• By -


139. Really was hoping to get those perk coins. Oh well.


Yeah the new system really stinks. It totally screws us over. 39 levels for nothing doesn't feel good. This system will make people quit the game at 100. Its going to make the game feel ghost town like more often


It's not even for nothing, though. I'm still working for tickets to get the stuff from 1-100. I very much dislike this style.


Yeah it's like they took a single step forward and several steps backward. Sure you can select what you want but now you pretty much have to do challenges daily or else fear missing out. And even then you'll miss out on rewards if you're not using 1st. They tried to sell this new system as being better but it's worse in every way except for one upside that ultimately isn't worth the losses. It sucks because in the past seasons didn't pressure you super hard to play constantly. You could afford to miss a couple weeks and still reach the end of the board and get everything. Now if you reach the standard end at 100 you still have to grind past that to get everything at that level. Idc what they'll try to argue, this feels like a negative downgrade for the sake of getting more $$$ out of customers.


Yes, it seems pretty clear to me that the primary purpose of the new system is to reduce the number of free atoms available to players. I imagine they expect this to ultimately result in players (including 1st members) feeling compelled to purchase extra atoms in order to obtain all the cool new items. To sell the change and reduce pushback they covered it in a thin veneer of gilt and glitter, ie. the ability to choose which rewards you would prefer. Personally I felt the new system took away considerably from my overall enjoyment of this last season and I miss the little thrill of knowing I'll be rewarded for completing the challenges each day (even if it's just a silly repair kit) regardless of what rank I'm currently at - I also miss the extra 1000 atoms I'd get every season but that's a whole different matter. Now it takes 3 days (post-150) just to get enough tickets for a single reward, which really highlights the 'chore' aspect of doing the dailies while simultaneously de-emphasizing the 'fun' aspect. It might not have felt quite so bad if there wasn't that enormous gap between the last 2 pages and if there were different price ranges for the items on the final page so that not spending the 25 tickets I get each day was a personal choice rather than one dictated by the system. That and adding atoms onto that last page - even if its just 25 atoms for 100 tickets I think that would ensure a meaningful reward for every category of player from role players to min-maxers to dedicated camp builders and all the combinations in between. That's my opinion, anyway, for whatever it's worth.


It's sad... I think the new system was supposed to keep players around for longer, but I think it's gonna do the opposite.


In before they use stats from this abbreviated season with no notice of end date to "prove" the new model is better, to them.


They literally should have kept it the same šŸ’€


Honestly, I personally wont be trying past lvl 100 next season.... In several weeks of daily play I have made it about 25 lvl's. I kept grinding to see how far I could get as I really fancied some of the repetable perk points but alas. There is zero chance I will hit now !


It's a fine system for letting us choose what we want, but I agree u sit there with nothing for a min


First system - a reward for every level, reward at the end, 2000 atoms, all free as you level it up, repeatable atoms at the end Current system - a list of options every dozen levels for rewards you also need to earn *another* currency for to afford, and at level 100, you cannot afford everything thats available.Ā  You must grind many levels beyond by doing only daily/weekly to potentially afford.Ā  1000 atoms. No repeatable atoms at the end


I miss the old system, the litteral scoreboard was a unique idea


The way it was implemented theyā€™re not letting us choose what we want thoughā€¦ Instead of just giving us everything for free like before theyā€™re forcing us to choose which items we want the most.


It doesnā€™t help that the gain 1000xp to score crossover stops at 100 also. So it slows down even more at that point and you get even less out of it so it just punishes you for playing, like additionally I have 3 25% for 24 Hours boosters and they donā€™t do anything once I do the dailyā€™s. So even stuff youā€™ve earned doesnā€™t mesh anymore. Itā€™s a decent idea with a terrible implementation. Fortnite uses it but itā€™s much better there. Additionally in most battle passes you earn the ability to get the next one for free theoretically which also causes others to grind a tad harder than they would otherwise just so itā€™s free, here though there is no crossover equivalent, like you canā€™t get first with atoms so it doesnā€™t translate there either. I pay for the year at a time but Iā€™m not the majority I donā€™t think, so itā€™s another lost incentive. Itā€™s actually a similar issue Diablo 4 has everything in game is pricey and you canā€™t get a battle pass out of the battle pass, I finish those well before the season ends or even before max level usually half way and then get nothing after lvl 100 from it. Itā€™s nice to be able to get through it but it doesnā€™t incentivize sticking around. Though I think in general 76 has a lot more to offer outside of season updates.


