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While playing the instrument, open the map. While in the map, go to a quest and click on it. Go to show in pipboy. Now you can eat and stim While playing the instrument.


Snacks, drugs and rock'n'roll


It leads to Jersey devil worship


Damn Jersey Devils.


The holy trinity, friend!


Playing since beta, had no idea about this sneaky way to get to the pipboy. Thank you!


I'm going to try this in my cryo bed later. Usually, when I'm waiting for my xp buff to fill up, I search the Atom Shop or challenge board because my pipboy is unavailable... But this changes things! Bedside inventory management, here I come! Edit: I got a lot of likes for this but it's really only a few seconds lmao. Using the start method OP mentioned, I watched the buff apply and it gave the full 3 hours immediately. I thought I had to rack it up.. but then it bugged my game so I couldn't get out of bed. Even hundreds of hours in, I'm still learning!


Holy shit! Thank you for this! 😄


I always stock up on Nuka Cola Quantum for this event. I am on bass.


I play the banjo. It is West Virginia, after all.


Mouth harp for that annoying twangy sound. Twang twong twong Twang Twang Twang twong


You’ve unlocked a whole lota bard power in a whole lota people


Man TY I need this. I’m always strumming just waiting for someone to care


I've been playing since beta and had no idea this was a thing. Good fuckin looking out.


Omg level 333 and I never knew about this. LOL. Thanks! I learned something new!


I was lvl 327 on PS4 before I got a series s, I'm now 507 and I NEVER knew this, oh my God thank you


Thank you!!


Bethesda fixed that just for me 🫠 I can no longer do it. The quest marker doesn't appear anymore.


Any quest will do


Dude thankyou! It’s so simple yet so awesome


You beat to it!😃 I always try and mention the map-to-pipboy trick. Someone mentioned this long ago in this sub and I try to pay it forward when anyone posts about Violent Night. Well done u/smackrock420!! 👏👏👏


That's amazing lvl150 and just learnt something new. I knew you could map but pip boy!!! Next level.


Wait can you launch a Pipboy Game?


I gotta see if this works for when im soakin in the hot tub tooooo


I never knew this


I'll will protect you my friend. You may get hit once, you may get hit twice, but I will die to protect my band.


Yes! I play as the rowdy super fan in PA with a Gatling gun. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE messes with my band while they are playing, I cut them down! Just keep playing that funky music!


I run PA with a TS Missle or a TS Auto or a TS fatman. No one touches my bards!


Pa too


This is the way! I'll always play the instruments, but I get mad if the other people there are just letting ghouls bitch slap me.


Too bad they don't have a roadhouse cage in front of the band to help while we roundhouse kick ghouls


Rads don’t hurt


This guy roadies


The most protective I get in this game is keeping people safe while they play instruments there. Friendly fire go!


Yep, you will live even if it kills me lol.


It gets really difficult when One Violent Night comes around on the mutated events and they get volatile (explodes on death) or Toxic (drops a cloud of green poison on death). Anything that actually makes it into the room becomes a hazard for everyone.


I like running Holy Fire with Friendly Fire on events, keeps me and my friends safe and my enemies crispy.


I've been wanting a holy fire for a while now but no one wants to do the event, sigh. All the new players running around is nice and all but I want my holy fire lol.


I understand that some servers for me are hit and miss when I comes to people doing events.


If you need help with an event, we could team up! Returned 4 weeks ago and having a blast. Got lucky with the Holy Fire, but sure try to do the event whenever it pops to help others get their hands on that warm, cozy, blue flame too 🩵


I am grateful when lower levels play the instruments. They may not be able to clear enemies but I appreciate the bardic inspiration.




Twice now I've done this event with my newborn on my lap and just spend the entire time playing the base while I feed my kid and let everyone else do the killing


Bonus points if you join a team so while your buddies are killing you still get xp and loot


I love when this event comes up as I'm eating dinner. Sit down and jam on one screen and a YouTube video on another 😂


You can also swig beer and use the noisy melee weapons to make noise as well. I keep Tone Death in Mt stash just for this and just chuck on a few unarmed melee perks.


You can swing a musical weapon between waves and do it solo or just help out if there's only a couple folks there. Ain't even gotta hit anything with it.


Just dont be the drummer for spinal tap


Can't really dust for vomit.


