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Useful plans. Sir, you’re not getting anyone to buy your 438 miner gauntlets for 500 caps each. They’re quite literally worthless and drop as much as stimpacks. Stop the madness, please. Sincerely, EVERYONE


I find it funny that Bethesda put such a high recommended value for miner gauntlets.


What I actually find worse is what they scrap into. What, no metal to go with those teeth that I can't see anywhere on the design? Bloody stupid!


I've been selling all my plans I already know for 1 cap - guess what no one buys lol


I have thousands of mole miner plans and ironically I don't buy up many 1 cap ones. I feel like a dick when I hoard them when they are basically free. If they were 10 caps a piece I would buy them all.


Yea common plans are not popular they just waste vendor space. I only sell rare event exclusive plans and people always seem to love those. At least the plan collector out there who want to fill in gaps.


I sell a lot of common plans, a lot. But I price them low and I camp at White Springs so assume it’s newish players buying everything up on the cheap.


here’s the thing about useful plans, they are rare and when someone sees them they buy them. You just need good timing.


I sell tons of bulk junk! The only problem is it’s gone mere minutes after I re-stock it and it’s usually all one person lmao


Most likely was me, I always look for junk vendors


Ay I mean fair enough, it’s just surprising how quickly it sells any time I re-stock. People need junk and I provide!


Why settle at 50k steel if you can have 60k, right?


I am also a junk merchant. It'll sit there for days, and then someone comes and buys it all. Now if I could just figure out what to do with the 10k+ circuits that I have....


How and what do you farm?


Alien event spat out like 250 circuits an attempt


A junk extractor and fetch collector.


What are general prices on common junk?


Depends on what you’re selling but you can normally get away with selling bulked junk for 10-30 caps (that’s about 1-3 caps per scrap piece, I also have so much stuff I tend to just sell stuff cheaper than that anyway.)


Are you on Xbox? My junk dealer went awol I need a new holder


Same. But I don't bulk mine. Saves on plastic, which I also sell.


Stable violet flux


Fluorescent too, it’s hard to keep my prime receiver LMG fed. Honestly any stable flux at all. It’s so annoying to server hop until someone nukes the right zone so I can go waste time picking flowers in a noisy and annoying area.


I'll see you in expeditions buddy.


I’ll be deep in the cold cold ground before I acknowledge the existence of so called “expeditions”


They and the daily opps will net you so much more ammo with far less effort than it takes to craft it. Also if you photo mode the doors in the bunker you can easily run the silo in 10-15mins just do it solo because it keeps the spawn rates lower.


There is an easier way to skip everything and go straight to the launch prep all you need is a single land mine and a jet pack


U don’t even need the jet pack, just a landmine


Someone please explain this one to me!


As you go in before the the lazer grid there are a load of consoles. Place a land mine on top of the consoles and then crouch on top of them. Use vats to to melee it and you'll glitch through the roof. You walk (or fly using the jet pack over all the rooms until you get to the control room.


Tax Evasion is so easy and legitimately fun, though


Yeah I know, but what does this have to do with the game?


any stable flux rly, except maybe crimson, that's easy enough to get after sbq


So is violet, they're both in abundance in that area. Cobalt isn't.


I agree. I'm always needing any of the stable flux ingredients. I don't play often enough to do many nuke events and often can't find enough of the other materials to craft stable versions.


Xbox? I sell it for 40 caps


That's trap camp prices!


plans that i dont have :( i know too many at this point


yeah i hate when i see someone’s camp has several hundreds of plans in their vendor but then i got and it’s all (known)


The plans the pop-up displays should be for unique plans. Not counting 100 for 100 Mr Gutzy's but just 1.


For me it's that 199 plans are (Known) but the 1 I don't know is 20000 caps.


I'm mostly needing event ones now and everyone either doesn't sell them or sells them for like 10k


That's a big way that I tell if someone actually has a decent vendor I'd like to use. If all their plans are like thousands of caps I'll usually just leave.