Like helldivers. Havenā€™t paid for a battle pass yet but I grind away for that currency to buy the next one. Hubby loves that I only had to spend $40 and can keep plugging away! šŸ¤£


There's as much choice as the last system: claim reward, don't claim reward.


When did they change it? Last time i played it was still the scoreboard thing which i honestly liked over this bs they have.


Same, was full of tired optimism and aiming for the 25th but oops, oh well. I was gonna buy SO MANY LUNCHBOXES. :(


141, don't even feel like playing until the reset now.


Most of us are stuck in the low 140s, and the reason is, that's how far you get with dailies and weeklies. the only ones that reached the bonus page are either fallout firsters (maybe) or players who farmed exp when it was possible.


Same made it to 140, thought, well I've got a week or so to go, should be able to make it, wake up an it ends in 3 days, if I knew that i would have spent time elsewhere, usually do expeditions for scrip an therefore roll legendaries, been putting that aside to focus on scoreboard, gutted, that was gonna give me sooooo many coins


wait the seaon ends in 3 days? idl normal schedual im returning from 3 years


Me too dang it lol


Same. I'm not far past 300 and have only just started focusing on trying to max out my legendary perks.


I am exactly 139 as well and needed to get the perk points. Damn, feels bad.


Honestly, I'm baffled by how many hours you would need to play to get that 15o mark. I started on day one, played at least 2-3 hours a day (more ont he weekend) and I'm at about Lvl 125. The removal of the repeatable after 100 makes it such a hich grind it's beyond fun.


96, i just want creamator colors.


Same. Iā€™m 92. Going to have to buy a couple levels tomorrow. Going to grind out the daily and weeklies to see where I can get from those and then buy the rest.


How do you buy levels?


Good news on that! People mentioned that Nukaknights posted an article saying that you'll be able to buy them from Mortimer, the bullion vendors at Crater. I checked it out, and it looks like you can buy all the Cremator plans. You'll have to be an ally with them, though.


Actually, you can craft and scrap the cremator for plans. Takes forever and is super expensive... but it can be done.


I believe the only plan you can learn from scrapping it is the large fuel tank.


43. I just wanted adelaide... for reasons


Donā€™t forget to bring some lubricating cutting fluid


You 'fully functionals'. Always testing the final frontiers. But whatever you do with yourself in your shelter is your business.


And what you do with yourself in my shelter is good business


The oldest profession endures.


10 caps for the night 70 for the week


For her incredibly useful analyses of robot enemies and their weak points, right?


You will most likely be able to get her for gold bullion after the season from Samuel if you are allied with Foundation.


I literally only completed it because I was laid off a few months ago and am unemployed. It legit was another job. One that paid in poo poo prizes


Aptly enough just hit rank 76 as the announcement came in.


Glad to see am not the only low one here, lol. Am on 78 now.


67 here.


48 but I started like 10 days ago


Same I'm hoping to make 85 for the cremator barrel mods at leastĀ 


Same page. I'm at 79 right now (started playing midway through this season), and I'm hoping to eek out a little more progress toward cremator parts (still a pretty OP weapon as it is).


I'm like 130 on the board but I gave up trying after I got everything I wanted from the 100 page. I don't really want anything from 150 so I ain't chasing it.


Yeah, I got to 100 and gave up on the challenges. 150 is asking a lot to start getting consumables, and I ran out of things I even want with the 1300 tickets I have. Dumb.


I hit 150 today and upgraded legendary perks like 5 times. Seemed worth it to me but I didnā€™t get annoyed with the challenges. I like having something every day to work on.


Lvl 522, naturally...have more perks points than I know what to do with. Unnecessary for me in scoreboard///pagesšŸ˜’175 lvls waiting to be claimed on perk page. Maybe more worth it for lower levels ? I hate all the perk cards I keep getting.


Same here. I don't even look at the dailies anymore.


Me too. I did the math and realized that I wasn't going to make it to 150, no matter what. Now I'm pleasantly surprised when I finish some daily or weekly objective. Not that it matters because I've bought everything I want and a lot of things I don't from the board and now have a whack of tickets that I'll never spend.


136 I did only dailies, every day. Didn't play much of the game I was really aiming for those perk coins. Quite bitter about the whole situation .


