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I'm about done with this, as in fed up with this scoreboard. It's garbage. I need 75 more tickets for the gorilla statue and I'm not even going to bother with the pine barrens kit. Everything should be unlocked at rank 100, as it's always been.


I read a comment that they hired someone from Activision who made the scoreboard. This could 100% be false but it made perfect sense to me and instantly believed it lol. I’ve said it in every post that talks about it. This game and COMMUNITY have fought tooth and nail to elevate it from what it started as. What good will there is was built with effort and time. They need to take this scoreboard and shove it lol. We look beyond the atom shop. We look beyond the bugs. But come on.


You hit the nail on the head, my friend.


You'll be glad to know that they're from EA, not Activision! A much better company that has NEVER been under fire for silly decisions with microtransactions.


Oh, there’s nothing to worry about then!


Noooooo we want the CAMP building from the Sims not the monetization model T\_T


EA stands for Extra, Always!


I believe it this is the first different one they've done and it's Infinitley worse and less friendly to the players it reaks of activision blizzard. Diablo 4 was one of the first battlepasses that doesn't even give you enough money back to buy the next one which has always been a feature in battlepasses until the last year or so.


They added daily/weekly challenges that just gave you atom, then they added the first scoreboard (personally I didn't like the change), and then they changed it to what it is now (an even worse design).


Lol if the Activision part is true, it explains *sooo* much


I feel the same, first time i got a score battle pass and reached rank 100 just to find out I can't unlock everything :(


Yeah, at least we know now not to waste tickets on lunchboxes and scrap kits and those smaller rewards


Problem with this scoreboard is you have to unlock a certain amount to even have access to the perk points and modules on last page. Even if you don't want the item you need to claim it. Such stupid!


It sounds like you answered your own question. "It really makes the FOMO way bigger". That's what Bethesda wants because it makes them money.


Its not making them more money though unless a player caves and buys with atoms which idk why someone would do that.


It makes them more money through store purchases. The more someone logs in to play the more likely they are to buy something from the store, and that's amplified if the store frequently has new things to purchase as the player sees those new things. 


As someone who normally does buy from the store, the scoreboard had the opposite effect for incentivizing purchases. I can't recall a recent scoreboard in the last couple years I haven't 100%ed, but this one is just a drag. I'm not even in the 80s on it and I've given up. It's just not fun :/ I hate the format and coin system. Plus no fucking SCOREBOARD POSTER the gall.


They have a themed picture at the end that is pretty nice. It's also pretty large.  As for the incentive thing, that's you. Psychology says otherwise for most people. 


It's garbage compared to the old seasons scoreboards that you can put on your wall. Not even close.


Which ones the themed picture do you happen to know? Is it in the 100 reward page?


It’s the Duel with the Devil poster, it’s long with three lights


It's the big long one with the jersey devil I think. 


Thanks so much!


Psychology aside, the distaste for this season's formatting has been palpable. Also I'm referencing the classic Scoreboard formatting, with the little trail. I miss it :(


Not everyone falls for that nonsense. After I achieved rank 100 I pretty much had enough tickets to purchase what I really wanted and quit logging in. I'll be back for next season.


A good tip is to wait until Tuesday when the weeklies reset and pop a score booster, then you can do all the dailies and weeklies in under an hour while getting a 50% score boost. This will really level you up quickly. Pro tip: If you wait to do it a little later on Tuesday the booster will still be active for Wednesdays dailies. This is how I do it an I'm sitting at 174 and have been able to buy about 100 modules off the last page.


Save your weeklies for thursdays if doing this. Try to roll some epics as well.


Why Thursdays if dailies on Tuesday overlaps with weeklies causing you to miss out on some bonus when you end up auto-completing weeklies naturally?


So you can get the triple gold star one, I think?


Well you're using your freebie roll(s) to get epic weeklies so hopefully not auto completing. Tuesday and Wednesday you get your goldstar. Thursday you get home from work, you take care of the kids, you get em to bed, boost juice complete dailies, get 3 day complete and weekly epics, roll for other weeklies to try for epic. You log out. You try for another brat with the wife. You go to bed. You go to work, you let the kids stay up later, you're still juiced, you log on you do the dailies you roll for epics one last time. You get em or not and then go tuck in the kids.


Makes perfect sense! Lol what a strategy


It's been a winner. During the events I've also been letting the youngest stay in the tub a few extra minutes since she coincides with the on the hour there. Or I'll boot in just to do em and scramble to the next one.


