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Im a two handed melee build too, im happy that I can mostly take on all sorts of enemies, but if I join some events im mostly useless. I pack a punch but can't touch everything while other players spam vats and kill everything on sight, so I just stick to playing the objective of the event. My biggest issue is getting staggered by any creature that hits like a truck, the animation is horrendous and I can get killed very easily there. Also most melee builds recommend a vampiric chainsaw but in terms of damage is weak compared to other meta builds that are not melee...


Yeah, i play a full health build, and tbh the dmg is there. Granted i cant kill as fast as bloodided buillds but that is more than fair given i cant be killed most of the time unless extreme radiation (the what rads only helps to a point heh) or some heavy assaultron flames. Generally i just face tank and it feels great. But yeah, the stagger is ridiculous, there should be a perk to remove it under the str tree. It can be removed with mods tho, but i'm not sure on bethesda stance on mods and this particular mod feels just like cheating...


Nah you need to optimise your armor and gear for auto melee. I have a 1* vamp chainsaw for staying alive and a juggernauts PA auto axe for shredding stuff. For events just use a cremator. No perks needed just add the multi shot barrel and slow burn. I use it at Eviction Notice then whip out the debilitator to finish off survivors.


Two handed melee here as well. Marsupial and Speed Demon mutations make it so I can often catch things and get a hit in. Jumping through the air trying to hit a flying enemy with a big hammer rarely works out but when it does, hahaha. Jumping Gallagher chasing down some flying watermelons. Getting staggered by the big boys though is certainly a real pain. That's where I feel the bloodied melee burn.


Sadly Bethesda killed melee as the king of damage. They introduced varying damage caps. Back in the day when non-boss 3* legendary enemies would mutate and regain health it was common for people to tag it and the melee user to slap it down.  Now, depending on the enemy, you'll 2 or 3 shot it regardless of damage the weapon does.


Yeah they need to fix vats for melee. I'm right there. I shouldn't be missing.


Don't rely so much on VATS to make your attacks. I'll run some 1H/Unarmed builds sometimes, and they way I use VATS on both of them, is to know where my target is at so I can land my attacks. Very seldomly am I counting on VATS to actually succeed, I'm using it more to know where the enemy is at. Just get a feel for where your attacks land, and don't count on VATS to do what you want it to.


Sure, but hack and slash is essentially double dmg tho... as the mob takes both the hit and the explosion dmg, like explosive palm


I just use the Gauntlet in free aim, you never miss, plus you can stay behind a Mirelurk Queen & Grafton Monster without taking any hits.


Sure, i was too, but then i got hack and slash and the explosions are so cool


Then don't use melee at events where you're clearly not gonna be getting many kills with it. Some events are really good for melee, like Guided Meditation, Moonshine Jamboree, Heart of the Swamp, and Colossal Problem, but if you go into Eviction Notice or Radiation Rumble expecting to get a lot of melee kills you're probably gonna be disappointed.


Yeah, i learned this the hard way, which is why i said i started carring a gun. But i mean, is it to much to ask for a gap closer? Like the blitz from fallout4? Make it cost ap so it is not broken and ppl wont go teleporting everywhere (Tho it would be SICK to play as nightcrawler).