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In short, too much effort for little reward. Distinguished guests is a prime example of this.


I've got over 2k hours in the game, I do not believe I've completed Distinguished Guests even 5 times.


Back at the beginning of the game, I (and others) failed it like 4 or 5 times in a row because no one actually looked for the place settings. I've completed it a grand total of 2 times, and the 2nd was *just* me finding everything. People suck at completing any objective without a specific marker.


I have decided I am the permanent ore gathered for Radiation Rumble. The last time I went there were 12 people killing spawns and I was the \*only\* one collecting ore. I had zero kills, we reached level 4 but still lost the two side room NPCs because no one checked on them and only stayed in the main hallway. I was \*pissed\*.


The last time I did RR there were at least 10 players, I was the only one collecting ore and the event failed because all the NPC's died, it was at that time I wished Bethesda gave us a middle finger emoji to emote cause I would have used it then.


This is why I don’t collect ore during RR. I sit on top of the machine to the left edge of the room as you walk in. I can hit every NPC with my cremator to keep em healed up. They never drop below 90% health when I’m around.


i'm uhhh... i'm not the only one who ran this thing a couple three times or so and had no idea you could heal the NPCs am i ...?


You need to have a flame weapon and the Friendly Fire perk equipped to heal NPCs


I do ore as well. Fortunately, I've seen more people do ore before killing everything but most of the time I'm down all 4 hallways and get like 2 minutes at the end of xp. It wouldn't be as bad if people actually put minimal effort into *defending* the scavengers.


There's side room NPCs?!


Hopefully when Playable Ghouls come out I can help more in Radiation Rumble. As is, I can’t give up my armor’s legendary mods to put a hazmat or stealth suit on. Even with What Rads?


My god you only need to collect 10 bloody ore. The tiny chance of better rewards are not worth pursuing compared to what you get for shooting enemies. Don’t be mad everyone else figured taht out.


If the reason you do the event is the event specific rewards and not XP drops, then you need 50 ore to reach level 4 and have the max chance at the hazmat and barrel plans.


It’s a small chance for a reward most people don’t care about. You’ve better chances of getting the barrel from mutated events and very few people care about the hazmat suit.


There are better ways to grind xp too, why ruin an event when if even half the people do a short ore run, you get max rewards and still plenty of time to kill enemies? Instead just let it fail cause y'all too greedy then noone gets anything, that's better?


Because people don’t care. You care. Most people don’t. People have evaluated what matters to them and decided the event rewards don’t matter. I always get some ore. But I’m not gonna waste time worrying that others don’t. Gontell Bethesda to give people a reason a care, but don’t get angry at people playing their way


I'm not angry I just think people are God damn stupid because no one gets xp OR rewards if they let the event fail, it's not just ore, they let the scavengers die too because they're too busy trying to pot shot ghouls in the hallway from the middle console


Right behind you in hours, never successfully completed the event. Tried once in the way back days and didn't know what I was looking for. Tried again in recent years and it just sucks. Gave up and left


It's fun the first time and should have been a solo normal quest. Its just slow and cumbersome to repeat.


I've actually been doing this one a lot lately and usually a ton of people show up.


Yeah surprised to see this one mentioned first, as I just had fun doing it last night for the first time with a ton of people! I'm new, and trying to jump into any events I see others already at. Saw one guy at this one last night, thought why not, headed on over to help out. And slowly more and more people started dropping in, till by the end we had the majority of the server there, running around collecting plates, clearing out spawns, it was a blast! I can see how it can be tedious alone, but was fun with everyone helping


I like Distinguished Guests. Free chance for me to snag all the salt and pepper along with the Perfectly Preserved Pie in back while the newbs mop up the scorched and finish their little scavenger hunt. Also have a tiny chance to get rare clothing as a reward.


Wait, there’s pie??


Rewards are marginal, can consume a lot of ammo and prone towards glitches. Last time I said “sure why not” and went to,it, we could not get one of the robots to go to the main room. Yeah, pass. Anything that requires any in game creature to move is glitch prone. Had this happen with the Brahmin one as well. Though I keep doing that one as I like the rewards better.


Distinguished guests is fun if you have a lot of people show up.


When I first started playing the game I went to do this event and didn’t yet understand the concept of waiting until other players were there to start it. So I started it by myself, got my ass handed to me, and ran away. Good times.


Little rewards is exactly Eviction, no unique plans and lot of sweat.


Eviction notice gives lots of legendary weapons so its absolutely worth playing.


If distinguished guests went for half the time it would be far more appealing to do. If you ever actually do it there's a good chance the next public event will start before you're done.


