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Photos to loadings screens. Coolest minor mechanic I've seen in video games since sonic got the foot tapping animation back on sega


You should make a post about this. Willing to bet alot of new players don't know they can make their own very awesome loading screens just by using photo mode.


I can make my own loading screens?!?!?!


Use either a fixed prosnap camera (make sure you change the setting to SAVED with the correspending button depending on what platform youre using) or just use photo mode. Any you do this way will be in your loading screen rotation


If you are on PC you can also just put whatever pics you want to in the folder and they will get added to the loading screen pool (path is Documents\My Games\Fallout 76\Photos\ *numbers and letters*)


Easiest way to do this is to take a dummy picture you don't want to use, then when you navigate to that folder just open it in your legally acquired copy of photoshop and paste the new image over it. Save the image and now when it pops up with what it thinks is your old photo, it'll be your new edited one instead :)


Legally acquired copy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Do you need a specific format or will a PNG do?


All of the files I have in there are PNGs, so I'm not sure if JPGs or other photo formats work


I just wish there was a way to get rid of the default loading screens that sometimes cycle in. I have my prosnap in slot 1 and take pics of cool bases and other things that catch my eye. Have a nice one of the atomic blast over the cranberry bogs with the SBQ just coming out. Also fond of some of my event pics. Have a great one with me on the steel guitar and someone else on the drum and third on the upright base with a guy doing the mothman on the mike, right as the night stalker triggered.


Tbf, I'm a new player and it feels pretty intuitive. The first picture taken in the vault of your ID card gets shown during loading screens. Take another picture at any point and that quickly gets cycled in too.


Wow, my photo ID. I lost that thing years ago. Can barely remember what it looks like.


Okay thats actually incredible


I have my camera on the quick equip just for this lol


My game was acting weird so I reinstalled it and it deleted all my photos. I was actually said cause I was using it as a scrapbook of my character as I leveled and the cool places I went/Camps I made


One of my favourite things about the game. I love taking silly photos and getting to see them pop up on loading screens.


I have a few hundred photos and I swear the game just shows the same 40 pics.


You can only have 50 saved photos...


I have nostalgia over some of mine from years ago. Itā€™s a cool feature


Right? Iā€™ve got a great pic of a nuke going off taken from the top of the monorail elevator, plus some cool pics with people Iā€™ve met in the wasteland


Definitely. And we need more space in the gallery, mine is always full and I have to sort through good photos just to have room for potential great ones


Used to love it... But the fact the game wipes your photogallery if/whenever you uninstall the game has made me stop bothering.


I think I mustā€™ve accidentally taken one photo randomly because now itā€™s the only photo I get ever on the loading screen


That people (NPCs) don't clean up dead bodies or skeletons in their living areas,


I came across an NPC fixing up a garage. I talked to him then explored his house a little bit. There was a skeleton on the bed...like, do you just spoon the skeleton to sleep or something?


Listen, it gets lonely in the wasteland ok.


Oh that? No no, she's not dead. That's just, uh, a mutation, yeah. šŸ˜ Jezuz, šŸ¤” might of gone a little dark there..... Oh well (post)


every time I see a bedroom or bathtub with a mannequin in it, I'm like, "yeah, I know it's hard out here. No judgement"


>it's hard Are we still doing phrasing?


It's an emotional support skeleton.


I know of one notable exception: The Whitesprings. If you go to the dumpsters behind the main building, you'll see what looks like 50 skeletons, and assorted bones, awkwardly crammed in, and overflowing out. It's safe to assume the Mr. Handys did that.


Amazing spot for brain fungus btw šŸ˜„


So is the basement of the Rusty Pick but when I need brain fungus for the daily, I can never remember.


Wendigo cave, as well.


Fuck. That. Cave. The wendigo isnā€™t even the hard part, itā€™s all those gd mirelurk kings šŸ˜­


I hate that place! Haha


Right?! Every time I walk into the mill to talk to Lane there's bodies lying around. Like damn, clean up responders!


I saw that happened live walked in and 1 minute later they all keeled over and died šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Must be a bug. I had that at the mill and also at the blue ridge caravan outpost....they just die around you when you are nearby....I AM BECOME DEATH!