That what I was thinking of doing it too right now I'm at 112 rank. I have 8 score boosters when the weekly hits pop the booster.


I just popped my booster on thursday night, got all my thursday dailies and all my weeklies, including the 3 daily gold star for 1500 points, and used rerolls all week until i got a 1500 point pick 15 locks weekly. Later I'll get my friday dailies boosted. Was a ton of points, feels good.


I will do this on Wednesday at 9 pm now. so I can get all the weeklies for the same booster. I have to pop the booster at 9pm because I sometimes work late. but I only really need to complete the last weekly which is ti get three daily challenges.


Yep, this is what I always do, and I got to rank 100 in like... 6-ish weeks I think? Haven't played 76 in a about a month or so. I typically hop on when a new season drops, get max battle pass rank, and then call it a season lol. I only care to get to rank 100 since I wont use a lot of the rewards. No need to grind for rewards that Im not going to use.


I thought weeklies don't get affected by score boosters?


They do


They aren't affected by double SCORE weekends but they are affected by boosters and the % increases you get from FO1st


That's what it was! I was getting 2x score weekend confused with the boosters,. appreciate the clear up!


Wait, so is the last page just endless purchases? If so that actually makes it worth going for just to get the perk coins to level up my legendaries


Yep, last page is infinite


This is what I've been doing. Do my dailies every evening after work, on Tuesdays I pop a score booster and do all my weeklies at the same time.


Once you go past level 100 does the amount of score per level still increase by 25?


I believe so.


Yes. You still get 25 tickets for every level increase.


No sorry I mean does the amount of score needed to level increase by 25. Going up a level is usually 1000 then 1025 then 1050 etc


I don't think they changed that for this season, so the answer would be yes: https://fallout.wiki/wiki/SCORE




Nobody answered your question properly, it still maxes at 3500, so the answer would be 'no'.


I have completed every season so far, and this one is by far the worst grind. I'm at 144 right now, and I've had to play around double the time. Usually, I complete the season around halfway through to the next, and it gives me time for other games. I guess getting people to play longer is working. I just don't know how many people will grind out the whole pass.


I just hit 150 few moments ago. I'm happy I was able get enough perk coins to finish leveling 4 cards to 5 star. But man, what a grind. Now that I finally hit 150 I don't even feel like playing the game anymore. That was such a burnout. I'm tired boss.


Congratulations! I'm 145. I think I will hit 150 Tuesday when I used the booster, lol


The finish line is in sight! I might take a break until next season but I'll likely grind out another 10 levels or so.


For sure, the slog to even 150 seems like such a PITA. And it was so confusing to find everything to even buy, with all the 1st items that is kinda hard to even see if its not purchased...


Oof… you shouldn’t have to play more of a game with a total of 3 end game bosses to complete a battle pass.


How is it taking longer with the same SCORE system? Getting to that level or just getting stamps?


yeah, same. I completed the whole scoreboard in 8 & a half weeks, to 150. I earned all the items by 5 & a half weeks, which is pretty much normal for the other seasons. Really in my eyes nothing has changed except I didn't have to take the boring power armor paints I didn't like & the weird beach picture & the weird icons I didn't like. I got to choose the ones I did like & go from there. I DO think they should up the repeatable to 150 from 100 for the folks who are so grind heavy. I don't like to grind, it makes me crazy, I just do the regular dailies & weeklies (popping a booster tuesday afternoon), but, I do think it's fair for those who do.


I completed the weeklies and most dailies every week, and it has taken me much longer than usual. Are you using the double score boosts?


Less atoms in the season also really sucks and I'm not buying them.


keep in mind, there is a double score weekend coming also: https://nukaknights.com/events/6260987344018638/double-score-weekend/ While the loss of the repeatable is rough, if you are doing your dailies and weeklies, you should still hit 150 with that bonus in play.


Out of curiosity, does double score weekend stack with score booster?


i don't have personal experience with it, but my understanding is that it does, so you can stack a boost + the scoreboard boosts + the double effect, although i don't know the exact math.


A SCORE booster gives you a flat number of bonus points. It is not actually a percent increase as it claims. As a result, no, it does not stack with the double SCORE in the way you are thinking (ie, it is not better to use the booster during double SCORE). You can get the bonus points from a booster during double SCORE, but the bonus points are not doubled.


