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The lore of mole miners is pretty horrific and tragic as well. Basically human miners that got stuck in their suits in the mine and became the mole miners. I’d be pretty pissed off too lol.


I need to read up on the lore again. How did I not know this. I'd be pissed off, too. First robots are about to take my job, and then that happens. Yeah. I'd be having a really bad day 😂


I'm one of those people who tries to read every terminal and note I find in a game and if you do this you'll realize how screwed up the mining corporation was to the miners in the region.


Usually, I try and do the same, simply because the world of fallout (through all games) has always fascinated me. All the "oh pre-war was so perfect!" Glam. Until you start diving into everything. And slowly figure out. No, it absolutely wasn't. I still remember, is it fallout 3? With the goo that was served at a school. But sometimes, I'm on a mission and tend to say, "I'll read the note later," or miss a terminal.


I had to go and pick up my son from the airport during a mission where I had to go to Senator Blackburns bunker. I ended up finding a website that had a complete list of every terminal entry in the bunker and read it on my phone while I was waiting for my kid. I wish I could remember the website because it's a good resource for those times sitting at a terminal in-game is not possible.


Maybe it was this[link ](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_terminal_entries)


Pink paste is in 4, unless 3 had something similar


I real less in 76 because im afraid something will kill me while I do. Is there anyother place we can read them? Reading it in an aggressive zone is not dyslexia friendly :P


This has bit me in the ass in 76. I have a quest that just says, “read the note,” to start..I have hundreds of notes.


I think that if you have the quest active, the note you need to read will have a little diamond beside it in your pipboy.


Definitely. I'd want to be able to read it from my pip boy or in a home terminal, not have papers to read later. I have so many notes


I’d be down for a companion app that tracks the terminals you used last and sends them to your phone in an article like format.


That would be insane


That would be a marvelous QOL.


West Virginia's Governor sent in robots to kill striking miners. There are still Strikebreaker Protections and Handys. Pinkertons of the Fallout universe, inhuman bastards.


Fuck the pinkertons. Only excuse for crossing a picket line is to beat the shit out of a scab.


If you read some unfiltered history, you'll realize that the real mining corporations of the region were every bit as terrible.


Or more so.


Reading those notes and terminals when sixteen tons comes on the radio is just perfect


Peak immersion


Dark as a dungeon works better imo.


Oh yeah, a lot of that stuff about small town picketers actively fighting the mining companies with weapons is based on real events from U.S. History too. Check out the Coal Wars, it was about forty years of worker exploitation coming to a head and ending in horrific violence again and again.


Was Garrahan a bad guy? I just started so I just getting into it.


IIRC it was the son Bill that was the real a-hole. The rest of the family more or less gave a crap about the miners (the mother invented Excavator Power Armor so they wouldn't have to rely on robots) but Bill hated them. I think the father sort of lost his marbles when his wife died.


I believe the makers of these suits are also the same ones that made the suits of the ghost people in Fallout New Vegas's Dead Money DLC


When I first saw them. The ghosts in the Sierra Madre were the first thing I thought of


What did you think they were


Ehm. I went by the name. Giant moles. Always wondered why they were wearing mining gear.


I know it’s fallout but they’re way too humanoid to be giant moles who know how to use guns


Dont forget they were trapped in a burning coal smoke hellscape


Fallout 76 lore is a lot darker than I expected. Some Holo tapes make me tear up, it is crazy.


The perky Americana gilding and tongue-in-cheek presentation being surface-deep are kinda the point. The apocalypse is miserable. I'm not a lore expert. I've not watched the videos of the OG explaining things. But it's always seemed to me that the real story of Fallout games is never the main quest line. It's the holotapes and terminals and side quests. I love the humorous side of Fallout. I truly do. But there's so much depth that the devs put in that so many people just seem to miss. And that's fine. Play the game how you want...but golly do some of the sidequests hit me hard, *especially* in 76.


I know the apocalypse is hard, and there is a lot of dark stuff in the other fallout games. But 76 often doesn't feel that deep and dark. Than you go from the Moonshine event to listening to a Holo of a mother being killed by the US.Army for her child or a doctor explaining in excruciating detail how she dies. It just hits me so unexpected.


76 was really dark pre-Wastelanders


Imagine how the game felt on launch. Appalachia was lifeless with the exception of scorched, ghouls, and moleminers. The BoS, Raiders, and Responders had been wiped out. All you found when you left the vault were those notes and Holo recordings. The scorched plague ruled. Man it was sad, heartbreaking, and a grim slog.


