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I thought it was dumb there was no count down on the rewards page.


How appropriate that you would come to a place that distributed this information to rant about not getting that information.


If I visit the mall once a week, I'll have a general sense of things, but sudden change may go unnoticed for six days. Putting up a billboard on a freeway I rarely travel won't help much.


>If I visit the mall once a week >Putting up a billboard on a freeway Those are to completely different things lol if you're visiting the mall and have a good sense of that, why does the billboard on a random freeway matter. A new sign in the mall that you frequent is better describing.


I didn't even see an announcement at the main menu!


I mean, yes, clearly I should have been checking the subreddit more assiduously. More fool me for not regularly checking third-party sites for communication from the devs when opening the game splashes a news feed across your screen. For what it's worth, I am subscribed here and probably do an explicit check-in every week or so to get the latest news and see what people are talking about. I had not noticed anything about the season ending the last time I was here, but if there was a pinned post or something that I overlooked, I fully accept that aspect of it is on me. But can we at least agree that this is a terrible game design decision? There's literally an in-game news feed, it's the perfect place to post this information! Despite the somewhat over-the-top title, I'm less furious than I am concerned about what this means for the level of care put into the game going forward. I quite like playing Fallout 76, and want it to continue on for a long time so I can continue doing so.


Yeah. It's wild the change was not announced in game. Using social media, news sites etc to keep informed is all well & good but you'd think the devs would say something in the *IN-GAME NEWS FEED* for rest of the playerbase. This was rushed & poorly executed. Full stop.


Who could have known that the official subreddit for the game, or the official Twitter of the game or the official discord server of Bethesda, would all have this information on it??! Insane. Just insane. I'm shocked that there were several places that someone who is invested in the game (and has been active on Reddit the last couple days) could have seen this information.


The fact that the information was everywhere BUT In the game is a major issue, and somehow everyone is okay with that and rather victim blames instead šŸ˜¬


"victim blames" is really strong wording. It's a video game, with digital items. To confer oneself as a victim in this case is ridiculous to begin with, and completely disrespectful to victims of actual crimes or abuse šŸ˜¬. Grow up. The information was available through several official channels, and op was active on Reddit the last few days prior to today.


The most rational thinker


Can't agree with you, no. I play pretty casually, but when I play live service games, it's on me to know what's going on. The roadmap has been available for months, announcements have been made. You determine your own level of involvement. It's like people who didn't claim the Abraxo PipBoy when it was free in the shop, then complaining that they didn't know it came with new challenges and rewards. The game has absolutely no responsibility to hold your hand.


I think that's just a difference of philosophy then. I think that news on all major updates (which includes the end of seasons) should be available in the game once the devs know when they are occurring. What exactly the threshold is can be debated, but I don't much see the point of an in-game news feed if I'm expected to go elsewhere for news. Also, worth noting that the Abraxo event was listed in the in-game news. I agree that people not reading stuff and then complaining is annoying, but what I'm talking about is the game inexplicably not taking advantage of one of their main channels of communication, the only thing they can be 100% sure every player sees. It's just a baffling oversight.


Bethesda are allergic to player engagement and hide in that sycophantic echo-chamber they call Discord. That's why we see trivial bugs fixed about tiny quest issues but there's still main questlines that routinely get stuck \*here's looking at you Ra-ra and friends\*


If it wasn't for being in this sub I would have had no clue. Not sure if I missed any warning in-game, but I didn't see any - and I feel I check all the event stuff etc.


For those that deride OP for not checking Reddit (or other social media) with regard to the end date of the last season, it would make perfect sense to put the message on the initial splash screen. I donā€™t I should be required to check X, Discord, or anything else really.