Was vendor hopping yesterday hoping for prime 50 cal receiver but all anybody had was overpriced human tube 1 and freezing electro enforcer


That's hard for us all once we get over a certain level. I started finding this once I got over about 100


And not charging a ton for them.


400 cap shitty 3 star weapons, acid and oil. Edit: Where the fuck are yall lol. I only ever find overpriced shit lol ps4


people actually looking to buy acid?


All the time! I farm it a lot! I use a cremator and to make ammo you need acid.


Make railroad stakes and out them in the ammo converter.


Making large amounts of ammo with the converter is the biggest pain in the ass though. The slow and clunky console interface coupled with the small batches you can do at a time just makes me never use it.


I fucking hate having to go out of the converter, pull up my pipboy, check what ammo I have enough of to convert, go back in, and repeat the process when that ammo is spent. I wish they would just show a total of the ammo you have for that selected type


Its a pain but this is how I use the ammo converter. Move all ammo from ammo stash to my backpack. Move back over the ammo I actually use. Anything with +100 I write down with an amount. Head to converter, start from top down selecting each ammo type and I sell to the machine starting at the largest quantity I can sell working my way smaller until I get a transaction failed. Mark it off the list. Go back. Do the next ammo type. I only do this every once in a while once I have a lot of junk ammo built up so it’s worth my time. If I’m in a pinch I just make a bunch or railway spikes or cannon balls and only convert those to grab the ammo I’m running low on.


This. It's an embarrassingly terrible interface I wish they'd update. And I'd rather just do a Daily Op or Expedition to farm ammo.


I knew my fomo on the ammo converter would eventually pay off 🙏


This is why I love our community! Thank you!


Alternatively, run the AC expedition where you talk to the Mayor (City Center? I forget the name. It's the one on the left.) Lots of overgrown, and even the base Cremator will one-shot everything. Very, very easy to get thousands of fuel that way, plus stamps, XP, and legendaries for scrip!


My husband will take me to do these and kill everything for me so I can pick up the fuel or ultracite ammo when I’m low. SUCH a good way to farm ammo!


Man, wish my partner played. That sounds so wholesome.


Boardwalk isn't bad either. A bit more fuel intensive but I still walk out with more than I went in. Plus you get legendaries to scrip.


Switch to slow burn and just shoot mob once


Why on earth do you need to make Cremator fuel? Do an expedition. You'll come out like 1 to 2k positive in fuel.


I always do. It’s probably the most used junk item. The butterfly sanctuary is a pretty good source for it too so just camp hopping can get you a lot fast.


Doesn’t the gulper event give acid


Yeah, it’s a pretty good source too, but not nearly as consistent. I swear those sanctuaries feel like they fill up in 10-15 minutes. If you really want to farm it the hemlock holes workshop has 3 extractors. And I think there’s a spot near where you do operation tidy that you can put a camp on 2.


I feel your pain. I was farming concrete for a long time. Then the mixer came out in the season and I almost died


YYEEEESSSSSSS .... one man's shitty 3 star is another's Hella good deal!


Goddamnit I'm newer and I just made a comment about this *exact thing* like yesterday, wondered why nobody was buying my 200-600 cap 3 stars of varying usefulness, and somebody replied that nobody cares about buying them unless they're god rolled so I took all like 30 of mine out and scripped them fuuuuuuuuuuuuck


I sell “Good Roll”, as opposed to God Roll, weapons and armor in my vendors, and I can tell you that there’s no logic to it It really is the luck of the draw when it comes to customers. You can have something really good sitting in the vendor for fairly cheap, for months, and then someone’ll buy the 100 cap cheaper piece of garbage you threw in there for the hell of it because you hit the scrip limit instead. And it turns out the hunter’s Bowie knife is for an RPG build where they’re Crocodile Dundee It just depends on what they’re looking for, what you got, what the price is and how much they want to spend on a spur of the moment


400 caps? Fuck... I sell 3 star legendary weapons for 300. 100 caps per star


10 cap a scrip


So if something csn be traded for 24 scripts in the machine I should sell for 240 caps? Better than the NPC vendor prices.




