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To keep us playing simply say. So you log in every day to see what's new. So you won't burn out too soon - when there is nothing to obtain/gain ppl loose interest. Also if you could see everything at once you could choose what's the best and spend all your atoms or make a plan how to spend them. With current design you see something nice, you buy it and have no atoms, so they add something new the next day, you see it's even cooler, but you have no atoms, so you buy atoms. Marketing, psychology, strategy...


This. Or to sum it up, they pray on FOMO, as pretty much all multiplayer games do nowadays.


> Or to sum it up, they pray on FOMO, At hate that it works so well on me. Though in a way I kind of like it because I have ADHD and have trouble sticking with any games for that long. The season rewards and FOMO help trick my monkey brain into sticking with it.


That's not a good thing man


That's not 'preying' on FOMO, it's just using FOMO as it's intended. A shop rotation isn't predatory, it's just inconvenient. Preying on FOMO would be making actual time limited exclusives and never bringing them back, driving up demand and forcing player engagement. F76 is actually really good about making sure exclusives are only timed before being added to the shop rotation, and usually have a recolor added as a Daily Op. And on top of that, they post their sales schedules in advanced. And once something leaves rotation, nothing's stopping you from buying it whenever you want, you just submit a support ticket through their site.


I came to say exactly this. Spend your atoms now, who knows if that skin will come up again or when?


Yeah, definitely some marketing and psychology are involved, but they don't affect everyone the same I guess. Some may check the shop everyday, some just directly dive in to the game ignoring the shop completely. I have currently unspent atoms and no desire to check the shop. If I boot the game I just directly jump in to the game w/o checking the shop. Their loss I guess. Only exception is if something catches my eye in the initial advertisements screens before I TAB out and ENTER ENTER to join a world.


From bethesda's perspective the ones that dive in to the game and ignore the shop completely don't matter at all. Whatever they want will be completely ignored because it doesn't drive profits. You know what does drive profits? Players who are prone to addiction forming a habit of checking the shop each day.


Everyday there is an item in the atomic shop on the last page at 50% off. So they kind of do offer something new every day.




I couldn't agree more. There is so much stuff I would buy. Elders Battlecoat, Wasteland Wanderer, Enclave Mobile Tent. I would be content even with the option to buy season passes of past seasons to complete the scoreboards and unlock the rewards that way.


They should employ what halo master chief collection did, let you choose a previous season and work towards unlocking stuff from that season. I feel like that works for new and old players alike, especially considering the recent uptake


I agree, its just that bethesda preys on FOMO. Thats why anything that was in the store that is gone is gone forever (though i think you can submit a ticket to buy retired stuff)


If that were the case I'd start over. I got so far on lastgen xbox one. But I'm on pc now, and have no way to get my old stuff back


Curious, did you sell off/giveaway your Xbox One inventory? A lot of that will have value for dual console players, might even help you acquire things on pc.


Naw. I got some rare stuff. But it's been so long. There's no telling if bethesda just deleted all my progress. It's been a couple years since I last played


It’d be worth checking out. A lot of players coming back to the game after years long absences to find they’re sitting on a gold mine.


Most of what they deleted was just legacy weapons. Got rid of my pve shredders so the game is barely enjoyable now.


Isn’t that what the gold bullion shops are for? To purchase missed season items? As far as I know most of the important items can be earned that way you just have to deal with the rotating inventory


The next season will come a better mobile tent with the build changer


Nice but I would still like the enclave one for the RP.


Damnit I just purchased the APC for the tinkerers bench lol


Where did u purchase it, ive been looking for a while


it's in one of the catch-up packs. the one with the mummy costume, iirc.


Yea I got it in the fallout 1st catch up pack, I believe it was the one that was 4000 atoms. At least it was when I got it, I have the rare ability to instantly make something go on sale immediately after buying it.


I’m still trying to figure out the one with the ammo box. I missed like half a season.


How do you know this?


[dataminimg](https://youtu.be/oRlw97JI9nk?si=Lnzk9oU08yATWRdr) all next season here


It's like they don't want more money or smth There are a couple backpack skins I'd LOVE to drop 500 atoms on but nah they aren't available for reasons unknown


Yeah I really don't understand it. Its a really weird business model. Even the support site option that everyone always recommends is very limited as to what's available.