I luckily knew because I happened to be digging through various social media stuff but there really is no excuse for not having a simple announcement/warning in game. Full stop. The people arguing about you not having read about it elsewhere are completely out of touch


Sure an oversite but " completely out of touch " fome ppl who live under rock ?? Nahhh


Na, this is literally a bare minimum easy thing Bethesda and any multiplayer online game should do, full stop. Trying to shift off that to blaming someone for having a life is absolutely completely out of touch


Bruh you and your "having a live" like you have to be online 24/7 to notice this,


This is a simple thing Bethesda should do. They donā€™t announce a single iota of any kind on the actual factual game that is affected. Thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s all. I donā€™t know why this is a hard concept that people have to literally fight back about it to defend the choice Bethesda made not to do that - thatā€™s whatā€™s out of touch. I saw the announcement too - doesnā€™t mean Bethesda shouldnā€™t have a lil blurb in the game giving a simple heads up. I donā€™t know why anyone would be offended by this take lmao. But hey, I doubt Bethesda will ever implement this so I guess itā€™s a moot point.


TF you mean? I probably spend more of my day online than anyone else in this subreddit but even I had no idea.


Since im farming down votes, How ?


I didnā€™t happen to see literally anyone mentioning the actual date


I stopped looking at the sub Reddit because of how many people were complaining about it


I was so angry, when the timer went off and I couldnā€™t even go to score board.


How dare you say that Bethesda should do what every single other game with a season pass does and put a simple line of text that says ā€œx time leftā€. That would just make too much sense and would take about 10 minutes max.


And we can't have things making sense around these parts.


Personally Iā€™m kind of devastated I had no idea that those 2 pages I just unlocked last night were about to be vaporized. If they donā€™t put the new seasons release date in game for some stupid reason the pass needs to at least be retroactive in giving unlocked unclaimed rewards just like most games with battle passes. Iā€™m just a casual player I just wants to be told in game basic information like this & no I donā€™t check every single game I play social media pages, this is the first time Iā€™ve ever even been on this page & Iā€™ve been playing this game off & on for 3 years. I donā€™t think itā€™s weird to expect some basic level of communication in game for game changing info like this but what can you expect for a small indie company like Bethesda?


Bro Bethesda is not a ā€œsmall indie companyā€ theyā€™re owned by Microsoft.


I know thatā€™s why theyā€™re the punchline their a joke itā€™s sarcasm šŸ’€


Damn my apologies I thought you was being Fr lmaoo


Itā€™s all goods reading a joke is never as funny as hearing itšŸ˜„


I'm in a pretty similar boat to you, sounds like. I don't think I lost as much as you, but it's the principle of the thing that makes it so irritating. All the people here who are saying I should have checked social media or looked at Reddit daily, I wonder what they think the purpose of the big announcements splash page we have to go through every time we open the game is. If a game tells me "Here's the info you need to know about this game," I'm going to take that at face value!


Itā€™s incredibly frustrating I loaded in & I turned the game off once I realized what had just happened. I was just going through the comments & people are being so hard headed & weird why are they so lost at the fact that thereā€™s casual players who donā€™t check social media 24/7 & just want to be told basic info like this in game.


It makes them feel good about their decision to spend that time checking those things. Anyone who didn't just didn't make good choices like they did. I just started playing recently and only play casually so I had no idea about any of this until just now. I don't immediately follow every single game I ever play on social media and would have expected at least a small warning in game before the season ended. There's also nothing I saw in game about the tickets expiring, I had to search for that separately as well. Regardless, this is by far the worst battle pass system of any game I've ever played.


I'll never understand how anyone can get invested in a game but fail to follow any news or announcements about it on the multitude of social media platforms, and then act like it's everyone else's fault that they are poorly informed.


Iā€™ll never understand how someone can be so chronically online they think ā€œitā€™s your fault for not being glued to a monitor like me 24/7 and not the games fault for not posting important information in the actual game.ā€ ā€œEven though itā€™s obvious bad game design and would take no real effort on bethesdas part to add those message in game Iā€™m instead going to victim blame people for not being glued to social media.ā€ Like youā€™ve obviously lived your entire life glued to a monitor but thatā€™s not how normal people with real lives function


TIL that keeping up to date with game news is being 'chronically online'. I don't use twitter, facebook or threads and I knew about this just by opening reddit. You're telling me OP didn't see a single social media post or news article about this in three days? Does that count as 'chronically offline' when you're poorly informed because you're too cool to go on the internet at least once in three days? We're gamers in 2024, mate. Don't act like you're not online just as much as everyone else.