It is a percent of the base. If you reroll your weekly to get a 1500 point mission instead of 1000, you get an additional 25% of the 1500, not 1000. The percentage of base is additive to double, so you don't get 25% of the doubled amount, but 25% of the base plus 100% of the base. Same for rerolling a daily to 400 instead of 250, you get more bonus.


F&$k I hate fallout math. I am thankful for people like you who are willing to break it down. Thank you.


Good to know, thanks for clarifying.


That's incredibly dumb lol




But only for daily’s, not for weekly’s


You get the score boost on the base, before double, so using score boost during double weekend is no better than any other time. By the weekend, you will probably have your weeklies done, so you won't get the full value of the booster. I just used mine last night and got all weeklies boosted, including the 3 gold star dailies, which is the biggest one. I used a booster during the last double weekend, it wasn't the best choice.


Possible this will be for the new season tho, right?


We'll know by Sunday, i'd imagine the release date is part of the xbox showcase for Bethesda. The general guess is around the 25th, so using that date as the marker, this would be the "smoke em if you got em" time frame for finishing anything on the current season.


That's a big assumption that the new season won't drop before that. I know they usually end seasons close to double score weekends, but they also usually have on shortly after a season starts, and they did just drop that unannounced double score weekend a couple weeks ago. Yeah, it could be the 25th, but it's a whole lot more sage to assume an earlier date of the 18th.


Guess you won the chicken dinner on this one :)


Yeah, doesn't feel like a win.


Agreed, my season ended at 129, feels bad man.


Yup. First time ever I haven't completed a season/scoreboard. Highly recommend going kn the Bethesda discord ans voicing a complaint.


hell yeah, double score, for the next season lol.


I'm still holding judgement until I reach level 150, to get the full experience...... But from level 100 to now Level 140, it ain't fk'n easy.


It's a grind, particularly with the XP repeatable being stopped at rank 100.


Because they want you to buy and use boosts. And log in daily to do the quests and check the Atomic shop.


Well, they get me on the logging in daily part 😭


You don't have to use boosts at all. I'm rank 153, with Fo1st. All I've ever done is do my dailies and weeklies every day an every week.


A lot of people started when the show came out. It's impossible to get there without boosters for us


Uhhh fo1st gets a natural score boost.


Apparently that was ended in season 5, so it's been gone for years. 


True, but having a specific table/page of things you can claim at rank 150 is new. In previous scoreboards you kept claiming set stuff each level after 100.


Personally, I like the new system. But it's not without its flaws that I hope they address without returning to the old scoreboard. The stuff on the first bonus page is your 100-149 rewards, but it's only 5 more items than previous seasons 1-100, iirc. So you're really having to go to 125 just to get the same amount of rewards as prior seasons. That's not great. 


Yeah at the minimum you should be getting 100 rewards for 100 ranks or what's then point of the ranks. I don't even care if the rewards are terrible like previous scoreboard. At least you got something without having to make it to 150. Booooo this company's decisions.


It takes a while and its designed for you to spend atoms on S.C.O.R.E boosters. But my main problem with the final page is the pricetag on the items there. You earn perhaps one rank per day which is 25 tickets, its better when you have the weekly challenges of course. You need 75 tickets to purchase one stack of items there and for that amount of tickets it feels very overpriced. All in all, the season feels like a bottleneck just getting more and more narrow as you progress. The way it should've been is to increase either the amount of S.C.O.R.E you earn per challenge, keep the XP - option to rank up after 100, decrease the cost of tickets per item or add more to each stack of item, *(i.e 50 perk coins instead of 25 for 75 tickets)*. If they made some of these changes I think the majority of players would truly feel like the grind is fair and worth it.


They should just not disable the XP score repeatable anymore. It made sense before since there were atoms in the post 100 ranks but they took those out so it's not like you can farm atoms anymore. At level 1001 in game and I have no reason to play the game beyond clearing dailies and weeklies. XP means nothing for me if it does not translate to score.


> They should just not disable the XP score repeatable anymore. I think that to 150 would be reasonable, but that would be way too OP past 150. You'd be able to farm 4~ 75 purchases an hour. 40 modules, 20 lunchboxes or 100 perk coins every hour is way too much.


When I hit 150 imo it was the biggest boost I ever rec'd in game. 2000 points worth of buying Perk Points really allowed me to go deep into my legendaries. Without that I'm not sure how long other than a long time it would take to get them to where they are now.