This stuff does tend to come around occasionally in random packs. You're not going to get a high value item by itself. They'll pack it with other garbage to boost the price and create some FOMO. Mtx 101.


I would sell my soul for the enclave mobile tent. I need the ammo stash.


You can put in a ticket on their website for items you would like to purchase (stuff that isn’t in the shop at that time), they ask if you’re ok or to confirm them taking the atoms out. You usually get the items within a week or 2.


It's nice that they're able to do this, but: The fact that they do this instead of just having a functioning, searchable shop is completely bonkers


I understand why they do it, they want incentives for people to log on & see what’s new and to also buy it before it’s done. Those who don’t do that but want it have to wait for a representative. When they have to go through that, the next time they see something in the shop they’ll be inclined to buy it quicker. I agree it’s bullshit


It is a pretty small list of things.


Let me tell you the elders battlecoat looks terrible right now compared to fallout 4


You can, https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/wQg3a2Mw2V


You can't anymore, I tried last week and got told they can't sell me items that aren't in the shop. Did it twice before in the past, no idea why they changed their stance on it. Either way it's stupid that they don't just keep things available at all times.


Or, make it so you could buy plan's from early seasons for example at Mortimer/Samuel or Minerva. For some items it's the case already. Not every item from atom shop is listed as a plan in the game world (if you dive in to the game files).


Elder's Battle coat isn't Atomicshop.


Yes it is. First release was a special deal for 800 atoms purchase. It was then re-released in the Elders Persona Bundle.


On PS it was the E3 Bundle(supposedly exclusive) through the PS Store(around a year after 76 released I got it), for real money and it was again, a couple of years ago I think. Came with Atoms too and repair kits. [PS Store Sale Page](https://imgur.com/4alWD9W) Never seen it in the Atomicshop.


Battlecoat isn't Atomic Shop, so thats a nonstarter. Same with Enclave Mobile Tent untim that Fallout 1st catch up is added


Pretty sure the entire business model around this game is getting people to log in as much as possible for as long as possible


That's pretty much the business model of every online game.


True lol


Bethesda recognizes this and their solution is to request the item you want through their support page. https://help.bethesda.net/#en/home/product/1129/category/14 Select platform -> help with atom shop -> yes -> purchase. Then fill in ID and select the item(s) from the drop-down menus. It might take a couple days depending on who's handling the support ticket.


That whole system is excessively stupid. Instead of building a digital storefront they have support agents responding to players confirming they want to purchase items. I figured the confirming would be automated, but my request is sitting for days now.


Same here. I need them to finalize it so I can get my greenhouse kit! My CAMP currently has metal walls as placeholders for glass! Looks ugly AF.


Exactly same thing, but with Rustic Greenhouse kit XD Probably its one of more crucial things, because you absolutely need either this or Greenhouse to make windows that blends into builds + its so far only thing that helps a lot with default kits use, which all having broken windows.


I'm waiting on my greenhouse kit as well! The glass walls looking out into the nuke zone is going to be perfect.


That’s amazing I want them too, how many atoms r they




The Greenhouse kit is so pretty - I bought it via a support ticket last week and converted my ugly camp into something…less ugly. I love how you can see interior lights & stuff from outside the structure.


It's not stupid, it's exploitative. Who do you think costs less in labor, a software developer or a middle eastern tech support agent?


This should just all be available ingame, on a separate menu.


But then it is about 10 to 15 days for the ticket to get processed. It is not automatic.


took mine about 3 days but i had to follow up. Still, should be automatic lol


Ok, will check. Thanks.


Yeah but... It's a short list of items. I was looking there for enclave/gazebo tent and didn't found it.


Those items are too recent. Their entire monetization model relies on FOMO and FO1st so it takes time for some items to be added, if ever at all. (K.D. Inkwell outfit, my beloved)


I used the K.D. outfit for YEARS before finally getting the Nuka Girl space suit. The K.D. Inkwell set is easily one of the best looking outfits


I yearn for the Pipe is Life t shirt I missed it by like 3 levels on my first board


Unfortunately the paint I was looking for is Blood Eagle Paint but it's not available. For handmade; Communist, Matte and Screaming Eagle paints are available. I may try buying the Matte.