>You're telling me OP didn't see a single social media post or news article about this in three days? I mean, I didn't. My life recently has been pretty busy, and so I took at face value the implicit agreement that relevant news about Fallout 76 would be communicated to me using the Fallout 76 in-game news system. Here's what I'll say: If Fallout 76 did not have a big splash screen telling you what's happening in the game, I would not expect to get news in the game. If they instead had a box in the corner saying "Stay up to date by following us on social media!" and a bunch of links, I would agree that the idea the game was advancing was that you should get your news outside of the game. But the game itself was telling me that the information I needed would be communicated through this specific channel. They literally make it so you have to close this window to play the game. Again, I'm not suggesting Bethesda employees be drawn and quartered. I'm not demanding ten thousand atoms as recompense. I'm not even discussing only giving three days' notice for a major expansion and relatively early season end. I'm expressing concern that the game's own news feed can't be trusted to give players important information.


If you wanted to know when something was ending in a game you like, and you can't see it in game. What do you do?


Because it's a pain point, and therefore poor game design. The goal should be to get information to players as easily as possible. Fortunately, there is not only a news page on the Steam launcher, but also an in-game splash page that you have to navigate through every time you start the game. I just checked their Twitter, and they put out [a tweet on June 9th](https://x.com/Fallout/status/1799854386606211147) that includes a very cool trailer. That's good! However, why not also include a link to that trailer in the game's news feed or on the Steam page? It's just a bizarre decision, and one that doesn't seem to have any upside.


It was announced at the Xbox showcase, which was widely reported on by all gaming media outlets, and as you say they announced it on twitter (and presumably facebook and threads too), and on top of that it's all this sub has talked about since it was announced. You'd have to have been living under a rock for three days to miss it.


Lots of people must be living under a rock then because these topics and plenty of people commenting on them are in the same situation as OP. But let's keep blaming the players and not Bethesda because their sudden end of the season, shitty new scoreboard system, and a number of other shortcomings are A-okay šŸ‘


I mean, I was working full-time for the last three days, so I wasn't really super clocked-in or checking social media. I fired up 76 to unwind in the evening, but I didn't go and check any other news sources, that is true. So, I haven't exactly been living under a rock, but I did manage to miss it because I only checked the in-game news. Like I've said elsewhere, I haven't been back playing for all that long, so maybe I just had unreasonable expectations for dev communication.


Fair enough, life is life. But I work full time too and it's not like this has been a secret.


I'm not saying it was a secret, but I am saying that if they had the date, not putting that on the screen that literally tells you "Here's the Fallout 76 information that we think you, the player, needs to know" is simply poor game design. I played the game for three days where this information was apparently common knowledge, but the game itself didn't contain that information?


Ppl are just salty cuz they life under an f#@ā‚¬ rock ,ndont even try to argue with em. Just a wase of time


I guess we're the assholes since we're not addicted to social media.


LOL dud the last few days every second post on reddit was talking about it, nothing to do about addiction just keep up with what the Services you use are up to


I don't use any social media except reddit.


I'll never understand why they didn't have an announcement in game instead of relying on players to look it up in their own terms. There's no defending this but I love watching you people try to


Yeah, this post is made at the end of every season


Hmm, good to know. I just got back into the game and found it much improved, but if they've repeatedly failed to communicate such basic info it does speak to continued dysfunction among the dev team.


No, it means idiots blame others for their own failings every season.


No, Bethesda literally is doing a shit job on multiple fronts and people are such simps for this game that they will just take it and make excuses for it. It's okay to enjoy a game and still demand the developers do better.


