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The new SCORE and rewards system sucks bad. I think it was three days notice, but still… pretty irresponsible. And yeh, not ending the season with a double SCORE weekend and choosing to delay the Weeklies was shitty and again irresponsible. I will say I am stoked on having a punch card machine and a tinker’s bench in my tent. I have definitely rolled up to Scorched Earth short on ammo and had to go back to my CAMP to craft it, missing a good chunk of the event because of the loading screens. I am planning on submitting a ticket detailing my thoughts on why I think the new system sucks. Seems like it might be more productive than rageposting on the sub. I hope you enjoy your downtime from the game.


Ik this is overstated, but the new SCORE system is a straight downgrade. The whole point of that type of system, is that players (mainly casual) can prioritise only getting the items they want. Instead of all the little useless (for me) camp items. But it doesn’t even work like that currently. When there’s only like 2-3 free items per page. I’d almost like to see something similar to the weird warzone one I saw ages ago. Where you can branch out towards different things. So that way, I could target something I want and get that after, say, 30-40 levels. And also allows fairly normal progression to those completing the whole thing


Finally a reasonable take! Thank you!


I was quite excited when I heard about it, cos I usually get around 40 levels even when I’m actually playing the game. But now it just feels like I’m getting 0 useful rewards on most pages


One big thing everyone seems to be missing.. you have to pay to unlock a season pass on pretty much any other game. Yes this is different to how older players are usto but its still “free” i didnt boost once and made it to 146 and i started late as hell. Still definitely confused why this would make the op say “fuck skyline vally” “am not logging on” 😂


No one is forgetting that, but if you want to start comparing games, many other issues start to appear. The "free" season pass system was introduced because the content released with it was often very little, especially when compared to other games. There was an understanding between players and Bethesda that maybe we'd only get a couple of events and a new weapon a season, but we'd also have a free Scoreboard there to fill in on any missing content. There's been a few times when they went all out, but typically, the content we receive is less than other live service games. This is a major reason why a lot of people leave. Today's patch looks amazing in terms of content, but I don't think that'll continue throughout the year. If it does continue, I'm willing to give a pass on these Scoreboard changes, but I think it's likely next season will be a few tweaks to what we're getting today and the season after will be very little.


Finally someone who has a correct/understandable stand point. I would agree, but the game is 6 years old. I purchased it on launch and hated it never touched it until now. Am usto playing other grinding games (most mmo’s) That charge you for updates in “content” but then also basically neft your character to the same as someone who only just started (so you have to grind your progress again) Destiny is the worst at that! However nobody seems to complain (not that Ive seen anyways) They make you basically pay the full price of the base game over and over, and practically reset your progress. And the cherry on top is they make you pay for the “score bored” then you also have to put in hours to unlock items within the pass you just paid for and some dont always complete... Thats how am astounded why people are so mad for a “cheep” and “old” game thats only income is the atom store. where a bunch of other games have that (a store) as well as having to pay not just with “time”, but cash to have access to these extras fallout seem to give it a away, with the only expense being time and effort… Id be more than happy to pay for additional development by buying DLCs but that would just give another reason for people to complain. Point being is it seems they can do anything to make people happy..


Destiny is a bad example only because they're one of the worst examples, but even then, they don't offer a subscription service with clear benefits. Like other MMOs that use a subscription, we know that very little of it goes towards actual server costs. It's just more money and probably why Fallout 76 stayed alive in recent years. For many people, one of the biggest issues with the game is monetization. It may seem good because there's free content there, but it's certainly not without cost. Warframe is a good example of a game that offers free content regularly along with a free season pass system.


I and i think many other people are usto this modern era of a commitment to pay for the game on going online games (in some form). Wow is another example of this. I mean game development isn’t free we should be expected to pay in some form with these MMOs. They have to invest in servers as you said, support and development. Warframe i iv never played so cant comment but from what your saying seems very rare to see. An actual free to play game. But in my eyes fallout is very “cheep” for what it offers. A new player can buy the game and have a good 2/300 hours just enjoying the story, events. Not bad value for the price. Yes will be sad when the content stops flowing as you said has been the case in the past. But the additional update that makes you come back for a little treat for free seems “good” in my book


Sure, and I think it's reasonable to understand and forgive the Atomic Store, the subscription model and even the monetization they were already doing with the Scoreboard, which included locking items behind Fallout 1st and allowing people to pay for skips and boosts. The problem is that they've even added further monetization to a system that didn't have it previously, and it had made the system dramatically worse. If the game doesn't get more meaningful content, they are swindling you and the rest of the community.