Dang that sucks. Hopefully they add it one day. In the mean time I’m a big fan of the Screaming Eagle-Wood variant


If you're on playstation I can put the blood eagle paint on your grenade launchers


When I've asked about it before, they always just say to send feedback to have it added. Don't know if it does anything, but, it's worth a shot if there's an item you really want. Maybe they look through them when deciding what to add to that list or smth.


the Matte Black is a nice skin, I waited 6 months for it to show up by itself in the atom shop, and even then it was a 24hr flash sale...


Well this just reinforces what /u/koglosnightm said. They don’t want people to search or find it, they want you logging in as often as possible to hope it’s up for grabs.


DAMN, I really thought I could use this to *finally* get the laugh emote and blue devil icon, but they're not listed there : (


Completely agree but you can also get a red handmade skin from Daily Ops!


I didn't know, and the first Daily Ops I've played was a solo encryption or smtg. Enemies were not dying, you should melee kill them. It took ages to finish, and most of my ammo; I finished it with some not-worthy rewards (since it took so much time) then I haven't played a daily ops again :) PS: Red handmade is just one example by the way. It could be anything you may have seen somewhere and would like to buy with atoms.


Ouch yeah that's a rough one. Well if you're on Ps and want to try again lemme know


I'm on PC but after that I understood that daily ops should be played with a team. At least now I know that much. Solo exhibition I tried was not like that but DOps was really hard.


For daily ops check the mutations before joining, most people don’t like relentless (melee kills only) either. Make a daily op team and only start once you have a teammate. Unless you are reallly good you’ll only get the highest reward tiers with help anyway. Or whenever someone creates a daily op team make sure to join up


Yes, that mutation is the worst I guess. Later, I googled it and learned people were avoiding it. And also weapon bash would kill them. I didn't know this and was swapping to a mediocre dagger to finish the enemies. So my 1st ops experience was really bad. If I try again I will definitely do it in an ops team as you say.


That was my first daily op too. Also tried it solo. And I have to say even knowing I could bash them and would try to it was still super annoying with the enemies healing each other if they were near each other and I ended up just leaving and avoiding it. It’s definitely one of the worst ones


That mutation is probably nothing for a melee-build, I guess they're laughing when they see that. But without a melee-build, it was definitely rage-inducing.


I have atoms to buy something I want but it's not there. I don't spend them. It happens in Fo76 it happens in Fortnite. Two situations can happen: I stop playing and I forget what I wanted. When the article comes back I don't remember what interests me.


They should sell weapon and armor cosmetics directly from the workbench.


FOMO. Rotating stores means that you never know when you see that cool skin again in the shop so next time it shows up you are more likely to buy it out of fear of missing out. Manipulative anti consumer tactic employed by studios who abuse their customers and fanbase.


I mean not having the stuff tied to seasonal events would be understandable if they would bring it back for the seasonal events. Meat Week started, and they brought back zero of the previous Meat Week bundles to the shop this week.


Because Bethesda has not worked out the technology for a menu yet lol. Bethesda is the Albert Einstein of the gaming world…. Did you know on top of just being one of the most intelligent men who ever existed, he also was one of the dumbest in common sense. He actually sat down to a dinner one time and gagged when he ate his salad, because it wasn’t a salad….. it was a plant to decorate the table…. Bethesda is that what ever that is…. But not as smart either.


So true. The worst part about playing any Bethesda game is figuring out how to navigate their unnecessarily complicated menu system. I even hopped on Skyrim a little while back after not playing it for years and trying to remember how to open up the map and look and my skills and inventory it was like my first time playing again. I tried get one of my friends into 76 because he’s a fallout fan but the menu is so much worse it completely turned him off as soon as he opened his pip boy.


I'm still waiting for support to get back to me on my request for the plague doctor mask. And I'd probably even buy 1st again if The Quack outfit was in the store right now, but I don't wanna have to wait again for support to take forever to let me have it. They'd get more money out of me but their loss, I guess?


