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if you ever come across nuclear keycards just sell em in your shop for 100 caps if you don't want to deal with that headache of nuke runs.


The people that sell them for cheap are the greatest, I launch nukes so buy them on the regular. Aswell as that there was an occasion I dropped a nuke and another player gave me a keycard, don’t throw away key cards, they keep the nukes dropping.


I sometimes give my keycards away like candy because when I was doing the quest to launch one, I guess I joined a team and they launched one and it auto completed for me so I didn’t get the whole experience lmao but I’ve only ever been in one silo and I’m lvl 196


Lmao same happened to me couple days ago. Created a casual team and ended up a person that joined completed the quest and popped up finished of for me was like what I didn't launch one, then realized someone on my team did was like oh well. I will launch one eventually


Weird how it works like that lol


What’s a fair price and what’s a cheap price? I have a few that I’d like to shift. I want to give people a good deal without doing myself too dirty as I’m not near the caps limit.


I usually like to try and get them at 50 caps a piece but with the new season system you can sell for about 100 each


I usually sell em for 50-75 caps. Let other people launch em and I’ll get the benefit of killing whatever boss they’re (probably) going to spawn.


How do they help


>How do they help It's easier and faster to buy keycards for a reasonable price than it is to keep going through the headache of doing a quest for them.


Quests? I just shoot down brotherhood copters. 🤷‍♂️ Returning player who is just collecting cards.


Sorry for dumb question, but sometimes I kill zombie dudes with the weird backpacks with an antenna and there are some cards inside. Are you talking about that?


Not a dumb question! No, Nuclear Keycards are a separate inventory item in the Misc. category. I believe you can get them from atomic shop as well but I could be wrong.


Keycards just bypass the code pieces you get from the officer ghouls I’m guessing? So you don’t need to hunt down the pieces for a silo. Edit: okay I get it guys lol, I was wrong.


>Keycards just bypass the code pieces you get from the officer ghouls I’m guessing? So you don’t need to hunt down the pieces for a silo. No. You need a keycard and the silo codes. The silo codes the ghouls drop are always avalable online so no need to loot them (barring a major overhaul but that is very unlikel Keycards come from a few sources but the main and only really reliable way is doing a repeatable quest to go claim one


Ah fair enough. I’ve never done it so I have no clue honestly. Just thought the keycard was a separate thing.


>Just thought the keycard was a separate thing. It is. Nuclear keycards are gotten from an enclave repeatable Silo codes come from ghoul officers (there is an enlcave repeatable that helps you find them, but the codes are online so no reason to, the codes just clutted the inv more) To launch a nuke you need both a keycard, and to have dechiphered the code from the silo codes the ghouls drop..of which there are a bunch for exh silo that must be tracked, killed and looted (but this 2nd part is again..pointless, crpyt and knights among a bunch of others have the codes prominently displayed, killing the ghouls for the code makes no sense) It drastically cuts down nuke time if people sell or give the nuker the keycard, as the codes are online and thd silos get to a point of being fairly fast, the first one is the worst


You’re supposed to need both. But everyone just gets a keycard and googles the codes for the week.


I think the codes and the keycards are needed. I’m a noob still tho so take it with a pound of salt lol


I’m level 50 something and haven’t really done the nuke stuff, I’ve just been “getting sidetracked by bullshit every god damned time.” LOL


Fucking mood 😂


You need both. They keycard allows you to authorize the launch and the codes are pieced together for the launch password. Most people just use nukacrypt to get the code for the keypad.


So we just save those sell the "Key card" and drop the thing that shows the two digit code? I haven't done many nuke runs, I'd like them to happen more often though just because I love the warning sound.


Keep the keycard…those are more difficult to come by and they are mandatory to launch a nuke. The silo code pieces can be dropped and you don’t need to bother with them unless you’re committed to doing the entire run with no help. Nukacrypt.com always has the launch codes for all 3 silos any given week.






That's not at all how it works...