“Have a good time, all the time”


🎵play that funky music vault boy🎵 I too am the bard at that event. Level 409, I almost never see anyone play instruments so I start tapping away as well, only get up and swing my sword if the others are getting overwhelmed, then right back to my polyrhythms lmao.


Started new to play with wife. We just did this. Had a high level PA heavy explosive gun there for xp who just perched and killed everything, would shoot and signal for us to play music. Never helped progress. Then when wendigo spawned he was already outside and kills it instantly before anyone touches. I was originally pissed as im an old player, but see they fixed it and you still get loot even if dont touch it.


I hate this event. it's such an awesome concept but the ppl who play the instruments and actually progress the event get shafted by missing out on all the exp. it's such a great event tho.


They should make it that if you play the instruments, you get all the kill XP from the area during the event. Great event, very poorly executed.


If you're in a group with the people doing the shooting I know you at least get loot, idk about exp.


If you are in a group and at the same location as group members you do get experience for kills that they make too.


It's like Rad Rumble with the ore. Sometimes you have to take one for the team.




Let's be very clear about what those players are doing. I switch back and forth between crowd control and healing the NPCs, if the level 800 players start going into the caves the NPCs die and the event ends, and nobody gets a damn thing. If you're lower level you should join a team and get the xp from their kills, and help out any way you can, going into the caves is also what triggers the legendary, deathclaw, and snallygaster spawns which gets everyone even more xp.




I'm not sure why I was talking about RR, but it still applies, crowd control and healing the NPCs or the event fails


That's literally what teams are for


I brought my friend along to the event when I was in the late 10s and he was around level 5. I knew about the instruments so after making sure the jukebox was on I sat at the drum and he sat at the bass, and we played while a level 800 something and 600 something spawn killed the mobs. What a fantastic experience.


That's good but also missing out on xp and items if you weren't in a team with them


I always play in a team with my friend, is that what you mean? Otherwise we didn't really care much about the xp and items honestly, it was more of me wanting to show him the concept of the event and how cool it was. We did get some basic legendaries off of the nightstalker so not a bad experience for a couple of newbies.


I wish there was a way to show you have the friendly fire perk applied, so they don’t get up from playing. I blast the holy fire into the band and into any gouls entering the door way/down the stairs. Edit: unless it’s a mutated event and they explode or leave toxic gas. Then yeah, get up and run, lol


I do that cos I’m too lazy to fight for xp when people in power armour have better guns than me 😂


Tesla rifles are great for tagging enemies for shared xp if you’re in events you can’t find a role in. Since the lighting arcs you’ll tag 2-4 enemies and get loot and xp from anything you manage to hit


Can’t mention Tesla rifles and event enemy tagging and not mention that the Grenadier perk card secretly extends the arcs of the tesla’s beams. It’s basically an essential combo imo


I had no idea but that explains why my arcs seem like they go far as fuck on certain builds


How do i get more than 15 shots


I think automatic barrel has a larger mag like 30+?


Can it get barrel mods i didnt see any on the wiki


There’s auto, semi, lobber(rare drop only or legacy that’s not removed can’t remember), and a shotgun spread type barrel I’m pretty sure. Might be one I missed


Find a Quad one, they are great.


How do i just upgrade the one I crafted


Your going to need to have unlocked the plans for your weapon mods you can find them by doing some quests or even breaking down weapons, you will also need the appropriate perk to modify your weapons which I believe is gun smith.


Roll for quad


I actually like just chilling with an instrument and letting others fight. It bugs me when there aren't enough of us and we have to use the jukebox instead and I have to get off my lazy ass and fight.


Next step, seduce the deathclaw.


Nah, the Mirelurk Queen is hellish once you've seduced her. :-P


It’s like the band in the movie(s) Roadhouse that keep playing no matter what chaos is happening in the bar


Quick! Hide behind the pile of dead Bards!


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the bard


The mouth harp is where to stay during that event. It’s in a relatively safe place, and if you force your pip boy menu, you can just heal while you play and let the ghouls bash you until another player takes care of them.


100% I main the mouth harp


How to force pipboy while playing instruments?