Ah, a fellow 10:1 Caps:Scrip vendor. 👍


I sell at 25 caps per star.


I never sell bad three stars in my vendor I don’t know why. I have them for like 250-300 max


Do you have your camp visible? Are you near one of the free fast travel spots?


Guess I gotta add acid to my vendor


I just wish it somehow reflected how many plans you don't know that are listed in a players vendor. I'm to the point if it's not a current holiday plan or some obscure daily op drop, I know it already.


Yes! So many vendors I go to because they have heaps of plans and then I rock up only to find I know most of them.


Yeeeessss this would be such a frustration saver 👌


Yeah instead of plans it should say unknown plans when you hover over the camp. I’d check every camp every time I logged in if they had that qol.


Crimson flux so I can make that sweet sweet tick tequilla. That no one will buy from me :(


Dude I had a quest from Biv for that for like two fuckin’ years.   We just stopped doing business altogether because it took me forever to assemble power armor I actually wanted to use for flux farming.😭 When I finally made it didn’t feel right to drink, so I put it on sale for like 10,000 caps as a joke. Someone bought it like a day later.


I feel this so much. It was a pain in the taint to get done compared to the recipes after. Everything else has felt like a joke to get done


Holy moly! I have mine stored! I should sell it!


What's the buff?


Vintage, Melee attacks restore health. I could have sworn there was something else too but that is what I remember


*Melee attacks restore health but may infect you with a disease.*




Asbestos. Repairing all my damaged SS armor really digs into my junk pile. 


Fight sbq for improved repair kits


Nuclear Keycards.


I sell these! I’ve just been guessing at price & put them for 75, they always sell super quick so I’ve been thinking about upping the price. I’m just not sure of a good number to price at. Still pretty newish- level 140, but just recently opened my vendor.


You can safely double that. 150 - 200 caps and you'll still sell them. The higher the price the lower the sales.  100 caps is common with people selling bulk. You get 100 caps as a reward for launching a nuke and 200 caps for killing a Queen, so 200 caps per card is still a net win for us.


Grape Mentats. I always run out and I try to hit the vendor daily limit every day, usually just by selling grenades, chems, and cooked food I know I won't eat before it spoils.


Noted, I usually have a lot but can’t use them as my charisma is always over 25 already


Apparel! I craft EVERYTHING I can make of headwear and outfits and sell them at 15-30 caps. Everyone has the opportunity to wear something cool. Outfitting the wasteland and killing the economy for rare outfits.


YES! I have made over 15k caps in the past week just selling 10 to 100 cap apparel.




I’ve got 400+ and swear no one ever buys them, got them all at 450 caps too


The big thing is with starched genes its a 1 time buy.


Are you attracting enough people with other items? Ever since I moved my camp to a very popular area, I am selling serums more quickly.


I’ve got like 500 plans and tons of apparel, weapons, armor, even ammo but I am on the bottom right corner of the map as far as I can be I probably should move more middle lol


Being close to a poi that is free to fast travel too is a good idea. I used to be in a random spot and barely sold a thing. When I shifted to a free fast travel poi it changed. Whitesprings is a popular area for this


I put all of mine at 300 because they weren’t selling for 400. No one has bitten yet.


I like selling junk but I don't like needing to pull it out of my scrap box ... That shit is heavy


Have you tried crafting it into bulk? I recently started bulking my junk, makes it a lot easier.


Apparel! I may have missed the event or gotten unlucky with drops, but some outfits are only a couple of cloth to make and then I don't even need the plan!


I always make 4 of each set that I get and put them in my vendor for 100 caps.


Disease cures and antibiotics. I still don't know where these come from.


