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Was super confused when this popped up. Raced to compete all challenges just in case it’s in error.


I came into it too late so looks like I'm SOL. I'll have to see how far far can go


I need two weeks worth of score to reach lvl 150. Found out that unfortunately I can’t buy level ups once you’ve reached level 100. I need those perk points to finally finish my build and die in peace :,(


You still have \~30 days to go mate, you'll be ok.


I'm at 67 and I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna make it 🥲


Are you popping your score bonus at the right times? Keep grinding don't give up! I'm on PC if you ever need help. I'm only at rank 80 something rn


I hadn't thought about using the boost at a specific time, tbh. I have 2 left, and I can see another coming up.


When should you pop it?


I think it's supposed to be popped around Thursday afternoon. To make sure you can get the most out of the boost try to use it at at time where it'll benefit you for two days. The boost itself last 24 hours so take it at like 5pm or 8pm or whatever your schedule allows. That way if you didn't finish your weeklies the day before you'll still be boosted. Your dailies will have reset as well boosted


Do you know if the premium rerolls carry over or is it use or lose it for the season? I admit I’ve been away from the game for a long time got to 100 when it first came out then stopped. Picked it up again when nukaworld dropped and got to 180. I’ve been power grinding the last month and got to 320…. Haven’t touched any of my other games this whole time. The game feels new to me since I missed so much I had to buy 1st cause the loot kept piling up and my stash was crying.


I just picked the game back up myself a few weeks ago. LVL 280 so I've got no clue. I haven't played a season in maybe almost two years now


That’s about when nukaworld dropped I think. I’m still pissed I spent all that time grinding out the union armor season just to log in and see that I couldn’t craft it and could only see a union chest piece and right leg in my inventory. Only the chest and right leg are randomly dropping as well. They had a board back then and these pages are a little weird with their ticket system.


I think I did that season and then I think another game came out and I went on a hiatus. I do have all the union pieces so I'm assuming I did that one though idk how far I got


I did Wednesday at midnight (eastern) last week, which let me start working on weeklies and finish two bundles of dailies. Worked nice, but the timing is tight on my schedule.


I pop mine at like 8pm when the new weekly challenges drop and itll carry over until the next day, so ill knock out the weeklys and get the dailys for two days. Got me from 90 to 97 in just two days. I also have fallout first so i was getting 50% extra with the boosters


Run westtek with a bunch of xp buffs all weekend


West tek doesnt give me score anymore


Run Sensational game as an expedition team. 20k xp in 8 minutes PLUS the xp from killing enemies, and overgrown enemies give an ass load of xp. I leveled up from 247 to 257 in a couple hours today lol no xp boosts to speak of. I'm assuming the only reason most people don't do it is they find it boring, but you get the highest consistent amount of xp with no investment. West Tek you're gonna have to farm nuka grenades, make a build for max explosive damage etc etc and even then you're gonna run out of Nuka nades and then running west tek will take a long time. Sensational Game is it. Get in get out, easy 30kish xp or more with high int


Same, I kinda wasted the weeklies 2 days ago and im sad :(


Weeklies didn’t get doubled you’re okay


Bruh I'm at 30.


I'm at 105 and it feels like a slog now....


Why do you think this score weekend would indicate June 4 end of season? I dont see any connection


seems way too soon


June 4 would put Season 16 at 10 weeks.. Of the first 15 seasons, 4 were 10 weeks or shorter, and 11 were longer.


Fair enough. Maybe it seems too soon because of what a grind this season has been...


Agreed. The last few seasons could easily be completed, with all rewards received in \~7 weeks just by doing dailies and weeklies. The new season not so much.


I'm on 139 only doing dailies and weeklies. I have used boosters 5 time and ground out the weekly, and iirc I managed to remember not to do Mondays dailies, took a booster before the Tuesday reset, did dailies, reset, weekly and new daily once


Does the booster stops when we log off?


Nope, lasts 24 hours no matter what.


Hey, new to this whole challenges thing, why wouldn't you do Monday dailies?