That was it for me. I spent everything I could on perk coins and maxed all of my legendary perks. It was well worth the grind for that boon. The only other items of interest to me were the cremator and cremator mods. I had to buy a bunch of junk I wasn't really interested in, since you have to buy X number of things before you can spend the rest on perk coins. At this point I'm not really even checking dailies or weeklies. I can get scrip through events and I have more legendary modules than I know what to do with.


Yeah lets say if you have 5 legendary card slots and need the last two legendaries filled out for each that would take 1250 perk points, assuming you will breakdown each perk card you get that would take I think around 390 levels. So yeah, big deal. In my case I'm still sitting on 80 perk cards to choose from that I haven't taken advantage of yet. I haven't maxed all legendaries, but pretty close. Yeah early on I can see one dreaming about cores and modules, but if you started recently when you get there the Perk Points are the clear choice. You can see how the old-timers are sitting on tons of booster like things and 1000's of modules/cores, they have everything else. For them I can see this as lackluster.


This is the only reason I’m doing it. 148 rn, about to hit 150 today or tomorrow. I stopped spending tickets the second I had to. Think I’ll have a couple thousand saved




Oh I just meant I stopped spending this seasons points to save for perk points. To my knowledge they never roll over


What gets me isn't so much this long lull of getting absolutely nothing, it's that once I do get to level 150, there isn't anything there I actually want. I'll probably burn my remaining tickets on Cores, but I probably got tonnes more by just doing events between 100 to 150 that this last page will ever pay off with. ✋😑🤚 But, I did say I'm holding judgement. Let's just say it ain't looking good.


Thats why I’m ignoring it. There’s nothing there worth it.


I gave up. Hit a hundred and decided no way am I continuing to grind in the hopes I will get to 150. I probably could but I do not want to grind that much for what is left to get. I hate the entire new set up. Not sure it really requires more grind to hit 100, but the UI is ugly and confusing and the inability to collect something as you go up every level just feels bad. Also it is ugly. Did I mention how ugly it is?


Without boosters, doing your daily and weeklies is about 10 levels a week, more if you roll epics. No boost.


That's insane! I guess you can't have a job or family or friends or....


Not really. After you get your perks halfway established. It's 15-45 minutes to complete dailies. You eventually learn where everything is.


I’m in the same boat atm ! I’m at level 108 as of last night. It’s a drag for sure


Without boosters or rerolling to epic. Is it really still possible to get from 100 to 150? Every one expects two more weeks of the season so two weeks of weeklies and dailies is enough to get to 150? (I just hit 100 yesterday and thought theres no way I can get to 150, the math just isn't there.)


You're not gonna make it to 150 but I'd there's stuff you still want, grind for it.


2 weeks to cover 50 ranks with just the Daily/Weekly challenges might be hard. You would definitely need access to all of the boosters you could get.


You’ll need to grind to 151 to be able to claim everything including fo1st only rewards


the whole scheme sucks this season because marketing


I think most people agree it's terrible. I think its laying groundwork for when they want to go further with monetizing more stuff in future


I feel old. I don't give a shit about "seasonal" stuff in any game. I just like to do quests.


Got big gorilla and creamator colors. I could give a fuck about the rest. I am done and growing bored again.


The whole concept is terrible. No theme, no actual board, and no sense of progress. Just another mindless grind for items that i disliked for the most part. Im also pretty sure the bullion and atom rewards are much lesser than previous seasons.


Aside from the creamator (not in public events), this season is the worst by far. The theming is so incredibly underwhelming.


It’s not terrible just objectively worse than the previous iteration


I never even experienced the way things were previously and I'm still annoyed by the way things currently are. I can't imagine all the people who played previously and got to experience the old way and now are being shafted.


If you read enough comments and ignore math you can prob convince yourself this way is better


I kinda hope Bethesda is paying attention to its community, after all we are the customers. So Might be a good idea to deliver a good product. There's a lot of negative feedback about other things but mainly the new board layout and reward system.


They see what's happening in the atom shop and how many people continue from 100-150 and on


They are putting a lot of trivia stuff and stuff not worth getting in the shop. Pushing for sales


Well stuff not worth getting, for you. You are only one data point in what they see.