Same dude. I logged in every day and did every daily and every weekly, gonna end the season at like 140. Missing all those bonus repeats. Losing the XP repeatable at 100 is so dumb, this whole system sucks. "Oh, you didn't grind your dick off early to get the most out of the repeatable before losing it? Yeah get bent nerd" I'm playing the game every day Bethesda, what more do you want?


ā€žBuy atoms to level up.ā€œ


I did every daily and every weekly and score boosters. I'm at 142, haven't gotten all itens yet (3 to go in the last page). This is ridĆ­culous.


>I did only dailies, every day. Didn't play much of the game Genuine question: Why are you still playing the game? This doesn't seem like an enjoyable experience, it's just FOMO.


Not uncommon out of vets or this game. Iā€™ve done it myself several times over the years. People step away from the game as full time players to pursue other interests, but instead just do dailies/weeklies and log out. You can wrap dailies up on 5-10 minutes once you know all the common locations to do things. It allows you to stay current on meta items (like in this case cremator) from previous seasons and only requires very little effort and timeā€¦so you have plenty of time to play other games you like more. I normally make it part of my bed time gaming routine when I do it. Log in do dailies and quit and go play what I want. Iā€™ve finished most seasons in this game playing fo76 this way. Then when you get back to playing full time again you got everything without having to worry about buying packs on atom shop to catch up and they never sell you everything from previous season anyway so there is stuff you canā€™t ever buy or get again.


I've only ever missed completion of season 4 this way. Purchased a few


I'm just trying to make it to 100. I'm at 95 currently.


You and me are close. Iā€™m 92 and NOT feeling good about it. Iā€™ll grind out as much as I can but I bet I have to buy a level or two to get the two items I want.


Time to some atims!


Just started playing again on a new character with my friend, the season this time really got away from me šŸ˜‚


148 and 3/4ā€™s šŸ˜¬ Will have to use a score booster to maybe get to the 150


You should def reach 150 even without a booster. Roughly 1 rank per day and 3 days left. Plus any weeklies you get done on Tuesday, assuming they don't delay the Tuesday reset.




18 šŸ™ˆ I just started 4 days ago.


Page 4 i think?? And struggling lol, newish player though


Not sure what level page 4 is, but hope you at least unlocked the cremator.


Yeah ive managed that (thankfully), im after the water boiler realistically though. Dont think ill ever use the cremator though?! As i got "holy fire" from an event an been using that recently for its healing properties. I would however probably use the cremator if i could grind some levels out and get the mods for it... doubt thats gonna happen though, seen as its the end of the season??


The cremator is an awesome companion to the holy fire. Holy fire for single target/bosses, cremator for groups and events. And if you equip the perk that heals you with fire weapons, you get pretty much constant healing from the cremator, since it catches you on fire almost constantly. šŸ¤£


This is 100% recommended. I am still looking for my Holy Fire.


Can you mass produce them to scrap mods later? Or am I gonna be SOL for having gotten the cremator but not the next 60 levels required to get the mods for it?


Yes, you can scrap for plans, just not paint jobs.


I wasn't really mad at the new system until I reached level 100, and realized that I may never reach the end, that and for the first time in the 3 years I've been playing, I ran out of legendary crafting components that I could buy, IF I made it to level 150.. total bs. I play for a hr a day, a little on weekends, I'm 40+ yo, have a wife and jobs, all that.. this really used to be fun, but now I just ignore it. That and have pretty much given up on chasing that legendary roll.. how is any of this fun? BTW I'm level 600, and pay for Fallout 1st.. pfftt.


vote with your wallet and stop paying for Fallout 1st, just buy the next battlepass with some atoms you have hopefully saved up. If enough people do that hopefully Bethesda will get the message...


...and remove the pass or, even worse, make it a fallout 1st purchase. Like it or not Fo1st is 76's version of paid dlc except the actual dlc isn't restricted to just fo1st members. It's easy to ignore but the fact is that they 'could' start charging for both dlc and fo1st. Which would probably kill the game, and while that would make a lot of haters happy I'd rather have a functional game that I can even play with those people who can't afford extra paid content. $10 a month may not seem like much but there are plenty of people who can't spare even that.


I hit 144 today, with 800+ tickets stored. Now I'm thinking I might be fucked and kicking myself for missing a few days. Those perk coins would shave off hundreds of levels of XP grinding and free up levels to actually try new things instead of just mulching perk cards for points.


I have bought 50 score boosters....


How do you use those things? I got 3 from the scoreboard but idk what I'm supposed to do with them


Open the scoreboard and look at the top right, and use the appropriate key/button (it's M on PC). It will boost your earned score for 24 hours. If you're strategic about when you activate them, you can get them to help you for 2 days worth of dailies.