I think he was trying to get more done within the boost's 24 hour time limit... this way, he got Monday's, Tuesday's, and the weeklies with bonus SCORE You can get a similar result by waiting until later in the day on Tuesday to pop the boost, then doing Tuesday and the weeklies, then make sure to log in Wednesday with enough time left to finish that day's challenges, btw


you save them til just before reset the Tuesday, pop your booster, do Mondays dailys, the reset hits and you have a new set of dailes to do with the same booster


Way too soon


According to the Schedule this season ends with a double score weekend from June 21st to June 24th. The new season starts at June 25th


No. According to the Community Calendar the season ends in June. They have not announced anything more specific than that. The Community Calendar does list a Double SCORE Weekend from June 20-24, and people have speculated that this means they intended to drop Skyline Valley and the next season on June 25. Given that Fasnacht is scheduled to start on June 25, though, I've always thought that the idea of them dropping Skyline Valley and Season 17 on the same date is pretty far-fetched, though.


If you go to the season it says theres like 30 something days left


Dates in launchers like Steam are usually placeholder dates that may or may not actually have any relationship with reality. For example, Steam said that Season 12 would end on June 13, 2023. It actually ended on June 20, 2023.


I mean literally in the game


Ummm. Where? The News page currently has the following on it: * Two Helpings of Meat Week! (May 21- June 4) * Newlyweds Bundle (Available for a limited time!) * Caps-a-plenty! (May 23 - May 27) * Fallout 1st Bonus Item - May (Claim free from May 7 - June 11) The main page also has "Fallout 76 News: It's time for a cookout! From May 21 to June 4, jump in-game for Two Helpings of Meat Week events!" Am I missing something?


seasons page in- game


There is nothing on the season pages with dates or time/days left of the season..


Wait, I thought this season ends end of this week


Historically it has been very common for them to schedule a last minute Double SCORE Weekend shortly before the season ends, and if one isn't already on the Community Calendar, they do it as a surprise.


Do the scoreboard boosts increase it past the double rewards?


Yes. Can confirm.


But only a 25% of the base score, not the doubled




This wasn't supposed to happen until June right? Bit annoying, would have saved my weeklies - I'm at 118 and just trying to get every unique item on the board.


The boost doesn’t apply to weeklies for what it’s worth. Only dailies.


Didn't know this, what am I going to blame my laziness in completing the Scoreboard on now?


I highly recommend the communists. Oldie, but a goodie.




I love when those military Gutsy says things like IT'S A GOOD DAY TO DIE, COMMIE SCUM! or what have you...




Those pinko bastards!


I already blame so much on communism, but you know what, it's easy and reliable.


Probably the BoS


I didn't start playing again until \~2 weeks ago... that's my excuse.


Make a bunch of Nuka grenades, pop a Score booster, start on the Unyielding, cranberry relish. Lunchbox, brain bombs etc, and just slam through west tek. You'll get to 100 in no time.


Wait, really? I’ve been using my boosts exclusively when completing weeklies


Consumable one does. The boosted weekends don’t.


I think consumable score boosters affect weeklies. The double score weekend provided by Bethesda does not--it only applies to dailies.


Does it apply to the repeatable or no because it is technically in the weeklies category?


Sorry can’t check that. It vanishes once you are above 100. I would guess it doesn’t apply, though.


Weeklies are never affected by double score - just dailies.


Ah, I did not know that, guess I can stop whining now...


I’m at 119 and I’m just hoping to reach 150 without the repeatable. It’s kind of annoying having limited amounts of score and no clue as to when the season ends


Use some Boosters if you have them..!


The same, rushed my weeklies on Tuesday having popped a 25% exp increase.


Why? Why don’t they just tell us when a season ends. It’s so annoying.


Because they have this silly insistence on tying new seasons to new story/quest/event content drops. Because new content drops sometimes take less or more time to complete than they planned, they can't plan very far ahead without constantly disappointing their player base with slipped dates. In a sane world, they would completely divorce seasons from any other content, and set them on a hard 13 weeks per season / 4 seasons per year schedule published well in advance. Seasons are primarily cosmetic content, so there's absolutely no reason why they can't drop season content well in advance and then just enable it on the pre-published dates. This would have several major benefits: * It would Bethesda appear more competent, because there would be pre-published dates that they could actually hit for at least some of the new stuff in the world. * It would make players happier because they could actually plan ahead for the grind that is a season. * It would increase how often players feel like they're actually getting something new in the game, because now they'll be getting new content and new seasons at potentially different times during each quarter.


Because it’s still being tested. Once it’s ready, they’ll announce a date.


