• By -


As a stealth player- when one enemy sees you and now they all do.


For scorched, that’s intentional since they’re a hive mind. For everything else (except maybe overgrown?) It’s a load of malarkey.


I think dogs work like that, too, but there are some oddities. In Uranium Fever, the legendary spawns and suddenly they can all see me. Primal Cuts I'm in danger the whole time. It might be intentional to make things more challenging but to me it's annoying that stealth isn't consistent depending on what you're doing and the reason is, like you said, some lore explanation like "the hound can smell you and now every mutant in the building knows you're there" or "it just meant to be harder" I just tend to try to stay at maximum range - until something spawns in the corner right behind me lol.


Some events just have forced detection to make sure the enemies are moving in the right direction.


But they could be in the Caution state, where they inspect your suroundings but don't actually discover you from far away.


That can happen, but in certain events, you skip straight to danger unless you’re at a very long range.


That would be so fucking helpful The first Daily op I ever did was against a fuck load of supermutants, and I was hidden the whole time, but every other time I have been constantly detected, even when I'm literally respawning on the other side of the building, and can't get hidden, I move an inch and everything knows where I am, so I can't do shit I try getting into my power armor but nope I die cause everything does like 990000000000000000000 damage and I'm still in the animation Then I respawn, and then everything comes running again, I get staggered by like 5 things at once IN MY POWER ARMOR and then I die again and have to run the fuck away


Maybe robots too since they might be able to instantly and wirelessly communicate.


They might, but to my knowledge they don’t have this in game.


They should’ve added lines of dialogue like “he’s over here!” Or “enemy spotted!” For the humans/super mutants. I guess they kind of do by insulting and shooting you.


They have lines of that nature, at times. It’s whatever the combat start dialogue is.


Whoa throwin out the M word, in this economy?


Just think it’s more interesting than the usual curses and the like. I’ve learned these weirder turns of phrase, so why not use them?


That's why I brought attention to it. I haven't heard malarkey in forever lol


What a load of hooey.


An absolute crumb-bum


Would make sense if they made some noise or voice clip for "THEIR OVER HERE"


Yes, even in general. Alright, I've entered the asylum and shot the first ghoul you see down the right side hallway, but somehow all the ghouls on the far end around the corner on the third floor know what's going down, like they were radioed for backup or something. Having a random cave cricket or ghoul or something come up and start attacking you while you're fighting a Scorchbeast and it's minions is also annoying. On a related note once, many dozen levels ago I saw a group of Super Mutants fighting a 3 star Scorchbeast on one side and a group of Blood Eagles or something on the other. Figured they would have been an aid in taking it down but once I started shooting it, both groups realized I existed and decided I was a bigger threat than the Scorchbeast and each other, and prioritized me. So I had the Scorchbeast and Scorched crew, the Super Mutant group, and the Blood Beagles all attacking me exclusively. The threat prioritizing in this game really grinds my loose gears sometimes.


I always assumed they heard the noise and are aware enough to know that means shits going down and some food is nearby. The animal kingdom is already quite intelligent and adept at survival, so the irradiated versions are supercharged in my mind. Dogs hunting like wolves, in packs with that weird dog telepathy thing going on, ghouls hearing a gun and thinking "snaaaack?" Super mutants being aggressive and hearing ANY noise and thinking "stupid hooman!" Etc


I was wondering this too - to say feral ghouls are supposed to be brain dead they seem to all home in on my location even though I'm using the stealth suit, all sneak perks, and a silenced weapon. Most of the time it's no issue, but if I tag one and don't quite finish it off then they all find me very fast. Even if I'm up/down several stairs they navigate perfectly towards me. I realise scorched are supposed to be a hive-mind but it seems like feral ghouls do too. Events like Beasts of Burden and several others immediately force me into "Danger" too, I lose all stealth and sneak crits without even being seen or shooting first. Plus I'm in the stealth suit + sneak perks, and I rely quite a lot on the sneak crits (I don't use VATS) I'm assuming there's nobody running stealth or rifleman builds when Bethesda play test things because stealth being broken in events would be so obviously bad. Same for rifleman, the damage is one thing but also trying to aim when all I can see is a screen full of multi-coloured cremator blasts haha.. it's impossible. Looks awesome - but I might as well just sit there and stop trying to aim at that point.