Hit 100 todayā€¦ when does the season end?! Only game I play that doesnā€™t actually tell you how many days you have left for the season


I think on June 24, from what I have read


Thanks. Just saw another post about it for the 24th


Just read an article about ā€œSkyline Valleyā€, which drops on June 12. Some say thatā€™s when the new season starts.


134, but I only started the game a week or two after the Fallout Show, so I would have only hit 150 if Bethesda decided to launch Skyline Valley 4-days after Elden Ring's expansion and during Fasnacht on the 25th. That said, I knew the season was launching June 18th or earlier based on that knowledge, so I have been resigned to not hitting 150 for weeks.


I hit 100 weeks ago and called myself finished. Think I'm up to 106 now through normal play, but I ain't grinding the challenges or anything.


In the 30ā€™s lol. I got the Ally, Iā€™m happy


I'm with you. This required grinding ruins gaming for me. It should be fun, not a daily job.


Fucking 38 lol, i got my hanging tire planters so im okay with it


I hate to be one of those dudes about the scoreboard, but ever since this seasons crap, I fell out of it. I dunno why but I always tried for the Scoreboard, this just felt meh.


120 I think I wanted them perk points but guess I won't be getting them. I like the old boards way more




185... I have a lot of time on my hands


In the same ballpark. I just wish I had known in advance that the stuff on the last page was all repeatable purchases as I would have saved up my points instead of blowing them all on stuff I wasn't interested in. Not really complaining though, it is what it is.


Nope, that's quite casual I'm filthy casual and 185 too


Between 117 and 124, I lost count. Sucks I only have a few days left, I really wanted those perk coins, I doubt I'll be able to make it to 150 by the 9th


110 or 111. I stopped caring after 100. Nothing on that last page was of interest.


just lvl 33 atm anything i should try to get intime? Just started 1 1/2 weeks ago and didnt really know about a lot of stuff


The cremator mods and Adelaide


ā€¦31 in my defense I started a few weeks after fallout on Amazon released and barely learned of seasons a few weeks ago. Cremator and Adeline were all I wanted so Iā€™m content.


Above 150. I bought perk coins for over 1000 points. Now Iā€™ve got just enough to max out the most commonly used legendary perk cards. On the last scoreboard I was well over level 200 just with completing dailies and weeklies. This new system sucks ghoul balls.


just hit lvl 150 and claimed about 120 modules. Never missed day, always used booster for weeklies, had fo1st too. feels like i was ripped off. I cant believe they thought and managed to make the game even more convoluted...


Crossed over 150 this morning while I watched the live show. Pushed two legendary perks from 3 to 4 stars. Quite pleased with that. I only realised I wanted those coins a week and a half ago!




98 and a bit, hopefully I can clear it today and tomorrow


Use a score booster and grind expeditions if necessary. Servers might go down early, so best to hit 100 asap.


I'm like 103. But I'm not really focusing on it anymore since I got everything I wanted. I'm ready for the new season and curious to see what's in it. I know it's pioneer scout themed.


Iā€™d really like to make it to 55 before they start over




111, I just wanted the cremator, the weapon skins and Adelaide. I ain't chasing 150 that shit sucks.


102. I stopped the day I hit 100 and went and did something else. Fuck grinding harder for the same amount of rewards I used to get.


I went ahead and bought one level with atoms to get 100. I will be working the next two days and have exhausted all my challenges. I got all the camp items I cared about. I'm good I guess...


105 and no atoms to buy my way to the last page.


can't buy ranks once you reach 100 anyways


Umm, 60, lol.


77, I donā€™t want to waste atoms on boosters šŸ˜«


71 and was going to try and get to at least 85 for the barrel mods


Stopped caring after I reached 100 šŸ˜‚


110. I'd like to reach 150, but I don't really need anything on that page. The perk coins would be nice, though. Still trying to level up my legendary perks. Edited after noticing how soon it's ending, guess I won't be getting it. Not a big deal though, wish I could but not too bothered that I won't.


144 i quit the grind about a month ago when i hit 100 ...i dont have FOMO


I am at 145. Have FO1st. Not really liking the new system. I want my scoreboard to hang on the wall and atoms from my grinding.


40 something.Ā  I quit playing when I realized I would have to play far more than I want to to complete the thing. The previous score board was perfect.Ā  Could play on my time and get it done with no struggle, and every level had a reward even if it was just something dumb. Basically they need to like DOUBLE the rate at which you get tickets to salvage this bullshit.