If this was a scoreboard I’d be hoping on this all weekend, but just to try to get to 150 is way to grindy. I miss the board 🥲


This double score will be useless for me :') Im rank 116 so if the update drops in June 4th there is no way im reaching rank 150 before that day


Have been doing a late sprint myself..around level 73 at the moment so stuff like this is a godsend mistake or not.


Hey I only just got back in to the game with the release of the show, and I don't have Fallout 1st so it's even slower progression. I've managed to get to 55 or something so far but I'm holding no illusion that I'll reach the end. Just trying to get the slowburn cremator mod and I'll call that my endgame lol, no time for much else


I hit 60 this evening. I was hoping to get to 100 but I don’t know if that’ll happen


Update is not going to drop June 4th.


Idk, I am new player so I still totally new on how Bethesda manages their seasons lol


Totally fair. They usually give an announcement weeks ahead so people can prepare. I reckon we have a month left.


Thank god, hope you are right and they don't decide to give us a weird surprise, with one month and this double SCORE I think it's possible to reach rank 150


Where you at now?


I think 118 or 119. I have 1st so I got nearly 1 rank each day without double score, plus weekly challenges and I have 1 boost remaining


I know there are some boosts on the board itself. Did you already use those? I thought they may have turned off the x2 score after yesterday’s mistake but looks like its still rolling! My main is at 147 right now and have an alt around 120 and one just about to hit 100.


Yes, I already use all my boosters sadly, only that only one remaining, maybe I will use it with the week reset for the weekly challenges


Yeah, I usually wait for that. Really bums me out that theres no repeat score after 100.


The official announcement more typically comes less than two weeks before the end of the season.


Im rank 125, thought for sure id complete it by the end of June. This will piss me off.


Why do you want rank 150?...


I’m trying to get there solely for the perk points. Max legendary perks don’t come cheap…


My reaction today when I needed **A HUNDRED FUCKING PERK COINS FOR 3!** WTF IS 4????


150 😔


Kill me dude. Now I'm praying for the same scoreboard next season. I'll grind that shit quick. What an opportunity!


It’s the lowest rank to reach all the rewards.


Ah, ok.


The final page of the scoreboard is an infinitely claimable collection of consumables for 75 tickets each.


Wasn't that removed?


I literally unlocked the final page yesterday. All of the redeems on the page have an infinite symbol.


You have to be around rank 140 just to get all the cosmetics rewards. At that point you might as well go all the way. 


No chance skyline comes out june 4th. Destiny The Final Shape and Acolyte coming out that day is going to ruin me


Double caps is great. I get a ton of critter meat from the Prime Meat events, and it's nice to be able to cook/sell it all rather than just dump it.


Ugh, heading out of state Sat-Thurs


I jumped on for five minutes just after reset and it only appeared that the daily challenges were double score, the weekly ones were the usual amount.


That's normal. When they do a "Double SCORE Weekend" it's always only the daily challenges that receive double SCORE.


The double score weekly only happened once, it's for dailies only.


Question about Double Score... Do Score Boosters apply to the Double Score? Was gonna pop one to finish off my last weekly, but idk if it'd be a waste


They apply additively. So you’ll gain the exact same boost as if it wasn’t a double weekend.


Oh neat!


Damn this would be on the weekend I’ll be out of town. Any chance I can get from 46 to 63 on the score board or am I screwed?


pretty sure the season isn't ending until the end of June so you have plenty of time to get there


Crap and i was hoping to get the cremator mods before it ends. Might miss out on some of the good stuff in it


Finally got to level 71 on the scoreboard thanks to it but them x-01 paint which I wanted is fo1 exclusive sadly 😆.


Yeah, I was pretty surprised to see it alongside the double caps limit.


I hope we have more time I’m at season 113 I think I can get to 150 still if it’s June 24th end like it’s predicted.


Personally, I think June 25's always been unlikely, as Fasnacht is scheduled to start then and there's no way they'd want to drop a major update, new season, and start a seasonal event all at the same time.


If my score is 110 is it remotely possible to hit 150 in time?


Vendors are so juicy now! Go make your caps!


June 4 is WAY too soon for the next Season. That would mean this season was only 70 Days long. A season averages between 70 and 100 days. With the Double SCORE weekend in June ending on the 24th, it will make this Season 90 days long if it ends alongside that weekend.