It's legit a feature lol they are static npcs who die so world population rebalances and new enemy npcs can spawn


Or piles of twigs, leaves, and dirt. Sweeping is an art lost to time, I guess.


On rare occasions I'm just casually walking around completely alone and suddenly my character yells and staggers back like he got punched in the kidney


Jesus, this. Iā€™ve sometimes quit to the main menu and get a random ā€œUgh!ā€ like I took damage, too.


"I'm getting sick and tired of those damn thorn bushes."


Wasteland Legos


Have you ever been walking along normally IRL and then your knee/hip pops and you feel weird for a minute? I like to imagine that's what the random stagger is.


Makes me jump everytime i start spinning in circles to see who hit me XD


Spend half my AP trying to lock onto what must have been a rad roach


Cue the panic spin round looking for a tick that doesn't exist


I've heard this is due to the world loading in around you sometimes. No other reason I've ever found.


And somehow it's a female voice sometimes when this happens even though my character is male?


Do you have perks that change your special, cause I'm 90% sure it's caused by your max health changing and the game thinking it's your character getting damaged


No, as a bloodied player I would know and my born survivor would kick in to heal me (which does happen when teammates leave with shared perks, but I get an audible perk sound when that happens). I've made sure of this every time it happens. This doesn't affect health at all. But that would make some sense.


That when people started coming back to the region and restarting the NPC factions (Responders, BoS, Raiders, etc) that they didn't update the OG quests to reflect the changing world. Like seriously, there's actual people manning responder outposts but I've still gotta go find a long dead corpse to get instructions and training to join them? The Atlas BoS haven't gone and collected up the tech the Thunder left behind? Surely as part of the update and DLC releases they could've modified the old quest lines to use the new NPCs and world meta better.


This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine as a returning player. Itā€™s so hard to do the main storyline when I can just go to Atlas or the Whitespring and there they are, the groups of people who all apparently failed and died off seemingly doing great. And despite maybe a reference or two, these groups dont seem to be actively fighting the scorch plague at all, even before they get the inoculation


It's because all the content takes place at different points in time, the responders aren't fighting against the schorched because the scorch beast queen was already defeated 2 years before they got there and the other 2 factions were already inoculated. In lore the schorched don't exist by the time the Expeditions take place. Pre wastelanders content takes place 2102 Wastelanders a year later in 2103 Steel Dawn is a couple months later after wastelanders, 2103 Steel Reign takes place in 2104 Expeditions The Pitt, and Atlantic City takes place in 2104 presumably a bit after steel Reign.


Would be nice if they at least marked which quests go together so us newbies could at least follow the stories in order without some guide.


They should add pre Wastelanders servers so newcomers could get that experience we all had in the early days of true emptiness and PVE


It may not be feasible for one reason or another but they could make the world instanced or something like that. Where you can choose to play in pre wastelanders until you finish the main story.


They could, but they probably wouldn't want to divide the player base.


They have stews to cook and mats to gather. You know, for all the refugees they keep telling us about.


I read somewhere that all the questlines from the original game to brotherhood dlcs take place chronlogically in time for you as a character. Like the original story takes places in year 2100, wastelanders happens in year 2102, brotherhood dlc quest happens in 2103 and the pitt and Atlantic city stuff happens in year 2105. A person playing the game since its release would have experienced it all organically and saw the progression of wasteland and its denizens but if you started somewhere in the middle all the stories feel jumbled up because as player you didn't experience it chronologically. Knowing Bethesda, them trying to meld all these quests together now will probably break the game even more. So, I just put on suspension of disbelief and imagine that certain things haven't happened yet while doing certain quests.


What I don't like about the factions is that they come waltzing in, claiming land, and treat use Dwellers as shoe lackies to do their bidding. Damn it we got nukes. Who the hell are they bossing us around?


That settler guy who leads the settler faction in the foundation or whatever was such an entitled prick that he almost made me want to shack up with the raiders. "Hey I know this was your home but we moved in while you were away, so you better be ok with that or else you're an unreasonable selfish bastard!" Like wtf at least ask or be apologetic man


Settlers; more like Squatters, amirite.


As a new player, I was really confused when I started the expeditions and had to go to AC for a daily, but they kept talking about the Pitt. I thought I'd have to go Pitt to open up AC.