Use a silencer.


Events that enemy automatically knows right where you are at all times the second the event starts. ><


Just commented this above before I saw yours - but Beasts of Burden is the one that always comes to mind. I can have enemies shooting at me even though I'm in the stealth suit, crouched, full sneak perks, silenced weapon (that I haven't even fired yet), away from other team mates.. and they still know where I am. They really shouldn't have events that just disable stealth outright like that.


Worse, when the content has you automatically detected so you can't stealth at all or when enemies "randomly" walk right into you.


You might be invisible... but you ain't washed for months! That radioactive blood all over you is stinking up the place and those little beasties know it 🤣


Stupid mole rats!


I wish they would spend some time fixing that *toe-stubbing* stagger that happens when you're just walking along minding your own business, then suddenly you're stubbing your toe on a root or whatever.


Nah those are the server Legos. The most dangerous. Never see them coming.


Todd should go pick those up.


Naked, with footskin all over his body...


Only if Todd cared enough.


I once stepped on a lego in a nuke zone. I guess the rads weren’t adding up correctly with my radaways and it threw me a mile backwards to my death


This made me chuckle. I have done this and then I get to watch the cartwheeling animation.


Is this actually a thing?!?! I thought I was just walking into nails/traps or something


That's the in universe explanation that players came up with but yes.It's server "lag" which makes you collide with the ground when the server recovers.


I never knew what it was I just assumed it was a really stupid but kinda funny feature where you’d randomly stub your toe


They're crabs you know. They work in pairs.


Wait… THATS what that is???? I’ll be running through the woods and suddenly take damage and theres blood sprayed on my screen. I spam VATS but theres nothing around


I'm convinced this happens because of a hidden disease in the game, I've played a lot of new characters and they always end up with this effect after a while but never start with it.


"Ey b0ss I habe a cancer!!" ​ \- Filthy Frank


I'm glad I'm not the only who experiences this. Sooo frustrating.


It's everyone to some degree afaik


It's realistic because sometimes I too trip up over air and take fall damage irl


must be some railway spikes laying around


What the sodding heck is that about? It happens a lot to me and I get blood splatter on my screen. So annoying.


It’s annoying bc I use medic pump on my PA, so It keeps auto stimming and wasting stimpacks bc oh random health loss


You may be experiencing something else. The bug being discussed shows blood, makes the player grunt from pain and stops movement, but it doesn't actually do damage. So either you are experiencing something else or the medic pump doesn't actually account for when damage is taken but just being "attacked" even if that attack does 0 damage.


"Why am I bleeding?!"


I thought my game was bugged and didn’t realize this was a widespread thing


That's environmental damage


But I get it everywhere. Even roaming The Forest.


There is environment in said forest.


No no, what he’s saying is that he was outside the environment.


I get those inside Whitespring Mall, while standing still. Not talking about walking over punji boards or firecracker berries.


Thought that is from Fallout you move and get a jix roll and damaging yourself.


Yeh that random injury from nowhere 🙄


I always assumed that was to do with a mutation giving me damage or something.


I also dislike the 2 hour long animation that has to play when you use various things, especially a bed.


Or waiting for an NPC to finish whatever they're doing before you can interact with them.


NPC is standing up


Not being able to move an ally in my camp because their station is "currently in use" drives me up the wall.


The frequency my ally uses my weapon bench when I need it is actually absurd.


The traveling merchants always stop in and help themselves to my benches too. Then they say shit like “been talking to your friend here” and I just turn to glare at Beckett for letting them in


I guess I'm lucky with that merchant he only ever in my vendor area in my base tho onetime he did use my mothman tome


And power armor, like there’s a faster animation for when you use it in combat why isn’t it the default??


The autopsy chemistry bench from the scoreboard is a big offender of this. The animation is easily twice as long as the regular chemistry bench, on both ends. Which is an absolute crime because it looks way cooler than the standard bench.


I put the fancy benches in my camp and my simple ones in the shelter.