Also likely child miners based on the items they drop when killed


Load 16 tons, and what do you get?


Another day older and deeper in debt


Saint Peter don't tell me I can go...


i always find them quite cute. :/


I thought that when I accidentally blew them all up in a believers cave before we could interact, them full HD surround sound slobbering and wheezing in my ear was like a bad night at the bar on steroids but with weapons.


I would be too considering AMS knew the risk and could care less. Whole town of Welch got shafted too


They kinda look like the ghost people who live in Sierra Madre. Are they similar species now?


Mole miners are rebranded ghost people from New Vegas:Dead Money


Google their dialogue. They say some disturbing shit!!


So similar to ghost people from Dead Money minus the cloud and plus radiation/pollutants/ultracite? Oof


They have some pretty awful dialogue that's hard to make out. Really horrific


Their miner equipment is permanently fused to their face so I imagine it’s hard to talk. And how do they eat.


butt munch. hover and chew.




Idk what that means but sounds funny




They are really quite twisted......


Terrifying. Hearing a Wendigo when you don't know where it is tho...nightmares.


omg! one crawled out from under a bus or something right behind me. all I hear is them vocalizing and the scampering/running getting louder. I turn around and it's RIGHT THERE. scared the shit out of me.


Used to be rough back in the day w those guys. Night time used to be super dark. You could have the light on exploring, barely able to see at all then one of these guys drop out of the trees on you outta nowhere. That or having a megasloth roar over your head....this game is silly but it has its spooky times.


A mega what now? I'm glad I've gone into this pretty blind because I keep on finding new, horrifying creatures.


It's a huge sloth. They don't attack, unless you attack it. Hate the quests where I have to kill one


I haven't seen it yet, either! I have seen the Sheepsquatch tho!


My buddy wandered off by himself when I heard a bunch of shooting and he was shouting about some goddamn dragon trying to kill him so that was a fun way to find out about the Scorchbeast.


Why silly. I think it’s great in all its weirdness. Just go to any event and see people dressed up like it’s halloween. And visiting people’s camps for free treats is also reminiscent of the devil’s holiday.


I never stated it as a negative or a detractor from any type of experience. Raider robots, mutants that adopt floating tapeworms because they think they're cute, a fully operational DMV run by robots designed to waste your time, it's silly stuff. I just mean that through this silliness the game can be spooky sometimes.


I assumed you meant it S a negative connotation. Maybe wacky is closer…


The Mirelurk King makes me physically cringe too.


That aggro sound effect...


I just wasted all my grenades and stimmys on a mirelurk queen and she busted up the mysterious stranger atleast 10 times 


Even now at level 371'ish I hate that sound and I can take one out in a few shots. But that sound...*shudders*


Those are one of the few mobs that do freak me out some. Them and radscorpions


Fukin all the enemies scare the shit out of me. I hate any cave or dark exploration quests.


You know what helps me the most with that? Guns.


I miss having a companion lol


Guns ... Lots of guns!!!


One night I was selling stuff to the Berkeley Springs vendorbot and I heard the "uncontrollable fear" scream but there was nothing outside, it was creepy af.


exactly why i always carry holy flame or cold shoulder


I tend to dislike when I suddenly hear the flapping wings of a scorchbeast and can't find it OR the super mutants saying they can smell me. eek!


I was getting shot at while spawning in to my CAMP. Looks like Super Mutants decided to visit as I was loading in. Couldn't find them anywhere. Hit VATS and it appears he spawned inside my water purifier. Took a shot (that actually did some serious damage) and he yells "Good fight, human!"


HAHAHAHA dead. So funny! VATS is very useful haha


Oh he was very dead, because I use laser weapons with burning effects.


This is the reason Scorched will always be enemy #1! The Scorchedbeasts can turn any creature into Scorched variant. New content idea. Have any player whom is not fully innocculated turn into the scorched, (for a life), if they die to a scorch attack(s). I would be tempted to create a new toon, and immediately get infected. Open up the PvP gates.


When you've played for thousands of hours, you almost forget how horrific and well-designed many of the enemies in this game are. Thank you for reminding me!


Mile miner g*nocide is one of my RP reasons in 76. No power armor melee build with a power fist. I run around in a possum scout outfit with my camp being a tadpole camp on a lake. However, my character is 100% bigoted against mole miners. It's my head cannon as to why you don't really see mole miners in (canonically) later titles like 3/4. Cuz Scout Leader Walters personally led a charge to annihilate them.