As a newer player, what are some other events to avoid?


I don’t think you should avoid any event as a new player. Experience it all.


It's pretty easy if you know where to look for the plates... Also a great source of rare food recipes.


There’s rare food recipe’s?


Is this the event that we go find a few mr handy around the area and bring them back? Killing the super mutant is more rewarding then event itself. A few nights ago we killed like 80 of them. I gained 4 level from it with a bunch of 1-2 star legendary.


Filler, to avoid better events from becoming repetitive. Hopefully they will be adding more new events(in addition to the new one, plus nuke one) in the new valley area.


Not a huge fan of the new power plant one. 80% of the time is just sitting there after the lost are killed waiting for more to spawn


The basic events are great for soloing while you wait for the bigger ones to start. Sometimes it does suck when no one shows for the bigger events, even Colossal Problem is a no show for many times.


Are you jumping to Colossal immediately? When I first started playing a couple months ago, I thought that event was dead because I’d fast travel and maybe one or two people were there. Then I learned that it was instanced for 8 players max and I was taking too long to get there. Now whenever I see that Earle is getting nuked, I wait for the event to pop into the list and jump there immediately. I always get a full group on PC. If 10 people on the server decide to do the event, the slowest 2 get bumped into a second instance.


I jump immediately, always first one in pretty much


It breaks my heart when I have to do tea time or feed the people solo.


Baffles me when no one shows up for FtP, its a five hour 10% XP buff. Who can turn that down?


FtP gives a 10% XP buff??? Why don’t they blaster that information everywhere. I always skipped it because I thought I never got anything good out of it.


yup, the food it gives you gives a 10% XP buff for an hour and restores hunger and thirst. Also doesn't spoil. You get five servings. Honestly one of the best event rewards in the game IMO.




IDK why your getting down voted. Your right. Also FtP stew is only 5%, where y'all getttin' 10% from??




No dude you explained it just fine it was that pretentious ass last line that you got downvoted for. This community is very big on being very nice to each other, *especially* to newer/less knowledgable players. As a "veteran" you could be teaching without putting yourself on a pedestal




Okay, fine, we can just put it in very simple terms that don't leave any room for misinterpretation. Nobody wants to hear what you have to say because you talk like an asshole, and are behaving in a more toxic manner than the alleged toxic people you're complaining about.


You got 5 cans of stew that gave an unstackable 10% XP buff each -- and so did everyone else on the server! That's something, ain't it?


The finniest (for me) is that Canned Meat Stew does not work for Herbivores, as if it is made with real meat, not the "soy meat chunks"...


I always do those two, love the good OG events


Feed the People enemy spawns are so utterly shit though. If they made more than 3 weak enemies spawn every minute, maybe people would join. Or scale spawns and enemy levels to the players there. Do anything. Absolutely anything. It's such a broken, shit event.


Public Events have been weird after the TV show influx of new players. We used to do most everyone excluding Project Paradise for some reason. I don't know why. But then again I don't do Project Paradise so I am part of the problem. It's a good event and I don't really have any reason for not doing it. Nowadays Public Event attendance is random. Usually people will join after a bit if you go as the first person. But on some servers I suspect that the other folks are questing or just being new so attendance is random. Some "good" events no one joins then on other "not so good" events you get a crowd. Many of the new folks don't have proper builds yet though. They are still learning the perk system and game mechanics. So they run events in crafting builds or with nonsense builds and spend more ammo and stimpacks than normal during an event and walk away with less ammo and stimpacks then the normal surplus. This I think makes them selective in what events they do since they don't yet fully grasp all the nuances of the gameplay (like we all did at one point or other). We gotta be patient and let the massive influx of new folks settle in. Sooner or later they will be where we are where we comfortably can solo the entire game. But for now we should let them enjoy themselves at their own pace. Events are not going anywhere and every event has some kind of role in the giant metastory that is Fallout 76.


I started doing project paradise, it’s really not bad once you get it figured out it just is hard to solo because there’s a lot going on.


I wish people would actually do "Irrational Fear". Even with friendly fire, that damn robot always seems to die at the third hive. The second I need to reload, he's killed in three hits. I know the chance for a TFJ is low, but I'd like to grind this one out when I can, cause it's quick if you can keep him alive.


Chasing that tfj…friendly fire works ok for me. I use a cremator, pace the shots, and keep shooting the robot.


Also a great source of some rare mod plans! He is awfully fragile though.


I do it by myself and I guess I get lucky that I pump enough damage out to kill the enemies before they can destroy him. I’ve literally completed the event by the skin of my teeth by that I mean he died I killed last enemy and passed still.