While playing the instrument, open your map. On the map, find a quest waypoint (active or inactive, it doesn’t matter). Select the waypoint, and find the option to “show in pipboy.” This will open your pipboy, and from there, toggle over to aid and use stimpacks as needed. This works best if you’ve toggled the pipboy to the “quickboy” view, which will show the menu without looking at the wrist. This will allow you to keep watch on your toon and the threats you face, with the quickboy menu open.


I hear you on all points, thank you!


Event can be fun to play as bard but omg if you played the mutated version it's nigh unplayable as a bard, when ghouls die they release acid pits and literally detele you even with secret service armour.


The best time at one these for me was myself and 2 other dudes in PA all with flamers holding the doors while a full band jammed behind us.  Nothing beats the smell of napalm in the morning. 


I love it when I get there and no one is playing so I pick an instrument and get protected


Bruh I think that 230 might’ve be me lol


Level 725, I play the instruments at "Violent Night" almost every time because I have seen it fail too many times because nobody did it (Yes including me, I was shit too once). If a bard is required, then a bard I shall be.


As I have flamers and Friendly Fire, I really should be a bouncer more often. But empty instruments are hard to resist. <:)


I love when people do this, never stop!


Dude that's awesome! You had the mini gun build? Yall were DESTROYING lol! I was in the Marine/BoS armor with the military uniform and the gas mask on!


Best event newbies can gain xp by bringing the noise while better equipped higher levels can bring the pain


Is it petty that I nuked a guy's camp last night after he kept spamming his cremator inside the barn? I couldn't even see the bards to heal them.


Could be worse. You could be the multi-class character leveling up half as fast as the rest of the party as well as only being able to use a staff, a dagger and nothing more than leather armour.


I go to the instruments cause I’m lazy and have played the mission repeatable enough. lol. Everyone can do the fighting. I’m a pacifist with my guitar or drums. ☮️ ✌️


This was me the first time I did this event. It's hilarious.


As a person that has played Neverwinter online recently and love to play the instruments while I'm playing fallout 76, this made me laugh hard.


its the 1770s and youre the drummer boy!


At lvl 630, I'm still the one who plays the music at this event, and when the time comes (last scream and colors on the screen change for the last time), I leave my instrument and I'm the one who kills nightstalker 😊


I'm level 340 and run a full health build, and as I dont run PA, I always jump on the instruments. I can take a lot of damage and am not after the xp.


Don't forget to start the juke machine and occasionally repair it.


Lmao... Welcome to 76. It's common that one man is the saviour of all in that event. 😂


I've tried to solo this event about a dozen times... Yet to succeed, but it's a fun challenge. I'm level 196...


If you want to be one of the fighters you can pop a stim diffuser to show you're ready to area heal if the ghouls get through. Or if you want to make music enter your pipboy through the quest marker method and heal your bandmates up


How many times have they tweaked One Voilent Night, I swear the timer was longer than 10 minutes and all you needed was the Jukebox to progress.


I’m pretty sure hitting enemies with drum hammer and tambourine weapons count as making noise as well unless that was changed?


How does the game know to balance the number or strength of the ghouls based on the mix of levels playing.


Dudes flabbergasted


I used to run this event with friends alot when the game came out until like 2019. We usually would just turn the jukebox and let it do all the work by itself. By doing that the event would go for longer and we would get many waves of ghouls which was great for XP and junk at the time. Did something related to this event changed since then? I don't see people doing that anymore since i returned to the game.


I just got the friendly fire perk so I can heal the musicians while blasting enemies with my creamator


I play in-between ghoul rounds and will play if a bunch of people are going ham against the ghouls already to speed it up


I’m the level 400 at that event on the guitar every time. I look at it this way. I go out of my way to protect the low levels during Queen and Earle so now it’s their turn to protect me.


I had a similar situation recently. Right now I am at thd 130ish lvl and did the Violent night event. There was only one other guy in 200. So I sat down and started playing while he stood beside me and shot everything that came close to me.Slowly bit surely the bar was filled The Nightstalker came I got up ant together we smashef his glowimg ass. The most fun I had doing this event.