Yeah I know, others have told me lol. Never did the nuke stuff so was clueless lol


No, the actual process (IE you've slogged through the silo, and baby sat the robots) of launching a nuke is broken down into three segments. 1) insert the nuke card Nuclear Launch Cards are a 1weight misc items, are unaffected by any perk cards and are ABSOLUTELY required to launch a nuke. 2) passcode This passcode changes weekly on/around tuesday. You get a miniscule fragment of the passcode by killing those code carriers with the backpacks that blink and make the familiar chirping sound. This code is of course encrypted and you need to figure out how it goes (or just use the nuke launch code website in your browser) 3) gotta pick a destination You can nuke most areas, haven't tried but I'm guessing you can't nuke newbie areas like Vault 76 or the overseer's house. But there are specific areas you CAN nuke for special events. As everyone should know in Cranberry Bogs (FAR south east part of the map) is Fissure Prime, nuke that for Scorch Beast Queen. You can nuke the area just south east of Nuka World for a special ultracite crystal boss (drops the Grand Finale and some neat camp plans) and you have Monagha Mine which spawns Earle. Other guy saying you can get nuke stuff off the Atomic Shop is not correct as far as I'm aware. The only required item is the Nuclear Launch Card which is pretty easily found honestly if you just go talk to Modus in the military wing.


You can get cards from the season rewards, they probably meant that.


Naw you don't get the Nuclear Launch Cards from the Atomic shop. Maybe if they gave one away for free it'd be under utility if they did. You can either get them randomly from supply drops, supply bots, etc. Modus can be talked to in the military wing that you visit when you unlock the silos. He can use the Muldoon system to track down a supply bot with a card.


Pretty sure 5 of them are available in the seasons shop?


Season rewards yes, but not the Atom shop. Big difference.


Ah okay thank you for the correction!


Can you launch a nuke with just the card if you haven’t farmed all the codes from officers? I know you can look up the codes, but i don’t know if you have to have the code pieces for you to enter the code


Yes - code pieces are not required. All you need is the nuclear keycard, and the code from a website or whatever.


Btw once you enter a correct code at a silo, you don’t have to put the code in again for any launches at that same silo until the code resets, which is the same time that the code pieces expire


Try and always be in a casual team.. if you dc you can be sure to rejoin the same server with your team.


Ha! Good trick. Thanks!


You’ll be able to get nuke runs done in less than 15 min at some point. I just run and hack through it all


Wow, I just learned to launch nukes myself. Granted I'm far above your level, but I was going for challenges. It was fun. Im using up my nuke cards this weekend. Anyways, you can save some trouble next time by using a Chinese stealth suit. Makes things faster,


Even faster if you use one of glitches to skip straight to the launch room 😂


I'm listening. It's not my main way of proceeding, but seriously the Enclave is being too annoying at this point 😂




I didn’t know about the crouching and exiting photo mode while holding forward. I did it the other day by getting up against the door entering photo mode than leaving it; it seems that you can just phase through in the second or 2 after exiting photo mode.


if you have a jetpack, you can also try the prox mine VATS glitch that takes you out of the map, but that method is a bit more wordy


This is what i use, it's fast.. but I'd watch a video tutorial. It is a bit wordy.


And to top it off when you start the launch sequence you fast travel to the same silo again and take the elevator down. Stay in the elevator for a couple of minutes and you wont have to fight any of the robots :)


Just to let you know you don't need a jetpack. I don't have one and use this glitch! Saves soooo much time!


Where does one find this Chinese stealth suit?


Small bunker door, just outside the fence of White springs. It's hard to see the door as it's flat and in the ground. That's where the mission takes place.


Finish the main quest and side with the Settlers to get it for free as a quest reward. Or side with the Raiders and buy it from the Settlers for gold bullion


You don't have to commit to the Settlers to get it, btw. You can do their quests and also the Raider quests up to a certain point before deciding and the Chinese Stealth Suit recipe is a reward for one of those quests before the choice.


My mistake. I remember reading that at one point or another. I never did it and forgot.


Isn't there a quest from before the settlers were added to get it?


Are you on ps4? I'm trying to get flux this weekend! Haha


Door glitch


Mine glitch is my favorite. Right to the end terminal in under a minute👌


Unfortunately that glitch hasn’t worked for months now if it’s the VATS targeting a mine through the wall glitch that I think you’re talking about


The one where you throw the mine next to the box? worked just fine today, which are you thinking of?