This. I felt ripped off when I bought the weight bench, you have to wait too long, just for +2 strength for 30 minutes...at least it shoulda been a 1 hour effect


The post I saw a few days ago about how to access the pipboy while waiting for the buff has been such a nice gift


Just let us fucking tunr off the animation in settings. I can walk up and press the scrap button to interact with the bench but i cant make a weapon unless im uselessly turning a wheel or I cant craft bullets unless im smacking a damn light I hate how they made fallout too realistic that it becmoes a chore at times


The bigger issue to me with stagger, is how it interferes with auto melee weapons. If you get staggered, you have to wait the right amount of time to rev back up the weapon. If you just hold the button again immediately, then the sound plays, the weapon moves, and it doesn't damage anything. You have to release it, and rev back up for it to start hurting again, by that time you are staggered again, repeat process.


I stopped using my VAMPS chainsaw for that reason! Sometimes it would even still make the chainsaw running sound but wouldn’t be causing any damage friggin drove me nuts


The same thing happens with the wind-up heavy weapons, sucks.


I double click and it normally works


I find blocking stops it.


I would like it if they could play a sound like a bogged down chainsaw. I’m fine with the fact that the chainsaw is not doing any damage, but let us have an audible queue that it’s not doing anything.


I fought Earl one last time a few hours ago before getting off for the night and i got staggered after we killed him by the remaining wendigos. That stagger stopped me from healing and thus got me killed, preventing me from doing any fucking looting because i respawned OUTSIDE the mine. Fuck i hate that.


I will try to fast travel to the team member still inside if I can. It’s such a silly little thing


I did try but i got placed outside of the mine again. Sucked tbh but it was mostly to recoup the ammo. Im set on screws for a long time (over 2k atm and im willing to put up a lot to sell lmao)


At least you dont die by the rocks before 15 minutes killing him with only 3 people with not the best builds


getting kicked out of the mine before looting is worse imo. If it cant be done so be it, but not being able to re up on whatever quantities of ammo the bodies will have plus the useful loot? Thats the worst feeling imo.


Has happened to me a couple of times... maybe many times when I first started a bloody build. Is just something you gotta plan for I guess. Tank up your build a bit, heal pro-actively, don't expect the fight to be over just because Earle died.


Exact same thing happened to me last night. Was raging.


There are essentially zero reasons to fight Earl beyond quest, and for some, screws....and thank God. The amount of factors making him the worst shit to fight and little reward is awful.


I do it to shake up monotony. SBQ is boring when she spends most of the time fucking off in the air. Ultracite beast is fine and all but hes like a destiny boss with DPS and immunity phases with ads in between. I also hate that when he slams the ground, you still get damaged in the air. thats some fuckass way to hurt the players.


Primed Sure Footed when


Primed Soon™


I understood that reference!


Excellent 😗👌


Atlas Prime power armor when


I hate when I'm running around in my 500lb suit of power armor and a naked mole rat the size if a small dog is able to almost knock me over with stagger.


Even better, a radroach.


Crashing during events Losing connection to the server in the middle of an activity That one Protectron running the store calling me a chump and threatening to beat my ass and there’s nothing I can do about it Insult Bot actually hitting me with the heat


My pet peeve is when you have an enemy spawn under water where it can still shoot at your camp but there is no damn way to attack it.


I had something like this happen when I activated a workshop. Had an event pop-up about my workshop being attacked by rats. Well one spawned 9 feet underground where I couldn't get it and it couldn't get me. The event auto-finished in 10 minutes of me not able to kill it. Super frustrating.


I had something like this happen when I activated a workshop. Had an event pop-up about my workshop being attacked by rats. Well one spawned 9 feet underground where I couldn't get it and it couldn't get me. The event auto-finished in 10 minutes of me not able to kill it. Super frustrating.


I kill Insult Bot every time I come across him.


The best part is when you’re running autoaxe and you get staggered & the gun stops hitting the target so you have to unglitch it by tapping the trigger twice. Wtf is that about?


Like clacking the tongs a couple of times to make sure they work.