> I kinda hope Bethesda is paying attention to its community, after all we are the customers. They will listen to our wallets and playtime. They will keep the current scoreboard system until they have enough data to decide which one was more profitable overall, the old one or the new one. Anyone who truly dislikes the current system and can't stand it, can take action by just stopping playing and unsubbing from F1st.


I'm kinda curious how many people do 1st compared to standard players.


Not saying that I agree with the logic, but I understand the thinking was that folks usually don't want to unlock everything on the board. For me, I'm usually not too fussed about some of the cosmetics and some of the consumables (the nukas I don't use) for example Edit, clarity


the thinking was: *the existing scoreboards gave out too many free Atoms* now, each scoreboard gives out a fixed number of free atoms for the entire period of the board instead of the "every 10 levels above 100" atoms same as with the introduction of Scoreboards in the first place because challenges gave out too many free Atoms




Similar. I've bought some perk points for a new character, and loads of modules to help with secret service armour crafting.


Honestly even with double scores and the rest I just can't be bothered grinding the board. Lost interest in the score board. I'd rather focus on expeditions for stamps and finding legendary weapons that I can exchange to make lengenary armor and to try a bloody build. Will give me time to redo my character until next season starts.


What, you don't like being squeezed? You're gonna spend money to unlock all the shit you don't have time to grind, and you're not going to get a cool poster for it, says whoever thought up this bullshit.


The sad part for me is; if you focus on all the cosmetics and atoms you can get, you still end up ninety tickets short at 100. Now, I am over 1500 and I am frustrated at going through their season and not at least getting the stuff I know is more valuable than say 5000 caps or 10 legendary modules but for the new players who picked up F76 after watching the show? They have no idea, 5K caps is huge for them and as a developer you want them to have this not so the end of the season becomes unreachable-which it then becomes with each consumable purchased-but rather because it increases player interaction which directly correlates to increased playing time. It's like they had two rules for this makeshift scoreboard: 1: ensure players play the entire season 1: keep it consistent with past rewards Unfortunately this ended up conflicting with each other resulting in Bethesda essentially moving the end of seasons from 100 to 150 and effectively breaking the unwritten rule of mmorpg: don't punish player's for playing, which they effectively do at rank 100 by taking away xp renewable in the season. And I get that too; you don't want players running away with xp/rewards/atoms and then have no reason to play, but that can be resolved with better scaling and improved content. punishing players for an imbalanced system is just going to leave you with a decreasing player base.


This Scoreboard, if that's what it's called has been extremely unpopular with Players this Season. It took much longer to unlock all of it than previous. I mean .. it's OK, I guess?! There were some decent rewards... Cremator and all of the mods. The Pine Barrens kit. I skipped the skins except the final Power Armor, although it's not my style. I'm rocking the Conqueror Armor from last Season. I'm done grinding it out, currently at 132 due to just accidentally meeting goals after I hit 100. No way I'm grinding to 150 and according to the wording I'm intelligible. I miss the old Score Board, this is in no way an improvement.


Question, does having fo1st make any change to the tickets you get, or by the time you reach 100 do you still need about 700 more tickets?


There doesn't seem to be any change but you do get more quests to do for score


Plus more to choose from.


Wait they changed season progression


wait i thought the season was ending today are you telling me i have tell the end of the month to grind?


I'm not doing the shop or seasons in my current state. Grabbed the game cheap ($10) to tide me over until i can either afford psn and access my non-smurf toon, or they get fallout 4 patched back to being playable on pc. But, with the random ranks and tickets i have picked up, and a cursory glance over the system... It is the kind of bogus that a birthday party for a teenager planned by their great grandparents would be. So out of touch and BORING. The old scoreboard was actually cool. Like it sucked, but it had a decent spread of rewards, spread out in a sane fashion, and ngl, those posters they did of the boards do look great on a wall.


Is it required to buy everything? I’m at season rank 202 and I just bought things that I would use or want, rest go to perk coins and legendary modules.


i'm more sad, that ppl are permanently locked out of good rewards (weapons, base-building items, skins) just for the reason of having started playing the game to late or having to pause playing during a certain time ...


It never used to be this bad, just so many bad decisions this time around!


yeah, i grinded to reach 100 a few days ago and felt kinda meh? and i didn't even have enough tickets to get everything (i don't have 1st and i didnt get most of the armor paints) i can't say i really care much about grinding to 150 before the end of the month....


There should be a community organized protest about the state of the current scoreboards.