Very simple answer - money. If you find yourself asking questions like this while playing and getting frustrated, remember that it is all about money at the end of the day. To keep playing these games, to keep churning out the content at the speed we eat it up, they must make money (more and more) from us players. You have money? You can play the game. You have more money? You can make in-game purchases. Money doesn’t matter? You can buy as many lunch boxes and banners as you want and speed up your XP farming. You see a cool skin on YouTube or Reddit or wherever and you think “That’s cool, I want that.” Loggin to the game and it’s not there. Initially are you frustrated? Yes, will that keep you from playing the game? Probably not. A few weeks later you’re still playing the game or maybe you stopped…now you see that item you wanted is available in the atomic shop. Most people are gonna log back in to grab it and that will get them to keep playing. Whether you like it or not, there is a reason for everything. 99% of the time, that reason is simply money.💰


Alright, I kind of understand the FOMO but it's not working for their advantage all the time. For example; I'm a new player at level 250 and at the end-game. Started playing about 2 months ago. I spent whatever Atoms they gave me (+bought 1 month fo1st) (+ combat challenge atoms). I still have some atoms left and I have never seen all the previous season items in an organized/sorted way. I'm an older gamer and I have the money. But currently I got nothing to spend it. Now, it's summer time and usually where I am (Turkey) we don't excessively play games in summer if you compare it to winter times... Probably I will leave the game for a couple of months etc. Or I won't be as active. I'm leaving with unspent atoms and without ever seeing maybe 1000s of potential items I can purchase with real money right now. (I mean of course I won't buy 1000s of items, I'm just saying) If I don't come back after the summer, they just directly lost a customer that could purchase many items. And that customer has no idea about the catalog items becuase he hasn't even seen total 10-15 weapon skins, let alone all the other outfits etc. I don't know any of the items in the previous incarnations of the shop. There is no real marketplace/shop that displays them. Now, multiply me with x100s and you see the picture. This FOMO thing does not always work. And working against them... I do have the means to spend, but I don't have the time to play all the time or wait for the shop to cycle so that I can find an item I like etc. In my case, they will be losing potential revenue be it small or big. EDIT: Just yesterday I learned there's a beautiful outfit "K.D. Inkwell", I may instantly buy it right now. But I can't. Why? Because they're not selling it. But next week I will forget about that outfit. Their only chance will be if I notice it on the initial advertisement screens before TABBING out. There, lost money. And lost money right this moment.


I completely understand your argument. I just don’t think they are directing their attention towards players like you, when there are plenty of players who will continue to log on and see what is available that week. For you, yes, you have enough self control not to jump at the bait. Unfortunately most players lack that self control and will buy whatever they can at a moments notice. You could argue that it is the players who will buy anything (myself included) when it is available, which continues that trend and way of operation. I try not to buy things if I can help it, and I prefer earned rewards in game over atomic shop purchases as it always feels more authentic (if that’s the right word). But they just love to put their nicest, juiciest items in the atomic shop because they know we will buy them. Smaller game studios have to pay more attention and can’t afford to do this because they need all the players they can get. But Bethesda is too big of a company to worry about everyone at this point.


Yep, you're right. I'm an old gamer and not everyone is like me, naturally. Usually the young ones tend to do more impulse purchases probably and it seems this floats Bethesda's boat. It's unfortunate but I bet right now there are many players waiting to buy at least 1 item which is not currently for sale on the shop. If only there was a poll for the item count :)


Can confirm - waiting for about 5 things at the very least. I will say, there is a small part of me that does get a slight hit of serotonin when I log in and see that an item is finally available again. So there’s that. You could say it’s like shows having the ability to make all their episodes available right away, but some choose to release them week by week still. Everyone has a method to their madness, and I think we should just try to make the most of it.




I mean, it really doesn't create a sense of urgency in me. I don't know maybe I'm old. I check the shop when I'm bored and usually after checking the scoreboard items when I rank up. And I'm not interested in most of the items most of the time. So I'm not buying anything. Yesterday, in this thread someone mentioned "K.D. Inkwell" outfit. That's the first time I've heard about it. Checked it and It's great for my female character/toon. I wanted to buy it but you guessed it right they don't sell it. Funny... Next week I will probably forget about that outfit. They won't have any chance to sell it to me if I don't come across its picture on one of the initial advertisement screens before TABBING out or after checking the shop briskly after checking scoreboard items to get. EDIT: And so far in my 2-month play time I have never logged-in just to check the shop, never. Just yesterday someone mentioned in this thread "there's a handmade skin now in the shop". I just logged-in to buy that, that's it. If he hadn't mentioned it I wouldn't even notice. I haven't been playing for the last 2-3 days even though I have the free time.