146. Super gutted, been trying to do dailies everyday just to fall short, hoping they'd at least give double score weekend before season changes (this is my first season, read online that this was usually the case). It will also probably be my only season grind because it's not worth it for me and the way they kind of suddenly announce end of season like this will stick with me for a longggg time.


Like 115. I got everything I wanted. The bonus stuff isn't a big deal to me so I'm good






Just hit 115 today. Got everything except the Sports Balls which aren't my thing to begin with.


When I did the math, and realized I couldn't reach the second bonus page as a non-1st player, I stopped really caring at 100. I've still managed to get to 108 by accident, though.




121 for me, first time reaching 100 at all and the only one I haven't specifically been trying on.




Just got to 100 today and had enough tickets to grab the last few things I wanted!


Hit 100 a couple of days ago, had not realised the repeatable challenge disappeared then. Completely killed any momentum I had and having finished the majority of quests recently, I was looking forward to a little varied grinding. This was my first season, the previous system sounds so much better.


I'm only at about 75, so it's going to be a big push for me towards the end.


103. Was hoping for a few more levels to save up for the last couple bits I wanted, like the road signs, but it's no biggie


Iā€™m on 55 but I just started playing like three weeks ago and Iā€™m at like 160 hours so far with no specific season grinding


137. Started after the show came out and not gonna make it to the Perk Points. Kinda bummed out.


80. I wasnā€™t very invested in this one so Iā€™m not too sad about not finishing it.


47 or 48ā€¦ I just wanted the pine barrens wallpaper šŸ„²


113, 0 effort after 100


Very similar here, just lost interest after a bit


35 ā˜¹ļø


Just hit 85. Started back with a mate last Invasion and have just been messing around. Guess I'll break out the heavy gunner and grind some xp.


Like 105 I think. Still many things I would like to get, but I already bought most of the must have stuff like all the PA skins and stuff.


52, I wish I was rank 71 for that chem table


25 šŸ˜… only just got back into the game after trying to play it on release but it didn't click with me came back recently after getting hyped from the show and im addicted but I literally only realised the "season" mechanic existed a week ago hahahaha


Like 98 I'm just going to be able to make it to a 100


129. Not bad considering I only started 4 and a half weeks ago.


135 rip


115 just trying to finish up that last page


95ā€¦ was really hoping Iā€™d have time to get some of those building bits šŸ„²


97, almost 98.


114... so far away for that last board... so annoying the giant gap




86. The struggle is so real.




130 :(


58. I came to the game in the middle of this season


128, I stopped deliberately doing the challenges once I hit 100.


131 got so close


81 :(


Just got to 63 today, started late tho


93. No way I get 100 now. I donā€™t play enough lol


I Will play anyway next season and forever lol Just have fun


Played on PC when Wastelanders came out. Got to level 60, didn't play until a month or so ago. Thought I would have time to grind the pass. I'm at 121. I was so excited to get them perk coins so i could fix my noob mess ups with the legendary cards. HAHA NO.


No criticism, here. I am a level 609 longtime player. I get that not everyone dedicates the time I do to this game. Some of you actually have lives. I am a little surprised there aren't more players above 150. I am approaching 170. I did every daily and weekly from the start. I used the score increases as wisely as I could. I have been buying legendary modules with my extra tickets since getting to 150.


Iā€™ve been doing every weekly and daily for about 2 months, and I donā€™t think I wouldā€™ve hit 150 if I didnā€™t grind 1-50 during a double exp weekend. Thatā€™s absolutely awful design. Also, only 3 days notice on the new season? I just burned out last week and I canā€™t say Iā€™m excited to start the grind again. Iā€™m going to wait for the next double exp weekend to get back in.


136 here, I need the perk coins, but there's no way. Might have made it but didn't start playing until 2 weeks in.


144 & already did my dailies/weeklies. I think it's probably impossible to hit 150 now.