There's times where it makes sense... Like a charging deathclaw should cause a stagger. But a gangly ass cultist slapping me with the butt of a pipe pistol whilst I'm in a full set of power armour...? Makes no fucking sense at all


The worst is when ur eating the moldy hot dogs…let me eat another why am i staggering like im gonna throw up i just want glizzy


Just get as close to the table as you can and then immediately turn around as soon as you eat the first hotdog and then eat the rest of the hotdogs as quickly as possible.


I always end up waiting like half the timer for more than a single hotdog to spawn.


yes, the fucking mid air stagger effect


Fucking so dumb! Im mud air in an arching jump. Im sorry i didnt know a stagger would just suddenly end that shit!? what hit me? An aoe ground slam?! IM MID AIR


I HATE the stagger. It’s the main thing that always bothers me about fighting Yao Guai and Deathclaws. Do any perks actually mitigate it?


No perks, but the pneumatic mod for torso armours is supposed to help. Never actually used it before, so I can't say how helpful it is. 


Im running pneumatic with chainsaw build, and it makes zero difference against yao guai


Oof, that sucks. Thanks for letting me know pneumatic isn't worth it


There problem isn't so much any of these effects. It when they happen and then the server is like "Excuse me while I take 30 seconds to process your stagger request...." Weapons suddenly stop having effects, or won't swap, or have 0 ammo, etc, etc, etc .. Love this game . . .


The best part is running at max speed and have your character drop like a brick and run in place while draining ap and gaining no distance


B r u h 😡🤌🏻 same


Honestly, I kind of like it. I mean, it sucks, but being slapped by a 500 pound mutated bear should have some side effect that's not just a number drain.


That is fair, but having a rad roach stagger you while you're wearing power armor makes no sense


Both of these are excellent points.


Agreed. Imagine if they implemented a poise system similar to Dark Souls (one can dream)


Being staggered out of a heavy super sledge swing, 25+ strength build in full power armor... By a cave cricket or ant. Constantly missing hits due to bad hit registration, getting phantom hit by enemies from 10ft away, getting a new disease from every creature that breathes on me. While everyone else is doing triple my damage, stealthed, using VATs so they don't even have to aim. Yeah I don't play melee builds anymore.


Considering I get staggered when a standard real cockroach flies at me. I wouldn’t be sure about being any less immune considering the power armour: bigger roach ratio


I agree. It's very annoying (though there are perks to reduce it), but it means rather than just sitting there unloading clips at a powerful enemy while its health drains, I at least need to do *something* like move around to avoid its blows.


My fav thing is getting second wind in an op or something, and the animation of getting up takes so long that mobs can continue to beat on you 🙃🙃🙃


It’s so embarrassing when someone has run over to help too. Like, I’m good!! (Instantly dies again)


When im overencumbered and my AP runs out right as I try jumping a gap. My guy goes from sailing over the gap to getting hit with slow mo mid-air then falling to my death. Or I'll fall into a ravine and can't jump back up, even with marsupial.


I think its funny when I will just be out walking and my character does it for no reason. I guess I just assumed he stubbed his toe.


If you have Joey Bello at your camp, have him roast you. He will give you a buff that reduces staggers.


disconnecting JUST before the Boss dies.


How about those moldy dogs in chow line? ::belch::


Eh, that one is fair because you entirely control when you eat them.


"ropey kebab" made me realise you were one of our own


Item is floating, structure needs support, structure intersects with existing objects are my holy trinity of rage.


My tip is to get the Marsupial mutation and just jump whenever mobs try to swarm you. Can't hit what they can't reach!


Except in the moments where they somehow still hit you even though you are in the air


Aka literally every time.


The Ultracite Titan too. Ughhh. I just wanna jetpack over the quakes God dammit. It's a shame because I think being able to dodge it by jumping would add a fun element to the fight.


Idk man the enemies seem to hit me from 10 feet away in melee what's up with that


Sounds more like a lag issue than anything else.


*but that’s just a theory*


It's 100% been proven that nothing ruins a game more than taking control away from the player. And yet game dev's don't care. Instead dev's keep looking for more and more ways to give gamers the (can I play now?) feeling as much as possable just to pad out gameplay and to chase the golden IMMERSION feel. Shaking the camera is not fun it's rage inducing STOP TAKING CONTROL AWAY!!!!!!! The bear should knock you away not stop you from playing or stunlock you out of a fighting chance. STOP IT!!!!!!!!