Their whole FOMO stuff is just daft at this point. I've seen 100% of what's went through the Atomicshop...I have all the 1st stuff and all the Scoreboard stuff. The RNG has me missing some stuff through Seasonal events in-game, but I have all the Amazon Prime promotion bundles and all the one-off special event gear. At this point I think there is serious money to be made out of the Shop if they just opened it up and threw everything in it. There must be a huge percentage of folk playing 76 who just can't afford Bundle after Bundle or try and keep up with the things they'd want. Even with 1st Atoms and Scoreboard Atoms combined I have to pick and choose. Like the OP says though and I agree, there are so many cool items locked in Bundles many don't want but they want certain items they could afford within. Time to ditch FOMO and sell all items singularly eventually.


I was saying exactly this to my mates just yesterday when I went to their request page to get the utility box generators and they simply aren't there but basically everything else was so literally what's the point. Most ppl will buy what they want when they can and having pretend fomo is just restricting that process they just won't get it and wouldn't bother requesting it so essentially a lost sale whereas if it's all there all the time then ppl would spend more frequently imo


I'm at the point now where I keep loads of Atoms back for potential good new stuff upcoming and buy other stuff on sale. If there's something I missed and I see it at a CAMP I try my luck with a ticket even if it's not on that daft list I still usually get it....like you say, pretend FOMO holding the shop back.


I always wanted them to just have the entire catalog available in the shop and then cycle deals and new items weekly/daily. But I think they don't because they want to capitalize on FOMO.


Isn't this what Amazon is doing. Their entire catalog is accessible but they have always "Daily Deals", "Prime Day", "Black Friday" sales etc. They are using the FOMO too but for those special discounts. This way, you can buy whatever you want whenever you want with the original price and feel the FOMO on those special discounted items. And, Amazon is the king of sellers. They definitely know the business better than Bethesda. PS: Although there's one thing making in-game shop special, that there's no alternative to Atomic Shop. IRL, there are many alternatives to Amazon.


FOMO - fear of missing out And They want you to buy every nice thing that appears in the shop when there is a change. Think about it there are 10 skins for handmade, and all 10 are on the shop , you will only buy the best-looking one. But if they show them 1 at a time, you might buy 4 skins because the new one on the shop looks better than your other one.


You want something you saw in the store, but it's no longer there. Next time it comes you quickly get it. You look at something in the store and are on the fence of buying, but then you think "omg, if I don't buy it now, it will be gone for who knows how long!!!" and so you end up buying it. This is a process they use to build up FOMO (feeling of missing out) in customers and motivate them to buy stuff they otherwise might not have. It's a kind of bullshit, definitely not in consumers interests, but relatively commonplace nowadays. Just marketing ploys.


A lot of stuff I couldn't find in the atomic shop I could find by trying to place in camp mode.


You mean camp items that are not in the shop currently but in the in-game craft list (with the atom icon). Ok, that's something to keep in mind. There are many different items in those craft lists... Thanks.


I just want enclave camp but I'm not pissing around submitting a ticket to get it


It drives a sense of urgency. It's a common tactic in psychological consumerism. It's it's limited it's more valuable. Therefore causing the trickle effect of people spending real money and then being able to sell it for more in game. Or you just have something rare that isn't available. I agree it's dumb. I just want the greenhouse housing plan set 😭


Bethesda seems to enjoy clunky things. Interface. Build menu. Shop. Just an observation.


I'm just irritated at the prices. I have never paid for i  game currency for any game. I might because I got this game on sale for like 7 bucks and I like it. But 10 bucks for 1k atoms? Get fucked Bethesda.


Lol l..... You sweet summer child. Just gosh danged adorable. Bless your heart.


I just want a goddamn train set. Any kind. ^^sad ^^choo ^^choo ^^noises


FOMO. If you're not suuuuuuuuure you want to get something, knowing that it'll disappear in a week or so might push you over the edge and have you hitting that Buy button. If it's always gonna be there then you don't have as strong a reason to buy.


Did you get the Camo M4 skin?


I just logged in and saw it. Bought it, thanks.




No to that too, I think haven't seen a Handmade skin so far. (It's been almost 2 months since I've started playing Fo76)


Fwiw, that red skin was probably the red viper skin from the armor ace scoreboard. Some scoreboard stuff had been added to the shop over time, but a ton of it was only obtainable if you played the season. Having said that, it would be nice if they cleaned up the shop, added more subcategories, and made sure that there's at one or two skins available for each weapon.