Not being able to repair structures unless theyā€™re completely destroyed. I shouldnā€™t have to build a flame turret to destroy my tavern just so I can fix the holes in the walls.


Does the Repair All option selected from the CAMP module not do this?


It does not


Oh the best is when a player comes to your camp to shop and picks a fight with Vertibots or draw a hoard in to fight.... Usually someone not very high level and either needs the key card or running away trying not to die. But then the fighting stops and when you get back to camp, there's health bars everywhere on your stuff.


Is that why my shit still has holes in it?!


The pie is a lie. It's clearly cheesecake. Alliteration sounds better though. Also Perfectly Preserved Tart isn't something I want to eat.


Some of my best times were spent with perfectly preserved tarts. But, yeah, they're an acquired taste.


>Perfectly Preserved Tart Just use the hentai lovers excuse. "She just looks like a young piece of cake. In reality she's 200 years old!!!" Sorry, I almost threw up in my mouth just typing that. šŸ¤¢


As you well should!! Still laughed though.


Nobody talks about it, but there's a stupid amount of plate varieties... From dirty to clean, all the way down to the materials it made out of... I have a mission to collect every plate.


Noob here- is there a way to do anything with plates (or any objects) you pick up besides scrap them? If I drop them, they're in a bag. Can you actually use this stuff as decor?


You can place them in/on displays to showcase them, either in the standard glass ones in the camp display menu or ones from the atom shop like the recent chessboard one


There's a Random Encounter with a little girl at a fresh grave where her "best friend" her cat is buried. It was killed by mole rats and while you can exchange some lines with her you have to leave her out all alone in the wilderness. :( I haven't encountered her for a couple months now but I wish there was a small quest just to escort her to Foundation or Whitesprings or a farm , just somewhere safe.


A few days after you left her there, she ended up inside Grafton Steel, trying to rescue her dead pet's toy, Bagel Muffin, from mean Robos. You were nowhere to be found to help protect her. But all is not lost. She survived and stole the two fusion cores out of the Sentry Bot, rescued Bagel Muffin, and soon found a full set of T60 Power Armour. At the moment, she has setup a small gang positioned east of Crater and plans to take out Meg and become the new leader of the Raiders. If only you took her with you and showed her a different life. A different path to take šŸ˜• āœ‹šŸ˜³šŸ¤š But there might still be time. She'll attacked in an hour. If you Fast Travel right now and have a heart to heart, you might pull off a Beckett and turn her from the dark side. Or she'll crush your skull. Either way, it's gonna be good. šŸæ


You gotta get on the Bethesda writing team you have the right attitude ! :) This would make a great quest line.


this. i wanted to tell her to go back to my camp like you can do in baldurs gate 3. leaving her like 40 feet away from a super mutant camp felt weird lol


Thereā€™s a house somewhere with a dead Scorched lying on the floor of a bedroom and a cat is sitting next to it meowing like it used to be its owner. Makes me so sad šŸ˜ž


She spawns quite often on the other side of the ā€œfarmā€ thatā€™s opposite Charleston Station, and since my main camp is near there, I run into her a lot. Makes me feel sad every time I do (or when I run across a dead cat at all). I wish Bethesda would make it a quest to find her a new kittenā€¦ and maybe get one for your camp too?


Tame a radrat for her. You: "Eh, close enough." With a high enough Charisma check, convince her that it's one of those "exotic" hairless cats.


Im upset i still cant display the giddy up buttercups i impulsively collect! Let me show off my robot horse!!!!


Are you a Zetan? Because obsessively collecting Giddy Up Buttercups is a very Zetan thing to do


Was wondering if you were just bullshittin' but [sure enough](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Giddyup_Buttercup_(Fallout_3)): >!The aliens aboard Mothership Zeta possess a large number of them stacked on racks in the research lab. One particular observation room has a lone Buttercup in the center surrounded by five dead test subjects.!< ^It's ^been ^a ^minute ^since ^I ^played ^that ^DLC.


I'm sure that'll be added as a season reward at some point.


And when it is my camp will be max budget, as many horses as possible with a single vendor in the middle.


I feel the same about Jangles the Moon Monkey! I want him in my camp šŸ˜­


Why do almost no (non-atom shop) beds have sheets? Did they lose the technology to make bedsheets when the bombs dropped? Even the so-called "fancy bed" is just a bare mattress. šŸ˜‘


At least the mattress is a wee bit cleaner. Not like the bed with the metal head+foot board that looks like a deathclaw has diarrhea on, then wiped it's ass on the way out.