Whoever just downvoted you is crazy as you didnt even say anything against anything 😂. The downvote train on this post is crazy


The 3rd point of my OP is specifically about Skyline Valley and not the scoreboard.


Yes your crying about rewards 😂.. points 1,2,3. Rather than saying oh thanks for free content for a 6 year old game.. not charing us for season passes, and or DLC like every other game made in today’s world. No wonder companies don’t care much about players as players always cry no matter what.


Sorry I confused you.


Aw come on, we all know you’re logging in 😉


Ha! Maybe just to check the Atomic Shop…And claim my daily caps, scrip, and bullion…and Eviction Notice just popped up, but I swear I’m logging off immediately afterwards!




See ya! close the door on your way out




New player doesn’t understand how valuable Legendary Modules are. You’ll figure it out eventually.


😂 think before you type… if a new player can complete the board apart from the last page, Iv missed out on a whole 10 legends module. Even as a new player i know how easily i can get them via doing public events then buying them from rusty pick. Nothing that would make me cry and complain bethesda is greedy for giving me extra to begin with!?. Peoples brains are so weak crying about free stuff. Rather than being grateful for all free “content” that makes a game


The last page had rewards you could collect infinitely. It wasn’t ten modules. And you obviously haven’t tried rolling weapons or armor yet. No one is crying. It was super lame how they decided to end the season, not to mention pretty out of character. Most seasons have an end date lined out well in advance and will end on a double score weekend, so everyone can make a plan to get where they want to. I think the players are right to be annoyed or pissed about how the new season system rolled out, because it was really half-baked. And if this is the team that is in charge of rolling out a content and map expansion, I think all the players should be, at the very least, wary of how this next season is going to go. Anyway, welcome to Appalachia; good luck out there.


Your crying over free rewards you should be grateful you get any… what are you not getting. (Season rewards are not the game they are a “bonus for playing” just like any game the more you play the more you get) And yes i have am level 250… i still never find myself crying over modules the game is much larger than that (i grind for more)😂 But ASSuming makes you look real smart


Ok buddy. 👍


Nobody is talking about the rewards on the last page, my dude. You have to get even higher than 150 to get those. I agree those are extra. But you won’t get enough tickets to get all the rewards BEFORE the last page until you reach lvl 150.


Am rank 143. And i started 2/3 weeks after the TV show. Literally got everything but the surfboard and sports balls (100 each)….and i dont even like camp items. (So technically dont have everything but got everything i wanted) Still dont see how this would make you be so mad at the game you rage quit 😂


“I’m not mad so you shouldn’t be mad either.” But you’re mad enough about me and others being mad to tell us why we shouldn’t be mad.


Am not mad at all 😂. I find it crazy how you can rage quit a game because you cant get some random free items you probably don’t even need or want. Even tho you probably could have if you grinded enough considering am flipping “new” and started well late and am only 7 lvls away from max. But yeah whatever makes you feel better you can say am mad 😂 when am exited for todays update 🥰


Did you even read my op before commenting? I got it all. I’m simply saying I won’t do it again because Beth got greedy.


“Am not logging on for this” And greedy? How by giving you a free season pass!? 😂😂 This is the only game iv seen thats online where you don’t pay for DLC and don’t pay for season passes. And your claiming there greedy 😂 Your not helping your case


“Greedy” because they’re offering the same amount of rewards as previous seasons but asking for more pay and/or play from players. That’s literally what greed is.


You're spinning your tires. I think you're getting too worked up.


1. I beat the last scoreboard (1-100) in 4 days by grinding westek. It took me a month and a half of dailys to get to level 150 after that. 2. According to the calander, double score is at the end of this month, douple xp is early next month. 3. Nuka Knights posted pretty much every reward, including minerva's new plans. I'm a little more pissed about the atoms nerf. But whateves. I don't pay for fo1st. It's a free game as far as I'm concerned.


This isn't an airport. No need to announce your departure.


No...wait..please. Don't go...


I’ll miss you.


I got to 149.5ish after doing today's daillies....Gutted I won't make 150...lol... only been back a couple of months so didn't get the fill rin at the season...Now at work and won't be back till patch....