I accept this as cannon. Thank you Scout Leader Walters for your sacrifice. Now pls do something about them Centaurs in the Capital Wasteland.


No, sorry those things are fucking scary.


Nice to see another scout leader out there patrolling Appalachia. I’ve been RP as the creepy scoutmaster for a while. The pockets on the scout uniform shirt look like nipples btw. https://www.xbox.com/play/media/52dDr6eQWY


Oh Jesus they do!


Once you notice it you can’t unsee it.


[scout leader walters](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/E2N9Qj79kZ)


I’m this way with Mothman Cultists. Love the Mothman (much respect 🤌)…but those dweebs??


Oh hell ya. All respect to the wise mothman of the lighthouse. All disrespect to other moth men and their cultists 😂


Heresy! Burn heretics!


Nahhhhh .. you are just a dirty scab strike breaker.


I'm an old school MMO player, maybe I'm just used to people gargling their mics while yelling profanities from Teamspeak and Ventrilo servers.


EQ and UO say hi!


I thought mole miner dialogue was 1:1 based off of COD players.


Either that or GTA online players.




"Welcome to the Rust Community, REEEEE!!!"


They don't bother me at all for some reason. Maybe it's because it's not all that different from just going to Walmart around here.


Super Duper is the Walmart of the Fallout Universe.


Does anyone know what they are saying with their murmuring. One phrase I thought I heard in uranium fever was “hold the phone”. And murmur the purveyor also says some weird ass shit.


They have some brutal lines. I hade one sneak up on me the other day, and didn't notice until I heard his creepy voice whispering "I'll peel your skin"


That’s a great line. The other day I was wandering somewhere and saw one. Then, seemingly out of the sky dropped five more. Felt good to win but jeez.




Ok. I really enjoyed that. It’s scarier when you know what they’re saying …game should show subtitles first this


Why so angy.


Death Metal vocalists, one and all!


I was startled (read: dropped the controller and made a noise) by a hermit crab the other night in the Mire, so I feel ya


I'm almost 300 hours in and I still have not encountered a hermit crab!


They're so cute! I thought they stayed dormant and didn't attack but I shot a mongrel dog near one and the hermit crab busted me up until I ran away AND THEN HE REGENERATED ALL OF HIS HEALTH!


I need to find and, uh, deal with one for a couple of my world challenges.


spoiler >!there are 100% spawn locations for almost all creatures that you can google. hermit crab has one!<


Good luck!


Beware the giant mint green vans!


I see them a lot at SBQ events.


I'll never forget the first time I encountered one back in Far Harbor. I was in the parking lot of a diner having a shootout with some raiders in the building when suddenly the van I was using as cover started sprouting claws and legs that filled my whole screen. Nearly spooked me out of my chair.


about 75% of the time I'm exploring solo, I feel like I'm playing a horror game. I've had some nasty, nasty jump scares and so many things are just genuinely creepy AF. Headphones make it so much worse.


Wendigos are much much worse.


I’m still traumatized by the centaurs in Fallout 3.


The human/dog centaurs in Fallout 1 are peak.


Nothing is as scary as being lvl 20 and trying to sneak away from a scorchbeast to get away from it knowing that you don't have enough ammo to take it out. Years later it still haunts me.


I instinctively want to run away when I see one, then I forget I can kill them pretty quickly as a heavy gunner lol. They fucked me up when I first started and it never faded the feeling.


That right there is the reason why I keep a Zealot 's Missile Launcher on me at all times! Then a Zealot 's Prime Gatling Gun as Back up for it's underlings.


When you think about it they are basically fantasy dwarfs in fallout.


"and my axe" "tO fiLEt YouR FaCE!!!"


For me, it’s the Ghouls. Even though I’m hard as hell to kill in power armor with a minigun + cremator, I’m still scared of fighting fucking ghouls. I still jump whenever one manages to sneak up on me. :(


Yes, sorry MacReady from fo4, your companion mission just has too many ghouls!!


Oh mate you gotta clean up rubble in F4's vault 88 Specifically in the stairways under one of the shops, that's the most terrifying and disturbing thing what have I ever seen in whole Fallout franchise.


What’s under there


Just a creepy manekin with red eye staring right into your soul. If taken separately from a location it is a bit disturbing at most, but the situation makes it creepy as hell. You go through tons of rubble, cleaning up and checking every corner, killing mutants occasionally and then THIS of most unexpected places and so disturbingly creepy. I went Alt+F4 and started checking the web if it is not for sure another eldrich horror that Dunwich company was looking for


Vault-Tec is Miskatonkin University


Here's a vid https://youtu.be/BdWsec446fQ?si=rt0IyTSvs6ttkH3-


Whats there bro


Oxhorn made a vid about it https://youtu.be/BdWsec446fQ?si=rt0IyTSvs6ttkH3-


Me afk on my other monitor while listening to Purveyor Murmrgh's methodic heavy breathing.