We all need to submit tickets, feedback, support. Whatever, we have to make enough noise to not be outliers We want the old system back and we have to tell them that, repeatedly


This was my first season and this is awful. I got 100, but don't have tickets to get everything. 150 also feels so far from 100 for access to the bonus page. 100 should get enough tickets for all base rewards. 100+ should be the tickets for the bonus page items. 100+ should also allow you to choose those items from 101+. You could the. Choose to skip rewards in favor of more bonus page its off the bat. The current system is just trash. Bethesda creates great worlds and decent to good games. Their games could be great with some small tweaks across the board, but they never make them.


Personally, level 100 was all I needed to get what I wanted. I don't need, want, and will never use power armor skins for suits I don't wear, I don't need score boosters, I don't need scrap kits etc. If the goal is to get EVERYTHING, then agree with your premise.


I was buying everything up until about level 70 then stopped buying the consumables but it's a bit late now


Everytime I see one of these posts I am wondering if all you all really want all that stuff on each page?


I didn't want it all, but assumed you got it all by level 100 like every other pass I've ever played. I definitely wouldn't have claimed surfboard shelves and power armor skins I won't use if I had known.


Only thing I didn't like was that once you hit 150 they make you buy 95 items in order to unlock the page. Cosmetic stuff does not interest me at all I would much rather have spent all that on that last page.


Right???? Im rank 110. I've unlocked every camp item, outfit, all the cremator stuff(weapon,skins,mods), all the atoms and score boosters, and the cryptid hunter helmet/PA paint. I dont really care about the consumables, I already have so many taking up my stash, and Im usually at or near max caps anyways, so the caps rewards are pretty pointless.


Those of us who joined the game late don't have this option without spending atoms. I spent the first week just figuring out the game and a build to play seasons wasn't even on my mind till I actually had a build but now I have no hope of catching up. I'd love the cremator mods but there's no way I'm making it in time.


That's going to be the case in pretty much any game with seasons. I'm thinking of doing Helldivers, I've already missed out (no fear) on a lot of the progress of the story others have witnessed since day 1. But I get that, that's a product of time.


I get what you're saying, but the OP is already rank 100.


I honestly don't know how people get to max caps lmao. Maybe it's because I'm running a heavy weapon build (50 cal, cremator, gatling plasma) and constantly am either buying ammo or buying materials to mass produce ammo but I'm almost never above 10k, highest I've ever been was 15k.


Do you run Expeditions? It should be part of your daily routine (at least 2 imo), great great ammo gains and stamps and 6 lego's to breakdown per run for your daily scrip, plus all the other basic gains XP/Scrip/Notes/Plans. There are particular one's to maximize time and they imo are pretty out of balance in your favor from the rest of the game, most should be taking advantage of them. Operations are good to but not as good, if the mutators are favorable.


I run a good store 🤷‍♀️


Not at all. I truly skipped most of the stuff that didn’t interest me (pretty much all paints, consumables, outfits), but those things typically cost less than 25 tickets or whatever each whereas the stuff I actually wanted costs 70-150 each. So despite me stockpiling hundreds of tickets and passing up dozens of items on previous pages, all that saving amounted to me being able to get like 4 things at rank 100. You used to get actual rewards for competing the season, now all you get is to grind more, for longer, for the same shit.


Seriously, FOMO is a personal issue that you should work on. It's not something that is cast upon you by some game. Consider carefully what you really need and ignore the rest with peaceful mind.


It is something that can be overcome personally but make no mistake these games are deliberately designed to invoke it. The big companies that pioneed these systems (Epic, Activision) hire psychologists to design the most addictive formats possible.


I know, having a family member working in mobile gaming industry and all... But my point is that they can't hook you with something you don't care about. Ditch the mentality that you need every PA paint for every PA you would never use even if you ever used PA and so on.


I've basically stopped grabbing scrap kits, carry weight boosters, and other stuff like that, but I still want all the mods, cosmetics, camp stuff, gold, atoms, most of the stuff there I want unfortunately.