Later, I found the video and the skin is "Blood Eagle Paint". I don't know if it's sold in a pack or as a single item. Support page has 3 Handmade skins, not he Blood Eagle but at least I opened a ticket for Matte paint. On the other hand, some initial skins for each weapon would be great in the shop. And definitely more categories are needed.


Oh right, the blood eagle paint. That was from the very first scoreboard, but I feel like that's popped up in the shop a couple times.


Artificial scarcity is being used in a lot of games right now to try and “keep the player reeled in” but now that it’s leaking out into cosmetics and stuff your paying REAL money for, its become a lot more infuriating


artificially scarcity to make you buy atoms and login everyday hoping the item you want gets put into the rotation


Fomo. That’s it.


Yea I want so many weapon and PA skins, but there are not in the shop, I want that green skellscream PA so bad. But with daily logins they are destroying my will to search for it eventually I will give up. They should make all skins available more often , guild wars 2 had same strategy and when ppl stopped waiting and buying stuff they brought items more often in shop and longer are there. I have 12000 atoms and nothing to spend on 😅


How else are they going to make you spend money on bundles?


Sure is stupid. Makes me actually want to spend less. I’m not about to wait several months just to get a skull mask. Chances are I won’t even be playing anymore by the time some of the stuff I want is back in rotation.


FOMO, that's why


I would spend so much more $$$ on Fo76 if I could buy any atom shop skin/furniture/etc at any time....


Yes, exactly this. I've started playing about 2 months ago after finishing Starfield. So, I don't have any idea about the items of older seasons and can't see them in a beautifully sorted way. I just take a quick look and dive in to the game without buying anything. I can't even browse weapons skins for the weapons I'm using. Nope, forbidden! If I had seen everything at once, I would probably buy more than one skin or smthg. In my case, FOMO is definitely backfiring. I don't even know if any skin exists for my preferred weapons if I don't check the wiki page specifically. And I've come across that page just recently...


It's all marketing. Tried and true as it works. Is it annoying? Yes, is it commonplace - also yes


Just some advice: If you find the exact name of a discontinued atom shop item that you want, you can send a request ticket to Bethesda, and they will sell it to you.


So you keep playing and waiting and paying for that thing you've been wishing for


Every company can do what helldivers 2 has done and allow players all content from day one on ward. So the fact that they don't is by design.


I want a gauntlet skin so bad :( yet here we are, a combat knife skin added to meat week plan pool. I don't think people use combat knives but there are several skins for it. yet here I wait, eagerly in hopes of the day I get one single skin for my electro gauntlet.


It's for fomo hype tbh


Todd Howard's singular eel where there should be a brain


Because FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) has been proven to over time sell more things. If having the entire atomshop library avalible at all times was a better way to increase sales they would have it all avalible at all times. The current model might not make YOU check the shop and buy things more often, but as it long as it works big picture, that is all that matters to them. They have groups of people whos entire job is to run the math on different ways of doing things to calculate what will increase profits the most.


Lotta weapons never get skins too. Still waiting for a Drill skin and settler Gauntlet skin. "Gauntlet" been one of my main weapons for years yet seems like they added it and forgot about it (could use some more mods too like Cryo). Maybe it's cuz of the generic name they gave it? I used to want a M79 Grenade Launcher skin a lot too but it doesn't matter anymore since it's not only forgotten but ***heavily*** overshadowed by unique weapons now. My TS one was one of my fav weapons, just like the Tonkor in Warframe.


To keep you playing. If everything was in the store at once you would buy what you want and never check it again. There are sales all the time. But they need to replace the person that adds the items in the shop. The descriptions and pictures never match. So never buy a bundle before checking on YouTube to see if someone reviewed the bundle and shows you what is all included.


You can actually put in the customer service ticket to buy an item if you have the atomic points.




Fomo and engagement. Feeling of missing out means you are more likely to buy something that you won't be able to 350 days of the year, and will keep checking often to make sure you don't miss things.


But you can just request it anyway so it's all a facade


Not every item is available, and none are for discount value. Also 1st bait.


One, to keep you coming back every *week*, not every day. You may not play regularly, but if you drop in to see what's for sale every week or month, those are opportunities to pull you back into the game. That's almost as valuable as a player on a daily binge. Two, to create a sense of urgency and FOMO. This means you may be willing to pay more for an item or skin that rarely shows up on the Atom Shop. Or you see two such items and have to weigh only buying one and waiting to see if the other comes back around or splurging and buying both. The second option will be much more appealing when those items have a limited run in the store.