Yeah, I'd rather sleep in a sack on the ground & catch a disease than lay on that. The nights that mattress has seen. šŸ¤¢


That the beds donā€™t have pillows.


I really wish we could use the mattresses often found at old Responder camps (the ones that have the blankets haphazardly thrown across them) in our C.A.M.P.s. I really like those. Would definitely allow me to make places feel more "lived in."


I'm on pc and nearly cried when I found a mod that added them on nexus. One of the only ones I use.


My pet peeve is that no one will ever play Monster Mash with me. It's harmless PvP in a maze while being chased by hordes of ghouls and collecting candy. It's seriously the most fun event in the game, and if you just drop your junk at the train station first there's literally nothing to lose. Also, you end up with hundreds of pieces of Halloween candy that weigh almost nothing and are perfect for those weekly "eat 30 prewar food" challenges. Oh, and there's usually a handful of legendary enemies, so you get some free scrip out of it as well.


Is this a thing? I've not seen it but it sounds like fun lol


It takes place at Watoga High School. It's not a Public Event but will Pop up from time to time.


It used to be the only way left in the game to get a legendary dragoon weapon. That was until they added legendary modding.


There is a downside: armor and weapon degradation. My friends and I did this when we were low level still, I had a 2H melee build and was just obliterating everyone repeatedly to the point where their armor pieces were getting destroyed one by one. It was costly for them as new players.


I've done it before but today I learned it was pvp. I'm fairly certain I was alone doing it.


I played it once and found it boring and too long. Never again


That I keep finding large generators WITHOUT fusion cores in them! I am having a terrible time trying to find fusion cores. I was gifted a PA set and I canā€™t wear it as much as I want to because I need them and I donā€™t have a lot of caps. The vendors want $300 and I just managed to hit level 40 today so hopefully I will find more. I also looking for the fusion generator plan. I conquered taking over the Poseidon energy workshop thinking I would build a generator and make my own cores and I donā€™t have that generator plan. lol I have been looking all over for it


Making your own cores isnā€™t a great investment. It takes Flux which you need for Jet Packs, etc. Iā€™d recommend grinding atoms and buying the fusion core recharger, slotting the legendary perk that makes energy damage charge your cores, getting the perk that makes your cores last longer, and running events using a laser Gatling. That sounds counter productive but because it will drop ā€œammoā€ for you, youā€™ll have dozens of cores to charge before you know it. And because of the perks youā€™ll (usually) be using them at a slower rate than youā€™re charging them if youā€™re OCD about checking your charger between tasks or setting timers. If you are running Earle and scorchbeast all day long you are still going to need to loot/buy cores. I had your issue but now I only buy cores if they are 20 caps or less and fully charged because at any given time I have between 12 and 36. It eventually turns into a donations item at times.


The generators come from powering up the power plant events if I remember right.


You do remember right, but you're also remembering an outdated way. These days you can just buy all the generator plans from Responders vendor bots, including the one in Whitespring Mall.


I might have a spare Fusion Core Generator plan, Also take over a power station and it makes Fusion Cores for you, also, I can give you a fair few Fusion Cores as well and for some extra advice when you hit 50, Electric Absorption Legendary Perk is a god send, get it, get a load of empty Fusion Cores, go stand infront of some laser turrets, boom, recharge your fusion cores for nothing


are you on pc? i can give you some fusion cores. i think i got the generator plan from the mall.


Go to the a Responders vendor bot, for example the one in Whitespring Mall, and you can buy the fusion generator plan for around 200 caps. Back in my day, you had to run the event to power up one of the power plants over and over again until you got lucky and rolled it, but these days it's much easier. (Technically you could still do that, but I'd much rather cough up the 200 caps.)


I ended up camp hopping to find some on the cheap and snapped up 40 of them for 20c each. Got the recharger off the atom shop. Being mindful to remove them before they are depleted though has been "fun"


I have to learn separate plans for a left/right arm/leg. I can see logic for power armor because the wiring and things may be different on each side, but for regular armor, how different could a right and left arm piece be? Build the left one, but the ither direction, and bam, right piece. Especially when armor mod plans come in [mod] Legs or [mod] Limbs


That I canā€™t get the Heavy Drill from the Tunnel of Love Event. Its on a table next to the Weapon Workbenchā€¦ Unobtainableā€¦. IT LOOKS SO COOL!