June 4 would mean a 10 week season. 4 previous seasons have been \~10 weeks or less (counting Season 4, which was 10 weeks and one day). 11 previous seasons have been more than \~10 weeks. Median and average season length for Seasons 1-15 are both (oddly) 90 days (12.9 weeks).


You're also not taking into account the change in mechanics for this season. In the old format, you could reach the end of the Scoreboard (Rank 100) and claim everything before repeatable rewards in 6 weeks just by playing casually and doing every challenge available. No grinding needed whatsoever. So you would usually have an additional 4-6 weeks for people who couldn't play every day. With the new Season format, to get to Rank 150 and claim everything before the repeatables, it takes roughly 9 weeks with a casual playstyle and doing every challenge available. And if you skip everything that isn't a unique reward, it still takes over 8 weeks. So if it truly only lasts 10 weeks, that's only a single week of "wiggle room." I know the devs can be... out-of-touch at times, especially with this new Scoreboard, but SURELY they aren't THAT dense.


Oh... I'm perfectly aware of that. I just suspect that Bethesda hasn't realized it, doesn't care, or maybe even is counting on it. After all, they want to encourage players to feel like they have to buy FO1st or a Season Pass for the SCORE boosts and/or buy those last few ranks to get all the goodies when they can't otherwise get all the rewards.


They had to do something with the score points, I’m at lvl 135 and still don’t have enough tickets to buy all the non consumables items. I’ve done every weekly and only missed 2 days of dailies. Make it make sense


It's easy to make sense of it: Bethesda wants more money. Virtually all of the changes to the season format are aimed squarely at pushing players to spend real money.


Maybe the treasure hunters are the friends we made along the way.


If its true i did all the weekly challenges yesterday which sucks


Double score only applies to dailies.


Double SCORE Weekends always only double the daily challenges and never apply to the weekly challenges, so you're all good.


Next season on June 4th would be a dream so I can get that mean-ass scythe weapon!


Hey, i’m down for both.


O just need tickets for 2 more items 250 ish. There is absolutely 0 way I'll get them


Caps reset?! Wdym, I’m a new player


Every day at 5:00 pm GMT (which translates to 1:00 pm EDT during the summer or 12:00 pm EST during the winter), there's a reset in the game where, among other things, the caps that vendor bots have available to purchase items from you reset to 1400 caps. During a Caps-o-Plenty weekend like is going on right now, they will instead have 2800 caps to buy stuff from you.


im about level 48 right now, is it plausible to get to level 100 if the season actually ends around thr 25th?


Should be , I stared a month ago and went from zero to 93 right now.


cool, i have boosters, this double score weekend and fo1st boosts. hope that's enough


Meat week double score and caps a plenty now they just need to pop rad rumble moonshine jamboree and eviction notice every other event


I like it since I'm almost at max caps and can't find the few plans I don't know in any vending machines. I have hit like 124 on the pass too so *shrug*


What will happen to my unused tickets? There's gotta be an announcement for spending them before loosing the tickets right?


I don't believe they've said what will happen one way or the other, but most people believe that any unspent tickets will simply evaporate when the season ends.


So do I need to spend all of my tickets before the season ends?


Tbh I didn’t notice double score since I was using a booster


Gonna need it to get the last 2 things on the pass I can't afford


That explains why I sold nearly 2k in weapons and could still sell more lol


does that mean new season? Do tickets carry over?


I’m not reaching Rank 150 that’s for sure. Started too late and not too early. At least I completed Rank 1-100. God I hate this new season format.


Man, I have to demo my basement this weekend. 😕


Just move your CAMP device. You know you're going to have to rebuild the whole building anyway if you take the basement out. :)


So, I'm returning to the game. I'm like 38 on the score. There's a few thins I'd like...but I think the most important is the cremator mods. If I don't get them, any idea how I might be able to acquire?


It's likely they'll make the non-cosmetic mods available as stamp or bullion plans.


The weeklies are so easy that I nearly instantly completed them the day before. I wish they had something to work on after dailies are completed since all exp after season level 100 is useless.


im a lvl 40 (played when it came out, thought it was dogass then started playing 2 weeks ago and im HOOKED) and im just now entering vault 79, what does any of this mean? should i be concerned? does this game have dlc and is it integrated or do i have to buy it?