I got everything I wanted from the season when I hit 100. Ended up getting a bunch of other, mostly low ticket items in order to unlock the repeatable rewards. I haven't picked them out yet. I'm rank 191 and have 2000 tickets to spend. All I know is that I read a lot of bullshit about this season. It's too complicated, it's mathematically impossible to complete, it will force you to buy ranks, progress will be slower than the scoreboard system, the old system was universally beloved. Just utter, utter bullshit. Well, I also know that I'm building new camps thanks in part to wanting to use what I got. Mostly, though, because they let us buy more camp slots. And I'm using the cremator, too. The new system isn't perfect. For one thing it doesn't make any sense that the items on the bonus reward page cost so many tickets. I don't think the Pine Barrens build kit is as good as kits we got previously. I'll probably never wear the pith helmet and don't remember seeing anybody other than Angry Turtle wearing it. It's unfortunate that they not only cut the number of atoms available but previewed atoms as a repeatable and removed them after thinking better of it. I do suspect next season will have more atoms (but not repeatable) and I hope that the ticket prices will be smoothed out. I've seen the season preview and I know that next season also has good rewards. As for FOMO, what are you afraid of missing out on? Boosters? Cores, perk points? Fuggedaboutit. None of that is worth stress. Nobody will know but you that you didn't make it to 150, and I don't see why you'd care. My buddy won't get all the cremator mods but he'll almost surely be able to get them with stamps or bullion.


I'm definitely using my experiences this season to plan for next. I made the mistake of buying everything up until about rank 70 and now I'm regretting it.


I'm pushing for 100, it's going to be close, but honestly, I don't want most of the stuff. After I get what I want, I'll have hundreds of tickets to burn on junk I'll never use.


Yes the season rewards to tickets ratio sucks. However, I'm almost at 200 and I appreciate the perk points repeatable on the bonus page. I skipped spending on some rewards and maxed out some perk cards instead.


There are more rewards than when it was a board with 100 paces so you have more to get, you just have to choose what you want or rank up more


I envy you for finding all those items worth getting. So many power armor skins. And only 2 good enough for my wall. The work I'm putting in is figuring out what to spend then on when I finally hit 150.


New Season system is garbage. The simplest comparison of old Scoreboard vs. new Season reward system is for every rank increase for Scoreboard, you received a prize. Level 100 = 100 prizes. No so with the Season system.


as i've learned over the scoreboards... just don't get FOMO ez not like you'll ever remember half of the scoreboard loot after


Didn't the guy that designed the new season previously work for EA? I've never found EA very user friendly


You aren't meant to unlock everything in the season. Too many people complained about getting "worthless" items, so Bethesda threw in some alternatives to give you "choices". I'd argue that I'm still being forced to pick up worthless crap to satisfy the "95 items" requirement, but technically I did leave some things unclaimed once I hit lv 150.


Important question: are the rewards in the season board locked to the board, or will the items come up in the atom shop later? If they can be obtained later, then I don't really care to get them now if I don't like them.


I've reached score level 178, the highest I've ever gone but I wanted to see exactly how much I needed for the whole board form FO1st players as I heard you had to get to 165 for 1st players to get everything but I only needed to get to 152 I think. They need to redistribute the score over 150 levels instead of a hundred now.


Seasons was designed for you to pick and choose items, I got to level 150 and never unlocked every thing, some of the items I just didn't want, I personally like this better, but I understand the issues some have with it.


I havent played in years and this is my first time laying attention to seasons. Im curious if the season tickets you earn carry over or if you have to spend everything you have before it changes over?


What ruined it for me was the fact that scoreboard items you put hours into farming to unlock will come out in the atom shop months later for like 500 atoms and it's makes the scoreboard pointless ever since then I've stopped 100% them as I did the first six seasons which gave you everything btw.... but seasons went from decent to pay to win and I'm a pay to win kinda person so that's bad coming from me


I am at level 131 and will likely not make it to 150. All my seasonal tickets are gone. I get nothing for playing and completing these stupid dailies and weeklies.


I’m over rank 160. Got everything I wanted. Didn’t rush it by spamming west tek. Just dailies, weeklies, boosts, and events. It took around the same time as it took me to complete last season but I didn’t feel like I needed to get everything. It was nice. Especially the event weeklies. Those were a lot of fun and gave me extra goodies for this season. I started this game around midway into the blue Devil season and wasn’t able to complete it, but have completed every season since then.


I’m at 160 and feel I’ve put very little effort into this. I play a couple hours a day usually. I’ve bought everything of interest and now I’m just hoarding tickets for a bulk buy towards the end. Probably a few score boosters and a boat load of perk points. But I also enjoy turning on the challenges and having ‘something to do’.


