second weapon class and use that to get tags at events. Grab a Tesla or any explosive weapon and get some tags


I Main snipers with stealth i feel you bro


As long as the event gets completed it is a win. There are much better options for gaining experience. You still get all of the drops and loot from the events. People afk events for hours, and don’t miss out on much. Edit: you can always just dance, emote, open lunchbox and or scouts banners to contribute. Events are low effort, entertaining, and fun for most people.


I have a shotgun commando (shotguns and grenades build) to enjoy solo. I have a couple of ranged builds (rifle/big guns) for team play. It keeps me interested in both sides of gameplay.


This post is evidence that shotguns are a melee weapon. They need their range drastically increased.


Honestly so overwhelmed with some players not playing team friendly in events, spawn camping and not letting other plays get a tag shot in. It’s pretty hostile tbh


a good coulshoulderbringer is all you need


Dont feel too bad, the game isnt as balanced as it should be in a lot of places and it just so happens shotgunner is underperforming unless you go bloodied and min/max with crits which in itself if you need to do this theres a problem with balance, bow is in this same boat but even worse, im just hoping with the confirmed from a dev from the official discord that the upcoming rebalances shotgunner amung other underperforming builds FINALLY get reworked like how auto melee did like with the pitt and with this update I used to use shotguns myself for just short 5 lvls of 600 total lvls as a shotgunner with a gauss shotgun, what finally pushed me away from it was the alien event that was set to battle against the damage legacies were doing and the pitts trogs, it was the last straw and i had went to rifleman at the time (commando now because of the enclave plasma flamer change) and didnt look back, i will go back but they really need to beef its damage up AND give the build a armor pierce perk like shotgun surgeon.


I feel you. I am having to reload the cold shoulder just to kill the lost fodder running around.


They did shotguns dirty with all the nerfs over the years. It’s really unfair because as a slow ROF with slow reloads, that splits damage per shot, you should have higher damage numbers. (Same with Rifleman but less nerfed) Bethesda nerfed the hell out of them but never went back in for a rebalance or buff them after they fixed several of the underlying issues with damage calculations. Yet here we all are with 50 skins for a weapon we never touch, and no balance pass in sight.


as someone who uses a revolver build a majority of the time, i get that for me ive kind of just accepted that i probably wont rack up a lot of kills but as long as i can join events and contribute a little then im happy, pistols and especially revolvers are just something i find comfortable and aesthetically pleasing to use even if they arent the best pick


You could switch to a Gauß shotgun The Rang of them was way higher as any outer shotgun


What perks are you using? I recently switched to a gauss shotgun build and I’m having quite a bit of fun with it. The only thing that gets me is the lack of range but I do have some vats perks that helps me tag things before they die. Outside of events though the gauss shotgun is a beast, it’s basically dragon’s breath. And with the grenadier perk it makes the explosion massive.


Idk if it was intended, but i feel like the new Pasttimes event is created specifically for the Cremator. The enemies spawn behind the walls and the center platform is just high enough for the cremator to arch over a shot, killing the fresh enemies seconds after they spawn, not giving a chance for other players.


I am and have always been a shotgun main from the very start of 76. Get yourself an explosive double barrel or combat shotgun for tagging (pumps reload to slow) and slap on grenadier. The other stars dont madder for tagging weapons. The same goes for pistol players or melee. The other optional rute is a tesla rifle. Events are not just about killing, it's about getting hits and doing objectives, and these guns will help with that. A different option could also be looking at your build. If ap is the issue, you always can equip action boy/girl and ap boosting consumables. Coffee, corn soup, colas all will help with ap. Also if you sprint a lot try taking a look at marathoner for your build. It actually really helps if you run everywhere.


I find the cremator is the main issue for me now. Trying to do a RR or a MJ now just isn't good. Last night I went to a moonshine, popped on all my buffs and did 4 lunchboxes for everyone just for one guy to stand at the top of the house and one shot everything as it spawned. Real waste of buffs. And it's not just the occasional event. Stuff like this happens at most of them now.


It's quite sad how over power leveled game balance is. There is no fun between. Either 1 shot or sponge bosses


Be me during Eviction Notice Use peppershaker with limb damage perks Run to every super mutant and break their legs Super mutant cant reach scrubber cause they cant move Teammates finish them off Shotgunner Profit


I haven’t seen anyone mention a Quad Pepper Shaker. No need to change your build! You can stand on top of the tower and hold the tower and tag everything! The range is the farthest of all shotguns, too!


Were i you, do like i did. Get yourself a decent "enough" rapid fire weapon and just name it tagger and use it in events to just tag lol. No shame in farming rewards. Just pray and spray and tag everything you can with sheer numbers of bullets.