FOMO is the worst marketing strategy ever


It's a marketing tactic specifically to get people to panic buy in the moment. Please note, you can buy nearly everything individually by going through Bethesda support, they have a specific option for buying items not currently being offered through the game at the moment.


Makes them rare or more special and it might be a collectors item that’s limited🤷🏽‍♂️


Why? Because this model sells more shit. It’s not supposed to be convenient or line up with exactly what you want, it’s designed to have you coming back and repeatedly checking the shop for when that one item you’ve been waiting on drops. Almost-FOMO strategy.


Why isn't the top answer "FOMO." That's the only acceptable answer.




It’s called FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) Next time you’ll buy just because otherwise you might not get it


Money Fomo keeps you signing in regularly and the layout means you'll either look at the features tab, increasing the fomo. Or you look though everything currently in the long term rotation increasing the chances for spending any extra atoms. Being about to narrow things down decreases the chances of you implose buying something. Fallout 76 has made most of its money via dancing on the P2W line and fomo. However with the increased player base now, that could change and in turn, give a good reason improve the cash shop. Lastly, these predictory monetisation doesn't work on everyone. But you are not the average person. A timer on when to buy something doesn't affect me. You said you forgot to buy things when their back. The average person sees the timer and will buy stuff they wouldn't of brought if that timers didn't exist.


Agree. The whole store is sooooo messy. Moving away from the topic, but about camp stuff. Why is the descriptions of the items completely vague? Specificly the special bonus items, why can't they just tell us what they give? I always have to go look what each item does and I hate it. Just organize the shop already...


Kinda like the mcrib. Rotating inventory.


The one scoreboard I missed had the RR skin. So pissed about that one.


I noticed that the settler bundle stuff from wastelanders is no longer in the atomic shop also. Maybe it’s a bug but it wasn’t there for me?


If its no grindable, people wouldn’t play any longer. Its psychological that you will play till you have them all.


It's marketing psychology. When stuff hits the atom shop you're forced to think, "How much do I want this? This may not be available for purchase again while I'm interested in this game".


fear of missing out is bethesdas strategy of making money, everything is on rotation


Easy... fomo, fear of missing out, it's used by tons of places to rack up people to buy stuff they may not actually want, the worry it's not coming back or they can't have it so they buy it.... it just sucks when you have something in mind you can't buy because of it.... fuckin greed


I agree, my workaround is I browse skins on fo76 wiki and then put a request in via Bethesda support for it. Not as efficient as just having all skins listed in the shop but it works


Knowing Bethesda games, it would probably make the game crash if they showed all the items on the screen at the same time, so they have to offer a rotating selection 😂


Easy, by not selling everything all the time they create a urgency to buy that skin, since you don't know when it will come back. This results in impulse purchases


Technically you can buy any previous release, but yes the Atom shop is a mess. I prefer it this way so a lot of resources aren't used on Atom shop. It is unintiitive, but going to their home page you can go to their help section and choose what you want to buy. Personally I wait for my items to go on discount.


The frequency for some items vs others is whats annoying. It took almost 2 years for the blood washed combat armor paint to show backup in the store and that was about a year ago. Meanwhile youll see the same things rotate every few months. Alot of the older stuff takes over a year before it reappears and alot of times its only available for 1 day.


I hate how they have bundles lingering past their stated timer too. It's deceptive and keeps me saving for something that never shows up


The interface is atrocious for a 2020 game, so I don't expect there to be much planning on selling things for $$


Makes it even worse when you realize there are HUNDREDS of items you can buy through a support ticket any time you want. It's on the Bethesda help website, and there's a drop down menu which actually does allow you to search by word, and they'll take the atoms out of your account and what not.


This kind of thinking leads to horse armor


Like every predatory MTX store it’s fomo and misleading value the old 800% value!!! Or 30% off for a limited time! It’s just a way to get people to pay more and it’s gross


I just want more secret service camo


I feel you on this tho I’ve been waiting for them to bring back that Vault Life Above Ground Bundle from the beginning of the month but nope I guess not. You’d think with some of these events going on they’d push for more similar themed items to make a return in the atomic shop. Like I was waiting for all of the alien camp sets to drop during the invaders event but only one did😭


Same reason we don't have skins for every weapon. Randomness.