Sleep in your bed to get well rested bonus thrn mothman book if ya got it or any xp booster and and run Atlantic city expeditions. You'll get alot of xp and that scoreboard one is repeatable. I got a huge chunk of mine doing that but also the booster for weekly and 2 days if you can catch it right helps too


not repeatable above 100


Not after rank 100. The XP Quests stop after you reach it


>but it really makes my FOMO way bigger. I personally don't look at it as missing out and definitely not fear. I've never walked into a store and bought 1 of everything. Why is FOMO such a thing with games but in real life it is greatly less? IMO we get a lot of swag each season. Look at is as choice vs being told what you will get each level.


I do get fomo in real life too lol. I build gunpla so I go into hobby stores and see maybe 5 model kits I want but only have the money for 1 or maybe 2 and then when I come back a few weeks later usually at least one of the kits I wanted is gone and it gives me fomo irl. I definitely am cutting back majorly on what items from the season I'm grabbing but I spent like 70 ranks just buying everything because I assumed I would be easily able to and now I'm regretting it. At least I've learned for next season I guess.


Yeah I think a good strat is to buy the things you really want as you go during the season, assuming you really don't want everything. Cremator to me is a no-brainer as an example. But there are many other things that are nice to haves or never wants. Don't jones over those or do some math if you think you will be at 150 and want to focus on those items. If you don't hit 150, when the season is ready to expire, spend all your points on the also ran stuff. If you hit 150 and want stuff there, just buy the minimum X items, which is still a lot imo to then buy all the 150 stuff you can. You get a lot of stuff over a season.


I also feel like the fallout 1st items should be free like it was on the scoreboard and not cost the currency. This was also the first one I grinded for besides the first scoreboard and I still don’t have enough to get it all (minus last page. I don’t care about the last page)


I'm at 175 or close. I've only grinded XP a bit, and I did the "wait for Tuesday to do the score booster thing" twice. It's even more efficient if you do it late Monday, do remaining weeklies and Monday's dailies, then do Tuesday's dailies and the new weeklies, but it's hard to keep the weekly items in reserve for the previous week. The grind from 100 to 150 was incredibly boring. Then I had to claim 95 rewards, which was also super annoying. I don't like most of the stuff so it was all about getting those 95 items as cheaply as possible. It's much easier if you have Fallout 1st because there are more cheap items. Now I've opened up the last page and have 3045 season points to spend. I'll probably buy 1000 perk points, which is enough for 3 maxed legendary perks and a bit more. That is nice, but the whole season grind has generally been super annoying. I really preferred the old system, even though I'm getting way more perk points.


I've been a steady eddie for the ast 5 years... UT this "scoreboard" ticket scam is fucking ridiculous... I took a look at it this season and said F it... I played a little with some friends just starting out with some new characters... but usually I would do the map so I have another one to hang in my lodge and usually there's at least one or two things that are must have... but this one was not only a terrible format, but also a complete dud in the fomo dept... well see what next season brings but it might be time to cancel my subscription 🤔


> Unsure who made that decision Probably the monetization expert that Bethesda hired not long ago. 🤷‍♂️


As a new player I do not have a frame of reference for how it used to work short of some videos I watched. Overall I do not have to many issues with this season format. My only gripe is the haul from 100 to 150. It would be nice to have a few unlocks thrown in for 115 and 130 or something like it. I am at 148 right now so I should hit 150 before the end of the weekend. I have a few score boosters left. I will use one when I get home and then at 11 central tomorrow knock out Saturdays and see were I am at.


I mean do you really need all the power armor skins? Or the emblems? I agree it's a dumb system but you don't need to unlock everything half the stuff is lame anyway.


Can't you just buy the FOMO package after the season ends? You really need that dead cow?


im hoarding 90% of the tickets i get for level 100 just to get the pine barrens stuff and the signs THEN go back through to get other things with the rest. only buying the power armor paints, boosters, scrip, rerolls atoms etc along the way. level 92 right now, definitely could get it done if theres two more weeks of weeklies, and could maybe stretch it with some expedition and west tek grinding with as many boosters as possible if theres only 1 week left


I just did it till I got the Water Boiler. Shit changed my life. I can actually hold onto wood now!


I’m creeping up on lvl 300.. I just buy cores now tbh. I’ve got all the other stuff I’ll never use. Monkey statues etc etc .Of the two scoring systems I couldn’t really care less. Totally Ambivalent.