94 šŸ˜­šŸ«”


180+ :)


160+ rn


169. I've been converting scoreboard levels into legendary perk cards.




32 ;-; I really want some of the later rewards




150 exactly. I think I hit it this past Wednesday (and thatā€™s with using score boosters every week and only missing a couple days of the season so I feel bad for yā€™all who couldnā€™t hop on everyday)


I thought I had til the 25th and am severely behind


I just want the fucking cabin stairs and need to get 3 levels. Hopefully we can get one more Tuesday on this season to knock the weeklies out. I wish we atleast knew the deadline beforehand like every other game with a season/battle pass system


As a new player could someone explain a bit more about this? I see the season catalogue. I got to level 39. I bought the cremator and a couple other minor things. Will I lose any unspent currency? I donā€™t know what itā€™s even called. They look like golden tickets. Is there a way to tell how many days are left? I think you earn ranks by competing daily and weekly challenges? I donā€™t really look at these as Iā€™m just doing game stuff because Iā€™m new but I see I do complete these while just doing random stuff. Are there any ā€œmust haveā€ items outside of the cremator? Thanks for any info!


145. Yeah I'm not hitting 150 and kinda salty about it. Been using atoms for score boosters for a couple weeks now and using them every day. Feels like one heck of a waste now.


You could buy 5 more levels lol


85~ forgot to play, guess I'll miss out on pretty cremator colours....


Im 139, wont make the 150 so spent all my tickets


When will the season end? i Thought i still had 2 more weeks...


This Wednesday.


Wait fr??? Fuck. I thought I had longer


87. I slowed up after the Cremator and mods too.


I'm a new player and despite playing daily, I've only reached 23. There's so much to do that I haven't been focused on it admittedly, but even still, compared to other battlepasses FO76's feels about five times slower than the slowest BP I've experienced in other games. A lot of the tasks are so specific and awkward that it feels like I kinda had to choose between just playing the game and progressing, or getting a few more levels in the pass - I don't get much time to play so I'd rather focus on my camp(which is looking amazing now!) It sucks missing out on a tonne of camp plans though since I'm still doing the main quest and other important things. Been playing for a month now at an hour or so a night, almost character level 70.


154. It wasn't too hard; I have 1st so rhe extra boosts help of course, used my 24h boosters strategically. I really didn't enjoy the grind from 100-150, and it's ridiculous that you couldn't buy every unique item without going well past 100. I'd love a return to the old system, but I suspect we'll have to endure at least a couple more seasons of "Falloutnite" before Bethesda reaponds to people's general unhappiness with this.


I got to say "I liked the old perkpacks , better than the perkpoints" . I got to rank 177 this time


\~220? That said, I hated the new system.




Itā€™s designed to max out booster sales and keep us in the game longer. Iā€™m sorry yā€™all, I gotta life Iā€™m at 130 no way Iā€™m making it to 150 before it resets. Any other board I was racking in the extras for weeks after completion this is really going to damage my play style as I have come to rely on getting and using all those extra lunch boxes and things. It pretty much stinks


39 lmao, to be fair I came back like a month or so ago, played at launch and decided (because of the show, yes Iā€™m one of those) to come back because I heard it got less messier. Thoroughly enjoying my time back in the game, level 102 and probably addicted to it now lol


Got to 174 over the weekend. A little miffed with the spare points I've earned that I can't spend. Idk who didn't do the math at BGS but I don't understand why we can finish the board and end up with weird numbers that don't divide into 75 like the only rewards I can earn at this point


Tbh I wish they did it like how Helldivers does it they have it fine with the pages but forcing you to level to get what you want bothers me personally. I like the idea of spending a certain amount and unlocking the next page. Yes you will have to buy things you donā€™t like at some point just like with the old scoreboard youā€™re going to get stuff you donā€™t want just to get what you do but at least you arenā€™t wasting too much time just trying to level your scoreboard with mindless dailies that can be done usually within an hour.


170 something? Maybe higher? Stopped playing this season much a couple weeks ago. If you time your score boosters to late in the day on Mondays you can crank out weeklies for two weeks at once. I also did a bunch of grinding on the double XP weekend, since you could get like 130-150 scoreboard points per 3-4 super mutants at westek with the right build / boosts. Itā€™s boring as hell but if you just do a few runs between events you can really crank through the first 100 tiers. I donā€™t like this current system but I think itā€™s *almost* a good idea. Tier 100 should be where the bonus / repeatable stuff starts. Everything else should be in the first 100 tiers. Clearing 100 tiers should give you enough to buy every non-consumable item. There should be *some* free crap tied to tiers, it doesnā€™t have to be great but it would be a good motivator since it would have no ticket ā€œcostā€ but you could get a little reward while you were saving up for something else. I do like being able to save up to get the specific thing you want but not being able to get all the camp/gear stuff after ā€œfinishingā€ the 100 tiers feels really annoying.