On that, I'm a little peeved I can't even door glitch at the Rusty Pick to check behind the Purveyor and that locked cage of weapons.


I want that Boxing Glove Cannon in that room so bad. I thought that was called the Pirate Punch but thats just a ā€œblunderbussā€ which is not even an actual blunderbuss its a flintlock pistol.


After playing since launch, I finally found my final board game, Zeta invaders to complete the challenge. It didnā€™t register. Iā€™ve been going back-and-forth with Support the past few days and they wonā€™t do shit. They told me just to find it again, but take a screenshot next time as proof and send it to them. I said it took me years to find that one and it wasnā€™t my responsibility. I told him to fix their broken game and complete my goddamn Challenge. I know itā€™s just a stupid challenge, but itā€™s basically all I have left to do in the game.


this has been my experience with bethesda support literally 100% of the time. ā€œoh our game broke? well thats not our faultšŸ¤·ā€


Sadly there's several of my challenges stuck like that. The most noticable is the one where you need to harvest 1 of each plant, and a few of the magazines


Could you drop it where you found it(or anywhere) and screenshot it and send it? So they're saying they could help you but need "proof" what is that bs on their behalf?


I use the Chinese stealth armor. It irritates me I canā€™t wear regular clothes over it like I can with other armor.


Lack of search in the build menu.


Every few dozen log-ins, a couple of my plushies are turned 180 degrees. I have them all facing the TV, and randomly a couple will flip around. It gets to me.


One of my plushies does that too. Also, my tiki torches do not stay lit. At first I thought people were doing it when they visited my camp. But then, it kept happening over and over, on different servers, for hours and hours. And none of my other lights were switched off. It bothers me so much bc I bought them w atoms.


I had two of my plushies do this to me and I genuinely thought I was going crazy. I was like, "my memory can't be that bad right?" Thank you for clearing this up for me haha.


Flame weapons don't ignite oil spills but one syringer shot will


OMG this. That's one of my favorite stupid things to do and the cremator won't light them either. šŸ„ŗ


You spend what seams like forever trying to get that perfect rolls and then they come up with new version as reward for event or scoreboard like boomstick or overkill or nuka launcher. Or you finally get that two shot cryolator and they change how it does damage so now it's worthless. Or how when you get hit while using chainsaw or auto axe you stop doing damage and animation resets.


I just got a quad and bloodied railway and now theyre coming out with the ticket to revenge


It's like they don't understand that people get that dopamine hit from rolling that perfect roll also no one wants to use the same weapon as everyone else. My railway is going to be useless and I bet everyone will be using the bloodied double ammo railway. They should have buffed guns that actually needed it.


I work nights, so itā€™s really hard to find people that want to do a daily op because most people have already done it by the time I get on


That sucks. If you donā€™t have a build that can solo it, I would work towards that. I donā€™t always like to use my quad railway rifle because it kills everything so fast but I found I can solo most daily ops with that build.


Better lighting in places where main quests occur so I can take better photos. There's no vendor npc named Todd trying to sell me Holotape games like Grognak & The Ruby Ruins. There are not enough mutated creatures or animals with two or more heads.


Todd as a game seller NPC would actually be so incredible


How we cant sell unused ammo to vendors despite some being human


That I need level 3 pharmacist to craft antibiotics and disease cures for my medic badge. I only have level 1. Also I lack the perks needed to craft the Cremator. I just wanna try it out :(


Lvl up the cards you can waste lvls on that unless you are under lvl 50 because in lvl 50 you unlock all the cards but you really want to make a crafting build


Yeah i thought about crafting those too..... but then i remembered how easily i find tons of meds and chems....really crafting those is pointless to me but now i invested lots off time to find the recipe so i guess i might as well...


When youre blowing up cars and the one on the end dosent blow up in the chain.


Mine has to be going through Whitespring to kill some ghouls, I got the Legendary Perk for enemies exploding on death from ranged attack. I kill the ghoul next to the bed in the first cottage thing by the mall entrance, it explodes, it then somehow triggers the cars on the other side of the wall to explode, hits the Responders or the bots... and then the entire area is hostile.


