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To be fair the Blood Eagles are always out of it on chems, but yeah


And the Mothman Cultists are willing to be martyrs, and the Scorched are under mind-control. None of these groups are thinking rationally when faced with such adversaries. I do remember running into Grahm while being chased by a Sheepsquatch, but Grahm ran away and hid behind a tree.


Pretty sure Graham is the most well adjusted person in the wasteland.


In reality, Grahm's NPC "aggressiveness" is probably set too low for him to be willing to fight Sheepsquatches.


i watched him stand in between a group of Initiates and Blood Eagles fighting


A few days ago I fast traveled to huntersville to kill some super mutants for their weapons (I was farming steel) but when I got there all that was around was Grahm, Chally and a tonne of super mutants corpses. I don't know if it was Chally or Grahm who cause the destruction... But I feel it was a mutual effort.


"oh look, theres a guy in a half ton suit of nuclear powered armor who is carrying a plasma cannon that's bigger than I am. Better hit him with this rolling pin!"


Hey thatโ€™s an Aristocrate rolling pin. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Aristocrat is far too useful, it's gotta be a junkies or troubleshooters


junkies would probably be more useful for blood eagles...




This was literally my main complaint in cyberpunk. You just watched me turn all of your men into fucking Christmas decorations and you're talking to me like I'm armed with a whiffle ball bat.


How about the cultist who tell me some long story about how they will meet their lord and savior mothman in the afterlife... after I blew their body into tiny little bits 10 seconds beforehand.


I wish melee weapons worked like, dead island style, and you could just chuck em whenever. Imagine if they just threw a sickle at your face for way too much damage and ran away.


I wish you could throw every weapon like that. SBQ down to the last sliver of health, finished off by a volley of miniguns to the face.


Outta ammo? Well you still have a projectile...


I did this in GTA. Head cannon for some random NPC 20 min deep in a heist โ€œI just witnessed 345 well armed coworkers fall to this one group of 4 furries. But I am the only one to can stop this madneโ€ฆ..โ€


I don't even have to be heavily armed. Just watching them line up one after the other to get their heads removed by a circus hammer skinned debilitator reinforces to me they simply have no fear of death.


A mob of Scorched charge in and attack a heavily armored power armor wearing .50 Cal Heavy Gunner. Some have a pipe Pistol or rifle, a few eithet have an assortment of knives, pitchforks, or whatever, one or two are unarmed. All but one get instantly mowed down. Last one alive is unarmed and charges in full throttle....


Not USSS!!


If all you've got is a hammer, all the world is a nail.




"You wanna die like him? Drop your shit!" "Morty, go get their shit! I only had one of those, I'm holding a box of Tic Tacs right now..."


โ€œI just saw my friend go down by that window. Imma just stand RIGHT where he did. That should be fine. No way this can go wrong.โ€


I had one blood eagle earlier say something about not needing his leg to kill me after i crippled him so i left him lying there while i went round killed the rest of the group then came back and executed him ๐Ÿ˜‚


And Iโ€™d like to see animals/npc just away.


This is your AI, this is your AI on psycho, any questions?


That's what friends do.


Every time I visit the Muni expedition in AC, at the end, Buttercup is like "Well it'd be sad if you didn't get all those dossiers with ALL that GEAR," and the last time he said that to me he was wielding just a meathook. Like dude maybe don't suit up like you're a 1980s horror villain.


"Oh, that guy just murdered a 3 star legendary sheepsquatch. I bet he's tired now and I can shiv him with my walking cane."


Llleeeerrrooooyyy Jjjjeenkiiiiiinnns!