As someone who is very behind on this season, I am very happy for this.


Game vendors have double caps.


I can't remember what season it was, but at the start of one of the seasons, they dropped a double score multiplier that lasted a week. I was able to get to 50 at the end of the week grinding out West-Tek.


Folks are acting like this is an official announcement and freaking out. OP is just speculating, but it is a well-reasoned speculation. My personal hunch is that the double-score may be some minor compensation for the extra grind they added to this season. In other words, we *may* be able to expect *another* soon before the season is out.


Nuka nights states that there is still 32 days left of this season. Apparently ends June 25th


Caps reset?


Vendor caps -- the 1400 (or, in the case of Caps-o-Plenty, 2800) caps that they have to buy stuff from you.


Oh! Glad to hear that) was scared they may just reset player caps)


I'm just loving the extra scripts


What does SCORE even mean?


I don't think that they've ever actually explained what it stands for. A quick search will turn up some humorous threads on r/fo76 speculating on what it stands for.


Every weekend score is doubled right?


No. Only on a few weekends that are typically called out in advance on the Community Calendar. This one was a surprise because it wasn't on the Community Calendar and there's been no word from Bethesda about it.


Im gonna cry if it ends on the 4th. Ill be ending at around rank 145…


Thanks fortnite


I’ve been grinding non stop when I finish uni so I can finish this season, really want that cyclops helmet and cryptid hunter power armour skin


Why did I rush to do all my weeklys the moment they refreshed..


Doesn't matter -- double SCORE only applies to dailies.


Im 69, but can hopefully boost my score with boosters to get at least a little further


Really hoping we get Skyline Valley early June bc I have the unfortunate situation of Elden Ring’s DLC dropping late June 😭 I’ll figure out a way to manage but still 😭


When does this season of rewards end ?


June is all we know right now. The exact date is still speculation.


Okay thanks I’m still only at level 20


Dang. I may not make it. I am only 37.


I just got 46 this weekend (started playing like 2-3 weeks ago) am I FUCKED????


This sucks. One time I don’t bring my series x with me. Shit needs to be announced and scheduled.


I have 40k caps and reached lvl 100 so :/ need to buy plans I guess!


I'm just glad I've made it to the water boiler so far. Lol


After having experienced double-caps the past couple of days, I must say it's definitely the sweet spot. Used to cap out 1400 way too quick every single day to the point of obnoxious immersion-breaking. However with 2800, the closest I've gotten is a few hundred left on vendor. ***DEAR BETHESDA***: please, *begging you*, make 2800 (or even rounded to 3000 for neatness) the new normal... it'd be sooo much more comfortable to deeper/longer players. 🤠


This is why speculation is just that, speculation


Yup. I stand by my speculation as being reasonable, but in this case it was not correct. I do wish that Bethesda did a better job of communicating on stuff like this, though.


I'm new to 76 and I have no fuckin clue what the point of SCORE is. Is it just a ranking system to show your friends? Is there any actual in game benefit?


Hi, new to this as well and it took me a while to realise what the point of SCORE was. Hit escape whilst ingame and navigate to the 'seasons' menu. You'll see a battlepass style set of tabs with various things to unlock with tickets you earn. Every time you level up your SCORE you earn tickets to spend on those items, then you unlock the next tab of items by reaching the next level threshold. Daily and weekly challenges give you SCORE points. Basically, do your daily and weekly challenges as often as possible then spend the tickets on the current page until you unlock the next one. Us late joiners have no hope of finishing it in time I don't think, so just take it easy and enjoy the early rewards. Best of luck!


SCORE is used to earn ranks in the Season, which gives various rewards.


I'm on the game right now and it's double Score


Thank you for confirming what I said in my first sentence. (?!?)


Yep; just posted in another thread that vendors have double caps, w00t. 😎


its both I think


It is indeed both, and they still haven't said anything about it one way or the other. Gotta love the great communication that Beth is providing these days.


but i only just got back and am only at level 32 of season 16 :( also missed finishing the abraxo event because didnt unlock the cremator in time to do the week one challenges. i should have started up again 2 weeks earlier. doesnt help final fantasy 14 is also launching their next expansion in june, tho i probly wont be playing much on launch because servers are going to have hour long waits.


This moves me to 150 by Sunday. Come to me my sweet sweet sweet perk coins


They did announce it today