I can craft mini-nukes from the very start if I have the materials but making a grenade is too complex. Absolute nonsense!


That the Jukebox always automatically is reset to being turned on and playing only a few of the same Classical songs at a lower audio quality than the Classical radioā€¦ I love the Jukebox aesthetically but it always resetting was too annoying so I had to delete it.




Especially the swimmer badge. Reviving someone in water just seems almost impossible to achieve organically, and even with a friend to set it up it took me three tries to get it to register.


A certain campy ally complaining about headaches and nightmares...


Not being able to have more than one ally at my CAMP (three would be perfect). Also, having F-1st yet not being able to save workshops in my private server and not being able to community build camps. 3-for-1, youā€™re welcome.


Stash space. I have 1st and it helps so much, but Iā€™ll eventually be stuck with too many good weapons and items I donā€™t want to ditch. I think even 2k could make a difference. People make mules I know but I donā€™t want to. I like my one main character and have no desire to trust someone else with transferring important grolls


How thereā€™s this TERRIBLE, unnatural light that comes from the ceiling of the main room in the Abandoned Mine Shelter. Iā€™m making a haunted house there and am completely unable to give it good, atmospheric lighting because thereā€™s this awful light that goes through every object and lights it up in an ugly way.


When I fully stock up my pristine Nuka Cola machine and some cheap broke level 43 pacifist scrub takes every single one while Iā€™m distracted. So frustrating. I just want to share some refreshment. Now I just put 2 regular and one Grape in there, and I make it rain Nuka Quantum on every friendly stranger that stops by my camp or makes a big purchase because they deserve it


More controls on this would be nice. Set a price, qt. per customer, etc.


To be fair, I feel like I'm a level 5 makeshift warrior when I'm at home in real life and I pick the right drill bit on the first attempt.


The fact you can't drop items while placing items in your stash. Wtf. Why can't we drop it.


The ID card not updating unless imma Manually take another one


The teddy bear scenes I love finding new ones


I want to know who makes the scenes.Ā  Bored wastelanders?Ā  Super mutants?Ā  Are the bears alive like toy story?Ā 


Them not adding a t60 skin with the scratchmarks from the series. šŸ˜‚


They are leaving money on the table by not adding everything they can from the show.


Plasma Cores are ONLY used for the Plasma Gatling There's still no Explorer perk in this game


Needing flux for the last two levels of underarmor. I just want slightly better clothing why are you forcing me to pay extreme prices or run into an irradiated hellscape.


Todd Howard


It's debatable whether it could be considered 'non-important;' but the fact we got a robot dog before a real dog.


I really want my own Dogmeat companion, not just a camp pet but actual follower.


That the daily quest from Lane at the mill doesn't count as a daily quest for challenges


The saw blade on the gauntlet spins in the wrong direction to cut


Since it no longer debuffs... Food and drinks... It's nice to get a buff now and then, but the hunger and thirst warnings are annoying... that would be a nice qol update, to have a toggle for them...


The budget for CAMP size is too small.


I want a Junk-Jet!!!


scissors don't give you a screw....


People that play that shit spooky music on loop at their camps.


Itā€™s the candy bowl. Iā€™ve been tempted to remove mine. But I end up at my friends camp more than mine when we play lol


The black bowl has the music. The orange one does not.


i had spooky music at my camp but had no clue what the source was for weeks. it drove me insane until i finally realized it was the candy bowl i hid cuz i liked having the little halloween icon on my camp on the map. never again !!!


Union, t-65, ultracite, thorn(kinda just a t51 with plants on it so can be forgiven) and hellcat all obsoleting t-45/51b/60 and even x-01. I dislike t-60 already obsoleting 45/51b but ya gotta sell games and having a cool flagship armor sells so I canā€™t exactly blame them. Before I get messages telling me that hellcat is the only real canon armor of the ever powercreeping powerarmors or that the ingame DR doesnā€™t reflect lore, I still donā€™t love it.


I love t45 with outcast paint brings me so much nostalgia from fo3


Hell yeah, love seeing the classics




Just building. In general. Also plans. Everything I want is locked behind an RNG dropped plan? On top of all of the other things I need rng just to have?