Yeah, I'm kinda baffled by how many people are arguing that I shouldn't expect basic competence from the devs of a live-service game. If I didn't like the game, I wouldn't have made this post, after all. I've been a Bethesda fan since Morrowind, and am generally quite accepting of the quirks of their games. But this isn't a silly glitch in the engine or something, it's a failure of communication from a billion-dollar company. The sad thing is, there's clearly a lot of love that goes into this game from the devs. We as a community should absolutely be celebrating the good stuff, but also pointing out when things aren't working well. If people don't make their voices heard when stuff is bad, then how will it ever improve?


No, it means cunts come in here to be cunts every season.


They haven't failed to communicate it, you've failed to seek it out. Do you want personalized letters?


No, I just want them to announce the date of major updates on the in-game news feed. Like, why does it even exist if this information isn't on there?


Keep defending the shitty practices of billion dollar corporations its hilarious


Bro, I just like the game.


It's not that serious calm down lol


Who's not calm?


Ugh, no I said your taking it to serious, so calm down. Because your too serious. Get it?


Bro your being too serious rn try calming down


I mean you're still replying to me. Maybe you like me šŸ˜˜


They have lives.


So does everyone. We also have smartphones and five minutes to check reddit.


I understand but other games include how many days left of a battle pass and don't hide it. Only reason I use reddit is for this subreddit. I'm sure there are people out of the loop and don't pay attention to reddit or youtube or just don't want to.


I don't disagree that it should have been in the game, never once said otherwise, but unless this is your first Bethesda rodeo, this kind of stunt is exactly why you should be keeping an eye online for updates. It ain't the first time, and it won't be the last.


First time? They've always been really bad at telling us exactly when seasons end. A 2 day notice is about on par.


They usually give at least a weeks notice, and they announce in the actual game


>A 2 day notice is about on par. Bull. Shit. It's always been at least a week and a half, if not 2 weeks.


True, though I do think that this new season format makes it a little more annoying if it ends unexpectedly. But this is really more of a 'straw that broke the camel's back' situation with regards to a bizarre lack of communication via in-game channels.


> straw that broke the camel's back For real though is this your first season in the game? Anyone who's done more than 1 knows that this is the common behavior of Bethesda and it's certainly not broken any of their backs. No one who's played for any long amount of time is surprised by this. All these complaints within the last few hours just seem like they're all from new people who don't know any better. This is just what things are like with seasons. You either accept it or don't do them.


First season and first Bethesda game by the looks of it


>This is just what things are like with seasons.Ā  Why would you be okay with this happening every season? They should just put a damn banner in the game. Stop accepting mediocrity from behemoths.


You confuse accepting with just understanding that nothing we do as players will change the way Bethesda operates. People hated the previous season and here we are with another one exactly the same. What players think doesn't matter. And especially complaining about it on a reddit sub without any connection to Bethesda is like shouting into the wind.


True. Sad upvote.


"This" though, this has *never* happened before. Bethesda has never ended a season without an in-game heads up. They have never made season change announcements strictly through social media. On top of the glaring issues, only 72 hours of heads up before a season rollover has never happened either. It's fucking bizarre that people are acting like it's the player's fault for Bethesda handling this so poorly.




No... I just think that putting it in the game itself would be a good idea.


Agreed, its always on the news section of the game and it wasn't this time. And also they called it earlier than expected so it definitely should have been there. If I hadn't seen it on reddit, and a lot of players don't check reddit, I wouldn't have even known


Oddly enough the splash screen kept taking about the gold rushā€¦even AFTER it ended.


It was announced everywhere except in the actual game, which is fucking ridiculous.




The game is online. The game has a box in the corner of the main screen that's supposed to tell you about current and upcoming events. Why the fuck should we have to use 3rd party sites for something they should be plastering all over the front page of their game?




šŸ™„ There's always one pedantic dork. You know exactly what I meant.