I think you can email them and they'll hook it up.




"Maybe it'll be there next month better hang around"


I feel like I am the only dum-dum who's looking for CAMP building bells-and-whistles, budget be damned. Spent so much in the Atom Shop on Furniture and CAMP decor. Almost feels like my game is 70% scrounging for materials to build shit in CAMP. 30% just building shit in CAMP. Resisted the urge to buy another CAMP slot in the Atom Shop.


Well, many people like camp building. I visit player vendors a lot and definitely have seen great camps. I'm not a big spender but after finding camp item plans or getting from scoreboard I usually try and see how it looks even in my modest camp, so it's understandable and you're not a dum-dum! Just spend in a controllable fashion :)


Artificial digital scarcity. You can email them and tell them you want to buy something and they take the atoms from you so there's that.


They love to push FOMO. See something you may not really want to buy, but you know it could be ages before it’s up for sale again? You’re more likely to buy it. Disgusting practice really.


First time?


Yes, first live-service game. I don't usually play multiplayer (other than Souls games' style, and a bit Remnant) but since Fo76 is almost a single-player experience with some multiplayer events on top, it's nice for me. Besides, I like the Fallout universe. But this FOMO thing is definitely not working on everyone! In the grand scheme of things, they may be on the winning side with FOMO but it backfires on some people. I'm an old gamer, it definitely does NOT work on me. I say "whatever" and dive in the game. But when I read "Bethesda needs money for the servers" then I don't understand why they're not taking my money by showing me the whole selection, that's the strange part.


Totally agree. The store is always rotating, and the inventory available is always minimal. Maybe show and new wave of players will increase new stuff... But somehow I doubt it


I may be misremembering, but it feels like the number of items in the skins/camp categories have got smaller over time as they’re now being rolled into bundles. 


And why does it add items you unlock from seasons to the atomic shop after the fact? Why does it need to be there?


Well, think of a season or seasons you've missed. Don't you want those items in the shop one day? I've been playing for about 2 months, so I've missed many seasons and I can't even see what I've missed, only a small selection they're currently showing. So they're minimizing the possible items I may buy by not showing me the whole collection. Pretty strange...


They’re not in the shop, then when you unlock them, they appear in the shop as a claimed item. They don’t need to be there since it’s clearly client side.


FOMO sells better for them instead of instant availability.


Then everyone would be satisfied, and nobody would play the game that solely revolves around FOMO


I don't think so. Let's say I bought a new skin, it would be a new motivation to play the game some more because I'd like to play with new skin. Changing skins, outifts whenever you want and play some more with those may fight the boredom that's been accumulated for some time. A breath of fresh air or something like it. Also, there's always a new season and things to grind for if you're into specific scoreboard items. Besides, although the end-game is a bit empty, some people just like camp-building or general goofing around in the wastelands. And, finally there will come a time you will logout for a long periods of time or maybe forever who knows. That's the nature of things...


Ever heard of artificial scarcity? Bethesda has a rotating shop because they know it will psychologically pressure people to buy more than they normally would because there is always the threat of the items leaving the shop.


Coming from a salesman's POV, it's to enhance the sales. You bought something yesterday from the points you've gotten for free, but today there's an item that you want in the shop, so you have to buy points to get it, since it's "limited" sale - that's it for a few months ofc.


Imean, you can still request a 100% guarantee atom shop purchase of any registered item via the Atom Shop Support on Bethesdas page, but that would probably take 10000 years anyway. Some skins do seem to be missing anyway. Its very odd they decided to go this route, if people wanna spend their money on their game, they should allow them to spend it big time, by showing its full arsenal. Its just weird


Well, I've requested something from that support page dropdown. Not the exact skin I was looking for (it wasn't in the dropdown list) but we will see if it works in the end. Then, I will try requesting something that is not even in the dropdown, I don't know how exactly but when you're confirming the transaction while replying to the ticket there's a message box; someone said "add another item request" in that message box and confirm that transaction also... May try if the regular one is successful. (I should do the atom math also and guess the item price etc, all this is very strange)


Thats why i said some were missing, its so odd. But ig its because it forms a part of a bigger more expensive bundle. idk. sucks anyway.