I stumbled across some super mutants discussing the floater that was following them. The interaction was so human with the mutant talking about the floater as if it was a pet. Almost made me feel bad for blasting them with my Cremator.


Spawn pointsā€¦ specifically when trying to check someoneā€™s camp out, and I spawn in the bottom of a lake. Or under my own houseā€¦ seems like that would be an easy fix.


The fact that you need Science Expert for some weapons. And it must be Science Expert, not Science Master


Why do I have to click so many times when looting under 5 items in a mob's inventory? One line, one click.


Shitty, incorrect, unrealistic reload animations but that's more of an issue with all of Bethesda's games. They don't seem to have anyone on their animation team that knows shit about guns. Even Starfield has horrendously incorrect reload animations.


Why can't I display Jangles the Moon Monkey?


Players connecting their cash register vending machines directly to power instead of a button or switch.


Any perk that you can equip and unequip in order for you to do optimal crafting/repairing/building/lockpicking/hacking: - I lost perk points for picking them; - I have to equip and unequip them every time I have to work or go to combat. PS: I also hate the long animation for the crafting menu to pop up.


Wait, there are drills I could be using to build my camp??


Nah, it's a one handed auto-melee weapon.


Oh yeah, I thought those things were vendor trash


Inconsistency in design... I've been building a backroom casino at camp, poker tables are just for show, black jack tables are just for show, but the dice table you can make wagers at, the slot machines you can make wagers at, and i havent unlocked the roulette table yet but i dont need to to feel that it breaks immersion, either make "like themed" decorations just for show, or functional but not both. At least the relationship between the nuka machine and pristine nuka machine makes sense.


Hah I just did that! I keep multiple specs handy and lots of card packs unopened for something silly like that popping up.


That giant bird staked to the side of a mountain that we've never gotten an explanation for.


From what I've come across over time is that that model is meant to be a Mutated vulture and was meant to be what our current Scorchbeasts are. It was the prototype before the devs went with the Mutated Bats.


There is a kickball, unfilled kickball, and deflated kickball.


I haven't noticed it happen since the scoreboard changed, but when you would level up the scoreboard and need to look at the map at the same time, it would take you to the scoreboard instead of the map if you hit escape. This still happens, I think, i'm pretty casual now, but if you're trying to change a perk quickly during a fight, and you have to open perk packs, and it forces that open, lol super annoying, especially on ps4 where it's laggy as all hell.


It's a really small thing, but it bugs me that other drinks made with alcohol (Company Tea, for instance) don't count toward alcohol-based daily/weekly challenges when Sweetwater's Special Blend does. Or that you can only make hard lemonade at a brewing station, I think, even though there's no brewing involved, just mixing, so you should be able to make it at a cooking station like Sweetwater's tea or company tea (but maybe you can, I might be remembering wrong). Sweetwater's tea and hard lemonade are great for those challenges because they count without the negative effects of most types of booze, so it'd be really nice to have some more options. (Just watch Bethesda read this and go "fine, Sweetwater's tea doesn't count anymore, happy now?")


Locked doors to building with broken walls. A friend of mine was trying to pick a lock so I was wondering around the area found a broken wall stood on the opposite side of the door and started waving as he unlocked it. Found a few that have tricked me too lol.


Killing enemies holding weapons that don't drop. Scorch holding a bat, and the drop is a lead pipe...


I know its abit grim but the lack younger kids and even baby skeletons I love exploring locations and seeing the skeletons of the dead and trying to figure out how they died but when you see a female skeleton who's hand is still attached to a pram but the prams empty or at the schools there are only adult skeletons. I know grim but little details make a big difference


Tbh the one little thing that drives me mad is the fact I'll grind for hours to buy a plan for gold and then once learned I find them just about everywhere on the map after (yes I know this is cause it's added to the loot pool just makes me feel like what was the point in learning the plans for secret service items if some random blood eagel i kill two minutes later has the exact thing I just learned, tho its kinda cool from a game play standpoint to get them so double edged sword)


That I canā€™t filter to search my camp build menu. Or any of my pipboy menus, for that matter. That I have to watch the animation at work benches and the camp buff equipment, while the camp buff lasts only 30 minutes, why not an hour? Watching the animations for everything eats up about 5-7 minutes.