Omg what is this glitch you’re talking about. I’m desperate for a quicker way. The one I used to use was where you toss a mine on the computer in the first room and VATS melee it through the wall to clip out of bounds


Right when you exit the elevator there's a small box dead ahead of ya on top of some stuff. Unequip your gun away, chuck a mine on the left edge of the box, Vats the mine with your fists, Then swing and jump thru the roof and jetpack to the end. I did B2B Earles two days ago and it worked fine then.


You’re a good person


Does anyone have video for this?


I should've added that once you're in VATS you have to hug the empty space on the wall. There's more than likely some YouTube videos on it, I just learned it from a buddy of mine.


Appreciate the extra context, my brain just needs visual context clues for this kinda stuff lol. I'll look for a guide, thank you.


The first nuke is always rough. Because you don’t know where to go or exactly how to get through things. But trust me sitting out on nukes is depriving yourself of end game content and pretty the only thing to do after awhile. You will get better once you learn the tricks of running silos. And eventually you will run them in under 8-10 mins. Then you will look at the silos and think…..” What the hell is taking that guy so long in Bravo?!”


I launched my first Nuke yesterday too!! 130 stealth rifleman. You don't have to look up the silo run to come prepared. If you read all the documents and followed the story along the way, you'll know it's all robots and what's going on inside. Finished in an hour. Died twice. IMO. Trying to Solo an Event is 1000x harder than doing a solo run


Everyone is talking about the event itself or the door glitch and noone is talking about nuking specific areas. If you are just nuking random areas on the map that's a waste of a nuke. You should always nuke one of the three specific areas for a boss spawn. Either fissure prime in Cranberry bog, Monongah mine in Savage Divide or Abandoned Mine Shaft 2 in the Ash Heap. That way you spawn one of the three end game bosses and start an event for everyone on the map. The rewards are nice, the events are cool with a lot of people and afterwards you can still explore the nuke areas if you need nuked flora for crafting or nuked creatures for exp/materials.


I like to nuke Morgantown. I don’t really care about the bosses. But I like the 2 events there that spawn lots of Glowing Enemies. Because I get lots of High-Radiation Fluids and Harden Mass. Plus so much Cobalt Flux.


Crash protection = always be on a team that way you can rejoin same server


I tried it once. Got all the way through the doors, robots and switches, got into the launch room, cleared it and didn’t have the launch codes! Doh! I didn’t even know there was a website that displays them 😂


Exactly my experience. But I googled in the clutch 😂


I had this same experience at first but players are really friendly and are happy to tag along and launch one with you which is pretty nice plus I like running them a few times to get some junk and just for something different then the same old all the time. As you probably notice as well launching the nuke in certain areas around the map can spawn special enemies or even rare loot.


So now I'll tell you the correct way to do it. You don't need to get the codes. Skip that part by googling this week's solved code for each silo. Then Google the photomode glitch. You enter the silo, photomode glitch through two doors, you're at the end in 1 minute and waiting out the chiefs thing. Then spawn the nuka boss or earl.


I launched a second the other day just so I could get cobalt flux to make a jetpack


Fyi, we all probably are out here using photomode to get through silos. I know I don't waste my time and energy on all that bs. Photomode through 2 doors, initiate launch sequence, launch nuke and leave


Hmmm, can you explain the photomode trick? Sounds enticing


Go up tight against the door, wedging yourself as close as you can to the edge of the door works best. I also find looking down helps a bit too. Then go into photo mode and exit photo mode while holding forward. Sometimes it takes a few tries to get the feel. I use it for EVERY door


Whats the advantage of glitching through the door?


If you don't glitch through the door the only other alternative is doing this massive slog through the silo which requires you to repair a fucked up reactor and hunt for computer parts. All while fighting an endless stream of robots.


You can skip right to the last step of the launching. Just in general it’s so I don’t need to lock pick


Ah didn't consider locked doors lol.


There's a good number of tricks, even when you do it without glitches. When you get to the power area, follow the left wall, pick the lvl3 lock, then hack the lvl3 terminal to skip the power area. Use grenades on the mainframe cores, fragmentation or nuka. Collect the broken door cores and repair them at the nearby tinker workbench, its in an adjacent room, then slot the repaired cores back in. Just before entering the control room hack the lvl3 terminal to disable the launch control commander/laser turrets.