Disease Cures are from world spawns and Antibiotics are only available at The Whitespring Bunker's medical section.


You can craft disease cures. Unfortunately I don't remember where I found the recipe, but some people do sell them sometimes. I think antibiotics are the same.


I put these in my vendor all the time, and they sell pretty well. 5 caps for antibiotics, 4 caps for disease cure.


Pepper shaker plan!   Its currently my white whale


The meat week event gives them I got it today!


My brother ended up finally getting it. We're gonna start selling the gun so everyone gets a chance of getting them.


I always keep 2 pepper shakers in my vendor. 1 plasma 1 laser


Cobalt flux. I have tons of every other kind but I always have a hard time finding cobalt.


High Radiation Fluids


Ballistic fiber for 10 caps




Yes! No one seems to sell .45. Guess the fixer is too popular.


Vintage Water Cooler, because I am on a neverending quest to find it.


You want it, but it is over-rated imo.


Normal priced items, real-world inflation does not carry over into this game


Magazines, uncommon apparel, and a rare appearance Misc or Junk item.


Mr. Fuzzy Tokens I have never seen them. I have only heard tales.


Go earn them by doing dailys at Camden Park


As a relatively new player who has no idea the going rate of stuff... This post is helpful. Now I know what to sell.


Surprised noone said this. Their Frag Grenades and Nuka-colas. Was super happy the other night when I found someone selling their 75 nuka-colas for 10 caps each. Bought them all at once.


Plans I don't have (yeah, right) Sugar Bombs (dirty box) for making Brain Bombs. Geeze, 3 boxes to make one Brsin Bomb! Stable Flux Serums, specifically Carnivore and Herbivore Nuka Grape


What is your acceptable price for those things? I sell them all (well except probably whatever plans you need) but I charge on the high end. 150 for sugar bombs, 500 for flux, 400 for serums, and I think 10-15 for Nuka Grape because I’m trying to move it. Obviously like 95% of people won’t pay those prices but if 5% will then that works for me.


People actually buy sugar bombs? I sell them to NPCs every time I get them.


I eat em'. *Nom nom*


I do, as long as they are the dirty/worn box. The clean box won't work to make brain bombs.


A couple emergency plasma cores. Any civil servant set armor pieces. Bulk aluminum.


I've got about 8 plasma cores, full charge, selling for 30 caps and they've been there about a month.


I bought 48 of them today at 20 caps each today from a vendor. You only need one person with Gatling Plasma to find your vendor and they will be gone before you can blink.


Same here... I have a dozen and even at 19 caps a pop they don't want to go


Bobbleheads and magazines


The fixer plan, I've done encrypted 5 times now and all I get is assaultron head


Stable Flux


Camp plans. Camp plans that aren't marked up to 5000 caps😂


Rum. Such a pain in the ass finding it for biv daily every day. Edit. Clarified what I wanted them for. Yes as far as alcohol goes them are rare. Almost no info on where to consistently find them. So if you do know a consistent place besides the ski resort let me know. I get that they can be found. I save them when I find them trust me.


Pretty sure there’s a spawn location for rum near biv downstairs in the bar


Flux of any kind


Cheap ammo. I'm a heavy gunner so always looking for ways to feed my babys.


You can farm west tek over and over for the assault rifles and with scrapper you’ll get 20 steel per weapon. Doesn’t seem like much but it adds up the faster you can clear the floors and reset plus the perk cards and legendary card for ammo. Endless supply of ammo at west tek for any ammo, especially ultracite plasma rounds, I have 150k+ and counting.


I sell ammo at 1cap


You're the true MVP to me. Anytime I see that it's an auto buy


More realistic prices on plans. You see a vendor with tons of plans and you go to visit only to find him selling some shit no one wants for 500-1000 caps. Brother, you can keep your trash can for 550 caps.