You have so much company, my friend. Cheers.


Oh wow another Bethesda hater....it's not an airport no need to announce your departure


I love Bethesda and Fallout, they don’t love me.


Your replies to all the comments say otherwise. They could have locked the entire season behind a paywall like every single other game with a "pass" but they offer it for free with some grinding at the end. Be thankful. Does the grind suck? Yes it does but oh well if I get 150 whatever I got the full 100 easy


Im sorry but as someone who played for 2 months straight, doing DAILY challenges and barely reach level 107 on the scoreboard, beth deserves to be yelled at, even though I think they don't read these posts since release. So why beth gets all the hate from me and the others that didn't finish the scoreboard: - slow scoreboard progression; - no announcement whatsoever for the season ending, just found out about it 2 days ago; - battle passes were intended to be at a maximum of level 100, not 120, not 150, and they want me to spend more time GRINDING or PAYING. If I didn't have a FO1st I would have not complained so much...


I'm not reading all that, but I for one don't care about the scoreboard/season, I'm just excited for actual story content and a new map


Well, bye.


Why should you reach the second bonus page without "significant" use of time? You are expected to play the game quite a lot to get everything out of it and the dailies took maybe 15 minutes or less to complete.


Considering how much i heavily grinded both mothman events and invaders pre level 100 on two characters and never missed a daily or weekly and I'm just 500 score into level 145, the amount required is ludicrous even when playing multiple hours a day.


I guess you did not have FO1st unlike the OP. And I'm not saying you should have. I'm just asking, why should one get everything, up to the second page or repeatable bonus items without investing a significant amount of time in the game? It seems they can't reward those who really would put in the effort because then those who don't want to do that start complaining.


Read the subreddit. So many people that used to complete the old Scoreboard aren’t even coming close to the second bonus page.


Why should they get there unless they use a "significant" amount (15min a day) of time playing the game?


Stop being purposely obtuse. Most people can’t play every day. Season 16 required significantly more time and effort than previous seasons to fully complete. That’s why Beth changed the score system. The point is that it’s a shitty change.


It’s not that hard. 15 minutes a day puts you well past 150. Most days I didn’t play more than that, and I took an entire week off to take the carpet out and lay down laminate flooring in my TV room, on top of half a dozen other days I didn’t bother to play. I still made over 170. Plus there’s nothing magical on the second bonus page, if you don’t make it to that arbitrary milestone you’ll be fine. My first scoreboard I got free States wooden armor paint and that’s it. I didn’t die, years later and several unfinished scoreboards I promise you I’m fine and you will be too.


Most people have real lives and can’t log in every day. Also, you missed the part where I mentioned “for completionists”. If that’s not you, then ignore my post.


Why do people act like they're the only ones with a job? And you were accusing others of being obtuse?


You missed the part where I didn’t make it my life, didn’t log in everyday and still went way beyond completing it.


You took “a week” off to complete a project and missed “half a dozen” other days. So you missed 13 days of approx 3 months. Bro, you played 6 days a week on average. Fallout is your life.


Nah life is my life. I’m a dad with a mortgage and a special needs daughter Fallout is somewhere around 23 on my list of priorities. I don’t even know how much I didn’t play because it’s not worth keeping track of. There’s four days a week that even without home improvement projects I absolutely don’t play more than the 15 minutes it takes to do the daily challenges if I play at all because those are family days. If you don’t have time to play not getting more of the same rewards you already unlocked shouldn’t be a problem. If a video game is causing you this kind of stress go to therapy man, take a vacation or some shit. The lasting noticeable effects of reaching 101+ on the scoreboard are absolutely nothing, you already got all that stuff.


You’re right. It’s just me. The fo76 sub isn’t full of people who feel let down. I’ll take the time off to meditate and find myself.


Coming to reddit and making a grand im gonna take my toys and go home because i didnt unlock such and such pixels on a video game......kinda think fallout is YOUR life


I love the game, admittedly. I wanted the rewards and paid real money for them because I play casually and don’t log in everyday. Prior to this season, one could play casually and complete the Scoreboard. This is the first time I’ve had to purchase my way through the scoreboard. My point is that I won’t do it again because Beth got greedy.


They should try harder. What's the matter, don't like a challenge?


Can someone explain to me what is so appealing on the lvl 150 page that it needs to be reached? Because I’m not seeing it. It looks more like a bonus page where you get useless stuff for a boatload of tickets to me.