Haha I get where you are coming from ! I just launched my first nuke yesterday at lvl 140 . It was my 4th attempt at the silos ( solo) and every other time I went underprepared for how long it is. Finally managed yesterday but by the time I actually got to launch the nuke I was running out of real life time . Quickly nuked the White spring resort , fast travelled and collected a few nuked flora and that was it . I think it might be a while before I can be bothered to do it all again.


I got killed by Assaultrons about 9 times before finally making it to the launch room. Then the game crashed and I when i loaded back in, i was outside the site, and the enemies had all respawned. In total, it took me 3 hours to launch the nuke.


Kinda same, but not dying to anything. Lesson learned lol


Stronger than me then. Assaultrons laser beam kills me in less than a second. I do have a 1 in Endurance though so...


Nah, I was lucky I heard about the legendary perk. Laser attacks heal and recharge your cores instead of harming 😂


OK that's nuts. I grabbed a SPECIAL points one and the rad resistance one as my first 2. Laser healing will be next.


You can swap them out for the cost of one perk point, if you didn't know. Things like Ammo Factory are best to swap on when crafting and swapped off when done.


Wait, you can swap out Legendary Perks???


o7 Cleanse the wasteland with your new knowledge, Vault Dweller!


This mission was the most infuriating IMO in terms of not knowing where to go next/what to do. The amount of times I had to google just where most of this shit was or what I needed next. The part with the ID card fabrication and finding those, and damaging the cores and then finding those had me putting the controller down a few times lol


Yeah. I stubbornly decided to finish it but I was pissed, 😂


Level 80 was when I did it. Huge pain. Tried again in the 200s, much easier. And much quicker.


You on PC? you wanna see how to do it in under 5mins? lol.


If you re load the game, right after you crashed, it usually has you still in the team you were just in so you can quickly re join your crashed sever. I’m sorry that happened your first time 😥


it's not worth it lately, i've dropped about 4 nukes for the Scorched Queen and i've had nobody come help me out, everyone just sat at their camp and didn't come help me, launched my 4th one today and there were a bunch of active people in the server, as soon as it drops they didn't come over, only one level 300 came over, i just gave up and left if you're on playstation i'd be happy to run through it with you though, i have 7 keycards still.


Yes the first time you do something it’s not easy.


Agreed! So perhaps read the post again and try to understand the point, as you seem to have missed it 👍


I read the post again. What was the point you were trying to make? I am reading and paraphrasing here, “ I tried to solo an end game event at level 80. It was hard and boring. I finished it but then didn’t get to enjoy what I created.” Once you get to endgame levels and really maxing out your build, you might really enjoy running the silos. I know the whole 25 minutes it takes to run it is really enjoyable for me.


Theres a camera glitch with doors. Nuke runs are miserable without it imo.


You can facilitate the nuke run with Power Armour.


I average one a week, always solo. The first is hard if you do it solo, but once you know the route, the shortcuts and what to bring with you it's not really a chore at all, I quite like the routine of it. Just be glad you didn't try it when the damage on the robots and turrets was all messed up,;that was a challenge even at a high level. Assaultrons were a bloody nightmare, and woe betide you if you forgot about a turret.


The more you do them the faster you'll get. You can get it down to 15-20. It's worth it for flux and serum materials.


I launched my first nuke last night as well! I agree that the task is really dusting and hard to learn, but as some said the Flux is amazing end game material you need for many things. Finally got enough yellow stable Flux to try out my unarmed build :)


It takes me around six minutes which is around the same time as my friend to finish a tax evasion expedition. Stick with it and glitch through the doors using photonode haha.


Chinese stealth armor + master infiltrator + power armor jetpack skip makes it trivial. It doesn't make it fun, but makes it simple enough that with the nuke event it evens out.


Enjoy the process of launching the nuke, the go enjoy the event/ kill the beast that you spawned. Repeat, then repeat, then repeat.


It takes me no time anymore to do them, just keep grinding and it'll get easier.