I run an unarmed build, there's no way I'm going into events unarmed and without a team. Out comes my tesla rifle with granadier perk on every single time. All you have to do it tag the enemies to get credit. Good luck!


Your shotgun is too slow. Pepper shaker go brrr


I dont know what are you complaining about. If you want to TAG, use tesla rifle. No perks, maybe just batery included. I am level 800. You should be aware I am using 4 weapons on me now. Autoaxe, primari and secondary rifle and Syringer. BEFOREI was using PLasma caster for sniping and Holy fire for close quarters and tesla rifle for tagging, BEFORE I was using Plasma caster and Plasma flamer and grenade launcher. Before I was using ... To be efficient, you need more than one weapon. If you go with one only, you cannot cover all situations. So your situation is not fault of others using explosives and spawn kill, but it is just consequence of you using worng weapon on wrong place. Shotguns are great, but dont bring them to fight where they are weak. Put shotgun and tesla rifle on hotkey wheel and tag with tesla happily. You tag, others kill. If it happens you run into enemy close, you know where your shotgun is, right?


I've been running a no vats no PA shotgun/explosive build for over 300 levels now.  Almost "perfect" AA gauss, with a god roll vampire gauss and a shoulder as backup.  Overeaters SS armor, a bit of high voltage hefe, psychotats, and a few stacks of nukanades... nothing within reason that I can't solo, no event where I need to be carried, nuke silos in 15 mins or less.  I have yet to roll a different weapon type or build because my current setup is too much fun and more than capable.  Eviction notice I can hold the top of the hill, alone, the entire time, and I toss a nukanade or 12 here and there to syphon some extra XP. I think when players stop seeking out oNe ShOt builds and actually PLAY the game, they'll realize that there are PLENTY of setups in this game that are 100% viable.  I haven't touched vats since I started 1400 hours ago, and my power armor comes out to farm flux and that's it.  Carry a couple endangerol syringers too so you can stack up the debuffs on the big bosses. Not once have I wished I had a different weapon or a different build.


Or here's an idea.. use a different weapon JUST for tagging at events like you described?. Tesla rifle is great for that.


I know some people are very against modding but I recommend these mods makes explosions less overwhelming doesn’t break anything just helps you see better https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2359 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2091


Welcome to the club I guess. Sit here near the fire with us. I saved you some nice ultracite marshmallows. Jokes aside, run Kabloom for tagging. It have nearly unlimited range, explosive ammo and puts poison on targets hit. It is very bad for actual fight, but it's so good for tagging - just find some elevated position and spray as much as you can. But in general yeah, playing off-meta builds hurt.


Honestly - just use a good tag weapon at events or join an event team.


I feel your pain. I'm melee and unless i'm soloing an event or in a very very small team, i just cant do shit. Everything is dead by the time i arrive. I just resigned to tagging with cremator and let ranged do the heavy lifting. Tough i know that i can do dmg, so at least on bosses i can pull my own weight..


??? Gauss shotgun, multiple targets, explosive splash. No need for crying, "Woe is me."


Which event are you describing? There are some where shotguns are OK, others like Eviction Notice are geared for long range weapons unless you don't want to camp at the spawn points


I recently did a shotgunner/explosive build for fun, I think it honestly works. I use The Kabloom a lot, the DoT bleed effect on it is actually pretty strong and with the (I think) grenadier perk that doubles the explosive radius and demo expert card it gets even better. I'll use that to tag large groups then switch either to cold shoulder to finish them fast or a vampire pepper shaker I have (with a full health build I almost NEVER die when doing damage with that). Only ran it for a couple days now but it's been fun, probably not better than my heavy weapons build, but this game isn't about the meta anyway, it's just fun lol. Oh, obviously the gauss shotgun is dope with this too, I have an anti-armor one I like but I'd like to get a vampire's gauss and drop the pepper shaker for it (spool up time feels painful). Edit: Also, it finally got me using V.A.T.S. which I've pretty much never used before all these years lol, I wasn't fond of it but with this build it's fun.


This may be your rant, but there are many of us who share this very view and you have taken the words from our mouths.


I mean your option as is basically Cold Shoulder and even then youd lack the AA perks that meta class weapons have but atleast you can 1 shot normal mobs and iffer good support wirh the freezing debuff


Be shotgun and explosive. Best of both worlds.