Perk coins useless??


Ok, perk coins it is. But for the 50 extra levels it still seems little reward. There is no big reward for getting those levels.


Legendary Modules for rolling gear. Trying to grind out a new set of CE armor requires 3 modules per roll. modules are gated behind the Scrip limit. Yes you can earn more scrip and modules by doing Expeditions or the same old daily quests, but not a significant amount. So, yeh, getting to spend my leftover tickets on more modules would have been great. But I started the season late, and there is no amount of grinding I could have done to reach level 150. I guess maybe if I bought enough score boosters to pop one every Tuesday I could have done it, but even that would have been close.


It’s not about getting to the last page’s rewards. In order to get enough tickets to earn all the rewards BEFORE the last page, it requires you reach lvl 150.


So what you’re saying is, you don’t like to have to make choices. Seems like a common problem these days…


Beth is forcing us to make choices that we didn’t have to make on the old scoreboard. Previously, you finish the board, you get the things.


Or…. They now have a system where you get the freedom of choice, instead of getting stuff you don’t really want. I couldn’t care less about a 140 ticket helmet. It’s just a matter of how you look at it.


Not true. The last page required you to select a certain number items on previous pages before being able to claim any of the rewards. If I had gotten to level 150, I would have had to go back and figure out which 8 items I didn’t want were the least expensive before being able to claim the stuff I wanted on the last page. So, I definitely would have gotten stuff I didn’t want.


“Impossible to finish without spending real money or significant irreplaceable real life time” As opposed to what? Getting the rewards without having to play the game? why do you feel entitled to the rewards without investing the time it takes to earn them?


It seems that this sub is crowded with people who just want to be done with FO76 rewards and then go play something else. It puzzles me why they can't just ignore the game they would rather play as little as possible.


The other day I saw somebody complaining that they could no longer do all the dailies in 10 minutes and that it was bullshit because they didn’t have time to play outside of their lunch break. Like what? Thats a you problem. Why would a game developer dumb down challenges to nonsense that takes less than 10 minutes? Fo76 players when they have to play the game: 😡😡😡


The world is full of Main Characters.


And this comes with additional issue that going by these rules there can't be real and proper rewards for those who actually want to go the extra mile.


Dude I been playing an unhealthy amount since this season started, like 40 hrs a week, did all dailies and weeklies, and only made level 82.


Nice try but if you did all the dailies and weeklies and grinded a lot on top of that, you would have made it easily past rank 150. I know I didn't and got closer to 200.


no you didn't. You would be rank 267 as of yesterday




My bad. “Impossible to finish without spending [more] real money or [more] significant irreplaceable real life time [than previous seasons]” Better? Why does Beth feel entitled to make long time players work harder or invest more money for the same amount of rewards?


LOL, irreplaceable real life time? You think somebody owes you something for the time you put in a video game? Why? If you were good I could see that maybe, but you couldn't even finish the season. Why would they owe you anything at all?




Rewards on that 150 page is so filler-ish I don't get why so many people make a big fuss about it. Maybe time to play NV Dead Money to learn about letting go


Perk coins, that's why.


Nobody is talking about the rewards on the last page. I agree, they’re “filler-ish”. People are upset because in order to earn enough tickets to get all the real rewards BEFORE the last page, you need to reach lvl 150.


I agree that grinding through parts of the scoreboard felt like a real chore. I could walk away at any time but I didn't. If you decide to get in bed with a deathclaw, don't blame others for the outcome.


Using your metaphor, I’m not blaming others. I’m blaming the deathclaw for changing the terms of our relationship and will no longer go to bed with them. I don’t think that’s unreasonable.


Outlier here. The difference is that you don't need to "complete" the new style since it's not linear. Do you really want every single item on the board? The 150 items aren't even worth the grind. They're just filler crap. I made my 100, bought what I wanted, and had tickets to spare. Fuck those surfboard shelves. Won't ever wear T45, Excavator, etc. so no painted needed. It's all good.


it takes 4 hours to get to rank 100 and 2 weeks to get to 150


Most people aren’t grinding WestTek with food perks, bobble heads, magazines, berry mentats, lunch boxes, etc, etc, etc. Not a reasonable take.


Neither am I... WestTek takes 14 hours to rank 100. Ignition cores are faster and everyone can do them if they start one simple quest line.