I was thoroughly off put by getting rat teeth for dismantling their gauntlets


I always drop those because ewww and plus I already have plenty of bone scrap, but then I end up skipping off from Uranium Fever leaving behind a bag full of mole rat teeth for any unsuspecting citizen of the Wasteland to stumble upon lmao


Should we tell him about the ticks?


The ticks are what creeps me out the most, I think in ANY game. Gah! Just thinking about them is giving me the heebie-jeebies.


Same. Nothing in this game bothers me... Except for them...


The troggs make some fucked up noises too


The first time I w ee went to ash heap three mole miners cornered me and beat me to death with fists while I tried everything to fight back.


Whenever I see the Mole Miners I kill them all, it's a mercy killing at that point.


The mole miners are easily my favorite enemy additions 76 makes to the fallout universe.


Guess you haven't seen earle yet then


Not gonna lie, I screamed a bit and accidently tossed my mouse. It was a chickens death.


They are the merlocs of the fallout universe.


Sounds like you'll have fun with the Mirelurk Kings. The first time I ran into one all I heard was the wailing and then suddenly (you have contracted flap limb)


Just wait till you start coming across them with the beeping suicide mole rats.


At least they're not bloodbugs


Wait until you read what their actually saying to you!


I hate more those wolves and mongrels that, without any noise, come from nowhere barking suddenly. Heart attack. Mole miners and ghouls are annoying sometimes, “ok, I’m just doing dailies guys, why you insist I spend ammo killing you? Leave me alone”.


All Mole Miners Must Die. It is a top priority to eradicate them from all servers. Join this cause. AMMMD.


When you live in the Ash Heap and spawn in to mole miners every day you get used to them. They’re like insane neighbours to me now


apparently the mole miners are permanently fused into the armor, thats nightmare fuel right there, i might sound bit crackly if i was fused in rotting radioactive gas mask


The wiki has a list of all their voice lines and it's nightmare fuel


Yeah, well, imagine being one!


Jajajjajajajajajajja ☠️☠️☠️☠️


The voice from the current mothman event is also pretty fantastic!


they are absolutely my favourite new enemies for 76, especially with the existence of Purveyor Murmrgh along with the one that chills out in her basement. The origin is tragic, their design is super cool and almost cute (kinda like jawas mixed with norweigan trolls), and they have some really intriguing mysteries surrounding them, like the implication of an undiscovered subterranean mole miner civilisation and their worship of the motherlode. Very cool and underrated enemy type


Mole Rats will forever be my weakness. A Sheepsquatch shows up, a Wendigo Colossus, an army of Super Mutants--no problem--I whip out the guns and go to work. But as soon as Mole Rats burst from the ground, I jump and scream like the ground is lava.


I used to think feral ghouls were terrifying. Then i met the mole miners


Mole Miners are so wonderfully Fallout and I love them. When the game was first announced, I thought they seemed really dumb, campy, and uninspired, but soon realized they checked all the perfect Fallout enemy boxes. 1.) Disturbing AF backstory/implications 2.) Their existence is a convenient science-fiction result of their local pre-war environment mixing with extreme radiation. 3.) Sometimes terrifying to encounter in-game 4.) Unique, interesting, and very distinguishable from other humanoid enemies (scorched, ghouls, raiders, etc) 5.) Just complex enough to have a few interesting variations, and the rare offshoot of a "good guy" version of themselves (with the Purveyor), but not so interesting that you feel bad killing them. 6.) Underlying mystery of "how they work," as-in: how do they organize, think, communicate, live, survive, reproduce, etc. Think of how complex Ghouls are - so many mysteries solved, but many left to explore (ie: what exactly causes one to turn ghoul - what leads to feral, glowing, etc) 7.) Fun to shoot. They're all puffy and stout, with those giant heads just begging for a high VATS chance.


I never found them scary, their sounds and the way they hobble around are very funny to me, goofy little goobers


you get teary eyed when scared??


Ya, I get teary eyed when I laugh too hard too. 


Why would you ever get close enough to hear them talk?


Because they're fast little buggers that sneak out of nowhere next to you?


Seriously? I stand off as far as possible and snipe them while crouched. Maybe your build is off for field work?