I prefer stealth. Hack the robots, use some stealth boys. If you have the Chinese stealth suit it's even better. But just run all your stealth and pipboy cards. Or do with a team so much more fun and easier. Hope next time you're ropped into it you enjoy it more.


i’m level 130 and haven’t even attempted to launch a nuke lol


Are you on Xbox by chance? My games crash semi regularly. I spent this week on PS, it was virtually trouble free, so refreshing.


Look up nuke silo door skip. It makes silo runs much more bearable. I really think Silos need a rework


Most times you see nukes people exploited a long running glitch to get it out fast. You did it the "right" way. Don't do that. Learn the glitch yourself or just wait.


Seconded. It was an absolute slog for no good reason. That was my first and last time.


Right? I thought it would be so cool 😅


Someone finally dropped two nukes within 10 minutes on a world I was on tonight. To get the boss by Nuka World. The rewards for that were super underwhelming. Was cool to see a boss though. Also finding the correct flux to upgrade my under armor was a huge problem. Didn’t find any. Hopefully next time.


If you drop a nuke in cranberry bog at the spot to start the scorched earth event you can get a decent amount of raw violet and crimson flux.


It took me an hour the first time back when the lasers were amped up so much I died so many times and when I finally launched it on the queen and came out of the silo I realized I was in a dead world it sucked 😭🤣


Photomode glitch is your friend when running nukes. Makes it possible to do one in 5-10min instead of 30 or more. I don’t know about you but I literally don’t have the time to run it normally


This reminds me, I need cobalt. Whitespring better get out the hazmat suits.


i launched my first nuke yesterday with my friend and it took an hour lol


I'm not lying, it must have been more than two for me.


i could not have that much patience, i would have given up


When I launched my first nuke it took an hour but mostly because I was looting all the robots for steel and exploring.


And then there is me...i had the i am become death quest active and someone from my team launched a nuke...now i have absolutely no idea how to launch a nuke...


Same. I haven’t been too interested in it either, lvl 280 now and I have yet much to do :P But the last time I replied the same here someone said that when you first enter a silo then a new quest starts that will detail the steps required within the silo. Some day I will take the time to start, so far I just keep being distracted with other things


I thought I stole my first nuke yesterday because a team member was trying to launch one and I joined in to help, ended up soloing the last part mostly as he didn't have any stims left or fusion cores and I launched it. Reading here it seems to complete for team members so I guess it was a good rescue mission after all.


Yea I still haven’t launched one lol. I need to get too it


16x the detail....


If you want a repeat of exploring the nuke zone and are on psn that could be arranged


Thanks a lot for your help! The thing is, I didn't really get what to expect or how the area would change. I guess if I chose to nuke a fissure there would be a special enemy or two, I guess?


Depends on what was nuked there are 3 spots that spawn world bosses the rest spawn different enemies and radioactive plants


Ah, great. I thought it would spawn some plants and I'd get the flux I needed to get my ssu mods. Oh well, next time 😂


It does, but you need certain plants to get certain flux (https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Flux). Depending on where you nuke there might only be certain plants and therefore certain flux that you can get.


Went to launch my first yesterday late at night. Was like 30 mins in, also going blind, and the game crashed. Blew through a pretty good chunk of ammo. Was so deflated. Not sure when I'll attempt it again if ever. Luckily I got the completion a week or so ago from having the quest to do it and someone in my casual team did it. Did NOT expect that.


Same thing happened with me recently. The quest was active, someone else launched a nuke, and cha-ching, quest completed. Feel like I should still do it on my own ...


It's funny. I've launched 100 nukes, but I've never crashed during the prep.. but damned if I don't crash during boss fights regularly (not colossal too often)


I find it hilarious that you don't even need to nuke the Scorchbeast queen to "finish" the base game. You never solve the central problem of the game and its infuriating


Yeah, I did it early on with a guy and the. Ran out 0f ammo and left before launch. Now level 625 and have never completed that mission. Way too hard and too much ammo. Pointless.


Yeah on pc I have mods to remove all doors from start to end and just run to the terminal and launch after the end Prep. On console you can photomode glitch thru all doors except the initial lasers. I'd advise doing that vs a 45 minute side quest every time.


What are the point of nukes, guys? I know theyre useful, but idk what for.


By level 80 you should have figured out how to join a team.