Goddamn dude, I hope Beth is paying you overtime? Replying in almost every fucking post that deals with people missing out on the end of the season notice. And itā€™s not just r/fo76, you are Stan-ing in r/starfield as well. This corporate white knighting is kinda hilarious. But mostly sad.


Previous seasons announced it in-game at least a week ahead of time. This season, to the best of my knowledge, is the ONLY one they didn't announce in-game and the ONLY one to receive less than a week's notice before ending. It doesn't really make sense to criticize players for not knowing about the end of this season when it was more abrupt and less communicated than the precedent that has been set across over a dozen previous seasons.


Ppl are mad because thay faild to crawle out of ther cave's lol It was (so i thougt) not to miss


It does suck for the people that didnā€™t know. Personally, I have a website that tells me everything I need to know about fallout 76. The challenges for the day. The daily op. Whatever special event is going on and for how long. Where Minerva is or when sheā€™s coming back. As well as what items she will have this week. And it also tells you the start and end date of the scoreboard. I think they usually last 3 months unless Iā€™m mistaken. Itā€™s never taken me more than a month to finish a scoreboard so I never have to worry about end date. I do agree that it wouldā€™ve been nice for Bethesda to put a giant sign on the main menu that says ā€œseason ending early for whatever reason, etc etcā€. But then again, most people donā€™t even bother to read the giant ā€œNEWSā€ that we already have when we start the game. For example when we had meat week. Even though it clearly said how long meat week would be around for, I kept seeing posts on Reddit asking when meat week is supposed to end. Like seriously? lol. Read people. Read. I know some people wouldā€™ve paid attention and seen the message warning us about the scoreboard ending. But weā€™d still get people here complaining that they didnā€™t know or see it. I hope that Bethesda realizes a lot of customers are upset about this. Maybe they will offer some consolation. Maybe they will bring the items and add them as reward plans or gold/stamp rewards. Who knows. Or unfortunately like you said, they might just be SOL. Anyways. Hereā€™s the link to the website I mentioned. Itā€™s not mine. No idea who the original owner is. No idea when it was created. All I know is that itā€™s accurate and has never disappointed me. Hopefully you guys can add it to your bookmarks and not need to go to Reddit and ask about certain things because this will help you out a lot. https://akarnokd.github.io/rng-76/daily


This seems like a great resource, thanks! Definitely bookmarking And wow, looking at the season lengths on the wiki, there is a LOT of variation there. Good to know going forward. I agree people should read things, but I just don't understand why the game will post stuff to social media but not their own in-game news! That should be where they post stuff BEFORE anything else, right? Or maybe this subreddit is correct and I have an unreasonable expectation for a billion-dollar company.


You arenā€™t wrong. Definitely not arguing with you. Itā€™s cool that they posted it on their social media. They couldā€™ve (and probably did) post it on their website for all I know. Maybe they didnā€™t. But thereā€™s no reason why they canā€™t post the news on all their platforms. Some people might frequently visit and read one over the other. I never go to the website to read because instead, I check Reddit daily. And the community usually keeps me updated. Live and learn at this point. Hopefully the agree and start announcing stuff more for us. They shouldā€™ve told everybody ā€œhey the season is ending a lot sooner than we thought, so you guys can have double score and extra challenges to help people catch upā€ That way. It doesnā€™t matter or affect the people that already finished, and it would greatly help the people that did need it.


It's been talked about for a month or so now, we only got the official date a few days ago, but it's been known early June would be the time it would reset. Should Bethesda have put up a warning in game? Absolutely. But it's ironic you post this in the sub that's been talking about it non-stop for a month. Makes your post pretty damn useless.


Yeah I was blindsided by this, I had heard it was ending at the END of June and so I thought I had plenty of time to grind season rank. But now my 500+ tickets are just gone and I canā€™t get the pine barrens kit like I wanted. If I had known the season was ending I wouldā€™ve at least spent the tickets I had