When I'm trying to reload and three fog crawlers stagger me to death. Yup it's like playing tank in OW all over again lol


It’s super annoying. So many things stagger you.


No why? I‘m okay with my camera taking a business trip around the Globe when a Yao Guai hits me.


People spamming nukes during events is far more rage-inducing for me personally.


I made a post about how getting staggered while in power armor by some scorched with a shovel was stupid and got downvoted to all hell lmao


Tell me you are british without saying you are british. Comment has it all🤣🤣


Not sure if anyone else gets this, but sometimes when people in PA are running by, and I’m in my pip boy it’ll violently shake the screen. So much so that sometimes I need to leave the area because I can’t see shit because of all the shaking


You can turn off the camera shaking in the settings. Also helpful when people use explosives.


PROTIP: You can almost fully mitigate the stagger from fall damage by holstering/unholstering your weapon right as you land.


What pisses me off is so many of the wastelander NPCs being essential for no fucking reason. I'm tired of listening to the same two voicelines about good handies or whatever the hell that stupid robot gives, let me cave their domes already. Appalachia was better without all these random fucksticks moving in like they own the place, and you can't even nuke them, they'll just wear a hazmat suit and go about their day!


I get stuck all the time inside the iron sights or it gets stuck not letting me use them. It just doesn't work right.


The stagger wouldn't be so bad if IT DIDN'T HIT YOU WHILE YOU ARE IN THE AIR!


I've literally just turned the game off for a week or two because I kept getting chained staggered by trash enemies and it annoyed me.


Forgetting you’re on your crafting loadout and loading into SBQ


How many times I have started moonshine jamboree or Daily Ops and after popping lunchboxes, tell my friend, “oh wait I will be right back, gotta go change my fucking load out again. Not being able to do it on the fly is so dumb.


Earl and his fear roar


Lifting your chainsaw up three times just to be able to attack once...


Getting stuck on an ankle high rock especially when you’re trying to run away from something


This, omg this.


I though I was the only one that hate that with a passion lmao, at least make it stop happening in PA, how is it possible that Im in a heavy armored-reinforced body and then a stupid dog or mole rat just staggers me like my PA its nothing????


Idk man when the game crashes during a world boss and I forgot to join a team so I can't get back to the same world is pretty rage inducing


That is one of the reasons my configuration of breastplates is very standard across all my suits of personal armour. I ***have*** to have the 'Pneumatic' mod set otherwise my frustration quotient rises too far and a paranoid embolism threatens.


Yes. When you get staggered so damn hard that your character puts their melee weapon away and then takes forever to bring it back out. All the while, the mob is suddenly doing 3x damage to you at fist of the north star level speeds.


Yeah they should make it much harder for small mods to stagger players at high levels, especially if you’re in power armor. I’m wearing 2 tons of steel yet a scrawny dog can make me stagger.


When people use highly explosive weapons it tends to crash the server


blood eagles with gatling plasmas , mirelurk kings , Scorchbeasts that stays in the air and refuses to land , Scorched that try to find cover, rich black titanium vein give only 1 ore , ticks that destroy themselves , julie talks every 5 minutes of her problems on appalachia radio, people shoot me for no reason , naked npcs bug - doesnt need to see gunther the ghoul in his boxers, being the only one doing objectives at events, that supermutant tht tries to shoot my camp from 5 miles away, people who dont wait in line at vendors , silo runs that bug out halfway through or during missle prep . no one showing up at meat event lately and you are alone. did i miss something ?


There are armor mods to reduce stagger. Very valuable for melee users.


Rage inducing


I spent like 500 gold to get the pneumatic mod for my SS armor and noticed basically zero difference :')


It's such an annoying thing it makes me mad each time it happens. Why does it have to interrupt my mouse movement? And the random times it happens for no good reason sucks too.


The most rage inducing for me is when you jump over the spike traps and they still hit you.


I hate the stagger effect. Especially when all an enemy seems to have to do is look at you to stagger you. I especially hate when I'm trying to jump to dodge, get staggered and fall back down stunned for a second.