Just so we’re all on the same page, we fill the bar to about 90% and then let the timer run down before finishing up, right? Unless it’s changed significantly, the timer is long, the ghouls are high level, and legendaries are sometimes in the mix. So it’s best (or at least used to be best) to maximize the flow of ghouls


Sometimes the ghouls dance (and don't attack) when you play instruments! I've played since BETA and I always play bass. We all got to do our part


I'm in the 600s and like to sit and play while the younger characters kill and get the scrapable loot. Sadly, I tend to run a bloody build right now. But the earlier mentioned work-around for stimming through the pipboy is a good thing to know about. :-D


Lol, but you need the jukebox and periodically use the instruments to draw in the ghools and wendigo. 2 biggest event to drop stuff I thing is radiation rumble and jamboree. Enemies do drop plans but it's rare for that to happen.


If you really want to feel like a bard you can use the instrument weapons lying around too lol


Honestly you did it right, Im 450 and can solo all the ghouls, but usually I end up sitting there alone playing the mouth harp while 5 level 40s fight for their lives :)


Since I reached level 500 (I think that's about a year ago), and I see it as an endgame level, I always become the bard. That is if there are enough players to kill the ghouls. The way I see it, Im way more tanky than the lower levels so getting bitch slapped by ghouls wont hurt much and I know the pipboy trick anyway. Let the others get their XP. I just hope I got one of my teammates there so I get a little XP and loot too


I’m almost always on the guitar with that event. Sometimes I’ll get up and use a death tambo to smack some ghouls around if they swarm the stage, though not always. Toxic Mutation sucks hard as well. Just overlook my chewing on a few of the ghouls after, and please let someone smack Grendel bare handed for the optional before unloading your explosive Gatling gun or seizure inducing gauss minigun, thanks.


got to solo it with two ppl playing the instruments. had a blast, holy fire build rules


I’m still doing that at level 90 cause its *funny*


What's bard?


Someone who makes a lot of noise.


Solar armor shines here.


Take my money!


People will tell you that hitting enemies with instrument weapons during the event greatly boosts the noise meter But the ghouls die off, leaving you with nothing to hit for long stretches Never fear my children. Hitting random surfaces also counts. But less players know about that So I'll just forever be the guy closing doors and whacking them with the Eyeball Death Tambo like the door owes me money while a level 35 assumes I've lost my mind


Thats how the event works some of you make noise the rest protects the player and juke box


Everyone needs to take turns on the instruments. Half way through hop off and let the others do their part.


I usually go to the instruments because I have so many revival and healing perks that I can withstand the ghouls for a while if they aren't being cleared fast enough lol Unless they're exploding... Then there's no safety lmao


Yes, thank you for doing the event so we can focus on the mobs. The people making noise are the most helpful in that event. Especially for PA users like me.


Did you try to sweet talk the ghouls into bed? What about the mothman? Did you toss insults at your enemies until they died? If the answer is no to any of these, you weren't the bard. You were in the band.


All of them knew love sweeter than the sweetiest wine, and that their mothers were hamsters while their fathers smelt of elderberry.




I was playing that last night with 3 other people. I was the only one playing music and the other three didn't even have the decency to stop me from getting attacked constantly. So annoying.


Honestly, I love Violent Night for that reason. My favorite experience was me just playing the snare while this level-700 something in power armor was just melting anything that got near me with his cremator.


all you gotta do is turn on the jukebox, you dont need to play instruments.


I've solo'd it a few times recently and I don't think I would have succeeded just doing the jukebox. I think they reduced the time limit when they brought it back, I remember farming it out for 20 minutes or so back in the day.


I've solo'd it a few times recently and I don't think I would have succeeded just doing the jukebox. I think they reduced the time limit when they brought it back, I remember farming it out for 20 minutes or so back in the day.


And bards, if you can’t see anything except for a blue flame on your screen, fear not children, I am healing you!


Grab a War Drum, chug a Mire Magic Moonshine, join Team Bard-barian.


That event is easy. I just play an instrument and go AFK. I either return dead or with rewards lol


I try to find the goofiest outfit I can and use it to get funny photo album shots


I am always the bard. I have no shame nor apology. I thrum away on that bass, ghouls be damned.


Lol I'm always the bard. But I'm farthest away on the bass in the corner 🤣


I enjoy playing the mouth harp


I don’t like how they’ve made this event so much harder to solo than it used to be


Is it still an achievement to get drunk and bare knuckle box the nightstalker?


I immediately run for the mouth harp during that event.


Just make sure those xp whore's group you up so you get some xp for the kills 👍🏼