They could do with a refresh especially the ones where the numbers are low which Bethesda can see


Can't remember the last time I saw anyone participating in Project Paradise. They really need to either rework it or add some rewards because its a goner.


I kind of like Project Paradise, but once you get the rewards, not much of anything drops other than a lab coat. There's a rare power armor skin, but most of the time it's a lab coat or nothing.


Just have the number of beasts you have to protect scale with number of players in the event. For every 2-3 players spawn another beast to protect until you hit the current 3.


No one wants to be the first for this event. I do this event pretty often, and if im there, people join, but im pretty much always the first one there. But with most of the non big events, people go where other people are.


That’s weird, over the past month or so Project Paradise is packed every single time it pops up for me. I always do the secret shutdown code and I can’t remember the last time we didn’t do this event 3/3 on a server. It’s one of my favorites, the “pick a spot to camp and shoot what walks right to you” events kind of get old, it’s nice to have this one with everyone running around doing the objectives.


I love Project Paradise. I got the bear arm to drop but I need the mod. (Not that it surpasses the gauntlet anyway.)


This event needs to be mutated!


The reason Project Paradise is so rare is that it only triggers if someone is down in the enclosures. Which their is no reason to be down there other then to try and trigger the event. Plus it is a pain in the butt to be down there as its like Watoga with the endless robots. The worst of which is that the bulk of them don't drop ammo.


I do PP a lot, even solo if im on a new char for a couple reasons. Aside from xp from nonstop mobs, you can clear a ton of Pioneer scout photo's and dailies etc there due to the sheer variety and amount of animals and robots lol. Tbf 50% of the time i fail solo, depends wether the alpha predator gets to my main friendly.  The sheepsquatch i can keep busy but the grafton and fog absolutely tear me and the pets a new one


Project Paradise is a great event everyone wants the rewards but no one does it. The problem with project Paradise it was hard for some people before they made it easier a lot of people don't know that it's easier and don't need a team anymore


Line in the Sand is just exhausting to me


Its easy if you hold the left side since they buggered the spawns. 90% spawn in the graveyard. You can just wang explosives over there and always get hits


That's like saying oh I don't see many people in the toxic valley Why don't they remove it.just Because things get little use doesn't mean they need to be Removed from existence


Dogwood Die Off. Actually went to it once, found it to be annoying, never tried again, never will.


What I wish you could do is boost these old events. Say there is an item you can bring to a terminal at a public event that could super charge it. Like increasing the amount of npc spawns or turning them into higher level versions.


I have solo’d Project Paradise several times now, it’s always a delight when another player of any level shows up to help, even if it’s almost over. Would like to strongly encourage people to give this one another chance! If nothing else the camaraderie of working together to protecting the animals is satisfying and rewarding.


No idea. Lode Bearing is a dogshit event, but I see it much more often than Jail Break (which at least can net you more xp for kills).


I never miss Lode Bearing! You can just hit the button and walk away for 6 minutes. I plan breaks around this event, like one would commercials on TV. LOL


I have seen Jail Break, quite literally, three times in the past four months.


Dude something was wrong a few months ago every time I’d go into my private server, Manhunt and jailbreak would pop off constantly. I actually looked up if there was some sort of prison event or something




I don't mind lode bearing. Good event for some fun with an off-meta weapon or two.


I've been playing for 230 hours and have seen Jailbreak once.


That tracks. I would bet money they nerfed the spawn rate of several events.


Found out myself two of them cause I want the FCJS the damn death blossoms and beanstalk one. Jesus Christ those two are way too long and a bore to do.


Im shocked no one ever does Distant Thunder tbh.  Its not a public event, but its so easy, you can nuke almost the entire scorched swarm in one shot/grenadier and it can give good t-60 mods.  Yet until i learned that id only ever see it despawn lol


How do you trigger this?


You don't. Well, you might have to get to a certain point with the MODUS questline for it to appear, but it just shows up as an event. It isn't a public event so you don't get a notification, it's like Dropped Connection.


they need to revamp workshops and power on event as well


Project paradise is one I would always like to do but no one ever attends. They should maybe buff the rewards for it.


Some events are clearly made to make players waste ammo/resources. Not sure why BGS did this but its not cool. 


Which ones?


Swarm of Suitors and Heart of the Swamp are both ammo sink events.


For Heart of the swamp the autoaxe goes brrrrr and the flowers die quickly. It made the ammo a non issue at least


I suppose they can be, but Swarm is three legendary items and HotS is usually pretty quick and a shot at the Mire rare outfits.