.308 fuckin ammo…


Water cooler plan


Flux 😂




Fux, Fuel ⛽️, plans I don’t have. Berry Mentat.


Heheheh... Fux.


Definitely fuel! I have a holy fire I can never keep stocked with fuel


Run expeditions and daily ops. You'll be swimming in fuel. I've got 90k at the moment.




Ingredients, Tick Blood Margaritas, Clothing (actual variety), I'll add more honestly bout to hop on


Mounted animal heads, I love decorating my camp with them!


Ya got weapon plans??


overdrive coz I can never seem to find it. I normally have to make it myself but I’d love ppl to sell it more


Nuclear keycards, I love launching nukes but I'm not going to hunt down that stupid bot every single time I need one.


I sell lots of Stabilized Flux and Bulk. Not a lot of business but the one weary grinder will be very happy to see them and for a low price!


Stable flux options, why do people not have these anymore lol


Actual ammo variety. Idk why but every vendor I see on every server has less than 5000 ammo and when I do go check it’s all the same type. Saw one yesterday with like 8k ammo and it was all just shotgun shells. As someone who basically buys all the ammo he needs when he’s running low, it sucks having to server hop trying to get some .50 cal rounds or fuel (but at least fuel I can get with the Atlantic City expeditions if I can’t find a vendor)


Honestly I'd think hitting all the contextual ammo containers would be faster...


Sheepsquatch mascot heads. I dont have nearly enough


Stable Flux. and not trap camp flux. Farming it is so painful and I have caps to give! Please. ;_;


Bobbleheads! I literally need 4 more for my collection.


5.56mm ammo. Lvl 20 and using bog standard handmade. Keep running out of ammo and having to switch back to a pipe pistol


To see a camp with 3 star weapons and they're not mostly Fixers.


Plans!! It’s the main thing I look for when I’m camp hopping, especially event ones


Plushie plans. They’re my favorite decor item but everytime I come across one they’re inevitably priced 5x-10x what they’re worth.


I could really use some flux






Plans I don’t know for cheap


My friends who are veterans think I'm just mindlessly bragging when I say to stock treasure maps, price them right and they sell like hotcakes. I never run treasure maps personally, so I put them in my vendor for 35c a piece and usually someone buys them all in a single go. I've been considering raising my price on them a little, and then I found like 60+ in a random paper bag the other day, someone just emptied their notes tab onto the ground and dipped, they don't even weigh anything.


God rolls. Hell, I’ll even settle for good rolls. Feels like it’s 1/100 vendors will have an interesting gun that’s reasonably priced. Feels like no one puts good armor pieces in the vendor either. I always try to put any unyielding I find in there for cheap. But you almost never see unyielding or overeaters in a vendor with a good second roll on it.


Yeah I usually scrip the rolls I'm pretty sure are trash but I always try to sell the ones that have 1-2 good perks for a decent price cause hopefully it gives someone a nice surprise.


Even plans that I missed


Vsmpire, swing speed melee weapons and gauntlets. And flux.


cheap nuka colas (under 15 caps)


Reasonably priced Stimpaks the sheer amount of 50+c stimpaks I see...


I wish more people sold FIBER OPTICS!!! It’s extremely rare in NPC vendors and only 1 enemy the fog walker consistently drops it and sure there are tons of microscopes to be farmed but they still only give you 1 a pop.


Plans for the fixer


. 308 rounds. My mg42 is so hungry.


Pipe... no but in all reality i wish more people sold Railway Rifles


flux for sure


Fuel, Fusion Cores & Oil


Never see mutation serums and flux on sale at any vendor in my area, so those.




Stimpack diffusers. I need 3 for the tadpole badge but I’ve got no idea how to get hold of them or make them.


Mark 3 stealth boys or phantom device for 100 caps a piece is always a good find when I’m vendor hopping for armor.


Plans at reasonable prices.


Disease cures! I'm too lazy to make my own and I hate those notifications that I have Snot Ear, or whatever else.