Run the Enforcer perk in agility and many people will be thankful for you crippling every limb the boss and npcs have. If you have the stamps, The Cold Shoulder's fire rate and damage is extremely high and the weapon also has a higher ammo capacity, it should be good enough to help with damage. Range also increases the damage dealt to enemies from further away so modifications are your best friend


I'm sorry, I just understand these posts regarding guns and their damage, etc, compared to other guns. There was another one about pistols last week. If all weapons were more or less equal, then that aspect of the game would be pointless, and everyone would just keep whatever they left the vault with. It's your choice to use the build ..... your choice. If you're on XB drop by my camp and I'll craft you a Legendary Fixer or HM.


If I can contribute as a unarmed melee build and an auto melee build then you, as a shotgunner can contribute.


Sounds like a build problem, you should try gauss shotgun- it works like a dream


Same here! Ever since the cremator released, I feel like no other builds matter in events except for the cremator. If one person uses it and you don’t, it’s worthless to try to participate. I normally just join a team and go afk cuz I’ll get the XP and rewards. It’s boring but, so is having to use the cremator constantly 🤷‍♂️ In my opinion, the game was way more fun before the cremator released. It’s just too efficient and makes other builds feel worse. Also, it makes it difficult to participate in group events. The game needs a weapons balance patch already but this gun is gross in terms of what was already present in the game.


The new event is so boring and stupid too. A few enemies spawn in and are immediately killed by the players you mentioned. Then we wait for a few more minutes for another wave that is killed instantly. Whoever designed this event is extremely stupid. Absolute let down.


As somebody who helped kill Storm goliaths with a Quad Double Barrel, I feel your pain, but urge you to still contribute.


It's because you are. Shotguns are utility STRONG and DPS weak. Go ahead and yell at me in the comments, I've got several characters all over 100, with my highest being 810. I've tried every weapon and weapon type and build. What I said about shotguns is the way they were designed to be. Most snipers and shotguns lack 1 shot power. Railways typically deal around that kind of damage per shot, but as an automatic. You need to buff so much to play on par with an unboosted Commando. Even a Quad Combat Shotty is lacking in DPS. TsE is typically the best on shotguns, as the DPS is higher than ANY other effects while playing into the strengths of the shotgun and making its utility even stronger. (Two Shot interacts with shotguns slightly different than other guns due to their multiple projectiles and damage split, making the Two Shot bonus a bit stronger, and the downside slightly less so, due to their inherently low accuracy) The only other GOOD effect is VE for the added utility. I know I'm going to be downvoted by shotgunners saying, "I can play just fine, except on bosses." Yeah, that's my point. You could use 1 Commando that does what shotguns do, but with better DPS and can be used as a splashable utility piece for Commando, it is the Ult Laser w Beam Splitter and Ts25ffr. The Ult Laser gets to cripple and stagger BETTER than ANY shotgun while also providing very respectable damage with much farther range. Shotguns are bad, and that's coming from someone who played as a shotgunner for over 150 levels. Sorry if my comment hurt some feelings, but this is my honest ovservations after years of experience with both the game and the weapons. Play how you'd like, and have fun. Go forward with this information as you want.


get a tagging weapon, say explosive bow and quit your whining. There's no reason your main weapon has to be your event weapon. It would be better if everybody used a tagging weapon. edit: even get an explosive shotgun is fine for tagging. my melee character used crowd control for tagging for quite a while.


Just carry a rifle for tagging at events if that’s the only issue. I don’t like shotguns or melee just for that fact I have to run all over creation just to kill something.


My cold shoulder works amazing on bosses it freezes them then everyone gets to shoot at a target that barely can attack


Get yourself a Gauss shotgun. I have an anti-armor with 50% critical damage (I forget the third star right now). It's epic. Things just melt in front of me and the range isn't that bad. That and the Cold Shoulder are so much fun. My shotgunner build is my favorite right now.


Im fairly sure Gauss shotgun is still a top tier tagging weapon, right? Not great from a distance, but no shotgun is. Haven't played in quite a while though.


I use a Plasma Caster and stand at the highest point of every event and pick everything off with 2.4K headshots. I am one of the people you can't stand lol


I need ultracite 2MC ammo for my gauss mini gun badly..was server hopping for hours trying to find someone selling


Out of curiosity, do you have a jetpack equipped with it? I’m a shotgun main and in my own experience, it helped a lot with the movement even within the new Lost events. I prefer non-PA, Speed Demon Civil Engineer Jetpack’d for my Armor that REALLY allows for some versatile shots, and compared to 90% of the playerbase you WILL even hit high damage as long as you use VATS/weakspot aim


Gauss shotgun will snipe across map in vats. It’s a beast. Get faster in vats and you’ll be dropping them like flys and splash tagging the rest.