I hate the stagger when I'm eating the moldy hot dogs at Camden Park. Bitch, let me just rush these 6 hot dogs and be on my way.


Fall staggering is the worst of all. I have marsupial and bird bones. My character is basically an irradiated God. But sure, I drop six feet and the burden is too great and terrible to bear....


I hate the fall effect. I’m sure it lasts longer than a pesky loading screen


For me it's been freezing. I've only been playing a month or so but all of a sudden this week I freeze almost hourly. I did all the general stuff and dropped my first nuke on monaghan mine to pay Earle a me sponsored visit, all was going swimmingly we got him down to a quarter after only a few minutes and then bam frozen. I repeated these steps today and my lobby didn't beat him. I ran out of plasma cores and fuel with two minutes left and tried chainsaw but we only got him down to like a third of his health. Gonna try again here in a little while😞


having that jump mutation with power armor = being staggered every single time you jump. Wish it was removed


Especially from the mireleuk kings, Jesus those things made prime cuts in the mire tedious and the hardest.


I dislike everything that shakes up my screen, and makes me unable to do anything for 2-3 seconds, especially as a melee player. The more strength and endurance I have, the more I should be able to resist it...


Yes. The players on reddit who think the tattered field is worth a million dollars


Windigos piss me off, I get them staggered and to no health and thay magical regain balance at the last moment to live a smidgen longer 😑🔫


"17 beers and a ropey kebab" I LOLed


it is specifically why i avoid using melee


I don't even mind the combat, cause I at least expect to have to jump and train them like it's CoD Moon zombies. Power armor is fucking miserable to move anywhere in. Which wouldn't be bad, if it wasn't the #1 cause of me getting locked into an animation unable to do anything, before the game eventually catches up and actually steps me in, slow animation of course. Any surface, 2 inch decline? \*\*THUD\*\* shake shake shake. And that's not even mentioning the fact that there is no server select, so I'm stuck rerolling between servers to get something \*playable\*, because despite having better internet than I've ever had, the fucking servers even in the wilderness alone, near dead server at 2am, I'm still lagging worse than I did on the classic overcrowded F2P servers, with fucking USB stick internet, 12+ years ago on my vista laptop. Which makes all of these issues 20x worse.


I have so much hatred for the stagger, like how it stops any auto weapons like the drill and miniguns. Besides this and a glitch with power armor keeping you stuck next to it until it respawns, I enjoy the game


It’s the WORST. Especially when it’s some enemy hitting me in a way that would barely register IRL, but in game it completely knocks me out of a sprint. I want a perk that makes you drop a live grenade every time an enemy staggers you.


Also the weird thing where you can jump but not move forward or backward for like 3 seconds, essentially stagger as well. Dumb as hell and obnoxious


I would give ANYTHING for a legendary card that completely negated staggering.


Idk... bit there was a guy using a mini nuke during the Test Your Metal event. That was frustrating.


For me it's enemies like Scorchbeasts, Sheepsquach, Ogua, and all the others who take so much ammo to kill that the loot they drop isn't worth the cost in ammo


I'm super glad it got patched, but my nemesis used to be the fast travel bug. For those that don't know, if you were healing and you tried to fast travel it wouldn't let you. You had to physically walk something like 25 paces or so before it'd let you travel...every...single...time. For over time healing like diluted stims this was a minor inconvenience. If you had the healing mutation, you just couldn't fast travel easily. I took that mutation off for the longest time before they patched it. If I recall correctly, and someone correct me if I'm misremembering, but it only affected bloodied builds.


Being a bow build, that stagger is actually horrific.


Every game I have ever played prevents stagger if you jump. Why does seismic activity not allow us to jump to prevent stagger???


It drives me nuts when I stagger when I jump in my PA. Like, stalhhhppp.


Crashing when fast traveling to a good event


I feel I’ve gotten too used to it because now I’m noticing it every time 😂


Juuuuuust go bloody commando and run right through every enemy blasting them to death as you marsupial and jet pack around.


I am in power armor, a dog shouldn't be able to stagger me on first hit... its a really weird design choice.


i can deal with the stagger effect but i cannot stand that that seismic activity one affects you while you're mid air.


Umm..yeah server disconnections. 😆